Here's the deal -- if you have to be convinced to watch something, it's not worth watching. Good entertainment doesn't require convincing. It convinces you on its own merits. TNA has its ardent followers, and I of all people will be first to recognize that pro wrestling definitely needs an alternative to what McMahon has to offer, but TNA, to me, is such a missed opportunity. The silly storylines, the bajillion run-ins, the gimmick matches, the spotfests, it's a mess.
Ok. WWE has almost all gimmick PPV's now. This past Raw out of the first 5 matches 3 of them had interference. Hell they had a number 1 contenders match that ended in a no contest. I believe Summer Slam didn't have clean finishes in some title matches. I guess the Undertaker being in a vegetative state is not silly and neither is a GM who send emails to an announcer on how to book the show. But hey WWE is number 1 so it is business as usual and lets keep tuning into cookie bullshit and funding that garbage on Monday Nights.