Hogan to Promote TNA All Day Long on ESPN and Major Networks


Championship Contender
Next Wednesday, October 12, "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan will be appearing on several ESPN broadcasts to discuss his career, IMPACT WRESTLING and the upcoming "Bound For Glory" event on Sunday, October 16 - live on Pay-Per-View, in select theaters nationwide and online in HD at TNAOnDemand.com.

Tune in to ESPN, ESPN.com and ESPN radio throughout the day for Hulk Hogan's appearances on:

SportsCenter (morning and evening broadcasts)
Mike and Mike Live
First Take
The Herd with Colin Cowherd
The Michelle Beadle Podcast
The Dan Lebatard Show
ESPN Page 2 (and other ESPN.com features)
ESPN 1050 NYC (radio)
and more!

IMPACTWRESTLING.com will have more specific tune-in information in the coming days for Hulk Hogan's appearances on ESPN next Wednesday, October 12!

In addition to ESPN, that Wednesday morning October 12 Hulk Hogan will be appearing live on the Howard Stern Show on Sirius/XM

Thursday, 10/13: Television appearances on "Today" and "Fox and Friends"
Friday, 10/14: Radio appearances on WFAN and Hot 97 radio in New York City

And people complain about why they re-signed him? This is why. If Hogan is so irrelevant and old, why would ESPN, CBS, Hot 97 (A HIP HOP RADIO CHANNEL) and major networks like Fox book him to be on their programs?

The man is a draw because he can do exactly this. This is why he's brought on board and It's great timing for him to get a massive media tour for BFG and TNA.
Probably the first time he's plugged TNA... He was on the tv the other day and didn't mention TNA once but plugged the hell out of his micro wrestling...

But signs a contract for the WWE All Stars game or whatever... Hogan is only out for himself. That's why I complain about... what they re-signed him!?!?!? Fuck!
Exactly, but why hasn't he been doing this consistently for the past two years? Why did TNA have to wait for his big match for him to do a media blitz?

Why have we been hearing that he is focused on the business, creative and production? My opinion is that Hulk Hogan is a brand (like Paris Hilton is a brand), not a businessman or creative booker genius.

He should have been promoting TNA as his brand like this from day one and continously thereafter.

Dizzy - Can you at least concede at this point that Hogan's abilities have been grossly misused? Do I have a point when I question why it took him so long to do this level of promotion? Do you think he is going to continue to do this level of promotion after his big match with Sting?
Exactly, but why hasn't he been doing this consistently for the past two years? Why did TNA have to wait for his big match for him to do a media blitz?
Lol Consistently? You are BOOKED on these shows to discuss certain things. If you aren't booked on these shows, then you simply are not booked.

He did his media blitz when he signed as well. You can't simply say "I want to be on this network to talk about TNA" it doesn't work that way. You never see Brad Pitt appearing on a talk show for no reason but to promote a movie or book.

Why have we been hearing that he is focused on the business, creative and production? My opinion is that Hulk Hogan is a brand (like Paris Hilton is a brand), not a businessman or creative booker genius.
Thank You for pointing out the obvious.

He should have been promoting TNA as his brand like this from day one and continously thereafter.
Sure, because he certainly didn't go on radio shows and promote the Monday Night Wars right? Hogan leaked RVD's signing on a radio show while promoting TNA on Mondays.

Dizzy - Can you at least concede at this point that Hogan's abilities have been grossly misused? Do I have a point when I question why it took him so long to do this level of promotion? Do you think he is going to continue to do this level of promotion after his big match with Sting?
Because you act like he holds all the power when you have to be requested to be on these networks. There has to be a mutual interest on the network/station to want you to be on and for you to accept and do it. If the network/station isn't interested, then you can't do a thing. It's that simple.

You aren't going to see him go on a media blitz afterwards if there isn't anything to speak on or promote unless something major happens like TNA signing with ESPN or something.

