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Hogan continually calling Austin a coward in recent interviews.

His buddy sting is back and getting a match and now he wants in too. He's trying to create a fued obviously. He had his time over and over again. He keeps saying how he is now in the next shape of his life. Which is false.
An employer has the right to hire whomever they want. If they feel they are creating an unsafe work environment by allowing a man who cannot pass the physical test to ensure that they will be safe in the ring, that's their decision. Crying racism or bigotry is something people do when they don't get what they want. Putting another performer out there with someone who isn't safe is also most likely breaking some laws. Good luck to anyone who tries to sue the WWE for not letting them in the ring at 60 years of age.

No he's not wrong. It would be illegal for the WWE to institute a rule where they refuse to hire anyone over a certain age. Yes they are allowed to hire whomever they want (who is of course willing to work for them), but they can't institute discriminatory policies that are illegal... just like any other employer.

That's why they have the medical testing. If someone can pass their testing, and the WWE wants to put them in the ring, then fine. There's no reason why they shouldn't be able to (even if they're old). But they have to pass the testing... and since he got rehired by the WWE last year, Hogan hasn't been able to from what I understand. This is why we've never seen him do anything physical beyond showing the most basic, short lived offense. I don't know that Austin would be able to anymore either with his neck issues... although I'd put money on the fact that Austin would have a far better chance of passing the physical than Hogan ever would.

Bottom line is this is all much adeu about nothing. Hogan will not wrestle for the WWE again. Austin's said more than once that he doesn't plan on wrestling again. This is all just Hogan being Hogan.
And what i was saying is that taking something like saying no one over a certain age is allowed to perform a dangerous job, and then saying it'd be the same as saying "no blacks allowed" is taking an issue of conversation that is common sense, and going full ****** with it. let somebody sue the WWE for not letting them in the ring as a senior citizen, good luck finding a judge that forces the WWE to let them in the ring, and then what if something does happen to them.... then what? Sounds like a way somebody might try to get some free money out of a lawsuit with, but that's why there is a medical exam in place. Hogan can't pass it, tough luck. Time to enjoy his twilight years with all the money he smartly saved and invested from all the millions he made over his career.... unless he wasn't smart with it.
Am I missing something ?? WWE has never stated it wouldn't hire Hogan due to his age. That said, they don't have to "hire" him to be an active in ring wrestler. Didn't they sign Flair last year as an "on air talent", he's made some RAW appearances, does autograph signings, occasionally works as a "Special Guest Ref" for live shows, even managed John Cena in a match vs Bray Wyatt at Madison Square Garden, and appears regularly on NXT. He DOESNT wrestle though and probably shouldn't given he is in his mid 60s. And he's probably in better shape than Hogan given Hogan's well known back & knee issues.

There is no AGE DISCRIMINATION here, that whole idea is ludicrous. As far as saying someone of a "certain age" cant perform "dangerous job" and that qualifies as discrimination THAT IS ALSO LUDICROUS. Many jobs involving physical activity from bartender to retail clerk to professional sports to contracting and construction to truck driving to airplane flying all have posted physical requirements that all employees and applicants must pass to maintain or get a job. It is not discrimination if a job has a specific requirement that you absolutely cant do to not hire you, especially if the requirements are well known. WWE instituted must stricter policies regarding physicals after the Lawler incident which if he would have died would have been catastrophic for WWE. It is only discrimination if you meet all the requirements for a job and are still not hired for personal reasons (such as your gender, race, etc). Not letting a 60 year old man with chronic back and knee issues who has had multiple hip surgeries and cant pass a physical wrestle isn't discrimination.

