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Floyd Mayweather vs. Shane Mosley

You people are the most disrespectful stupid piles of shit I've ever seen, and your idiocy shines through like sun spot hearing you talk about boxing and last nights fight. Your so fucking stupid and you know so little about boxing of course it was boring to you, you don't know what your watching and can't analyze it. What you understand are guys dry humping on the ground and pretending to know how to fight, throwing little sissy kicks, and doing anything to avoid actually fighting.

If anyone you would have had your heads out of your vaginas or out of the ass of mma, you would have seen a brilliant technical fight from Floyd Mayweather, and Shane Mosley showing the heart of a champion going the distance while taking an ass beating. You fuckers make me sick and truthfully I can say after what I am hearing that I fucking hate you and if I ever had the opportunity I would beat your fucking brains out of your head just like a boxer and show you how in-effective your bullshit mma is. I would gladly demolish any of you as you are primarily wastes of air, life, and skin.

I'd just shoot and rip your knee out of its socket, and they'd crown me the winner. But I mean, with your amazing footwork I'd apparently not be able to get a double, or even a single, on you.

You're just a massive hypocrite.
You people are the most disrespectful stupid piles of shit I've ever seen, and your idiocy shines through like sun spot hearing you talk about boxing and last nights fight. Your so fucking stupid and you know so little about boxing of course it was boring to you, you don't know what your watching and can't analyze it. What you understand are guys dry humping on the ground and pretending to know how to fight, throwing little sissy kicks, and doing anything to avoid actually fighting.

If anyone you would have had your heads out of your vaginas or out of the ass of mma, you would have seen a brilliant technical fight from Floyd Mayweather, and Shane Mosley showing the heart of a champion going the distance while taking an ass beating. You fuckers make me sick and truthfully I can say after what I am hearing that I fucking hate you and if I ever had the opportunity I would beat your fucking brains out of your head just like a boxer and show you how in-effective your bullshit mma is. I would gladly demolish any of you as you are primarily wastes of air, life, and skin.

Mayweather is a very, very boring fighter. He's more of a defensive special who throws very little punches; if you want to see exciting boxing, check out the Marquez/Vasquez trilogy. That was easily one of the greatest series of fights I've seen in recent years. The entire fucking fight was them just pounding each other, with no breather breaks or anything. Amazing.
Found a few videos




I hate the "Punch punch hug" shit. This is completely different. <3
You people are the most disrespectful stupid piles of shit I've ever seen, and your idiocy shines through like sun spot hearing you talk about boxing and last nights fight. Your so fucking stupid and you know so little about boxing of course it was boring to you, you don't know what your watching and can't analyze it. What you understand are guys dry humping on the ground and pretending to know how to fight, throwing little sissy kicks, and doing anything to avoid actually fighting.

If anyone you would have had your heads out of your vaginas or out of the ass of mma, you would have seen a brilliant technical fight from Floyd Mayweather, and Shane Mosley showing the heart of a champion going the distance while taking an ass beating. You fuckers make me sick and truthfully I can say after what I am hearing that I fucking hate you and if I ever had the opportunity I would beat your fucking brains out of your head just like a boxer and show you how in-effective your bullshit mma is. I would gladly demolish any of you as you are primarily wastes of air, life, and skin.

Come on, man; it's really not that serious. So they're disrespectful towards a sport you enjoy... dude, it's nothing to get that upset about. We have Brits here who insult American Football all the time, and Americans who insult Soccer all the time, and nobody gets as upset as you just did, even though people love these sports just as much, if not more, as you do boxing.

It's just a matter of opinion and taste, man. Boxing is for some people, but not everybody, just like MMA and every other sport you can mention.
You people are the most disrespectful stupid piles of shit I've ever seen, and your idiocy shines through like sun spot hearing you talk about boxing and last nights fight. Your so fucking stupid and you know so little about boxing of course it was boring to you, you don't know what your watching and can't analyze it. What you understand are guys dry humping on the ground and pretending to know how to fight, throwing little sissy kicks, and doing anything to avoid actually fighting.

If anyone you would have had your heads out of your vaginas or out of the ass of mma, you would have seen a brilliant technical fight from Floyd Mayweather, and Shane Mosley showing the heart of a champion going the distance while taking an ass beating. You fuckers make me sick and truthfully I can say after what I am hearing that I fucking hate you and if I ever had the opportunity I would beat your fucking brains out of your head just like a boxer and show you how in-effective your bullshit mma is. I would gladly demolish any of you as you are primarily wastes of air, life, and skin.

Way to change everyones opinions that you're a whiny fucking queef.

I love how boxing is the traditional way of fighting to you and yet wrestling and martial arts both out date boxing by centuries. So that statement, one you have mady many times, should die right there. Boxing is no fucking way the traditional way of fighting.

Sissy kicking and dry humping ass you call it...yeah most people would call that being a well rounded fighter. You know, because they have enough skill to use things other than their fists. Sorry that there are a shit load of people that think being able to knock your opponent out multiple ways is more exciting than hugging after one or two punches. But that's not as gay as wrestling right?

