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Heat On Mason Ryan: Too Muscular?



Motherfucker, please. Pretty sure those two guys have pretty decent physiques, and their schedule is about ten fucking thousand times harder than Mason damn Ryan's is.

If they dont like it, test the man. There are measures in place. If not, shut the fuck up, and do what is fair towards him, and do what you are supposed to do. Yea no shit he is getting the push because of his look, um, fucking hello, welcome to pro wrestling since about 1975.

Nothing new at all, and to bitch about it when measures exist to curtail it is bullshit. Jealousy, man. Shake them haters off.
Mason is considerably bigger than Cena. Even the photoshopped (they do it for all pics), tan, airbrushed, pump-having, in his physical peak Cena. The photo you have of Cena is at his absolute physical peak made to look it's absolute best, and Mason Ryan still dwarfs him.

That said, I also don't care about why he's pushed. This is pro wrestling. Guys get over based on a variety of things. Mason looks like he has enthusiasm. This means he could become a bigger star. The agents probably don't like him because most agents are the undersized "workers" from yesteryear. Meaning they're guys who got over on technical skill. It's why they make great agents.

All that said, I don't buy into any dirtsheet news. Pro wrestlers work everyone, they work each other, they work the fans, they work the publications. I don't give a shit.

I will add that I still don't think Cena is a roider. He has enormous bone structure and the drive and capabilities to eat and train well. Mason I'm thinking he probably is. However, "steroid" is a broad term that can mean a lot of things. Mason COULD actually be as big as he is and still just use supplements that aren't considered a violation of the wellness policy. I know that's hard for the majority of the super fat/super skinny soda and chips consuming IWC to fathom; but it's true.


Motherfucker, please. Pretty sure those two guys have pretty decent physiques, and their schedule is about ten fucking thousand times harder than Mason damn Ryan's is.

If they dont like it, test the man. There are measures in place. If not, shut the fuck up, and do what is fair towards him, and do what you are supposed to do. Yea no shit he is getting the push because of his look, um, fucking hello, welcome to pro wrestling since about 1975.

Nothing new at all, and to bitch about it when measures exist to curtail it is bullshit. Jealousy, man. Shake them haters off.

I mean this guys gotta be all natural as well, I wonder if he's going to pass a wellness test or be issued one at any point while hes back........



Lets not forget Triple H in his prime, and how fucking juiced up and jacked he once was...


Heat shouldn't be on Ryan for being jacked due to using drugs, heat should be on whoever rushed him back to TV knowing hes not ready whatsoever.
I mean this guys gotta be all natural as well, I wonder if he's going to pass a wellness test or be issued one at any point while hes back........



Lets not forget Triple H in his prime, and how fucking juiced up and jacked he once was...


Heat shouldn't be on Ryan for being jacked due to using drugs, heat should be on whoever rushed him back to TV knowing hes not ready whatsoever.
Rock is probably not on roids. He doesn't have a real job. He is a natural athlete with large bone structure. He probably has a personal trainer and dietician. I'm 5'11" 190, 6 pack and pretty muscular. Which doesn't sound all that big, but considering Rock is probably 6'4" 240 with larger bones, it's not all that crazy to consider he'd be muscular with low body fat too. He's bigger than me both height and bone size and is more naturally athletic.

HHH....yea he was probably on something. His body composition was never very lean until like 2002. However, rich people can afford the best diets and the best trainers. You'd be amazing at what modern fitness knowledge can do for you. Pro Wrestlers get the brunt of "HOLY SHIT ROIDS" because they're 3/4 naked. If you had most pro football players wear what pro wrestlers wear, you'd think the same thing. Some people are just freaks. When you combine being a freak with the best training and diets available, and combine that with an incredible drive, people can do crazy things.

Another thing you guys need to realize is. These guys are tan, the lighting is picked for a reason, and they usually all have a pump. In other words, they're already big guys, but everything is in place for them to look even bigger. That HHH photo shouldn't even be used to prove he's on roids. He's flexing, wet, tan, and under bodybuilder lights. May as well photoshop in more muscles. If you don't know what a pump is, don't bother voicing your opinion in this thread.
On a side note I think the rock is a fuckin tool. Just douching it up everytime I see him. then again, he's smart, he's working me into hating him.
Here's an opinion that I haven't seen, "I don't give a shit if they are on roids or not".

