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Hogan continually calling Austin a coward in recent interviews.


Getting Noticed By Management
I was wondering what you guys' take on this was. In recent appearances/interviews Hulk Hogan has been calling Steve Austin a coward. This struck me as a little odd. Do you guys see this actually going anywhere and what do you think his motivation is for doing this? His job is pretty much to promote the WWE product now and he has been talking a lot about a ring return or last appearance a lot as of late... but everyone knows Stone Cold is pretty much over wrestling himself now and has publically criticized WWE's current product. So why does Hogan keep bringing up Austin in a negative light?
Hogans an idiot.

This was Hogans only crutch to lean on in all of his promos ever. You're a coward brother! Please...

Few things bore me on a level that Terry Bolea does.

Go back to TNA where no one has to look at you... brother
If you throw a rock into a professional wrestling locker room/retirement home you'll hit at least 3 guys who had beef with Hogan or Austin. Both for similar enough reasons of "He stood on my shoulders to keep himself at the top!" or "They had massive egos." which are both right. Hogan and Austin were pretty damn egotistical so I'm not at all surprised to hear that Hogan has some sort of beef with Austin. It's just part of the business. Whether or not Hogan's comments have any truth or not isn't worth my time as far as I am concerned.
Hogan is making a pathetic attempt at trying to goad Stone Cold. I don't know if he's trying to heap real heat on himself to the point where Austin actually wants to kick his ass, OR if he's trying to get Austin to show interest in an angle but either way, I doubt Hogan means what he says. He's testing the waters to see if he can get something going and I'm sure Austin knows that Hogan is kayfabing.

Does Hogan even know the difference between reality and kayfabe anymore? Who knows, maybe I'm wrong and Hogan has a legitimate beef with Austin, but I doubt it.

For the record, he's also called out Lesnar, Cena, The Rock, etc. so this is nothing new.
Meh, I think it's a work, or at least an attempted work on Hogan's part, in the hopes of stimulating some sort of interest in a Hogan vs. Austin match.

Whether Hogan is serious or he's just doing in as a means of keeping his name somewhat relevant, he says he wants one more match. Recently, he boasted that he's in good enough shape to even have a WWE WHC run. Hogan is well known for pulling stunts like this as a means of promoting himself. It's his art form, one he's pretty successful at because he always does or says something every few months to generate some buzz and keep people talking about him. Pro wrestlers are great at spouting bullshit and Hogan might be better at it than anybody, you can't take 90% of anything he says at face value.

It's all well and good but the big problem with the whole plan of Hogan having one final match is that he hasn't been cleared to wrestle. WWE has strict medical guidelines for talent, that goes especially for talent 45 or older that was implemented after Jerry Lawler had a heart attack in the middle of a match on Raw a few years back. When Hogan signed with WWE, he went through the battery of medical exams and whatever the results might have been, he wasn't cleared to wrestle. Not only that, but the results must've made management so concerned that they haven't had Hogan do anything remotely physical.
Isn't this from the same interview when he said he calls everyone "Brother" cause he can't remember their names. Pretty much shows you what everything else he says means then.

Austin is probably the only name he can remember, otherwise he'd be calling "Brother" a coward. Hogan really just needs to shill the network and stay the hell away from a microphone, he's just an embarrassment sometimes.
Meh, I think it's a work, or at least an attempted work on Hogan's part, in the hopes of stimulating some sort of interest in a Hogan vs. Austin match.

Whether Hogan is serious or he's just doing in as a means of keeping his name somewhat relevant, he says he wants one more match. Recently, he boasted that he's in good enough shape to even have a WWE WHC run. Hogan is well known for pulling stunts like this as a means of promoting himself. It's his art form, one he's pretty successful at because he always does or says something every few months to generate some buzz and keep people talking about him. Pro wrestlers are great at spouting bullshit and Hogan might be better at it than anybody, you can't take 90% of anything he says at face value.

It's all well and good but the big problem with the whole plan of Hogan having one final match is that he hasn't been cleared to wrestle. WWE has strict medical guidelines for talent, that goes especially for talent 45 or older that was implemented after Jerry Lawler had a heart attack in the middle of a match on Raw a few years back. When Hogan signed with WWE, he went through the battery of medical exams and whatever the results might have been, he wasn't cleared to wrestle. Not only that, but the results must've made management so concerned that they haven't had Hogan do anything remotely physical.