Don't fucking sit there and tell me that I don't uderstand boxing you fucking idiot. You do not know me. I've been watching boxing my entire fucking life. You're ignorant. You also look like a fucking joke threatening people over the internet.
You people are the most disrespectful stupid piles of shit I've ever seen, and your idiocy shines through like sun spot hearing you talk about boxing and last nights fight. Your so fucking stupid and you know so little about boxing of course it was boring to you, you don't know what your watching and can't analyze it. What you understand are guys dry humping on the ground and pretending to know how to fight, throwing little sissy kicks, and doing anything to avoid actually fighting.

If anyone you would have had your heads out of your vaginas or out of the ass of mma, you would have seen a brilliant technical fight from Floyd Mayweather, and Shane Mosley showing the heart of a champion going the distance while taking an ass beating. You fuckers make me sick and truthfully I can say after what I am hearing that I fucking hate you and if I ever had the opportunity I would beat your fucking brains out of your head just like a boxer and show you how in-effective your bullshit mma is. I would gladly demolish any of you as you are primarily wastes of air, life, and skin.

No whats disrespectful is they way your coming at people for not liking a fight and or boxing. Everyone has their own opinion you should know that since these are forums for discussions. Where do you live Ill send you a coulpe xanax to calm you down. Like do you think acting like an asshole is a good way to get your point across?? Let me know if you ever make it towards Buffalo, Ill give you a shot and see what your made of, we'll see if your fists are as tough as your typing!

Just think its funny how all the MMA fans dont come at you for not liking it.
I agree , I do like both, I've noticed that mma is a more fast past then boxing.
I'm going to admit that I don't watch either on a regular basis but they are both very entertaining. But I really feel that this boxing and mma crap that's going on is everyone has an opinion and that they are just like ass holes .. everyone has one.
I get it, you can just tear down anything I like, believe in, or support because you don't like me, but God forbid I say anything against you. You are the fucking hypocrites, and it's getting me to the point where I just don't even want to fuck with you people anymore. You have NO respect for anyone or their beliefs unless they are your own, and you do nothing but make your best attempt at beating people down for not thinking the way you do. FUCK YOU and FUCK WHAT YOU STAND FOR, that's my response. Ya know, what really pissed me off here is that none of you could even show just a little respect for the sport of Boxing or either fighter, your so fucking one sided you force me to become one sided myself, and I think you prefer it that way so then you can all gang up and talk shit. You couldn't let one fucking conversation slide without trying to turn it into an argument of MMA being far and away better than boxing as well as their so called fighters.

Fuck you. I don't go into your threads about the big mma fights that are coming and talk a bunch of shit about it. If I did you'd be even more pissed, and I'd get even more hateful responses. It's a double standard and because you the majority support mma over boxing, I become one man trying to defend myself against a whole group, FUCK YOU. That's the way you play. And you know what else, the way to fuckers talk to me, would catch you such a ass beating, not even from me, other people would step up and serve your ass to you on a platter for talking to me like that. You wouldn't dare fuck with me or even try to talk to me the way you do here in person. That's what pisses me off more. If you did, you'd pay for it. Not for saying something I didn't like, but for trying to talk tough and get in the face of someone you really have no business fucking with. I beg for you to come on my streets and try to talk the bullshit you do, and see if you don't in an ambulance, not from me either, the other people around here would gladly serve up people like you to the ICU, I'd watch and enjoy. FUCK YOU, and anyone that looks like you.
So how is running away and dodging the entire go considered "fighting" and actually punching, kneeing, and elbowing the ever loving fuck out of each other IS NOT considered fighting? Am I missing something here?
I beg for you to come on my streets and try to talk the bullshit you do, and see if you don't in an ambulance, not from me either, the other people around here would gladly serve up people like you to the ICU, I'd watch and enjoy.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

literally, I cant post enough smileys for how pathetic this post is...

I get it, you can just tear down anything I like, believe in, or support because you don't like me, but God forbid I say anything against you. You are the fucking hypocrites, and it's getting me to the point where I just don't even want to fuck with you people anymore. You have NO respect for anyone or their beliefs unless they are your own, and you do nothing but make your best attempt at beating people down for not thinking the way you do. FUCK YOU and FUCK WHAT YOU STAND FOR, that's my response.

Dude, we were just talking about how bored we were by the fight, and how the hype really wasn't justified by what was a mostly boring fight. The only part I enjoyed was when Mosley seemed to almost have Mayweather in danger in the second round. The fight was background noise after the 7th round or so, and everyone at the party I went to was going about their business and talking. Even my friend who ordered it, who is a boxing enthusiast, and a mark for Mayweather showed more interest to his girlfriend than the fight itself. It was a boring fight, and we were discussing it. Not one of our intentions was "LOL LETS SHIT ON THE MAYWEATHER FIGHT TO PISS OFF GAME RAGE". You like boxing, I like MMA, we're not going to change each others minds on that and I respect that. It's why I never even venture in the Boxing vs. MMA thread.

