Convince me to watch TNA every week

Here's the deal -- if you have to be convinced to watch something, it's not worth watching. Good entertainment doesn't require convincing. It convinces you on its own merits. TNA has its ardent followers, and I of all people will be first to recognize that pro wrestling definitely needs an alternative to what McMahon has to offer, but TNA, to me, is such a missed opportunity. The silly storylines, the bajillion run-ins, the gimmick matches, the spotfests, it's a mess.

Ok. WWE has almost all gimmick PPV's now. This past Raw out of the first 5 matches 3 of them had interference. Hell they had a number 1 contenders match that ended in a no contest. I believe Summer Slam didn't have clean finishes in some title matches. I guess the Undertaker being in a vegetative state is not silly and neither is a GM who send emails to an announcer on how to book the show. But hey WWE is number 1 so it is business as usual and lets keep tuning into cookie bullshit and funding that garbage on Monday Nights.
If you dont like TNA/What TNA's doing, dont watch it, dont make a thread simply telling us to convince you for your own entertainment . . .
This thread is for you hardcore TNA fans to convince me, and eventually other people, why we should tune in each week to watch TNA on television.

Please do not reply if you going to say anything negative about TNA, trust me I know lots of negative things about the promotion. I want people to take the opportunity here to say only positive things about TNA.

Here's the deal -- if you have to be convinced to watch something, it's not worth watching. Good entertainment doesn't require convincing. It convinces you on its own merits. TNA has its ardent followers, and I of all people will be first to recognize that pro wrestling definitely needs an alternative to what McMahon has to offer, but TNA, to me, is such a missed opportunity. The silly storylines, the bajillion run-ins, the gimmick matches, the spotfests, it's a mess.

Oi dumbass - what part of the OPs thread above didn't you read?

For the fellow TNAites that feel slightly peeved at (in essence) justifying watching iMPACT! - I actually like this thread, if it persuades 100 WWe-aphiles to watch a couple episodes and 10 of them like what they see. Fan-frickin-tastic! What I've noticed since I've joined WZ is that many 'fans' come on slagging off the opposition who don't even watch (and many TNA fans are guilty of this too), this thread gives fans maybe not that up on the 'profile' of TNA a guide as to what they can look out for and many posters have pointed out the warts too - only the most die-hard WWe fan would try to claim that they're blemishless.

So sing it strong and sing it loud, we are TNA and in that we're proud!
Alright I've tried with TNA, I really have. I have been somewhat, loosely following them since they had the Wednesday night, weekly PPVs so I know some of the history.

There are things I like, but they don't pull me in each week because it gets so overshadowed by the whole Hulk Hogan thing, or Sting or Jeff Jarrett. I never watched iMPACT on any regular basis but I did tune in a few times here or there over the last few years on Spike. I would watch an episode or two and lose interest again for many reasons I won’t go into yet.

This thread is for you hardcore TNA fans to convince me, and eventually other people, why we should tune in each week to watch TNA on television.

Please do not reply if you going to say anything negative about TNA, trust me I know lots of negative things about the promotion. I want people to take the opportunity here to say only positive things about TNA.

And please give good responses so this doesn’t get moved to the spam room.

...and go!

Nobody should have to convince anybody to do anything. If you don't like it then don't watch it. Nobody is begging you to do anything you don't want to do. Unfortunately for you, there isn't much out there to choose from. You can watch WWE, which is literally the same thing just with more publicity and marketing behind it...or you can go on Youtube and watch backyard wrestling or something. I don't know what else to tell you.

The Hogan/Sting/Jarrett thing isn't any longer than any other segment on TNA. People like you just conjure up misconceptions in your head...or become convinced through other influences that THOSE are the reasons why TNA isn't doing well. Ironically, it's these false pretenses that prevent TNA from succeeding...not Hogan, Bischoff, Sting, Nash, Jarrett, or any other legendary guy you spitefully despise because you miss ECW.

You have two choices. You can either watch...or not watch. It's as simple as that. If you don't like the product then simply don't watch it. If you didn't like to eat eggplant, but a lot of other people did like to eat it...would you gather them all around and ask them to convince you to like it? No. The same goes for this.

If you don't like the product but still want to waste your time watching it...that's your problem. But there is no excuse for not liking the product, still watch it, and then going online to ask people, who do like it, to change your mind. Because then you start wasting everybody else's time.
The silly storylines, the bajillion run-ins, the gimmick matches, the spotfests, it's a mess.

How are the storylines silly? They may be lacking continuity at points, but in no way are the base of the stories "silly". I can understand complaining about continuity and consistency in storylines, but calling the base of the storylines "silly" in general is just ignorant.