This is what I thought to. Hogan has been trying to get himself into a Wrestlemania match ever since he came back. This past one was him and Piper. Looks like he wants the WWE to listen to anything he has to say regarding a Hogan/Austin match, which no thanks.

Not to mention Hogan wouldn't be able to pass the more rigorous "Lawler" physical the WWE has set up to keep guys like Hogan out of the ring.

He'll keep this up for awhile, realize the WWE isn't paying attention, and he'll move on to a different wrestler.
I'm sure it's a work, on the recent roster reveal pannel Austin and Hogan had no animosity towards each other and Hogan reiterated that he wants to wrestle Cena still when Austin asked him. Just seems random I guess.
This is what I thought to. Hogan has been trying to get himself into a Wrestlemania match ever since he came back. This past one was him and Piper. Looks like he wants the WWE to listen to anything he has to say regarding a Hogan/Austin match, which no thanks.

Not to mention Hogan wouldn't be able to pass the more rigorous "Lawler" physical the WWE has set up to keep guys like Hogan out of the ring.

He'll keep this up for awhile, realize the WWE isn't paying attention, and he'll move on to a different wrestler.

Someone like HHH or Vince McMahon ought to sit Hogan down and tell him the straight facts, he will never wrestle in a WWE ring again. That might stop some of this shit.

I'm sure when they brought him back it wasn't for wrestling purposes, and that was probably told to him, but Hogan being the mark he is for himself, everytime he gets near a ring thinks he can be the world champ again. It's seriously time he quit before he tarnishes whatever reputation he has left.
He's probably just messing with all the internet smarks, To be fair with some people Hogan just can't win and never will win and will critisize anything the guy does or says, The guy hasn't wrestled on a full time schedule for like nearly 20 years, His last match was over 3 years ago which he lost and I can't even remember his last match before that, Its not like he's still dominating over all the current talent, I don't think he has any kind of agenda other than giving an interesting interview. Wrestling is just so negative now boxing fans don't critisize Mohamed Ali or baseball fans Babe Ruth when they ever made appearances or interviews etc but wrestling fans seems so negative and go out of their way to critisize rather than see a topic which they have no interest in and ignoring it.
He's probably just messing with all the internet smarks, To be fair with some people Hogan just can't win and never will win and will critisize anything the guy does or says, The guy hasn't wrestled on a full time schedule for like nearly 20 years, His last match was over 3 years ago which he lost and I can't even remember his last match before that, Its not like he's still dominating over all the current talent, I don't think he has any kind of agenda other than giving an interesting interview. Wrestling is just so negative now boxing fans don't critisize Mohamed Ali or baseball fans Babe Ruth when they ever made appearances or interviews etc but wrestling fans seems so negative and go out of their way to critisize rather than see a topic which they have no interest in and ignoring it.

The hate at this point doesn't stem from the fact that Hogan is dominating air-time, it stems from the fact that he's trying to put himself over to the detriment of people like Stone Cold and Brock Lesnar when nobody wants to see him wrestle another match. His ego however, is just too big to accept that. Hogan was not hired to be a wrestler... it's time to stop being a mark for yourself and accept that you're time is over. Everyone else has done it, why can't Hogan? The idea that Hogan has no agenda other than to give a good interview is highly unlikely, seeing as he's said over and over again for the past 3-4 months that he wants to get back into the ring. Than came the delusional statements such as "I can have a run as WWEWHC" and "Brock Lesnar better not say my name again..." followed by embarrassing attempts to gain interest a in Hogan/Austin, or Hogan/Rock, or Hogan/Lesnar, or Hogan/Cena etc. match.

I agree that some people will criticize Hogan no matter the situation, but this is a legitimate reason for criticism.
He's probably just messing with all the internet smarks, To be fair with some people Hogan just can't win and never will win and will critisize anything the guy does or says, The guy hasn't wrestled on a full time schedule for like nearly 20 years, His last match was over 3 years ago which he lost and I can't even remember his last match before that, Its not like he's still dominating over all the current talent, I don't think he has any kind of agenda other than giving an interesting interview. Wrestling is just so negative now boxing fans don't critisize Mohamed Ali or baseball fans Babe Ruth when they ever made appearances or interviews etc but wrestling fans seems so negative and go out of their way to critisize rather than see a topic which they have no interest in and ignoring it.