If you want to leave, nobody's stopping you.

Ya know, what really pissed me off here is that none of you could even show just a little respect for the sport of Boxing or either fighter, your so fucking one sided you force me to become one sided myself, and I think you prefer it that way so then you can all gang up and talk shit. You couldn't let one fucking conversation slide without trying to turn it into an argument of MMA being far and away better than boxing as well as their so called fighters.

Well, the undercard fights interested nobody and for the most part, we were talking about how one guy's name was "Ponce De Leon" and how an Irish looking guy's last name was "Alvarez". Those conversations were more entertaining than the fights themselves (especially when Alvarez looks like one of our friends). I can't respect Mayweather either, not when he's dodging Pacquiao and makes at least $20 million for each fight. The comparison's naturally going to come up when a heavily hyped boxing fight doesn't deliver.

Fuck you. I don't go into your threads about the big mma fights that are coming and talk a bunch of shit about it. If I did you'd be even more pissed, and I'd get even more hateful responses. It's a double standard and because you the majority support mma over boxing, I become one man trying to defend myself against a whole group, FUCK YOU.

Well, if you went into the discussion threads about MMA and shit on the sport, that would be trolling. All we're doing is talking about how boring a fight it was. That's all. And if you want to defend boxing, that's fine. It's when you become a pitbull, threaten to beat people up, and give yourself a "Me vs. The World" mentality that's off-putting.

That's the way you play. And you know what else, the way to fuckers talk to me, would catch you such a ass beating, not even from me, other people would step up and serve your ass to you on a platter for talking to me like that. You wouldn't dare fuck with me or even try to talk to me the way you do here in person. That's what pisses me off more. If you did, you'd pay for it. Not for saying something I didn't like, but for trying to talk tough and get in the face of someone you really have no business fucking with. I beg for you to come on my streets and try to talk the bullshit you do, and see if you don't in an ambulance, not from me either, the other people around here would gladly serve up people like you to the ICU, I'd watch and enjoy. FUCK YOU, and anyone that looks like you.

And here we go with you threatening to beat people up again because we didn't like the fight. Grow the fuck up dude.
I care for Boxing and MMA just the same. That being, not very much.

and Mayweather is boring, and runs away the entire time, while jabbing.

Tis not fighting. thats boxing. What they do in MMA (besides your occasional "lay around and do nothing-fest") Is fighting
Can a mod please change the The Game Rage name to The Roid Rage

It really fits him better, just be careful if you do you might end up in an ambulance not by him but from other people around him!!

I love the fact that he states if you talk to him in person and disagree with him he would basically try and whip your ass, then has the gull to say people are trying to act tough, pretty funny he is the main guy uttering threats.Are we all supposed to bow down to you when you rant like that?? We get it dude your just playing up the Cerebral Assassin character.
I get it, you can just tear down anything I like, believe in, or support because you don't like me, but God forbid I say anything against you. You are the fucking hypocrites, and it's getting me to the point where I just don't even want to fuck with you people anymore. You have NO respect for anyone or their beliefs unless they are your own, and you do nothing but make your best attempt at beating people down for not thinking the way you do. FUCK YOU and FUCK WHAT YOU STAND FOR, that's my response. Ya know, what really pissed me off here is that none of you could even show just a little respect for the sport of Boxing or either fighter, your so fucking one sided you force me to become one sided myself, and I think you prefer it that way so then you can all gang up and talk shit. You couldn't let one fucking conversation slide without trying to turn it into an argument of MMA being far and away better than boxing as well as their so called fighters.

Fuck you. I don't go into your threads about the big mma fights that are coming and talk a bunch of shit about it. If I did you'd be even more pissed, and I'd get even more hateful responses. It's a double standard and because you the majority support mma over boxing, I become one man trying to defend myself against a whole group, FUCK YOU. That's the way you play. And you know what else, the way to fuckers talk to me, would catch you such a ass beating, not even from me, other people would step up and serve your ass to you on a platter for talking to me like that. You wouldn't dare fuck with me or even try to talk to me the way you do here in person. That's what pisses me off more. If you did, you'd pay for it. Not for saying something I didn't like, but for trying to talk tough and get in the face of someone you really have no business fucking with. I beg for you to come on my streets and try to talk the bullshit you do, and see if you don't in an ambulance, not from me either, the other people around here would gladly serve up people like you to the ICU, I'd watch and enjoy. FUCK YOU, and anyone that looks like you.

You sure are a bitch Game Rage.
Since someone is going to be taken away in an ambulance I figure this is fitting.

[YOUTUBE]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/w6xBOCV0IUY&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/w6xBOCV0IUY&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]
I think the best part of this was that it wasn't his thread, and it was about how we didn't like it and suddenly we've gone into his thread and attacked Boxing. I have done no such thing, I avoid Boxing threads like the plague.

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