Batista Heel Turn?

Batista cant make it as a heel he had to be carried as a heel in Evolution and only because Flair was teaching him during the whole Evolution storylines
Actually I think Batista will be a strong heel now and possibly the start of a new fresh Batista because he was a face for well over two years and it was getting boring. During the Evolution storylines I agree that he wasn't that good of a heel but he was learning so to speak, and now he can be the top heel or one of the top heels with Booker who at this point seems to be in the upper-mid card. Personally I think this is a good choice by the bookers and writers (believe it or not LOL) a heel turn is what he needs to futher his carrer even more.

pastie out (yes i know im leaving but im checking to see where i post ppov)
I think Batista would make a MUCH better heel. I look back at his days as Leviathan in OVW, and he seemed like he was a.) a better wrestler and b.) a VERY good heel. I could see him coming out and dominating the competition as a monster heel, and it would actually bring some credibilty to him, instead of him being shoved down our throats with this fake, nice guy, I'll kiss your baby and grin kind of attitude he has. If WWE was smart, they would've made him a heel a LONG time ago.
he would make a great heel jus based on the fact that i hate him as a face...alot of people hate him anyway due to his limited moveset so they should turn him and cena to heels but they arent gonna do either anytime soon, especially not cena cuz they love him but they dont like batista as much cuz of his backstage attitude
It would be good if he did turn heel. But the fans have only just got used too batista being face. If Triple H goes too smackdown he could join up with him again then he could reform evolution. They just need Ric Flair or a new member.
Batista is garbage whether he is heel or face. just like cena and just like Lashley. No talent no wrestling ability losers that nobody with a brain recognizes as a champion...
Turn Batista heel, then let him feud for a while then fire his ass.

E.G. I would hate to see Evolution reunite, well Triple H and Flair would be ok, but Batista got a push from Triple H at Mania and he hasn't used that push to what it could be, I mean look he still sucks in the ring and on the mic.
I would rather see Batista/Cena heel than The Undertaker or HBK. Since these 2 are veteran superstars while Cena/Batista are just rising superstars and have only been in the WWE brand for more than 4years
Yeah They Should Make Him Or Cena Heel So They Can Feud With HBK/ The Undertaker longer
If they were to turn Batista heel, fans will hate him, not from the fact that he's a heel. It's the fact that he has no passion for the business. But, Vince will still continue to keep him, because he's a moneymaker for the kids.
Heres how you turn him heel. First he loses at Backlash. Rey Mysterio comes back to action, hes gonna have a match against someone ( ex. Finlay) and hes going to win, Batista comes out applauding Rey's victory ( b/c it took him a long time to get back to the ring, etc.), he joins him in the ring, raises his arm in victory, then WHAM!! nails him with a giant clothesline, Batista Bomb, Done. From there make him live up to his name " The Animal", have him destroy everyone in sight (similar to when Brock first started) and make his character become obsessed with the title. Since the fans already dislike him due to his lack of passion, he becomes the man no fan wants to be champion. Have him win and lose the title over the course of time and it will be gravy. He must become the super bad-ass heel character that no fan will respect in order for this to be a success.
Sorta like HHH September 2002 to July 2005 I Think tat would be cind of good I would enjoy that quit a bit but Taker is the Champ and that wouldnt be very fair on him It could work after Taker looses the belt and say Rey is the champion and Batista turns on him IN the same way as AveKal said
I don't really care about Batista and his heel turn, I think is careless right now, they could push someone else to do his task, I believe that there's nothing else to do with him, after Judgement Day, I predict that it will be his last chance for the title (or not it depends on Vince), they will put him again as face, facing Mark Henry or even Great Khali but after that... there's nothing else, if they move him to RAW or even ECW it would be good for him and for SmackDown! that needs a new main-eventer (at this time not only one anyway).
I think Batista would make an amazing heal, he has the look and the wrestling skills for a heal, and he was a monster in Evolution. I'd much rather see a Heal Batista as Champion right now, but he's really the only Face on Smackdown right now that can hold the title, or at least that Vince will let hold it (...benoit...) I'd say that his best chance right now, since Taker is gonna be giving up the title, is to give it to Batista, turn him heal, and make him feud with Benoit. I'd love to see that feud. Drag it through Summerslam, with Batista picking up multiple victorys against Benoit, most cheap ones, then have Benoit win the title at the Biggest Party of the Summer, 3 years after he lost it. Batista will go another month to feud with benoit, have a rivalry with someone else for a few months, then team with Orton around the Rumble, and eventually start a feud with HHH and Flair at WM24. That's the best move for the WWE IMO right now.
What the writers are doing right now with Batista and HBK aswell is sort of cheesing me off a bit.

