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Here Come The Money... Floyd Mayweather That Is

Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
WrestleZone News Page said:
Boxing Fanhouse has posted an interview with Floyd Mayweather, Jr. On the possibility of Mayweather working for WWE full-time, he said the following: "Right now, I'm looking at the WWE. I talked with the McMahon family and they're happy with the idea. So I may move there full-time. I don't know."

So, it seems there is a slight possibility for the boxer to become the next employee of the WWE as an active member of the roster. From his last endeavours with the E during his feud with the Big Show for WrestleMania 24 & his appearance as special RAW guest host, there was some following by the wrestling fans & seemed to attract some of the "real fighting fans" to the WWE Programming. If he does come to the E, he needs to turn heel as many audiences that have seen him don't like him as a face. He is too cocky & arrogant to be a face if he works full-time.

I would have no idea how they would use the boxer in the wrestling ring as all he can do is brawl. This would make for some okay matches with the likes of John Cena, Triple H, William Regal & Paul Burchill... but other than these guys, there isn't much for him to do except bring in the ratings.

What do you think of the possible move for Mayweather to the WWE as an active full-time member of the roster?
As a manager or GM? Absolutely.

Mayweather is charismatic, and arrogant as all get out. He can be a great character who occasionally wrestles. I don't want him to become a full-time member of the roster, as I don't think it will really work well. However, he can be trained to sometimes wrestle, while serving as a mouthpiece for a monster heel, or as an arrogant GM.

Of course, this could go the other way and he could be a cocky face, like when he helped MVP during his stint as guest host.

I wouldn't mind seeing him work for the WWE (though I'd far prefer Shaq).
I can't see Mayweather being general manager so a manager for a superstar is more likely. Problem is, there are virtually no managers in the WWE. Estrada was great for Umaga but when he went to ECW, Umaga was never the same with injuries and other stuff. I see Mayweather as more of a heel manager but who will he be the manager of? Most likely he'll be on RAW and Swagger, Orton, or Miz doesn't really need a manager. For the short term this could work but the long-term is in doubt.
i dont like the idea, of bringing in a small boxer in a world full of huge guys in wrestling. It doesn't seem realistic for him to wrestle, maybe box, but not wrestle. I know you all might say Rey is small, but Rey is built. Probably cause of roids but whatever.

Anyways, i do like Mayweathers mic skills.. hes really not that bad.. when him and Jericho faced off, he did a real good job looking "real", unlike the other celebs who have hosted. Both him and Shaq. So ya, general manager.. manager.. anything but wrestler.
he would definitely be a manager, but i don't reckon he'll be raw, the ratings are decent enough on raw, i reckon he'll go to smackdown and manage one of the up and comers there. personally i'd like to see him manage MVP. they're 2 peas from 1 pod, but MVP is now on raw and is a face. so on smackdown he could maybe manage someone in a feud with the undertaker, think about it, everyone is always talking about how taker is the best pure striker in WWE, so who better than money mayweather to teach someone how to strike better? just a thought.
I would love for Money to come to the WWE full time. The first thing I would do is start a feud with the Big Show. After all that $#!+ talking, book a match between Jericho and Show vs. Mayweather and a mystery partner for the Unified Tag Titles. Floyd’s Tag Team partner…Big Shaq!! Of course, I wouldn’t have the Champs lose the Straps. That would look dumber than Angle and Sting losing to R-Truth and Pac-Man.
How about 'Money' Mayweather managing Shelton Benjamin, that uses him and give Shelton the one thing he is really lacking! That would work...
Floyd Mayweather is a punk, plain and simple. I could give two shits if he hosted Raw or ate a hot lead sandwich, he defines everything that is wrong with rich and soulless people. Any TV time given to that sad bastard is time I'll likely be switching the channel.
I am a huge fan of Floyd Mayweather Jr. I think he's Pound 4 Pound one of the greatest boxers in history, and I also believe he's the most flamboyant, charismatic boxer we've had this generation.

