Will fans boo The Rock in his next appearance?

Rock will get booed at first, but if he doesn't steal any spotlight from anyone else and is actually entertaining, then he will be treated nicely by the fans. With that being said, the Rock WILL indeed steal the spotlight, he will NOT be entertaining and HIS TIME IS OVER, FFS MOVE ON.
I think it's more likely that he'll receive a mixed reaction from the fans, something more along the lines of what we usually hear in regards to John Cena.

If he doesn't appear at WrestleMania XXX and shows up on Raw sometime between now and WrestleMania season next year, his response from fans MIGHT depend on why he's back and what he's doing. When his music hits, I could see him getting a good pop or something that's definitely mixed. After he lets fans know what his role is, it could range from a big pop to staying mixed to garnering a large amount of heat.

If he comes back next year to announce his WWE Hall of Fame induction, I think he'll get a strong pop, especially if he mixes a little humility in there along with his cache of catchphrases. If he's back to wrestle a match, I think their response could depend on who he's facing. If he announces he's going after the streak, for instance, I think it'll ultimately start out as a pop but his successive appearances to help build the match result in fans booing him. If he announces he's going after the title again, I think there's a very good possibility they'll boo him out of the building.

To your point, if the Rock goes after the streak, he will also get booed. We know that he won't break it and it is time for a new guy to step up or Cena to face Undertaker. Essentially, the more the Rock stays out of in-ring competition, the better treatment he will receive, EXCEPT if he has a match with someone like HBK or Lesnar.
If you just watched the opening segment of WM there's your answer lol

Put over Bryan and Cena not to mention he showed tremendous respect to Hogan and Austin by saying they are the best two ever. Such a douche, such a big ego etc...how anyone can hate Dwayne Johnson man. Great guy.
Rock will get booed at first, but if he doesn't steal any spotlight from anyone else and is actually entertaining, then he will be treated nicely by the fans. With that being said, the Rock WILL indeed steal the spotlight, he will NOT be entertaining and HIS TIME IS OVER, FFS MOVE ON.

Typical Rock hater at its finest. :lmao:

Tonight Rock delivered once again and proved he's one of the best in that epic segment
The Rock has not left wrestling. Idiot wrestling fans have no idea how much love he shows the industry by returning, even if it's just for a few events a year.

He's a legitimate movie star, making more money per film than the biggest wrestlers make in a year (or even more). And the film industry still looks down quite a bit at wrestlers. As someone in the film industry, if I was lucky enough to have the Rock as one of my clients, I would beg him to completely distance himself from pro wrestling. He only makes sporadic appearances because his schedule is ridiculous, and the fact that he would go against the advice of everyone in Hollywood and continue a partnership with the WWE is clear proof of his love and commitment to wrestling. And it's about time that wrestling fans show a little respect to that commitment.

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