Bajillion run-ins? Okay, for a WWE fan, did you watch Raw this week? That had more run-ins in that one show than TNA has had in the past month.

Gimmick matches? Once again, coming from a WWE fan where we have PPV's coming up like Hell in a Cell, TLC, etc. Yes, TNA uses gimmick matches sometimes on iMPACT, what the hell is wrong with that? It's better to mix it up every once and a while than watching constant normal singles and tag matches.

And the last one is the worst. A spotfest? This is the dumbest argument ever. Isn't that what a fucking wrestling match is? Seeing that a wrestling match isn't a real "fight" per say, so isn't the match just working from spot to spot, thus a spotfest?

Terrible points. Try again. Maybe actually watching TNA once and a while would help.
Convince you? Motherfucker you need slapping, not convincing. If ur a wrestling fan watch it for more than a week and watch the shows they have put on in the past. They have been around for awhile now so theres plenty for you to catch up on. If you still think its shitty then chances are ur an E mark. Fact is if you want the wrestling shows/product that made us fans in the first place ur not gonna get it from any company in the world these days. Why? cuz wrestling aint what it used to be. But IMO TNA is the only company that comes close to providing me with the overall entertainment I expect from a wrestling show. Just watch it as a fan of the biz,(if thats what u are)and criticize or praise it all u want, BUT JUST WATCH IT.
Convince you? Motherfucker you need slapping, not convincing. If ur a wrestling fan watch it for more than a week and watch the shows they have put on in the past. They have been around for awhile now so theres plenty for you to catch up on. If you still think its shitty then chances are ur an E mark. Fact is if you want the wrestling shows/product that made us fans in the first place ur not gonna get it from any company in the world these days. Why? cuz wrestling aint what it used to be. But IMO TNA is the only company that comes close to providing me with the overall entertainment I expect from a wrestling show. Just watch it as a fan of the biz,(if thats what u are)and criticize or praise it all u want, BUT JUST WATCH IT.

i am fully agree with you.
The reasons i watch tna are in order

1. Ric Flair - still cutting the best promos ever!!
2. Kurt Angle - now HBK is gone n jerichos being booked so badly probably my favourite wrestler to watch
3. Aj Styles - see Kurt Angle
4. RVD - still puts on great matches
5. Not PG Era - wrestlers can blade and arent as restricted promo wise (desmond wolfe always says wanker etc. beats cena with his magic 8 ball)
6. Mr Anderson - one of the most charismatic guys in the business by far
7. Tag teams - good tag teams who use proper double teams n have good chemistry

only thing that would make me not want to watch is a dose of jeff jarett once a week (wrestling and promos)
Because TNA has the most talented roster in the world?

You may not like the booking, but from a talent POV TNA is loaded and they regularly have great wrestling matches, on PPV usually.

I don't have to defend TNA, it entertains me way more than Vinces boring robotic crap.

Ric Flair is proof why WWE's canned crap sucks. His promos there were nothing, now every week he's cutting the best promos in the business, he doesn't use a stupid "aweeeeeesome" catch phrase like the Jizz, he just knows how to present himself in an entertaining way.

PLus the best in ring performer of this generation is still putting on great matches and ANGLE won't be around forever
As a TNA rookie, let me help you out.

Mere months ago, I'd never seen a TNA match. I knew about them, through these very forums (long time reader, new poster) but had never watched them.
Having seen with my own eyes, these are the reasons to watch, and why I'm digging TNA right now.

1. The Pope.
This guy is cutting some awesome promos. He's still very rough, but if you go back to The Rock's earliest promos, his sounded quite rough compared to the sweet, sweet attitude ear candy he produced in later years. I see big things for this guy.

2. Nostalgia.
Obviously sometimes TNA can over indulge in this regard, but out of the 90s wrestling fans here, and having seen what has become of our beloved pastime on the odd occasion, who cannot simply sit back and enjoy watching Flair, Sting, Foley, Nash, Hogan, Bischoff and yes, even Jarrett, in action?

3. The Knockouts.
I remain unconvinced that they are overwhelmingly superior to the Divas. But hey, at least they have tangible storylines that make you actually pay attention to what they are saying, rather than just how they are looking.

4. Styles.
Guy's phenomenal. Enough said.

5. The tag team division.
It has relevance. It has cohesive teams. It has tag matches you want to see. The MCMG are insane.

6. New faces that you want to watch.
Before I watched Impact, I had not seen Samoa Joe, Amazing Red, Doug Williams, Rob Terry, AJ Styles or Christopher Daniels wrestle before.
And their matches, not just their mic skills, make me want to watch more.

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