Mayweather rewarded 20 million???

A 20 Million dollar pay off for a guy who lacks any kind of charisma. WOW! After multiple attempts to sell this piece of crap match the WWE should come up with an injury for Big Show and cancel the match and his undeserved paycheck.
yeah. it's ridiculous to think of the two of them. mayweather can't really reach show to fight him properly.

i disagree though. show has pop to him, but only if he's used the way he should be, as a bully who enjoys destroying people. overused monster heel gimmick, but show is good enough to get away with it because he's got the ability in the ring. that's why i dont like the thought of him being used in a celeb match. the focus isnt about the return of a monster, it's the fight with a midget
That's very true. Show definatley has the ability in the ring, moreso than any of the other super heavyweights right now. He could pull this off against a large sized athlete, maybe someone 6'3 or so. Mayweather is what, 5'8? It's just not realistic. Like you said, Show is just too damn big for mayweather to fight. All he could do is pound away at the stomach, and if that doesn't work he's just screwed. Show could simply just extend his arm and hold mayweather off.
mark henry would have been a better option. big dude, ex-olympian, no-one gives a damn if he loses and short enough to be hit. ok, mayweather could maybe crack a rib or two in a bare-fist fight but show shouldnt lose. as has been said, he looks stupid for fighting a 5'8, 147lb boxer and winning, and ridiculous if he loses. i mean, size and weight wise i put up better stats to face show at 6'1, 200lbs and i'd job to him for $200000 and save a fortune.
One thing I am glad about this is that while it's officially a wreslting match, Mayweather hasn't had anyone "training" him. It'll definately be interesting to see how he handles himself in the ring. I still say this whole thing is being handled wrong. The segments on monday were done so badly, and actually a boxing match between the two might be more realistic. Also on a side note, who is the face and heel in this thing?
no clue. show's probably heel cos of the rey angles. but he's too popular off a comeback and people hate mayweather.

i agree...mayweather looks awful in the ring as though he's genuinely scared. in a fist fight the guy would kill show. at least make him look cocky enough to pull off the arrogance he's trying to by saying he can beat show. i mean you gotta try to mean it even if the guy is 3x your weight and 1'4 taller when you're saying you can
Yeah. No way Mayweather isn't going over in this, but I want to see if wwe can pull that off without completely ending any credibility show has. What will be interesting to me is if Mayweather accidently messes up and throws a real punch and connects. Either show will go crazy and half kill him, or he'll be out cold. I want to see the match, which I guess is what Vince is looking for.
i dont think it can. i dont like celebrities in the ring as they make the wrestler look bad. if he connects with a real punch, show will work stiff with him and given the weight difference, that would destroy mayweather. i think it'll have been discussed, after all, he has de la hoya to think off and can't afford show to kill him.

i'm away here. might continue this tomorrow
I'd heard they were trying to bring in De La Hoya in as well. I think he might've been a better option. If nothing else he'd be a clear cut face in the match, and he's a credible boxer also. Might've worked better, hard to say though.
turned it down. probably didnt want to give anything up before their rematch that could work against him in build up like mayweather claiming 2 wins over him.

surprised they didnt try ricky hatten to have a wrestling rematch.
Yeah I heard about that. For De La Hoya it's probably better that he stayed clear. Wrestling doesn't really seem to fit in with the whole golden boy image. Hatten would be interesting, but I think of the options available, mayweather was teh best choice.
hatten vs mayweather i meant. hatten instead of de la hoya. DLH owns wrestling magazines though so im sure if he hadnt been fighting mayweather this year he might have
That would've been interesting. I'd like to see something where there's a clear cut heel and face. The way it's going now is too russoish for me. The lack of faces and heels was always just bad to me
or even just for fun, bring in evander again and have him team up with someone, and split mayweather's $20mil and get more publicity for your money.

i think it's disgusting that 1 man earns that much though, for 6 years let alone wks
Look there is NO WAY that Floyd is pulling in 20 mil from Vince for a few Raw appearances, some publicity stunts and a 15 minute match at Wrestlemania. The logistics of the whole thing are completely ridiculous. To invest that type of many into one personality is just not a good business decision. I am just getting more and more angry looking at all the posts. BEing a huge fight fan I know what Floyds take home checks are 20 million is the range of what he usually makes for an event. An event that HE HEADLINES, and event where he IS THE MAIN EVENT AND POSSIBLY THE ONLY LEGITIMATE FIGHT ON THE CARD, and an event where its his name and his opponent that sell buys and he therefore gets a cut of those PPV buys. Wrestlemania involves dozens of talents that all need to be paid, are any of you really dumb enough to think that Vince would double his payroll for the entire show on one man. He didn't get to where he is doing things like that. Floyd is getting a couple mil, a chunk of the PPV buys and a chance to dink around and have fun, which if any of you know anything about Floyd, he likes to do more than anything. I also agree Shane O Mac should have been involved. Here comes the money versus Floyd Money Mayweather, would have been sweet.
if mayweather takes home 20 mil normally, wouldn't wwe know that if you wave that cash at him and he's in. if you were offered $20m, you'd do it despite the fact you'd settle for a couple, and you'd damn sure take it when it gets you publicity, which from my limited knowledge of floyd, he likes as well. to quote you, mayweather likes having fun, why wouldnt he like having fun with a big payday and some extra media minutes for doing it.

