HHH or Batista=Better Heel Turn?

Batista or HHH?

  • Batista

  • HHH

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Dark Match Jobber
I was reading the other thread on whether guys wanna see HHH/Oront continue or have HHH/Batista and I was wondering who you guys would rather have turn heel, HHH or Batista.

HHH - as a heel he has been amazing and this can be benificial to new storylines and him actually putting over some younger faces. The problem is he can't align himself with Orton and he is not going to be completely hated unless he takes out HBK and Steph goes heel and they start using their relationship as a power trip type thing.

Batista - this can be very interesting as it allows for multiple new feuds but the only problem I have is that he CANNOT work the mic to save his life, he's always stumbling thru his promos and talks like he's slow. I think aligning him with someone else, like maybe Orton or some young guys would work good.

I still haven't fully decided which way I would vote but want to hear your thoughts...
Triple H is a better natural heel, but they have built him up as a "family man" so it would be hard to turn him now. It would be the ultimate swerve, but may do more harm than good for the WWE in the long run as WHY HHH would want to beat the snot out of Randy Orton for so long then go to being his ally.

Because of that, right now, a Batista turn would be better. You can have HHH return at Judgement Day, get back at Orton and causing Batista to lose his shot at the title via DQ. Batista then can align himself with Orton as Orton's personal enforcer and put Batista in a fued with Dibiase (rumored to be turning face) when Orton feels he is a weak link. It all ends when Batista gets power hungry again and turns face to end his career.

WWE needs the faces to start talking more, or their work is going to get old, fast. With Orton, Batista can be the guy next to Orton, come across as the heel and the bad guy, but not have to do any talking.
It's about time for the game to be a heel again. Batista should stay a face because he still gets pretty good reactions from a live crowd. When Batista was a heel the last time around, his role was being the enforcer of Evolution. I just don't think Batista would have that much depth as a heel. His promos are average at best, and his only really memroable moment as heel to me is when he beat down Goldberg when his WHC years ago on Raw. HHH making a heel turn would make more sense because him taking out Batista just because he cost him the WWE campionship would draw enromous heat. Orton punted Vince and Shane, and gave Stephanie an RKO and DDT. And then in the end all HHH cared about was losing his WWE championship (similar to HHH's obsession over the WHC years ago). I don't think they should so Mcmahon-Hemsley Era part 2 because it's already been done.
It's a shame I can't say both. I'll pick Batista simply because he hasn't been a heel since breaking away from Evolution. Besides, we know they're going to run Batista/Cena again so one of them might as well be a heel.
Turn Batista heel. Have him become a monster heel but not immediately. Have a triple threat match at GAB. Have HHH win the title by pinning Batista or stealing the win from Batista. He can then seek revenge from HHH for costing him the title and he can turn either that night or the next on Raw. Batista wins the title at Summerslam and they have another match or two. At Cyber Sunday the fans "vote" Cena in to face Batista and he injures him to where Cena's out til the Rumble. Cena wins the rumble and then the build of Cena saving the WWE from Batista at Wrestlemania.
Batista would have to be part of some group or something if he turns, because he isn't strong enough on the stick to be a good heel, triple H however would be a good heel whether in a group or completely solo, I personally would prefer seeing trips as a heel, mainly because I hate his guts anyway, (he wins too much) and tista should just step away from wrestling, he looks rustier and older every time he's in the ring now. Not to mention I always think he's gonna fall flat on his face when he tries to run up the ring steps in his entrance. Maybe it's just what I want to happen tho, then I'd start liking him more for at least making me smile...
I'm going to go out on a limb and say neither simply because I couldn't care less of either of them stepped through the ropes ever again. Batista is still going to be stiff and awful in the ring whether he's a heel or not. And Triple H is still going to hold back all the great upcoming future stars and he'll do it even more when he's heel. As we all know, heels make better champions for the most part. This way, it gives the fans something to cheer for when a face is going for the title and keeps coming up short one way or another (i.e. Jeff Hardy). Then makes things all the more triumphant when the face overcomes the odds and wins the title. So if Triple H won't let the heels go over him in big events like he didn't with Orton at Mania, how would he ever let a face go over him (other than Cena)? He won't. He's a d-bag. HOWEVER...

if I had to pick one, I would say HHH. As everybody knows, he was born to be a heel and works so much better as a heel. The trouble with becoming a heel on Raw though would be that he'd be put against Batista and Cena for the most part... who are the 2 most unpopular faces on Raw. Cena because... well... you know by now. Batista just sucks in the ring period. He didn't always, but he's become stiffer than a 2x4 with a 2x4 up its ass (yes that's right...wood inside of wood) in the last 2 years or so. His last great match was with Taker at WM23. Batista and Cena at SSlam was overrated and boring IMO. So Batista is just... eh. I hope he retires tomorrow.
But Triple H is just the natural choice. Name the last really good HHH match you saw with him as a face? I can't because I don't think I ever saw one. I did enjoy HHH/Jeff Hardy at Armageddon 07, but that's somewhat bias because I was there. So when Triple H can be in a match, be a monster heel, he can cheat more often, and the Triple H cheater character is the character that got him over big time to begin with while he got all that great hard heel heat.
HHH needs to turn heel but not be alligned with orton. HHH is a natural heel and his face work is just boring. Batista should just give up the buisness and retire because he is just a roid freak with no personality.
The problem with Triple H turning heel again is that he has flip-flopped between face and heel for most of his career. Sure, he's damn good (pun intended) at it, but I think he should at least stay face a little while longer.....at least until WWE thinks people forget the fact that Triple H "outted" himself as being part of the McMahon-clan (which, lets face it, could be next week).