Triple H went on Jimmy Fallon to promote SummerSlam. You never see him on every media show promoting Raw weekly right?
Im surprised he got booked on all these. I wonder if the interviewers laughed.

Hopefully he wont give any spoilers this time.
Lol Consistently? You are BOOKED on these shows to discuss certain things. If you aren't booked on these shows, then you simply are not booked.

He did his media blitz when he signed as well. You can't simply say "I want to be on this network to talk about TNA" it doesn't work that way. You never see Brad Pitt appearing on a talk show for no reason but to promote a movie or book.

Thank You for pointing out the obvious.

Sure, because he certainly didn't go on radio shows and promote the Monday Night Wars right? Hogan leaked RVD's signing on a radio show while promoting TNA on Mondays.

Because you act like he holds all the power when you have to be requested to be on these networks. There has to be a mutual interest on the network/station to want you to be on and for you to accept and do it. If the network/station isn't interested, then you can't do a thing. It's that simple.

You aren't going to see him go on a media blitz afterwards if there isn't anything to speak on or promote unless something major happens like TNA signing with ESPN or something.

Triple H went on Jimmy Fallon to promote SummerSlam. You never see him on every media show promoting Raw weekly right?

I'm confused, your original post was that TNA made a great decision re-signing Hogan because he can get them so much media attention. Now you are saying he can not get that attention unless the media wants him (thank you for pointing out the obvious). Where is his value to TNA at this point if he has to wrestle Sting at TNA's biggest event of the year at age 58 in order to get this level of attention? Is this the start of other Hogan huge matches?
About time Hogan goes out to promote Tna. Hogan going out to promote Tna on espn doesn't really make a difference to me because I don't see anything changing. I don't see a massive increase in tna viewers or Bfg's buy rate. But all aside again good for Hogan finally pushing tna on the surface.
I bet Hogan was using this promotion spree as one of his bargaining chips with the renegotiating/resigning of his deal with TNA. I put nothing past this man, as he has shown over the years that there is no bigger Hogan mark than Hogan himself.

Truth be told though, mainstream media will only ever recognize certain names in pro wrestling and Hogan is one of those names, like it or not. Hogan is an iconic American brand. What Santa Claus is to Coca Cola, what Mickey Mouse is to Disney, what Paris Hilton is to herpes, Hulk Hogan is to pro wrestling. Thats not ever going to change unless there is a repeat of the great wrestling boom of the 80's and a new star eclipses Hogan's popularity in his heyday. I'm no fan of Hogan the man, from what little we really know about him, but give the devil his due.

Also, it should really come as no surprise to anyone that Hogan's putting himself on camera yet again, masquerading it as some noble effort to establish a company that he's just milking a check from to recover lost assets from his divorce with that mouth breather ex-wife of his.

Its a win/win for Hogan. He gets his worn out baseball mitt of a face on a reputable network like ESPN, and if TNA stands to benefit from it, Hogan benefits.
Sure, because he certainly didn't go on radio shows and promote the Monday Night Wars right? Hogan leaked RVD's signing on a radio show while promoting TNA on Mondays.?

Really? How many people back then listened to Radio shows? At least during the Monday Night Wars? Hell, even now.

And thanks for pointing out the obvious again. If anyone has watched wrestling for a long time knew that RVD would come to TNA eventually. Of course Hogan helped bring him there. Honestly, TNA would be better off without RVD anyways. But thats another post.

The only way for Hogan to be relevant again, would be to do something different. Do something exciting. Something that we all did not see coming. Hell, have him debut with a shaved head. Get rid of the golden extensions. Change his look. Just like he did when he joined the NWO. He changed his look. IMHO that is the only thing that will keep Hogan relevant for one more month. One more week or whatever.