Really, it matters not one bit to me. I say if you can safely and responsibly use something to get into better shape and get the look you want so be it. There is a difference between use and abuse and as long as you aren't in the abuse category I don't think it should be a big deal, legally or otherwise.

So what? Mason Ryan is superswole. And, so what if it almost certainly came from steroid use at some stage of his life? He's huge, it's impressive, and it's got him a push that his in ring talent certainly hasn't. Too bad so sad if you don't have that luxury, go work out some more and get in better shape.

I think the only thing that is shitty about the whole thing is the fact that he was not ready for this and it's dreadfully obvious. His mobility and skills may or may not be due to how big he is but I don't see that as being half of the problem as much as it is that he just hasn't picked up the skills necessary to look better in the ring. If people want to be bitches about it and complain that "He's getting a push, he looks juiced to the eyeballs, he doesn't deserve it" I say "cry me a river". Size and looks matter in professional wrestling to some extent. He has both the size and look to warrant at least testing the waters with him and seeing if he can develop the skills he needs.

Batista didn't start off as good as he was at the end of his career. Remember the term "Botch-tista"? He was big and awkward just like Ryan is now. Batista trimmed down though to fix that and he's also asthmatic so it helped him with that to be leaner. Maybe Ryan should cut a bit, but don't be surprised if that means using a combination of steroids to do it. Batista did it gradually enough that I don't think he really used steroids to do it as much as he just changed his workout and upped the cardio, but it's completely possible that he did. That's the fastest and easiest way to get the cut up ripped look that is so popular. As long as he is cycling and knows when the test is coming he can test clean every time and still be juicing.
Here's an opinion that I haven't seen, "I don't give a shit if they are on roids or not".

Really, it matters not one bit to me. I say if you can safely and responsibly use something to get into better shape and get the look you want so be it. There is a difference between use and abuse and as long as you aren't in the abuse category I don't think it should be a big deal, legally or otherwise.

So what? Mason Ryan is superswole. And, so what if it almost certainly came from steroid use at some stage of his life? He's huge, it's impressive, and it's got him a push that his in ring talent certainly hasn't. Too bad so sad if you don't have that luxury, go work out some more and get in better shape.

I think the only thing that is shitty about the whole thing is the fact that he was not ready for this and it's dreadfully obvious. His mobility and skills may or may not be due to how big he is but I don't see that as being half of the problem as much as it is that he just hasn't picked up the skills necessary to look better in the ring. If people want to be bitches about it and complain that "He's getting a push, he looks juiced to the eyeballs, he doesn't deserve it" I say "cry me a river". Size and looks matter in professional wrestling to some extent. He has both the size and look to warrant at least testing the waters with him and seeing if he can develop the skills he needs.

Batista didn't start off as good as he was at the end of his career. Remember the term "Botch-tista"? He was big and awkward just like Ryan is now. Batista trimmed down though to fix that and he's also asthmatic so it helped him with that to be leaner. Maybe Ryan should cut a bit, but don't be surprised if that means using a combination of steroids to do it. Batista did it gradually enough that I don't think he really used steroids to do it as much as he just changed his workout and upped the cardio, but it's completely possible that he did. That's the fastest and easiest way to get the cut up ripped look that is so popular. As long as he is cycling and knows when the test is coming he can test clean every time and still be juicing.
You mean like how I said "I don't care why he's pushed"? A lot more people have the same opinion as you. I agree with pretty much everything you said.

People on here get on their high horse but I guarantee you most of them are fat or super skinny. By super skinny I mean the type that has a microwave burrito and 15 mountain dews a day and that's all they live off. Not fit.
You people doesn't understand one thing. It doesn't matter if you work out 3 hours or 6. You need to get plenty of rest.With WWE schedule, its impossible for him to train everyday and get plenty of rest. WWE wellness policy is shit. As someone said before. They only test lover card guys.

If you want to see guys who doesn't use steroids, take a look at CM Punk,Daniel Bryan and sheamus.