I would love to see him come to WWE full time. First and foremost, I just think he'd make a fantastic professional wrestler. I mean, I LOVED his match with the Big Show at Wrestlemania; that was more than enough to convince me he would do a great job at this. And even though he's small, he truly has a larger than life personality and his legitimate persona would cancel that out automatically. Moreover, I think he has potential to be the most hated heel we've had in the sport since Roddy Piper.

So, yes... I am all in favor of this. Hopefully we'll get a Mayweather/Pacquiao fight before he decides to do professional wrestling full time, but if and when that fight goes down, there's nothing I would love to see more than Money Mayweather come to WWE full time. :)
I think it could be interesting, depending on what role they'd have for him. I don't know if I'm all that interested to see him be part of the roster as a wrestler. Sure, he's athletic and all but would he actually go through with the training of becoming a pro wrestler and treat it seriously? Who knows.

As a manager, however, I could definitely see it. Mayweather has charisma whether you like the guy or not and I think he could pull a cocky heel off with ease. All he'd really need to do, overall, is just work on his mic skills and I'd say he'd have little trouble getting over. I could see him managing a heel MVP. Ultimately, if he were to sign with the WWE and they made him a manager, there's always the chance that his presence will just overshadow whoever they pair him up with.
It would be funny to see him giving striking lessons to a guy almost twice his size, but I fear that with his cocky and arrogant attitude and him being the manager he might hog the mic and overshadow his "client".

What would happen if he managed Kofi?:suspic:
he might probably join WWE after he loses his bout on Saturday sept 19th to Juan Manuel Marquez who knows I find him to be conceited cocky arrogant little beep anyways we ll see he tends to run his mouth at anyone!

super lightweight boxing champion Floyd Mayweather is still running his mouth, saying in a recent Yahoo!Sports.com article that, “UFC’s champions can’t handle boxing. That’s why they are in UFC.”

Back in March, we passed along a statement from “Pretty Boy” that more or less dissed UFC Light Heavyweight Champion Chuck Liddell, as well as the sport of mixed martial arts.

Apparently, he still has more to say on the issue. And, UFC President Dana White — not surprisingly — has taken the bait, offering to pay Mayweather millions to back up his talk.

Here’s a snip from White:

“I used to talk like Floyd Mayweather when I was involved in boxing. I talked just like him, until I educated myself about this sport. These guys are amazing athletes, Floyd Mayweather is one of the best boxers ever, (and) Sean Sherk will whoop his ass in under two minutes. Any day that Mayweather wants to put his money and his ass where his mouth is, I’m ready. If he wants to step up, let’s do it. I’m willing to put together a fight for Sean Sherk and Floyd Mayweather with numbers that would make sense for Floyd. And I guarantee you he would not accept it. Floyd Mayweather would never fight in the UFC because he would get his head ripped off.“

On May 5, Mayweather will step into the ring with Oscar De La Hoya for what should be an enormous payday — somewhere in the range of $20 million.

Put simply, even the top UFC fighters don’t take home that kind of purse on one night … not even close.

Most likely, this is a cunning move on the part of Mayweather to promote his upcoming bout at a time when his sport is literally on the ropes. It’s too bad White has been suckered into a war of words about a hypothetical fight that will never happen.

And even if it does, it would be a laughing stock. In addition, why pay Mayweather millions and not your own fighters?

Wasn’t anything learned from the trainwreck that was “Bad Blood?”

Apparently not.
Ha Mayweather, really? Come on he doesn't even qualify the size Vince likes and there's no cruiserweight division for him to fight in anymore. You think Mayweather would like to get booked to lose? I don't think so. The man has done a pretty good job of choosing his battles to be undefeated in boxing so I doubt he'd tarnish his legacy in WWE. Because of Charisma yeah let him be a GM or Manager but anything else would be a waste and should be intended for wrestlers that actually deserve it.

