Hogans promo: Why did they boo The Rock?


Dark Match Jobber
Did you noticed that too?

Hogan was talking about the network, and he showed great respect for Sammartino, HBK, Stone Cold and The Rock.
Classact. Said he could watch them all day.

But when he said The Rock, the people made like a silent boo for The Rock.

Why did the fans boo The Rock?
Well, for many reasons.

- It may have something to do with the fact that he returned and said he'll never leave again... then immediately left.

- Getting handed the WWE title

- Rock/Cena 2 was terrible

- Rock wasn't the same that he was during his previous run.
Well, for many reasons.

- It may have something to do with the fact that he returned and said he'll never leave again... then immediately left.

- Getting handed the WWE title

- Rock/Cena 2 was terrible

- Rock wasn't the same that he was during his previous run.

I don't agree with PWF much... but he's spot on. Was booking the Rock in a title match at RR like 6 or 7 months ahead of time or whenever they did it a good idea? Kind of. But it ended Punk's epic run which could have run even even longer had they not just handed The Rock the title. He didn't need it. He's bigger than the title. He left the WWE because he had nothing left to accomplish but wanted to come back... and get the title he didn't before?

Also... you're looking too much into it. Whether you think Hogan had in-ring skills or not during his career, people will turn on virtually anybody for Hogan. He's arguably the most recognizable name and beloved superstar in WWE history. The Rock stuck his foot in his mouth when he said he was back and never leaving again... to just leave again. He should have learned to never say never.
He's been getting mixed reactions for a while since his return in 2011, so there ought to be the odd boo-ing coming from some crowds, would be because he said he's never leaving and he.... Well... Left.

I've always been a Rock fan since I was a kid, but I can see why others are boo-ing him, I personally don't go against him since he's been one of my favourites for a long time.
Well, for many reasons.

- It may have something to do with the fact that he returned and said he'll never leave again... then immediately left.

- Getting handed the WWE title

- Rock/Cena 2 was terrible

- Rock wasn't the same that he was during his previous run.

In a nutshell, this is why. Some agree with it, some disagree, some feel the fans are full of it, some feel they're right on. Whichever side of the fence one falls on, these are generally the reasons why.

The few times since the post WrestleMania Raw that The Rock's name has been dropped, its been met with boos or a very mixed combo of cheers and boos. The novelty of The Rock coming back in the manner that he's come back has worn off for a lot of people, especially with many fans believing his last run to be lackluster.

When it comes to The Rock, I can see both sides of the issue. The Rock has helped the last three WrestleMania ppvs draw more than 1 million buys, his merchandise sells well and he's someone that's a genuine Hollywood movie star, but got his start as a pro wrestler. The Rock's helped WWE make a lot of money the past several years and while some aren't wild about the idea of The Rock coming back and being handed a plush WrestleMania spot, The Rock is someone that's repeatedly demonstrated the legit star power to warrant being given the royal treatment.

On the other side of the coin, as I alluded to earlier, I think the novelty of The Rock's appearances have worn off for a lot of people. Here we are more than three years after The Rock returned, he declared he was "never going away again", and people realize that it's pretty much bullshit. He's come back during the most lucrative time period for WWE, is given a prime spot with tons of television time for WrestleMania, is essentially handed the championship to defend in a match against John Cena in which the outcome is immediately known the moment The Rock took the title from CM Punk, is given such a prime spot ahead of guys who've been busting their humps for years and disappears for the next 8 or 9 months until WrestleMania season rolls around again the whole thing, as far as the level of his attention & focus goes, to start all over again. As I said earlier, in The Rock's case, it's at least understandable when you consider his level of star power. At the same, some fans are still irked by it regardless of The Rock's star power. When you compare The Rock in 2013 in his matches with Punk and Cena, The Rock's cardio wasn't anywhere close to where it needed to be. I give him credit for gutting it out when he was injured in the middle of his match with Cena but, at the same time, The Rock was also pretty much gassed.