Hogan is just milking his name until he gets out of debt and then he will just leave wrestling all together. He is in it for himself, but hell why else do you go to work.....
Well it's hard to argue that Hogan is a bigger star than anyone else in the company so this is a good thing for them. I mean, when do you ever hear about TNA in the mainstream press? The answer to that would be never. Hogan is their liasion to anything they can get as far as publicity. I'm not sure how much good it'll do as far as increasing buys for the show, but if it brings in some extra TV viewers that's certainly a perk. Hogan can give them this which no one else can do, so it's hard to complain about it.
Well it's hard to argue that Hogan is a bigger star than anyone else in the company so this is a good thing for them. I mean, when do you ever hear about TNA in the mainstream press? The answer to that would be never. Hogan is their liasion to anything they can get as far as publicity. I'm not sure how much good it'll do as far as increasing buys for the show, but if it brings in some extra TV viewers that's certainly a perk. Hogan can give them this which no one else can do, so it's hard to complain about it.

But why hasn't he been trying to spruik TNA ofr the last 22 months? He was on a show the other day and didn't mention TNA at all, only his micro wrestling thing... the guy is paid by TNA and yet never mentions his current employer or tries to get them over...

Since he can't wrestle anymore, TNA hired him for one reason, to get people to listen to him and legitamise the company, but he never mentions them...

He is an absolute waste of money and the only thing he ahs ever doen for the company was help them hire Jeff Hardy and RVD...

RVD hasn't done much we all know how god Jef Hardy has been...
So this is where the problem inherently lies. I 100 percent agree that this is great for TNA as they need to promote BFG and hope it does well. Really though, HOGAN has the most riding on the show because he's banking on himself being a draw and if the show does well, he will point to himself, not anyone else, as drawing in the big buyrate or whatever. And that's the problem.

People are asking how promotion works other than this. Well, every time the WWE goes to a city for Raw, Smackdown, and even house shows, wrestlers are booked to do local radio shows, local news shows, etc. to promote the upcoming show. Without fail, you will see guys like The Miz, Sheamus, Cena, Orton, Big Show, and I've even seen the Kofis and Zigglers of the world doing stuff like that. You get on a few radio shows, do 5-10 minutes, talk about your show, and raise awareness of your product. Then for the big shows, you do the talk shows, the bigger places to promote and you do something special. I remember for Summerslam last year, the WWE was on George Lopez's late night show every night that week doing Karaoke. You had Ziggler, Miz, R-Truth (singing Kryptonite of all things) and even David Otunga got in on the action. Otunga was a rookie in Nexus at the time BTW.

The difference, you see, is that the bigger company will send out everyone the can to do media and make sure it's visible. Employees know that media appearances are a part of the job, especially as you move up the card. The problem I'm seeing with TNA is that either Hogan has convinced everyone that he is the only person to do this or they simply don't have the forsight to do it themselves. It's great that Hogan and Flair are doing ESPN things and raising interest for Bound For Glory. That's fantastic. However, how much better would it be if Kurt Angle and Bobby Roode were with him or did it instead? Those guys could talk about their match which should be the headliner (but won't be). At the very least, I'd hope guys like Styles, Roode, Morgan, Joe, Crimson, and others will do media appearances in Philly for a week or two before BFG. That would help the Philly crowd learn who they are and maybe, just maybe, think they are cool and come down to the show.

I know Hogan just signed a new deal, but at some point he'll be gone. When he is, who then will promote this product? Unless you are utilizing guys to do that now, the guys you have will still be nobodies because they simply aren't put out there. I know someone will say "but those guys aren't as big as Hogan", but I say to that, "well give them a chance and maybe they can be". I mean, the only way to allow guys to become stars and transcend wrestling and mainstream media is to give them the forum to do it. If CM Punk can do it, why can't an AJ Styles or a Bobby Roode? Certainly Matt Morgan could do it, couldn't he? Just give them a chance and stop trying to convince people that "only the almighty Hogan sells"

Bottom line, I'm glad TNA is promoting itself as that's something that's sorely needed, but I'd like to see them do that with the guys who will be there for the long run as well.
Hrrmmmm. ESPN has always been so kind to professional wrestling. I can totally see them sitting Hulk Hogan down on SportsCenter and giving him 20 minutes to discuss his upcoming pay-per-view. Right? Oh, but wait, they show old AWA matches at one in the morning, that means they secretly care about pro wrestling, right?