Im sure Hogan can get work in WWE anytime he wants it, just not as an active in ring wrestler. I could get a job for the Pittsburgh Steelers....In their front office doing promotional or admin work, but not as a player as I could never pass the physical requirements. That isn't discrimination.
And what i was saying is that taking something like saying no one over a certain age is allowed to perform a dangerous job, and then saying it'd be the same as saying "no blacks allowed" is taking an issue of conversation that is common sense, and going full ****** with it. let somebody sue the WWE for not letting them in the ring as a senior citizen, good luck finding a judge that forces the WWE to let them in the ring, and then what if something does happen to them.... then what? Sounds like a way somebody might try to get some free money out of a lawsuit with, but that's why there is a medical exam in place. Hogan can't pass it, tough luck. Time to enjoy his twilight years with all the money he smartly saved and invested from all the millions he made over his career.... unless he wasn't smart with it.

No, stating that 'no one over a certain age' isn't allowed to perform a dangerous job is the same thing as saying 'no blacks allowed', or anything like that. Without qualifying that statement, you are discriminating against a particular segment of the population just as much as you would be with the no blacks allowed policy.

You're qualifying your statement later by going back to the individual passing the physical requirements test to qualify for the job, but your original don't hire anyone a year older than Sting policy is discriminatory.

If a guy can pass the physical requirements for a specific job, then they are qualified to do that job... regardless of age. They have to pass that testing first though.

I know 70 year old men that could pass some physical tests that men half their age couldn't. It's all a matter of how well you've taken care of yourself.

Now putting this back in a pro wrestling/brother brother brother perspective...

Hogan can't pass the WWE physical. He has taken it. He will not be competing in a WWE ring again. No matter how many interviews he gives to dirt sheet guys calling Steve Austin a coward. Jerry Lawler would probably have a better chance of passing that test these days, and he's the guy they put the extra stringent testing in for in the first place.
Hey, it wasn't my idea, but if I heard that WWE startd to enfore a "no one over the age of 60 is allowed to wrestle" rule, i'd think to myself "yeah, that's probably for the best". Do we see 60 year old men in the NHL, NFL, NBA, UFC, Boxing, on the battlefield in the military, or any other kind of situation where their age could have a detrimental effect on everyone involved? No, because these are things meant for the young and fit. Do we cry discrimination because there are not 60 year old men out there competing for the stanely cup? No, because it's common sense. Even if it is "discrimination", tough luck. people age, fact of life, and at a certain point it's time to accept that your glory days are over.
Hey, it wasn't my idea, but if I heard that WWE startd to enfore a "no one over the age of 60 is allowed to wrestle" rule, i'd think to myself "yeah, that's probably for the best". Do we see 60 year old men in the NHL, NFL, NBA, UFC, Boxing, on the battlefield in the military, or any other kind of situation where their age could have a detrimental effect on everyone involved? No, because these are things meant for the young and fit. Do we cry discrimination because there are not 60 year old men out there competing for the stanely cup? No, because it's common sense. Even if it is "discrimination", tough luck. people age, fact of life, and at a certain point it's time to accept that your glory days are over.

If Bobby Orr (66) could still contribute and keep up enough to play on the top 6 of an NHL team, and he actually still wanted to do that, you can bet that there's a team that would sign him.

Of course that would be ridiculous, because as great as Bobby Orr was, of course he couldn't play in the NHL anymore. But that's also not really what we're talking about.

Of course there's a danger if anyone of an advanced age tries doing something extremely physical, and of course younger men are generally more capable of physical activity.

The point is, you actually cannot put up a blanket discriminatory policy stating that you will not hire someone based entirely on their age. If you don't believe me, please look up some employment laws.

And if you say 'tough luck' to that... then I guess you wouldn't mind if some other blanket discriminatory policy was put up that somehow affected you personally... because slippery slopes and all that.

Now seriously. This is hardly the discussion I thought I'd be having on a wrestling board. I'm out.
And if somebody passed all the WWE medical exams at 66 years of age, went out there and hurt themselves, or even worse, dropped somebody else on their head due to having a heart attack mid move, the media would be out for their blood. Nancy Grace would have a field day with something like that.
And if somebody passed all the WWE medical exams at 66 years of age, went out there and hurt themselves, or even worse, dropped somebody else on their head due to having a heart attack mid move, the media would be out for their blood. Nancy Grace would have a field day with something like that.