I know this is better suited for a different site or thread but Mayweather is just a punk that ducks real challenges and when his divisions get filled up with dudes that are legitimate threats he either retires or wait till them dudes are washed up before he fights them. Then again it's my opinion. If he goes to the WWE hopefully it's a shorty managerial stint.
A regular attention wh*re, but that's exactly the kind of attitude that makes a good heel, manager or wrestler, plus being a "celeb", there's probably no way WWE would pass it up if it involves a quick ratings boost.
Not happening. Vince can't afford him.

Ha Mayweather, really? Come on he doesn't even qualify the size Vince likes and there's no cruiserweight division for him to fight in anymore.

Size? LOL. He is Mayweather, the guy draws more then the WWE name itself. Vince could care less if he lacks size.
Well, looks like Triple H made a fool out of himself at the Mayweather/Marquez Weigh-In. I personally think Michael Buffer made a mistake in hyping Mayweather knocking Big Show on his ass. When in public, people do not like having their intelligence insulted and that all goes back to a thread topic I participated in about how kayfabe needs to start and end during the show ... and that's it. When in public, people need to be out of character, and all WWE representatives should portray the company as solely entertainment ... not as a legitimate sport. Big mistake with this crowd.

Here is the video, in which Triple H received a large amount of boos from the crowd, and which nobody responded positively to his "Are you ready" line on the two occasions he tried it.

Mayweather in the WWE would be gold. Fucking gold. If he came to the WWE, he would bring all of the MMA crowd in, and he's more charismatic than 75% of the roster.. And I don't think size is a factor. Not many guys in real life are the size of a John Cena or a Randy Orton. What he lacks in size, he makes up for in mic skills. I don't know if his promos were scripted or not, but he still killed everytime he talked on the mic. As Doc said, he could be a perfect GM or manager, with the occasional wrestling role, but even if he was a full time wrestler, I could see him bringing some legitimacy to the WWE, World Heavyweight, or even ECW Championships. Mayweather would fit perfectly in the WWE. If he was a face, he could be the rich, charismatic, underdog from the streets who never gives up. Kind of like Rey Mysterio with charisma. Or if he was a heel, he could be a cowardly, charismatic rich guy who hides behind his money and is all-talk, no substance. If this actually happens, it would be gold for the WWE and for Mayweather.
Mayweather in the WWE would be gold. Fucking gold. If he came to the WWE, he would bring all of the MMA crowd in, and he's more charismatic than 75% of the roster.. And I don't think size is a factor. Not many guys in real life are the size of a John Cena or a Randy Orton. What he lacks in size, he makes up for in mic skills. I don't know if his promos were scripted or not, but he still killed everytime he talked on the mic. As Doc said, he could be a perfect GM or manager, with the occasional wrestling role, but even if he was a full time wrestler, I could see him bringing some legitimacy to the WWE, World Heavyweight, or even ECW Championships. Mayweather would fit perfectly in the WWE. If he was a face, he could be the rich, charismatic, underdog from the streets who never gives up. Kind of like Rey Mysterio with charisma. Or if he was a heel, he could be a cowardly, charismatic rich guy who hides behind his money and is all-talk, no substance. If this actually happens, it would be gold for the WWE and for Mayweather.

I totally agree with you on that JKO. The man is extremely charismatic. Having him join the WWE would not only bring in the MMA crowd but it would garner some potential fans from boxing too. I'm sure Vince would be willing to pay whatever he could to get Mayweather and expand the fanbase and make even MORE money. He would bring some legitimacy to the belts as he would be billed as the only boxer to ever hold a WWE Championship or something like that. I really like your ideas here JKO.
If I could be serious for a moment:
Maybe he'll replace Jerry Lawler if he's elected mayor of Memphis... I can already imagine it...

-Cole:Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the longest running episodic television program in history, WELCOME TO MONDAY NIGHT RAW. I'm Michael Cole along side my broadcast college... Floyd "Money" Mayweather!

-Floyd:Its yo' boy Money Mayweather and we are kickin' it raw, live on RAW.

-Cole:Hahahaha! That is vintage Mayweather...

Don't hate me...

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