as for doubling his payroll, what's $20million to Vince. WM will make it and he's taking a risk that if he can keep a few of the extra buys that mayweather generates. i don't think he's worth $20million, but i'd say wwe might pay it to guarantee his appearance
And the only people who HATE Mayweather anymore are all those dumb brits who shelled out their money for a plane ticket, hotel room, and match ticket to watch Floyd beat the sausage and peas out of Ricky Hatton, only to drink their bank accounts worth and lose everything else in the casinos. This is why America works.
i understood all that up until the part where the brits losing money explained america working. but anyway

answer me this though. if you wanted someone and knew his normal earnings, wouldnt you match it? and if you were offered big cash for something you wanted to do, would you turn it down? that is why i can see wwe actually paying that much...they offered and mayweather said thanks.

would i pay it? no. because i dont feel anyone deserves that much money no matter how good they are at boxing. besides, i cant afford it after shelling out all that money to watch hatten lose.
So Vince is going to pay Floyd Mayweath 15 million more dollars than he has ever payed anyone for a one time match, its just not feasible. HE is getting paid, but its not 20 million. I understand your point but it just aint so, I'm sorry.
Go to the Grand Rapids Press (Mayweathers hometown) website and check out their article on this situation as here and various other places you will see anyone with half an f'ing brain know hes not pulling in 20 mil for wrestlemania.
I totally agree with you on this one. For someone as a boxer to come in the pro wrestling world makes me sick. Honestly, like any good marketing ploy from the WWE, the name Meaweather in the sports world coming in to a show like Wrestlemania is a promoter's dream! Sell tickets! I hope the payoff won't be horrendus for the fan's sake but we have to wait and see. Personally I would like to see the Big Show work with someone from within the company rather than just a media side attraction. As far as the $20 million payoff, I have a feeling that's just blown out to media proportions. Maybe, $1 million or $2 tops.
I dont belive it for a second. TWENTY FUCKING MILLION DOLLARS??? Thats probably more than double what all the wrestlers will make for WM combined. And of course WWE reports that Mayweather is making 20 million. Just like they report that Shawn Micheals still weighs 230 pounds. Pro wrestling is all about stretching numbers and creating preceptions that things are much bigger then they actually are, and there is no way I belive Mayweather is making 20 mil, if not jus becuase Wrestling is about fake bloated numbers, for the fact that I dont think it would go over well at all with the guys backstage. No way I belive this.
I dont belive it for a second. TWENTY FUCKING MILLION DOLLARS??? Thats probably more than double what all the wrestlers will make for WM combined. And of course WWE reports that Mayweather is making 20 million. Just like they report that Shawn Micheals still weighs 230 pounds. Pro wrestling is all about stretching numbers and creating preceptions that things are much bigger then they actually are, and there is no way I belive Mayweather is making 20 mil, if not jus becuase Wrestling is about fake bloated numbers, for the fact that I dont think it would go over well at all with the guys backstage. No way I belive this.

E.S.P.N. ran a report on Mayweather and the World Wrestling Entertainment project with him at Wrestlemania. They basically ran down the W.W.E., saying that they projected him at making 20 million with this appearance, then revealed that he was actually only making 1 million.

So yeah, it just goes to show you how outrageous the W.W.E. loves to stretch storylines into purely stupid figures.

Furthermore, in my opinion Mayweather isn't even a big enough name to be making a mere million, let alone the ungawdly figure of 20 large. Seriously, if McMahon blew 20 on Mayweather, I think he needs to just sell the company to a street bum. Because he'd be wasting money like it was nothing.
Honestly, I don't watch Boxing, so I don't know what a boxer would generally make. But for 1, $20 million is a ******ed number for anyone. For that much money, you could probably get your long awaited Hogan Austin match. Plus, after this past RAW, watching Mayweather run down Big show on the tron, that was the worst promo I have ever heard. All it was was Mayweather saying "I'm Floyd Money Mayweather! First I broke your nose, then I'll break your jaw! First I broke your nose, then I'll break your jaw! First I broke your nose, then I'll break your jaw! I'm Floyd Money Mayweather!I'm Floyd Money Mayweather! First I broke your nose, then I'll break your jaw!"
Most repetitive promo ever. My best friend looked at me, and said the most logical four words he's ever said. "Go back to Boxing!"
Don't get me wrong Floyd Matweather is a ridiculous talent and really shouldn't be disrespected but think about it this way, if he could make 20 million dollars for a one time appearance for WWE do you really think he would risk getting in a boxing ring and getting punched in the head for real, numerous times, it's not that hard to understand these things, just think. And for Vince to pay a few million for is appearance is well worth it.

By the way the guy made 50 million dollars boxing last year, he is a big enough name to bring in a couple million.

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