IF The Rock returns to WWE for next year's WrestleMania in the role of a wrestler, it's entirely possible that he'll wind up getting the Batista treatment.
It's pretty much what ProWrestlingFan said. The fans just feel betrayed like Rock has turned his back on them. In 2002 the same thing happened. Fans felt he was leaving them and that he sold out so they booed him. Then he comes back, of course to a standing ovation but then fans started to realize that he was no different than before. He put WWE second to everything. WWE had to work around Rock's schedule, not the other way around. It's not like Rock filmed movies EVERY SINGLE DAY OF THE YEAR. You mean to tell me he couldn't make a few more live appearances than he did? To top it all off, he wanted more money. Of course he deserves it being the draw he is but the fact of the matter is he made the entire roster take a backseat to him. He took spots away from young guys and a title away from young guys just to have the awful Cena/Rock II. If anything WWE would have made more money off Rock/Undertaker and CM Punk/Cena at Wrestlemania 29. Fans are just starting to realize that Rock doesn't care about them as much as he and WWE would like us to believe.
Let me say this...people are stupid.

1. If The Rock showed up every Monday or every few months like Lesnar, then people would say that he's stealing the spotlight from guys like Daniel Bryan and Cm Punk...kinda like they already say he did at last years Mania.

2. On the other hand, if he shows up a few times a year then he's a liar and full of shit for saying he'd never leave.

People have always hated The Rock. It comes down to 2 things. Either you've hated him from day one and nothing he does will change your mind (including using every excuse you have no matter how small to put him down) OR you do like him and are upset because you'd like to see him more. The latter is no reason to boo him...here's why....

Look at the promo Rock shot on Cena where he was outside and addressing all these issues. Cm Punk used it to mock Cena for his and Cena's build up for Summer Slam of 2011. Rock CLEARLY addressed what he meant by "never leaving again". He CLEARLY said that what he meant was that he'd never be gone for several years the way he had before. He also said that people understand that he was there every night for almost a decade paying his dues, and that he doesn't need to be there like that anymore.

Why people choose to disregard that comes to 2 things...either they don't remember, or know of that explanation he gave or they know it, but want to ignore that so they have a bullshit reason to boo him when they actually should just admit they flat out hate him and stop making excuses.

It's real simple.
Let me say this...people are stupid.

1. If The Rock showed up every Monday or every few months like Lesnar, then people would say that he's stealing the spotlight from guys like Daniel Bryan and Cm Punk...kinda like they already say he did at last years Mania.

2. On the other hand, if he shows up a few times a year then he's a liar and full of shit for saying he'd never leave.

It's real simple.

Agreed. The IWC logic.

If you show up to much - stealing spotlight.
Show up to less - you are a part-timer and a asshole.

Moment 22, no change to win there.
Let me say this...people are stupid.

1. If The Rock showed up every Monday or every few months like Lesnar, then people would say that he's stealing the spotlight from guys like Daniel Bryan and Cm Punk...kinda like they already say he did at last years Mania.

2. On the other hand, if he shows up a few times a year then he's a liar and full of shit for saying he'd never leave.

It's only stealing the spotlight if he's in the main event picture so he and Lesnar are completely different. Since he's been back how many times has Lesnar been in the main event? Once. How many times has he contended for the title? None that I can recall. Then you have Rock, since he's been back how many times has he main evented? Five. How many times has he contended for the WWE title? Once. Did he win? Yes. That's taking the spotlight. When you take positions that are made for current guys for yourself. Lesnar doesn't take the spotlight from anyone. He may have segments here and there but at least he's actually there for them. How many times was Rock actually on RAW to cut a promo? Two different scenarios
It's only stealing the spotlight if he's in the main event picture so he and Lesnar are completely different. Since he's been back how many times has Lesnar been in the main event? Once. How many times has he contended for the title? None that I can recall. Then you have Rock, since he's been back how many times has he main evented? Five. How many times has he contended for the WWE title? Once. Did he win? Yes. That's taking the spotlight. When you take positions that are made for current guys for yourself. Lesnar doesn't take the spotlight from anyone. He may have segments here and there but at least he's actually there for them. How many times was Rock actually on RAW to cut a promo? Two different scenarios

Is Brock Lesnar THE ROCK??? No. I should basically end my post there but with the no spam rules I can't lol.

Didn't I already address Rock and the need to be at a bunch of Monday night Raws???

You're making that big a deal out of Rock getting ONE short title run compared Lesnar taking zero? Come on dude. Just because Lesnar wasn't in the closing match as much as The ROCK (again, it's THE Rock) doesn't mean he's not taking chances away from people who could be in his Co- Main Event spot.