Batista, on the other hand, has been a face for about 4 years now, and it would be a good refresher for his character. The problem lies with Batista's track record, in regards to his injuries. It's been pretty well documented (at least, among the IWC) that Batista is up there, in terms of age, and there has been rumours about his retirement. At this stage in the game, I do not see how a Batista heel turn is possible (certainly not when WWE seems to want Orton at the very top). With his age, and his injuries, I just don't think Batista would make an effective impact, were he to turn heel....but, hell, Ric Flair did it well into 2001/2002, so why the heck not. I vote Batista.
but, hell, Ric Flair did it well into 2001/2002, so why the heck not. I vote Batista.

But you have to be aware that Mr. Flair has more charisma in his anus than Batista has in his entire body, thus Flair could make you feel anything he wants towards him, whether it be a few changes in his ring work or his work on the mic. Batista heel or face would have almost if not the exact same ring work and he's better off not talking on the mic in either case.

But you have to be aware that Mr. Flair has more charisma in his anus than Batista has in his entire body, thus Flair could make you feel anything he wants towards him, whether it be a few changes in his ring work or his work on the mic. Batista heel or face would have almost if not the exact same ring work and he's better off not talking on the mic in either case.


I won't argue your point, because I completely agree. I was simply making a comparison. Even in his "old age", Flair was able to pull a successful heel turn (even if he didn't wrestle that much). If Flair could do it, I see no reason why Big Dave couldn't do it at his age.
Seriously...why are we debating this? Batista isn't good. Nobody cares if he's heel and face. If you want to know, Batista's a better heel. Look at his work with Evolution.

As far as THE heel of our generation, it goes to HHH. This man can get you to hate his stinking guts in .6 seconds. No joke. It's what HHH thrives on. Just listen to any of his interviews on TV or his newspaper articles. The Game is a natural heel. Like Ric Flair. Flair was better than you, hence why he was heel. HHH THINKS he's better than everyone, and sometimes is. That's why you give the heel matchup to HHH. It's not even close.

Need a closer look...

Now I've also been thinking about this subject on the fact that many people have said that they've rather seen HHH as a heel and not a face. Honestly, I'd like to see Batista turn heel, probably sometime this year. I like him as a face and all but to me it's getting a little boring. Maybe getting him in a rivalry with HHH and not another title match for a while. They could keep his heel persona goin until at least he gets ready to leave.

Now HHH as many have said, is a natural heel, but if they make the change, its probably gonna take a while for him to build his rep as a natural heel back up.Like having him attack mysterio beating him to a pulp, or jeff hardy or even batista for that matter. Having him attack someone like cena would still give him some face reactions(cause lets face it, not many people like cena) which he doesn't need as a pure heel.
Batista..face or heel...either way he'll suck. I used to be a fan of his but I got tired of him relying on his physique to carry his career. No mic skills, sloppy in-ring work and I too have been waiting to see the day he trips going up those steps. But if you pair him up with Orton he might have something to offer. So maybe Batista as a heel enforcer could work.

HHH...good face...awesome heel. Trips could turn heel and remain solo since he can't be paired with Orton due to their fued and it would be nice to see that side of him again. I remember the days of HHH vs Cena when HHH would gets massive pops even though Cena was the face...now that was priceless!

What if we kept both face, have them join forces to reform Evolution with Flair coming back as their manager..with the exception of Tony Atlas, I miss the whole manager deal. Evolution vs Legacy..that could work.
I think Batista would be ok as a heel, but he draws pretty well for being a face. We should know that, HHH is a better natural Heel than Batista, but then again, as he is being bult-as a family man kinda guy, it might not work so much. If they do make Batista Hell, then it shouldnt be for long.
Dont get me wrong, I think both men are outstanding heels. Its just I feel Batista makes a better one for just one reason...his look... Lets face it, Batista has gone soft, he is not the incredible monster that he was back in 03. Like a previous user said, it will take HHH a while to become heel but Batista can become one in the blink of an eye. Batista is built like a monster and if he is a heel, he will most likely have better matches and be world champ more often
They can turn HHH while still preserving his family man image. Consider this. After taking out orton, batista talks to steph or something, HHH gets jelous and goes after batista. After that point they can build HHH as kind of the violent jelous type taking out faces he sees as a threat to steph or his merrige (tho its in his head) thus turning him heel. I know it may not be the best idea but meh its what i came up with. As fas as who would be better im middle road. On one hand HHH has the attitude of 'dont mess with me or i'll fuk you up' and is the natural heel. On the other batista is the 'musclebound destroyer' type who could get kicks out of powerbombing weaker foes. Either way could open new doors for alot of people.
I think they both badly need to turn heel to freshen up their characters, but I think Batista will be the first to turn, probably within the next month or 2.

