Big Show's Return

Its a shame Big Show has to return to such a shitty angle. He's clearly not going to beat Mayweather and he won't even receive the right heat as everyone is clearly cheering for Show instead of booing. So his big return will be slapped in the face by a loss to some "flavor of the moment" boxer - because we all know once Mayweather loses, who cares about him anymore? - instead of feuding with someone that the fans might get into. Even though I'm not a Batista fan, the guy has nothing to do at Wrestlemania right now, so why not book the two against each other so the Batista fans get treated with a nice match and Big Show gets something a little more interesting than a guaranteed loss?
More big time Kodus to WWE for keeping that secret, they are doing well with thier leaks recently, I mean we knew he was going to return but no one knew was to be at No Way Out. When he came out I was pumped Ive always liked the Big Show and every promotion needs a giant one thats definatly better than the Great Khali! When he came out looking in tremendous shape and talked to the crowd I thought he would then be face, but then he picked up Rey and I knew big bad mean show is back! And all that comotion with Mayweather I think was brilliant, I was starting to think it was real! And I think having those to at Wrestlemania the biggest event of the year, think of the exposure WWE will get, they are so going to bury TNA that week! Well done WWE!
Obviously, this will not be a shoot boxing match between Pretty Boy and Show. For anyone that thinks Show would win hands down though, I highly doubt it.

Mayweather's KO ability seems to be fading, but he is still likely the greatest boxer in the world right now. There is no way he would put Show down.

Boxing requires a level of conditioning that most professional wrestlers would be unable to keep up with. Show tried training for the ring, he decided he was too old to be successful.

Floyd wouldn't knock Big Show out, but I'm not sure how many times Show could hit Floyd in the first few rounds. I give Show 3 rounds at best before tiring. From there, Floyd could get in, get out, probably landing punches at will.

The fight would likely go the distance (unless Show threw in the towel) but Floyd would likely cruise to a unanimous decision in a legit boxing match.
wwe would never ever dare to set up a legit boxing match between those two: big show would be seen as the flagship of wrestling by the media, but BS doesn't stand a chance against a real boxer, especially not mayweather, BS would be completely destroyed => extreme credit loss for the wwe.

i really wonder what they'll do though. as many people said before: mayweather won't lose, but i don't think BS will either, so i see the following options:

1. BS gets intentionally disqualified, mayweather leaves and BS wreaks havoc on rey mysterio or whoever he will be feuding against
2. there won't een be a boxing match, BS proposes a contest that mayweather can't (physically) win due to his size. after bs has won mayweather knocks BS down
3. they box, it'll look like BS loses, vicky calls for the edgeheads, mayweather knocks the edgeheads down and leaves, big show sets up an angle against vicky/edgeheads because he says he wouldn't have needed help

smth like this :)
As has been said before, there are weight classes in boxing for a reason.

Big Show having at least rudimentary boxing skills and well over a foot height advantage along with 200 lbs + weight advantage would simply bulldoze Mayweather.

That won't happen but a shoot fight between the two would so rule. WWE will fail and has failed so far to get Big Show booed against Mayweather, and I too will be cheering Show.
First, let me say I think Big Show looks great, and Kudos to him for it.

About the Mayweather/Big Show match ... I hate the idea. Let's forget one minute that little man barely comes up to Big Show's belly button, he's a cocky, arrogant little man, who in my opinion, does not belong in the wrestling ring. I don't see the WWE paying him $20 million dollars to lose, but it's so unrealistic that he'd win against such a big man ... that is unless Show plans to fight the man on his knees. If this match goes down, I will be screaming, "Go, Big Show."

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