Rock has been main eventing in Mania 28, Rumble, and Mania 29...Brock Main evented Extreme Rules, Co-Main evented Summer Slam and Mania 29....is there seriously THAT much of a difference???? All things considered (like again Rock draws shitloads more than Brock...

....would say the same thing if you replaced Rock with Stone Cold if he came back to wrestle against Punk at 2 back to back Manias and had a program with Cena and took the title from him. I wonder if people would be complaining about that. Doubt it...just goes to show the hate Rock gets. If you think Austin would be there every Monday that's bs...he shoots other tv shows, podcasts, and movies still.
I loved The Rock coming back and it brought alot of casual fans back to wrestling. When he said hes never leaving he never meant he was going to be there every night, hes a movie star now. The Rock was never "handed" the title. The guy deserves it and set records at mania. Many people have never liked the Rock and thats ok. I hate the saying hes stealing the spotlight. You get it if you deserve it. Rock deserves it. When he comes back I hope he comes back as a heel. He should screw over dbry or some other internet darling. If he wants to show up once in awhile thats up to him and the wwe. Of course I am a life long Rock mark............
Let me say this...people are stupid.

1. If The Rock showed up every Monday or every few months like Lesnar, then people would say that he's stealing the spotlight from guys like Daniel Bryan and Cm Punk...kinda like they already say he did at last years Mania.

2. On the other hand, if he shows up a few times a year then he's a liar and full of shit for saying he'd never leave.

People have always hated The Rock. It comes down to 2 things. Either you've hated him from day one and nothing he does will change your mind (including using every excuse you have no matter how small to put him down) OR you do like him and are upset because you'd like to see him more. The latter is no reason to boo him...here's why....

Look at the promo Rock shot on Cena where he was outside and addressing all these issues. Cm Punk used it to mock Cena for his and Cena's build up for Summer Slam of 2011. Rock CLEARLY addressed what he meant by "never leaving again". He CLEARLY said that what he meant was that he'd never be gone for several years the way he had before. He also said that people understand that he was there every night for almost a decade paying his dues, and that he doesn't need to be there like that anymore.

Why people choose to disregard that comes to 2 things...either they don't remember, or know of that explanation he gave or they know it, but want to ignore that so they have a bullshit reason to boo him when they actually should just admit they flat out hate him and stop making excuses.

It's real simple.

Oh my god, wow, you Rocky fanboys are more dillusional than Cena ones after all. I can't remember a lot of people hating the Rock. He was one of all time favs when I first started watching and I was excited when I heard that he is coming back. BUT, his return was lackluster, and I didn't enjoy it as much. But, as long as he was feuding with Cena for no title, I had no problem. The other guys could still go after the title, so the Rock was not really stealing any chances. I didn't even turn against the Rock when he challenged Punk at RAW1000, because I thought it would be a monumental match, but I also thought that why in hell would the Rock be handed the title anyway? At the RR, I was full on Punk retaining, and when the Rock beat him, that's where I booed the hell out of the Rock, for all the reasons listed above.
The Rock is far from a sympathetic person or character. Wrestling fans are conditioned to counter feelings of praise and hate constantly. If Hogan had started with The Rock the fans would have popped. Make The Rock follow Stone Cold and you're going to get some negative feedback. But that other stuff that Rocky84 mentioned is basically true too. Especially the stupid part. I would also throw in that some fans have flashbacks to WM 18 when they see Hogan and hear the name The Rock.

The greatest part would have been The Rock's music hitting and him coming out would have lead to a huge pop. Those that didn't pop would have been eating out of The Rock's hands in about 4 syllables.

Then again I missed the segment.
The rock was basically talking crap when he said that he is never going away again and while i get that he is a very busy guy and his main priority isnt wrestling anymore he hasnt made an appearance in nearly a year so he was just lieing.the rock is one of the best ever and i dont think fans actually dislike him now but they are just sore about him not keeping his word and thats fair enough imo.
Look at all these comments.... everyone saying he gets disrespected for one time saying, he's never going away.

You people really hold grudges don't you?!!

Why do you think he said it? Because he thought he could trick everyone, thinking maybe the fans wouldn't notice him not being there?

To me it was obvious he was just referring to not going away for 7 years again... but he didn't explain it properly so everyone wants to take it literally, so they can trash him because they think it's unfair he can have an indy guys main event, when he's only part time.