They haven't made it totally clear as to whether they have totally gone heel or not, we all know the HBK can play an amazing heel but he hasn't done anything "heelish" enough to go all the way.

The same thing with Batista aswell, he talks some trash and whatnot but the same as HBK he hasn't done anything majorly "heelish" like maybe Edge or Mr. Kennedy would do.
Batista is a worthless musclehead and will be forgotten about in 5 years. Yes I just said that

Batista is actually a good wrestler and he keep on improving his wrestlemania match with the Undertaker is actually a decent match and his Backlash rematch with the Undertaker is actually his greatest match in his entire WWE Career not to count his Hell in a Cell match with HHH 2 yrs. ago.
I would love to see this Friday the Undertaker either win or dominate Batista and then all the heels from the locker room come out beat down Undertaker. Taker can maybe even have a coffin a ringside for Batista. but they all put Taker in it (ala Yokozuna/Undertaker years ago).

The title is then vacated and there is a giant tournament. Batista is then a heel, but doesn't need to feud with anyone specific until the tournament ends. The finals could be Benoit/Batista, they can go for a month or two, then Mysterio returns or HBK/another face switches to Smackdown.
Batista would get over more as a heel. I liked his heel run in evolution and he has the charisma and mic skills for it. I would like to see him do something original instead of doing a repeated angle that WWE did a long time ago. I would rather have him attack Undertaker before the steel cage match and then as the steel cage match happens Taker doesn't show up and he says he deserves to be the champion since Taker no showed and then Long comes out and tell's Batista it was because of his actions Taker wasn't there and say's there is going to be a tournament. Then they do an angle where they say Batista put Taker out of action for 6-8 months on a injury.
Considering they have advertised two main events in the past two weeks that didn't happen that night (HBK/Cena and Edge/Orton), I don't think that adding a third in three weeks would be wise. Plus, I think it's fun for fans to see an old reference to a previous angle. The fact is, it worked the first time, Batista can even say that it worked in the past.

I don't know what Taker's condition is right now, but I would hope they are able to put on some type of match. Obviously not if his health is at risk though. Although, I don't see them having a normal match and Batista winning cleanly.
I think we can say ''Bye-Bye'' to a Batista heel turn. It looks like he's going over in that Steel Cage match with 'Taker and they don't want to turn him heel. Kennedy is fine where he is at and he should win that damn Title. As for a Batista heel turn, not likely, but hopefully it happens.
no matter wot appens batista will always suk , he has little ability even tho ill give him credit his matches with taker were betta than expected, and cuts the worst promo in the world ! doesnt deserve any more than mid-card and a heel turn may be more interestin than his current ways or maybe send him over to RAW as a heel to fued wif Cena :)
Batista is simply another muscle headed talentless wrestler who vince hired because he loves them big. The only time he looks good is when he is facing a legend like taker or HHH. But for the most part the guy is unwatchable and will not turn heel because the crowd loves him too much. So until they turn on him it wont happen
They have has moments where Batista has almost turned heel for a while, including last year's No Way Out when he attacked Undertaker. There is desperate need for another top heel in WWE, as there are plenty of faces now. I think Batista needs to make a heel turn. Have in run-in on a Mysterio beat down only to help Edge, or anything along those lines. It doesn't matter how, but Batista must make the switch now!

I think if Batista did turn heel he would need to stay as he is in the sense that he does everything himself. I wouldn't wamt to see him as a heel and becoming Edge's bitch. He has shown he can pull off a heel persona with Evolution, so without me thinking it through thoroughly, yeah, it would be worth a try

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