I'm not hating on him either, I just wish he would stop. I'm a fan of his, and it makes me sad that he can't seem to get it through his head, that his time in a wrestling ring doing matches is over.

The poor guy can barely walk to the ring anymore, and no wrestler worth his salt today in the WWE would even go up against him. Can you imagine having it on your resume that you are the wrestler that broke a 60 year old Hulk Hogan in half. I wouldn't want that, it's not something to be proud of.

Hogan is great at promoting the product, he is arguably the most famous name other than the Rock in professional wrestling today. I don't get why he doesn't think that's enough.
Hogan and Austin are just working together. Hyping up for a potential match.

They are just working. It has happens all the time in wrestling to create a potential match.

I don't understand why some IWC don't understand that.

Austin himself said: "There was never any heat between me and Hogan."

They are good friends.
Austin closest friend is Kevin Nash, which are close to Hogan as well.

Stone Cold:
There was never any heat with myself and Hogan. Even when I was hardly anybody in WCW I was competing with that guy. I wanted to be the best. And finally Stone Cold Steve Austin, the run that I had was not that long but very intense and white hot. The run that Hogan had lasted over thirty years. One of the best in the history of the business with world-wide name recognition. So I was very competitive with that guy, protective of my own legacy.”


The kayfabe-bubble for IWC. They want to believe everything that happens in the ring is real. But outside they are all just good friends.

Austin and Hogan are working together, you and The Boss should also work together and make the IWC see light why STONE COLD and HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN are better than anything the WWE can present in time for Wrestlemania 31. Their presence alone will shake the building up, the younger wrestlers will have so much to learn, the McMahons will have so much money to make, the IWC too will have so much to discuss. But nobody seems to be getting it! Show them the way, Stonecoldhell.
Is there actually a point to this thread? or is it another puff piece?

At the end of the day Hogan wants to wrestle a match and get a payday, he feels his best shot at the maximum is to coax Austin out of retirement. Never mind that the match would stink worse than Ultimate Warrior's 22 year old Shango vomit... Hogan wants it and he will do whatever he has to to get it.

He's called out a successive number of people higher up the card and in the legend bracked to no avail... Cena didn't bite, why should he? Austin knows IF he's ever gonna come back he ain't working with Hulk and has said it would have been bad at WM19 so passed on it, why would he do it at 31 unless he was desperate for cash himself?

So you'll see Hogan start on some new talent, probably Rusev.... I can see him try and attack Rusev's honor, try and goad a match based on Hogan being the "American Hero" and then he'll go even lower down the card... He wants his match and will do whatever it takes...

Best thing WWE can do is publicly state Hogan, Flair, indeed anyone over the age of Sting plus one year will not wrestle for them again. Takes Hulk out of the game for good.
The only time Hogan will wrestle again, is for a company in desperate need of money and only hires him for a one night only event. And that will not be the WWE.

He's not going to wrestle Austin, Taker, Rusev or anyone else on the WWE card, and God knows where these ideas come from.

Robtaylor had the best idea, a new rule. No one over a certain age can wrestle for them.
I think it is pretty obvious that Hogan and Austin are working together to get the IWC going. And I for one, am not buying into their shit.

Hogan is long since past it in a wrestling capacity. As a personality, he can still be useful. He looked good at WrestleMania when he was talking with Stone Cold and The Rock. And, come to think on it, he looked pretty fucking chummy with Austin that night.

All of this is a desperate attempt to test the waters of the IWC and see if they really want to see something like that. Well, if you're listening Hogan, no one does.
Hogan can't understand that his time is long gone, the young guys he worked with on Smackdown 12 years ago are now considered Legends and retired for the most part, rookies from 2003-2004 are now main event veterans, Hogan couldn't wrestle back then, and he for sure can't now, why he thinks otherwise is beyound me.

WWE in general need to move on from old guys.
Austin and Hogan are working together, you and The Boss should also work together and make the IWC see light why STONE COLD and HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN are better than anything the WWE can present in time for Wrestlemania 31. Their presence alone will shake the building up, the younger wrestlers will have so much to learn, the McMahons will have so much money to make, the IWC too will have so much to discuss. But nobody seems to be getting it! Show them the way, Stonecoldhell.
While it is true that they are working together by taking shots at each other for publicity, it's not for a match. Austin doesn't want to be in a position where he has to put his popularity against HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S. There are still a lot of marks who believe the absurdity that Austin was more popular than HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN. Even Austin doesn't believe that. That's why he won't face HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN. If Austin gets out popped like The Rock (who had already surpassed Austin in popularity) did, then it will forever shatter Austin's myth of popularity. As Austin said in the quote provided by stonecoldhell, "I was protecting my legacy." That's why there will be no match. So in a sense HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN is right, Austin is a coward. Not that he's necessarily afraid of getting beat up, but he's afraid of getting out popped.