I'll be shocked if ESPN doesn't shit all over TNA/IW. These boards are obviously wrestling-centric, and people here in this echo chamber often forget that professional wrestling isn't only unpopular, it's less popular than it was even five years ago. (Get back to me with your counterarguments when people stop looking at ratings that don't go down for a month as a success.) ESPN gains more by poking snide fun at Hogan for their regular audience than they do by sitting down and treating him like a competitive athlete promoting a business for the sake of professional wrestling fans who are either watching ESPN already or have no interest in it.

The same goes for Mike and Mike (I miss the Mad Dog), WFAN is a tossup (they've been kind to pro wrestlers before, but are also aware that their bread and butter is regular red meat New York sports), and the rest off the top list, I've never heard of.

The bottom list is where the good publicity will come in. Howard Stern, even though his audience is way the fuck down from where it was when he was famous, will probably be good for TNA/IW. (Unless he starts in about Bubba. Bet ground rules for that will be established before they go on the air.) Today seems like an odd place to promote professional wrestling, but they'll be kind to Hogan- what you want to worry about on the Today show is Hogan going into business for himself and not talking up TNA/IW. (Not that he's ever been guilty of that in the past two years...) Fox and Friends hits a good audience.

People are eager to write off media appearances as unambiguous positives for TNA/IW, which simply isn't true. It's good for TNA/IW if the outlets that they're appearing on think they can get more by promoting TNA/IW rather than tearing it down. Given the history of some of those outlets, ESPN in particular, I'd be keeping my guard up.
Because you act like he holds all the power when you have to be requested to be on these networks. There has to be a mutual interest on the network/station to want you to be on and for you to accept and do it. If the network/station isn't interested, then you can't do a thing. It's that simple.
And people complain about why they re-signed him? This is why. If Hogan is so irrelevant and old, why would ESPN, CBS, Hot 97 (A HIP HOP RADIO CHANNEL) and major networks like Fox book him to be on their programs?

The man is a draw because he can do exactly this. This is why he's brought on board and It's great timing for him to get a massive media tour for BFG and TNA.
So, according to you, for two years, no one had much interest in putting Hogan on their television/radio show (minus Bubba, of course, who was bought and paid for); however, his signing was justified due to the publicity he could bring in. So following this logic, Hulk Hogan spent the past two years dicking around, waiting for when he'd be used for this specific promotional opportunity, and was never to "spike the needle". (Who was the guy who kept saying that last year, anyways? Seems to have slipped my mind for the moment....)

I don't argue your basic point. No one's going to put AJ Styles on network television. No one's going to put Kurt Angle on network television. But Jesus H. Christ, you're so eager to defend TNA/IW from all conceivable and theoretical attacks that you manage to contradict your own post within an hour and a half of making it. If you weren't so worried about defending everything about TNA/IW, you could probably string together a logical argument that wouldn't be so easily disassembled.
Well, Hogan going on all these radio shows is a good thing for TNA as it will push the name out there into the main stream world. Having Hogan going on shows now to promote BFG is also a good thing as they are trying to gain more ppv buys.

I don't think Hogan went out before this to push TNA as he knew it was in a huge mess at the time. I think they were focusing on fixing the product before pushing people to try to get onto TV to promote it. I mean, who really wants to watch a show if you’re a new viewer of the program where the storylines are so messed up and make zero sense? Not me, I would change the channel as fast as I put it on that channel. I believe that TNA was working on getting the show to a reasonable amount of sense before trying to push the product even more. They knew it had flaws in it so they're trying to fix it to have the show be somewhat understandable.