They've already been planting the seeds for his heel turn in recent weeks (either that or they're just booking to be a gullible idiot of a babyface) with the Orton promo at Backlash about him still fighting to defend HHH's title even after all these years. Also, on Raw, Legacy beat down Shane for like 10 mins, then Batista finally runs out to make the save right after they've finished...a bit late Dave.

Once they get the Orton-Batista match at the PPV out the way I don't think it'll be long before he turns, I think the main reason will be to build him up as a mega heel, destroying everyone, then the only person who can stop him is Cena, probably at Wrestlemania, you just know WWE has wanted to do this match on a huge scale for years.
dBoretista needs to just call it a career and take a walk out the door. Triple H is the BEST heel of our generation and there is no comparison. And I was thinking, if Triple H turned heel, then HBK could turn heel as well and they could have their little D-X reunion after the summer but it will be a heel D-X which would take Trips out of the title picture and bring some freshness to the stale D-X storyline..........

EDIT - I don't know who sent me the comment asking me if I was RVDFan but I can assure you that I am not.....
I like HHH as heel but I think the WWE bringing him and steph's real marriage and kids in the show has crippled him!!

So with that being said Batista would be most likely for a heel change but HHH would be much better
I think the Batista turn is more necessary at this point, because he's only going to be around for so much longer. The one thing that's really left for him is the Cena feud, which was left unfinished after their Summerslam encounter. What needs to happen is that he needs to turn, and then go after Cena hard, trying to prove that he's the top guy in the company. Then, of course, he returns the favor to Cena when they eventually wrestle. He probably wouldn't have to go full blown heel for this, but he would do some heelish things.

Aside from that, and since he's injured, I don't think any turn is necessary right now. You have Cena and HHH on the face side, and you have Orton, Big Show, and now Swagger on the heel side. I think that's even enough. An HHH heel turn wouldn't make a lot of sense at this point, although I've seen a lot of people who want it to happen. They just have to end the HHH/Orton stuff ASAP, and then let both guys move on to other things.
Batista doesn't need the turn. Sure, he's stale. But it will keep being the same stale feuds when he turns anyway. At least he still gets cheered all the time and his face heat isn't faltering. Add on to that the fact that Batista gets injured so much that people will never get tired of cheering wildly for him upon return and you've got a recipe for a guy who can keep his face heat for the rest of his likely to be short run in the WWE.

Triple H on the other hand has been over-exposed and pushed too hard as a face since 2006. And he was pushed down our throats before that too, only as a heel. His heat was dying before Mania and he was actually booed at Backlash... But not Cena-like "insane reaction" heat... It was like his heat had finally died like it had been doing the last few months before that. Sure, he hiatus freshened him up. But if he's staying on long term witht he company like we all think he is, eventually he's gonna be the guy who needs to switch more.
Defenitly HHH. I couldn't give two shits what Batista does. I think a lot of the older wrestling fans would agree when it comes to HHH turning heel. To me, HHH is overall a better heel than he is a face. I liked him way better when he was the guy obsessed with having the belt around his waist and he would stop at nothing to get it.
Triple H as "The Game" is a natural heel. He spent the majority of this decade building himself into this ultra badass, power hungry control freak type of character that I just can't picture him as a face anymore.

They've built him into a kind of family man now, who occassionally does something thats reminiscent of how he behaved while a member of DX during the 90s. Doesn't work with Triple H anymore. Seeing him try to be funny now really just looks kinda sad. "The Game" isn't supposed to be funny. He was funny back when he was HBK's flunky, but that's been like 12 years ago. And at nearly 40, seeing him try to behave like some wild frat boy is just pityful. Although, thankfully, the WWE hasn't really done that with him in quite a while. Simply put, Triple H is better and more interesting as a heel now.

As for Batista, the guy's too stale to be a legitimate heel on his own. While he was with Evolution, he had Trips, Flair and Orton to play off of. He didn't have to do or say anything. On his own, he doesn't have the charisma to be interesting enough to pull it off. Besides, he's majorly over as a face on Raw for some damn reason. He comes out and shakes the ropes and does his little foot stomping thing and the crowd goes wild.
I wish HHH (who reminds me of another HHH both in the ring and in the booking backstage..... Hollywood Hulk Hogan) would just retire and get as far away from booking as possible. But, yeah, he should turn heel otherwise.

Batista should either turn heel and either rarly speak while just tearing through the roster (similar to Goldberg in WCW, but without The Streak... just be a non-talking monster), become an enforcer - but more of a monster-enforcer, or just retire. I used to like him when he was fueding against Preparation-H for the World Heavyweight Title, but now he gets on my nerves and is just a pathetic joke.

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