The Rock explained himself regarding this on a youtube video, and also on Raw in Portland. If you can't let it go, it just shows how bitter wrestling fans are.

As for him not being as good as he was...... firstly every forum fan would think that simply because he was a full blown babyface, which they hate.
Secondly they have it in for him because of how successful he is, so no matter how good he was, he's always gonna get hate.

If he was exactly the same, people would complain he hasn't changed.
He doesn't need to be as good, Rock at 10% is still better than the roster.
His last 4 matches haven't been good, that doesn't mean he's incapable of putting on a good match, and I wanna see more, no matter what.
Oh my god, wow, you Rocky fanboys are more dillusional than Cena ones after all. I can't remember a lot of people hating the Rock. He was one of all time favs when I first started watching and I was excited when I heard that he is coming back. BUT, his return was lackluster, and I didn't enjoy it as much. But, as long as he was feuding with Cena for no title, I had no problem. The other guys could still go after the title, so the Rock was not really stealing any chances. I didn't even turn against the Rock when he challenged Punk at RAW1000, because I thought it would be a monumental match, but I also thought that why in hell would the Rock be handed the title anyway? At the RR, I was full on Punk retaining, and when the Rock beat him, that's where I booed the hell out of the Rock, for all the reasons listed above.

This is precisely what I am talking about when I say "stupid". What in my post you quoted makes you believe I'm delusional? If you can't remember people hating The Rock and are saying I'm delusional because that never happened then I rest my case. You really are stupid because I could've sworn he built a whole character based on people hating him (as a face) a few times over lol.
Did you noticed that too?

Yes, I did. I HAVE EARS DUDE!! *hmph*

Hogan was talking about the network, and he showed great respect for Sammartino, HBK, Stone Cold and The Rock.
Classact. Said he could watch them all day.

Well he does have a Hell of a lot more time on his hands these days. I'm sure he watches Daredevil or Thor occasionally too.

But when he said The Rock, the people made like a silent boo for The Rock.

And I heard it.

Why did the fans boo The Rock?

The fans were likely echoing one guy in the audience because he was wearing an amusing shirt. Fans are typically anxious to get on board the popular opinion bus and ride it until they realize that nobody's at the driver's wheel and they careen into a chasm of self-absorbed stupidity. I'm sure if you surveyed the fans in attendance, you'd get fans saying that they love The Rock. If someone spilled their beer, or they sneezed on the person next to them, or Fandango's entrance gave them a seizure, or they went into labor, or they had their scarlet rubella act up again it could instigate a massive crowd reaction that would be taken the wrong way on tv.

Don't read too much into the behavior of human beings in large numbers.
I guess fans are getting more aware about the internet. Some strange reason he didn't appear at Extreme Rules.

I think his gimmick is dated, PG era even make his jokes not as funny as they used to be. I'd love for him to comeback in his Hollywood gimmick from 2003 and put over talent/finally beat Lesnar at Wrestlemania 31
Oh my god, wow, you Rocky fanboys are more dillusional than Cena ones after all. I can't remember a lot of people hating the Rock. He was one of all time favs when I first started watching and I was excited when I heard that he is coming back. BUT, his return was lackluster, and I didn't enjoy it as much. But, as long as he was feuding with Cena for no title, I had no problem. The other guys could still go after the title, so the Rock was not really stealing any chances. I didn't even turn against the Rock when he challenged Punk at RAW1000, because I thought it would be a monumental match, but I also thought that why in hell would the Rock be handed the title anyway? At the RR, I was full on Punk retaining, and when the Rock beat him, that's where I booed the hell out of the Rock, for all the reasons listed above.

What a load of cr@p.

If winning the title made you hate him then you never were a real fan of him.
I guess fans are getting more aware about the internet. Some strange reason he didn't appear at Extreme Rules.

I think his gimmick is dated, PG era even make his jokes not as funny as they used to be. I'd love for him to comeback in his Hollywood gimmick from 2003 and put over talent/finally beat Lesnar at Wrestlemania 31

That's the problem.

Every little kid now goes on the internet, they see people hating the rock and because they have no personality, they follow like sheep, like Rock said in 2003:
"Might as well go Baaa baaaa you bunch of sheep"

I swear I want Rock to turn heel and own these idiots more than anything.
I don't agree with PWF much... but he's spot on. Was booking the Rock in a title match at RR like 6 or 7 months ahead of time or whenever they did it a good idea? Kind of. But it ended Punk's epic run which could have run even even longer had they not just handed The Rock the title. He didn't need it. He's bigger than the title. He left the WWE because he had nothing left to accomplish but wanted to come back... and get the title he didn't before?