So, for Hogan to be pushing the show for TNA and BFG is a good thing. I hope it helps them out an can hook a few more viewers too. This can be also good for TNA done the road and hopefully help them out.

Oh, did anyone else think about how Hogan had what 3 back surgeries this year is another reason why he wasn't out trying to promote TNA as best he could because he was, ya know, recovering?
Hogan has been with the company two years? Wow I hardly noticed he had any dealing with them!

If he is such a big name and star still, Hogan should've been promoting TNA when he first stepped foot in the company. Only because he is getting back in the ring at BFG is why he wants to advertise and push the company.

Hogan is in it for himself, he doesn't care about anyone else in that company. He is going to say "blah blah blah IM WRESTLING, blah blah blah 3 BACK SURGERIES..." is he REALLY going to push guys Joe, Styles, Daniels, Beer Money...ya know, THE TNA ORIGINALS!? He is probably going to make it all about him and getting back in the ring and his divorce, his back surgeries and how he was told to stay away from the ring.
Hogan has been with the company two years? Wow I hardly noticed he had any dealing with them!

If he is such a big name and star still, Hogan should've been promoting TNA when he first stepped foot in the company. Only because he is getting back in the ring at BFG is why he wants to advertise and push the company.

Hogan is in it for himself, he doesn't care about anyone else in that company. He is going to say "blah blah blah IM WRESTLING, blah blah blah 3 BACK SURGERIES..." is he REALLY going to push guys Joe, Styles, Daniels, Beer Money...ya know, THE TNA ORIGINALS!? He is probably going to make it all about him and getting back in the ring and his divorce, his back surgeries and how he was told to stay away from the ring.

There's no way to rationalize things with folks of your disposition, however I still feel the need to reply to this little posting of yours just the same. Yes, I will admit that Hogan hasn't promoted TNA to the expectations of some however in the past he has made sure to mention the talent of guys like AJ Styles, Bobby Roode, Kurt Angle, etc. He has mentioned the TNA name to other media outlets as well.

Again, even I will admit that one could argue that Hogan could do a better job but again I don't know how big Hogan's role REALLY is in TNA, sure he was announced as being an authority figure by Dixie Carter back in 2009 but who knows how much of that is actually true. For all we really know his contract really is that of a figurehead and he may have little to no power. Personally speaking just look at this ESPN and Bound For Glory deal as a positive. In the past when Hogan's talked about TNA to ESPN he has mentioned guys like Matt Morgan and put them over as guys with potential.

So despite your stance about Hogan's statements I am willing to give the benefit of the doubt and I feel that the rest of the event will get some coverage as well. After all Hogan and Sting aren't wrestling for the title so there's one concern that was greatly alleviated already.

Bottom line settle for what you can get because the rest of the wrestling landscape has left something to be desired so this BFG coverage can only be a good thing.
Someone tell Rayne over there, TNA has been on ESPN before and they never bashed it. Sting announced Bound For Glory 2011's venue on ESPN. Do research before posting like a moron running at the mouth.

Hogan is celebrity and there is nobody that consistently weekly, monthly goes on talk shows, radio shows to promote something that is already been promoted. You do not see Toby McGuire promoting Spider Man 3 DVD releases or TV debuts, do you? Of course not.

BFG is a huge event, therefore they will do a mass media tour to promote it. When the next big event comes around, they will do it again.