In the picture of Rock, you can see cleary that his body is not natural.Of course he still uses them to get the movie roles. And he doesnt need to stop using them. WWE is not going to test him just for one match at Wrestlemania.
You people doesn't understand one thing. It doesn't matter if you work out 3 hours or 6. You need to get plenty of rest.With WWE schedule, its impossible for him to train everyday and get plenty of rest. WWE wellness policy is shit. As someone said before. They only test lover card guys.

If you want to see guys who doesn't use steroids, take a look at CM Punk,Daniel Bryan and sheamus.

In the picture of Rock, you can see cleary that his body is not natural.Of course he still uses them to get the movie roles. And he doesnt need to stop using them. WWE is not going to test him just for one match at Wrestlemania.

They don't test lower guys?
Bourne just got suspended for 30 days for violating policy.
Slater, just got suspended for violating policy.
Chris Masters, Ken Anderson, Sin Cara, DH Smith, all lower guys who got 30 Days for violating policy.

Rest could be key, and Ryan just came back from an injury he was out with for over three months. I'm sure he had plenty of time to shoot up...err workout and rest during his break. Evan Bourne has 30 days off, I bet he comes back after being able to rest at close to 200 pounds because he's had time to let his muscles grow, pssshuuu

Reports state the Rock is pulling 12-16 hour days between filming some turd of a movie and getting back "in ring" shape so obviously he's taken the other route to getting his size.

As for the comment about pumps, and big bone structure, completely laughable. They are juicing, NFL players are juicing, Baseball players are juicing, Cyclists are juicing, NBA and WNBA players are juicing, any and everyone else at the top of their respective sport is using some sort of performance enhancement to keep up. Legal or Illegal they all cycle on and off over there careers.

Please tell me when Rey Mysterio went from being 150 pounds in the WCW to 185 in the WWE he did it naturally by paying top dollar for his diet and trainer BWAH!
IMO, mason ryan has been a disappointment since he came back as a face.

I Agree completely, i think Mason Ryan is clumsy in the ring, there is no fluidity to his matches and his moves are both boring and poorly executed. His mic skills seem limited aswell, i would much rather see someone like Drew Mcintyre in his current place. Mason Ryan may have been at home on the mic on gladiators uk with lines such as "BUTTOCKS!" and "NO CRAWLING!" but he is not cutting the mustard currently in WWE for me. Oh and im 99% sure he does roids.
He may not be right now on roids, but he sure as hell took them to get this psysique. Come on we all know these bodybuilder guys have used roids, atleast unless you are mentally challenged.
They don't test lower guys?
Bourne just got suspended for 30 days for violating policy.
Slater, just got suspended for violating policy.
Chris Masters, Ken Anderson, Sin Cara, DH Smith, all lower guys who got 30 Days for violating policy.

Rest could be key, and Ryan just came back from an injury he was out with for over three months. I'm sure he had plenty of time to shoot up...err workout and rest during his break. Evan Bourne has 30 days off, I bet he comes back after being able to rest at close to 200 pounds because he's had time to let his muscles grow, pssshuuu

Reports state the Rock is pulling 12-16 hour days between filming some turd of a movie and getting back "in ring" shape so obviously he's taken the other route to getting his size.

As for the comment about pumps, and big bone structure, completely laughable. They are juicing, NFL players are juicing, Baseball players are juicing, Cyclists are juicing, NBA and WNBA players are juicing, any and everyone else at the top of their respective sport is using some sort of performance enhancement to keep up. Legal or Illegal they all cycle on and off over there careers.

Please tell me when Rey Mysterio went from being 150 pounds in the WCW to 185 in the WWE he did it naturally by paying top dollar for his diet and trainer BWAH!

What's laughable is your ability to read...you even QUOTED the guy where he says that ONLY lower card guys get tested.

You obviously don't know how far science has come as far as supplements come....that's the problem. Everyone lumps any kind of help as 'steroids', when for $1000 a month you can buy the best supplements money can buy...perfectly legal, and get a HUGE amount of benefit, something a keyboard warrior like you could never do. SO, since the majority of haters don't have the drive or money, they feel the need to throw out needless accusations, and ASSUMPTIONS. Go through seven years of medical school, then maybe your opinions will mean something.

Until then, sit behind your computer screen and just be jealous.

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