But you are right in that if a match did happen - even today - it would blow the roof off of the place. Even older and broken down the fans have more love for these guys than anyone in WWE right now. I certainly wouldn't mind seeing it. It certainly would be a bigger draw than a match with Cena (although sadly a match with Cena would receive higher billing on the card). Although I really have my heart set on seeing HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN win one more World title.
The only time Hogan will wrestle again, is for a company in desperate need of money and only hires him for a one night only event. And that will not be the WWE.
NWA World champion? All Japan Triple Crown Champion? WWC Universal Champion? Hell, even a return to TNA to win the TNA World title. They all sound good to me. Where ever HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN goes I go.

Robtaylor had the best idea, a new rule. No one over a certain age can wrestle for them.
Wow! Such blatant bigotry. Why don't you just say, "no blacks" or "no one under 270 lbs" while you're at it?
Wow! Such blatant bigotry. Why don't you just say, "no blacks" or "no one under 270 lbs" while you're at it?

Ummmm, what? Making a rule that no one past a certain age can engage in a highly physical activity, that could see them having a heart attack, breaking something from the simplest of moves, and putting another person's safety at risk because they are not physically fit to be out there is common sense, not bigotry.
Ummmm, what? Making a rule that no one past a certain age can engage in a highly physical activity, that could see them having a heart attack, breaking something from the simplest of moves, and putting another person's safety at risk because they are not physically fit to be out there is common sense, not bigotry.

Not everyone ages the same way. Not everyone's body breaks down at the same rate. Some die as infants others live a healthy life and are active well into their 70s and 80s. Saying, "I don't want to employ them just because of their age." is not only bigotry, but ILLEGAL.
An employer has the right to hire whomever they want. If they feel they are creating an unsafe work environment by allowing a man who cannot pass the physical test to ensure that they will be safe in the ring, that's their decision. Crying racism or bigotry is something people do when they don't get what they want. Putting another performer out there with someone who isn't safe is also most likely breaking some laws. Good luck to anyone who tries to sue the WWE for not letting them in the ring at 60 years of age.
An employer has the right to hire whomever they want. If they feel they are creating an unsafe work environment by allowing a man who cannot pass the physical test to ensure that they will be safe in the ring, that's their decision. Crying racism or bigotry is something people do when they don't get what they want. Putting another performer out there with someone who isn't safe is also most likely breaking some laws. Good luck to anyone who tries to sue the WWE for not letting them in the ring at 60 years of age.
Learn the laws.

Age Discrimination in Employment Act.

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) can be found at 29 U.S.C. 621-634. It prohibits discrimination based on age against employees who are at least 40 years old. It also prohibits employers from retaliating against an applicant or employee for asserting his or her rights under the ADEA. To learn more about retaliation, see Nolo's article Preventing Retaliation Claims by Employees.

The ADEA prohibits age discrimination in all terms and conditions of employment, including hiring, firing, compensation, job assignments, shift assignments, discipline, and promotions. A separate law, the Older Workers Benefits Protection Act (OWBPA), protects employees over the age of 40 from discrimination in benefits.
NWA World champion? All Japan Triple Crown Champion? WWC Universal Champion? Hell, even a return to TNA to win the TNA World title. They all sound good to me. Where ever HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN goes I go.

You are living in the past. All those accomplishments came when he was a young man. He is no longer a young man.

Wow! Such blatant bigotry. Why don't you just say, "no blacks" or "no one under 270 lbs" while you're at it?

For what saying a 60 year old man with major health issues shouldn't be in a wrestling ring. Are you serious, or just plain stupid? That is not bigotry that's outright common sense. And nice try throwing everything else against the wall to see if it will stick, it won't.

You claim to be a huge fan of the man, you said you would go wherever he goes. Let me ask you a very simple question? How would you feel if Hogan got into the ring and was seriously and I mean seriously injured, crippled or worse because of it? Would you still blindly be calling for one last match or would you finally realize that your hero has seen better days, and is on the far downside of his career?

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