Nancy Grace is a major douchebag.

On topic. Since I'm the one who echo'd what Robtaylor said, maybe I should say something again.

I said that it might be a good idea if they put a policy in place that no one over a certain age is allowed to wrestle. At least I think that's what I said. I'll go check. Yes that's what I said.

I didn't say at any time at all that anyone of any age couldn't work for them. We watched as Jerry Lawler had a heart attack after being in the ring. There is no good reason with all the young guys on the roster today to be putting someone like Hogan who can barely effing walk into a match.

It's not discriminatory, it's common sense. You can work for the WWE until you're 120, but once over a certain age you will not be allowed to wrestle. You don't hear anyone else other than Hogan making these ridiculous claims. Flair is happy sort of managing his daughter, Austin is onto other things, The Rock has his movie career, and the Undertaker seems to have figured it out that maybe it's time he hang it up. Hogan is the only one, he's like the Engerizer Bunny literally, he has almost the same amount of batteries in his back.
i think Piper has been trying to play politics and get himself a match also, no? And these are probably the people who were not smart with their money and have nothing else going for them besides living off of their legacies. If WWE said "sure! come on in! we'll put you and Hogan against each other at wrestlemania!" they are going to be thinking about their own interests and the payday, not about any potential risks that it could cause.
You are living in the past. All those accomplishments came when he was a young man. He is no longer a young man.
NOPE! (BUZZZZ) WRONG!!!!! With the exception of his 1979 pinfall victory over then NWA World champion Harley Race, HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN hasn't won any of those titles. You said, "The only time Hogan will wrestle again, is for a company in desperate need of money and only hires him for a one night only event. And that will not be the WWE." I merely posted that WWE is not the only place he could go. There are still many thing he could accomplish if he so desires and I will be more than happy to take my money there.

For what saying a 60 year old man with major health issues shouldn't be in a wrestling ring. Are you serious, or just plain stupid?
You're calling ME stupid? Mr. "All those accomplishments came when he was a young man." ROFLMAO!!!:lmao: With that statement you proved that you do not know your wrestling history and therefore are not in my league.

That is not bigotry that's outright common sense. And nice try throwing everything else against the wall to see if it will stick, it won't.
Oooooh. the old, "throwing everything against the wall" line. Soooooo creative.

You claim to be a huge fan of the man, you said you would go wherever he goes. Let me ask you a very simple question? How would you feel if Hogan got into the ring and was seriously and I mean seriously injured, crippled or worse because of it? Would you still blindly be calling for one last match or would you finally realize that your hero has seen better days, and is on the far downside of his career?
If you think that is such a good question, turn it around and ask it to yourself. Do you blame yourself for Daniel Bryan possibly being crippled for life because you supported a little pee wee who should have never been in a big man's sport? We the fans are not at fault for what these men choose to do for a living. They love what they do and we enjoy it. As far as calling for one more match - or even a run as champion... that's HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN himself calling for that. I have no control in his desire to wrestle. It is a goal he has set for himself to prove that he can come back from being told that he will never walk again after the 6th back surgery, to returning to the ring in TNA and now finally wanting to make it ll the way back to the big stage one last time. It would be an incredible - not to mention REAL LIFE - comeback. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN wants this. As a fan I am merely supporting him.
Hey, it wasn't my idea, but if I heard that WWE startd to enfore a "no one over the age of 60 is allowed to wrestle" rule, i'd think to myself "yeah, that's probably for the best". Do we see 60 year old men in the NHL, NFL, NBA, UFC, Boxing, on the battlefield in the military, or any other kind of situation where their age could have a detrimental effect on everyone involved? No, because these are things meant for the young and fit. Do we cry discrimination because there are not 60 year old men out there competing for the stanely cup? No, because it's common sense. Even if it is "discrimination", tough luck. people age, fact of life, and at a certain point it's time to accept that your glory days are over.
Would you support a, "No more jumping off ladders, cages, top ropes or anything other than the floor" rule? No other sport is allowed to do these things. And according to you since we don't see it in other sports then it shouldn't be in wrestling either.