Because, I state the obvious facts of logic...That makes me a TNA apologist. Cool story bro.
Wow, this is great news. TNA will get huge publicity by this. Unfortunately Hogan is just likely to talk about his amazing career, the fact he has a computer game out and is now involved in Midget Wrestling. I doubt he will remember to mention that he works in TNA.
Someone tell Rayne over there, TNA has been on ESPN before and they never bashed it. Sting announced Bound For Glory 2011's venue on ESPN. Do research before posting like a moron running at the mouth.
I never claimed that ESPN had always, exclusively, and without exception insulted professional wrestling on their programming. I still remember you trying to explain to me (read: completely lying and making up) how television advertising works, so spare me the whole line about research, Mr. Kettle.
Hogan is celebrity and there is nobody that consistently weekly, monthly goes on talk shows, radio shows to promote something that is already been promoted. You do not see Toby McGuire promoting Spider Man 3 DVD releases or TV debuts, do you? Of course not.
Apples != oranges. TNA/IW is a company which is in a constant state of promotion; there is always another live event, another PPV, more merchandise, something else to push. Screen movies, on the other hand, have a few select points at which they are marketed by a cast of different people; from stars prior to opening day (there's Toby's role), to the advertising campaign to make people aware of an imminent DVD release (no longer Toby's job, you don't know the people's names responsible for this), to the salesmen who try to sell the picture to cable television like FX afterwards.

If Hulk Hogan's job were comparable to Toby McGuire's job, TNA/IW could have fired him eighteen months ago.
Dizzy said:
BFG is a huge event, therefore they will do a mass media tour to promote it. When the next big event comes around, they will do it again.
Thanks for agreeing with me about my apples and oranges point. Stop writing angry, because you make it way too easy to point out your contradictions.
Dizzy said:
Because, I state the obvious facts of logic...That makes me a TNA apologist. Cool story bro.
I have never heard a crackpot come right out and say "everything I post makes no sense". Usually, they bring up stuff like "obvious logic", as if by saying the phrase "obvious logic", people will take their word for it and ignore the huge, gaping holes in their logic that would appear were they to casually inspect the argument.

I also prefer not to use the word "apologist". Apologist, historically, means someone in the days prior to World War II who felt that it was prudent to give Adolf Hitler land so that he wouldn't invade the places he wanted. More recently, it was applied to people who thought that starting an unprovoked war in the Middle East against a country incapable of harming us was a poor idea. With the historical baggage the term implies, I think people sound like real douchebags when they use it in the middle of an argument on a message board, especially something as ultimately unimportant as a professional wrestling message board, so I avoid using it. Words I might have used instead are "sycophant", "asslicker", "ballsucker", or "rimcleaner". If I were going to use a loaded word with historical board context, I might use "guppy". Depending on the particular slight I was trying to make, I might also use something like "drone", "worker bee", or "The Company Bitch". I would try to avoid "sheep", due to its vast overuse. All of those word fit, but I do think that "apologist" is a bit over the top.

And really, spare the "someone tell Rayne" crap. It's like I'm back in high school dealing with my sister at the dinner table.
Hulk Hogan, the most recognized figure in the company and one of the most recognizable figures in professional wrestling and or even at a stretch, the world is being brought in to publicize a Pay-Per-View event he'll be appearing on? That isn't really all that shocking or surprising. That was kind of expected.

Good for him and TNA for getting on ESPN though, I too don't think It'll garner them any extra buys for the event, people looking for news on football who see Hulk Hogan will either stay tuned to see what he's talking about or just change the channel. But I don't think they'll listen to Hogan promote a match between himself and Sting and then decide to fork over the money for the event.

At best this will just help boost the name of both TNA and Bound for Glory; more for BFG as most people don't even know its their premiere event. Everyone knows WrestleMania is WWE's, damn all know BFG is TNA's. And who knows, this may get a few viewers next week on the following IW who may want to see the aftermath for free. Lets hope TNA can capitulize when that time comes.
Ill expand on your points later SirJoseOle, my phone only lets me do so much.

Dizzy, all I have seen from you on these boards is childish behavior and non-sense. Enough with the high school bs. STFU!
I'm glad that Hogan is making all of these appearances. It is a great thing for TNA because they need as much help and publicity as they can possibly get. With their biggest event of the year Bound For Glory coming up very soon this is the perfect time for a legend among legends such as Hogan to be putting over the organization's product. This type of exposure can only help TNA in the long run. Great decision to have Hogan do this. I hope it gets them a few more viewers and PPV buys.

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