Rock didn't end cm punk's title reign. Rock was the reason Cm punk had a long title reign.

WWE is staged. Grow up kid.
Just because Lesnar wasn't in the closing match as much as The ROCK (again, it's THE Rock)

Rock has been main eventing in Mania 28, Rumble, and Mania 29...Brock Main evented Extreme Rules, Co-Main evented Summer Slam and Mania 29....is there seriously THAT much of a difference???? All things considered (like again Rock draws shitloads more than Brock...

....would say the same thing if you replaced Rock with Stone Cold if he came back to wrestle against Punk at 2 back to back Manias and had a program with Cena and took the title from him. I wonder if people would be complaining about that. Doubt it...just goes to show the hate Rock gets. If you think Austin would be there every Monday that's bs...he shoots other tv shows, podcasts, and movies still.

You said his name is THE Rock in an attempt at correcting me yet the very next sentence starts with just Rock......then continue to call him Rock not THE Rock for the entire following paragraphs.

No I would not mind if that were Austin. Yes Austin would travel there every RAW. He's only doing his podcasts now because he's not signed with WWE. He admitted he wouldn't mind coming back for WM 30 if they had a good story for him. Not to mention Austin never lost his charisma. Rock's shtick got very stale when he returned. Austin is a different story. Just like Brock is not Rock. Rock is not Austin
Well, for many reasons.

- It may have something to do with the fact that he returned and said he'll never leave again... then immediately left.

- Getting handed the WWE title

- Rock/Cena 2 was terrible

- Rock wasn't the same that he was during his previous run.
Yup. My analogy of Rock is that he's like a shitty dad. He left your mom, says he still loves her and you though. Promises to show up to your baseball games, doesn't. He's the cool dad though. On the rare occassions you get to hang out with him. He lets you watch R rated movies, doesn't mind if you cuss, and lets you stay up late. Once you get older, you realize what a piece of shit he is.
Yup. My analogy of Rock is that he's like a shitty dad. He left your mom, says he still loves her and you though. Promises to show up to your baseball games, doesn't. He's the cool dad though. On the rare occassions you get to hang out with him. He lets you watch R rated movies, doesn't mind if you cuss, and lets you stay up late. Once you get older, you realize what a piece of shit he is.

Lol you fail.

Rock has a life outside of wrestling, no need to be a b!tch about it.

Rock will wrestle but occasionally.

He's a part timer like taker, Brock...

He earned the right to come and go how he pleases.
The Rock gets hate because people genuinely dislike that he's "too good" for the product. It's like being on a crappy basketball team that loses all of its games. Then one day an awesome basketball player joins your team and you guys win EVERY game, get to the playoffs, and become champions. Throughout this journey, the awesome player gets all of the credit, glory, and cheers. Meanwhile, you and the rest of your buddies are an afterthought. The fans who have been watching this PG Era product for the past 8 years or so, see The Rock as that highly-praised jock. They mostly feel they can relate to the shade that CM Punk and Cena threw at The Rock because he wasn't a part of their "struggling" era.

I'll admit that the 1998-2001 version of The Rock is easily my favorite wrestling gimmick/talent of all time but the way he turned his back on the business (and us fans), was not the best way to handle it. He made sporadic video appearances twice and showed up to a HoF ceremony for his dad but that's about it. He doesn't owe anyone anything. Especially since HE got himself as over as he did through rigorous in-ring training, speech classes, character acting, creativity, and countless hours of exercise. But on the flip side, none of these fans booing him owe him anything either. It's their right to feel dissed or to feel that he isn't worthy. I don't agree with them but being able to think or feel what we do is what makes us who we are. So accept it and move on.

It's lonely at the top. You can't make everyone happy all of the time. Take Justin Bieber for instance. Everyone hated the kid even BEFORE he became a criminal nuisance. They complained that his music sucking was the reason why. Yet most of them don't even like pop music in general. You know the same people who don't listen to One Direction, Rhianna, Katy Perry, Kesha, Gaga, and all that jazz. We complain. "THAT'S WHAT WE DO!!!!", said Father Henry.

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