More important however - one moment while I smack the mark out of you - :twak: WRESTLING IS A WORK!!! Is is scripted entertainment. And guess what? In other forms of scripted entertainment - film, TV, theater, music, radio etc. we see... get ready... 60+ year old men (and women)
Hogan's dying for another big pay day and he knows a Legend's deal doesn't provide that. I doubt Austin wrestles again at all, but if he does, it sure as hell wouldn't be against Hogan. Hulk just wants the check paying zero mind to how awful his performance would be. Obviously that doesn't matter to him anymore, he just wants the cash. Honestly, that doesn't really bother me. But no, it won't happen.
i think Piper has been trying to play politics and get himself a match also, no? And these are probably the people who were not smart with their money and have nothing else going for them besides living off of their legacies. If WWE said "sure! come on in! we'll put you and Hogan against each other at wrestlemania!" they are going to be thinking about their own interests and the payday, not about any potential risks that it could cause.

I'm not sure if Piper has any money issues, but don't forget that HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN was robbed of his fortune by his no good, gold digging, fame ****e of a wife. He was essentially retired, making only sporadic appearances but, Linda kept spending the money at an insane pace. Then when the reality show was cancelled and their son got into the car accident, rather than stand by her family when they needed her, she filed for divorce. In what was unquestionably an unfair decision by the judge, Linda - who never contributed a dime to their fortune - was awarded 70% of their assets based on the assumption that HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN could just make a new fortune because of his name.

After the 70% loss, his remaining fortune was devowered by lawyers and an out of court settlement with the Grazianos which left him with very little of the fortune that he had given his body to aquire. So, in spite of the back issues he was having from the years in the ring HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN was forced to return to what he knew best - wrestling. It's not about being greedy, for him it's necessity.
Your all moaning because someone of 60 is talking about having one more match but your completely fine with a guy in a bunny suit wrestling for example? Why stop at over 60 why not ban everyone of a certain weight too as that is no doubt dangerous carrying that weight in such a physicaly demanding sport, Or even anyone with a recurring injury which could make them easily susceptible to re-injury, Or easier yet just ban wrestling and anything remotely physical, Why all the sudden health and safety?
Does some people just expect anyone over 60 should just lie down and wait to die?
Also I don't remember anyone complaining when Fabulous Moolah won the womens title at 76 years old or when Mae Young wrestled till she was nearly 90 in the WWE.

I don't want the WWE to be dominated by over 60 year olds who can barely move but to have a rule set in stone saying once you turn 60 your career in wrestling is over is not only illegal but also makes no sense as we very rarely see a match with anyone over 60 in the WWE anyway, You all need to relax and stop annalizing so much
its just supposed to be a fun enjoyable sport.
Hogan cant handle one more match. He cant even walk.
Oh, brother. There you go with that tired old line. :disappointed: Try coming up with something original Not to mention trying to come up with something truthful. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN walks fine.
Based on these responses, i'm beginning to think that The Boss actually is Hulk Hogan.

Hmm strong possibility, but then again there aren't enough BROTHER!'s strewn throughout his posts.

That's a tragic thought though isn't it? Hogan being so desperate to remain relevant that he posts anonymously on wrestling forums. He sits their typing at his computer, with tears in his eyes while occasionally looking over at the signed photograph of himself, he wipes the tears away and sadly mutters: "...one more match".

Staying on topic however, I take everything Hogan says with an entire cargo ship full of salt. Everytime I read a report like this I just roll my eyes and dismiss it, he couldn't tell the truth if you paid him.
Without a dount Hogan is doing this to gauge interest in the match and then attempt to make it happen with WWE. The two greatest wrestlers of all time take a lot of heat from the young fans these days. Anyone who has insulted Hogan on this thread must realize that you would not be here on a pro wrestling forum if he hadn't made it popular.
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Hulk Hogan would be the ultimate dream match of all time, the two all time greatest athletes of their sport squaring off would be an event that would never happen again.
We will never see Lebron VS Jordan, Ali vs Tyson, Montana vs Manning or Ruth vs Aaron, we should at least get Austin vs Hogan, despite the being passed their prime.
This all reminds me of that Mickey Rourke movie, "The Wrestler"(good movie),where he can't adjust to life after glory and can't adjust to life not being famous and goes out there for that one final glory moment and dies coming off the top rope in that final match. And it's perfectly understandable, happens to everyone that ever has a touch of fame and the dopamine addiction it causes. Some people are fortunate enough to pursue other ventures outside of wrestling to get a good feeling high from, and others spend the rest of their lives trying to feel it just one more time.
Honestly I also think some people are over reacting to Hogan having one final match... saying he is going to get "broken in half" and all of that. Look at guys like Terry Funk and Ric Flair who were still taking pretty bad bumps at that age. Hogan's wrestling style isn't actually a spot fest either... punches, body slam, big boot, and the leg drop (which I would understand if he didn't want to do because of his back issues). Hell, Sting might be in better health but he isn't much younger, and Hogan is still active in the gym and doesn't look bad for his age.

I think he is still capable of doing a limited match, or a tag match with someone like Cena carrying him against the opponents and him more or less coming in and throwing punches and working the crowd. It's not like we expect moonsaults and the guy isn't a decrepit old man.

I do think Hogan is having another "midlife crisis" and has a hard time being around the business and promoting it while he doesn't have an in ring role. I don't think it's half as bad as people make it out to be though.
Problem with Hogan though is there is always going to be "one more match", say he gets this dream match with Austin at this Wrestlemania.... 2 or 3 years down the road he is going to be saying "one more match" again. His match against the Rock could have (and should have) been his curtain call. He could have walked away gracefully as the best of all time. Shawn Michaels did it the right way with his match with the Undertaker. I guess time will tell if he stays away for good, but he seems to understand the way it should be.
This all reminds me of that Mickey Rourke movie, "The Wrestler"(good movie),where he can't adjust to life after glory and can't adjust to life not being famous and goes out there for that one final glory moment and dies coming off the top rope in that final match.
What movie were you watching? There was no indication that he died. It was a story about a man who after suffering a heart attack and has his career suddenly taken from him finds that he doesn't really know any other way to make a living. So rather than turn over and die he makes the decision that he's going to do what is best for him and return to the ring. You hear the heartbeat to create suspense. Did he make the right decision? Then the slow motion leap off of the top rope in a moment of triumph as if to say, "I'm BACK!" to close the film on the ultimate high note. It was a story of triumph not tragedy.
This all reminds me of that Mickey Rourke movie, "The Wrestler"(good movie),where he can't adjust to life after glory and can't adjust to life not being famous and goes out there for that one final glory moment and dies coming off the top rope in that final match. And it's perfectly understandable, happens to everyone that ever has a touch of fame and the dopamine addiction it causes. Some people are fortunate enough to pursue other ventures outside of wrestling to get a good feeling high from, and others spend the rest of their lives trying to feel it just one more time.

I'd say that's a stretch... The character in The Wrestler was a broken down man who was working at a supermarket/wrestling indy shows on the weekend. Who never "made it" to the big big time and was mirrored around the gritty times when wrestlers were dying like flies in their 40's a while back. Not an iconic figure in pop culture. I seriously doubt we'll see him wrestling in thumbtack/staple gun matches and working at Food Lion any time soon. Hogan has been in movies, TV shows, and has business ventures/merch sales and is probably the most well known wrestler there is... doesn't even need to wrestle to get fanfare. WWF would not have had the boom they had and wrestling might not have been a big mainstream mainstay if Hulkamania had never happened. I do see what you are getting at though.

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