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Heat On Mason Ryan: Too Muscular?


I read a little something a few days go in which the Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that some road agents are sort of grumbling about Mason Ryan. The report says that they feel Ryan's in-ring abilities aren't up to par and that the only reason he's getting pushed, or even has a job, is because of his freakisly muscular physique. Allegedly, some have even gone so far as to call his look a little bit "synthetic". Also, allegedly, some locker room sources have feel that Ryan's physique is impossible to maintain through natural means. After all, you take one look at the guy and the next thing that springs into your head is that he's taking steroids. To be fair though, that's debatable as it is possible for some men to easily maintain muscle mass and definition due to their genetic make up.

I have to agree with the assessment of the road agents on this. In most ways, Mason Ryan is to the WWE what Rob Terry is to TNA. Both guys have freakishly muscular physiques, both guys are pretty damn bad in the ring, and both guys either gotten or getting pushes based on their look. To be fair to Ryan though, he has a lot more enthusiasm and energy about himself than Terry does or has ever shown in TNA.

In order to avoid a potentially embarassing situation later on down the line, I think the WWE should test Ryan. After all, how would it look in a year or so with him possibly in a title feud or winning a title, then is tested via the Wellness Policy and the tests show that he puts steroids on his Wheaties every morning instead of milk. If he is on them, then a suspension could be a clear warning to lay off the stuff.


Motherfucker, please. Pretty sure those two guys have pretty decent physiques, and their schedule is about ten fucking thousand times harder than Mason damn Ryan's is.

If they dont like it, test the man. There are measures in place. If not, shut the fuck up, and do what is fair towards him, and do what you are supposed to do. Yea no shit he is getting the push because of his look, um, fucking hello, welcome to pro wrestling since about 1975.

Nothing new at all, and to bitch about it when measures exist to curtail it is bullshit. Jealousy, man. Shake them haters off.
God I miss the good ol' days where steriods were the norm. Now you can't even be huge without being tested for the drug. I think it's a bit foolish for there to be heat on Mason Ryan for being too muscular. I'd certainly be offended if I were him, that's if he isn't on steriods. If he is on steriods then let him go. He isn't that much of a wrestler and really brings nothing to the table. But the road angents and whatnot can't simply assume he's on steriods and give him heat without anything to really back that up. He's huge, there have been plenty of others who were small one day, and freakishly buff the next (Triple H). Why single out Ryan like he's the only big guy who's ever walked through the door? Test him, but they owe him some serious dick sucking if he really isn't on steriods.
Call me naive, but doesn't WWE have a Wellness Policy in effect, with regular random testing for drugs including, but not restricted to, steroids? If Mason Ryan is on the WWE roster, isn't he subjected to these random tests, in fact, I would imagine he has already been tested, likely on more than one occasion, and it would appear that he's passed any such testing.

There is no doubt that Mason Ryan has a physique of a man that looks lke he is on the juice. If he were in TNA, where I don't think they have such a Wellness Policy (although I stand to be corrected on this if I am incorrect), I'd be very suspicious of steroid usage, as I am with Rob Terry. But WWE has taken steps to eradicate steroids from their organization, and punish offenders, as we continue to see more frequently than I would expect. I cannot imagine they would risk the integrity of their testing process, and face such a huge backlash if such a lack of integrity was suggested, by excusing Ryan from the testing process, or "tipping him off" to eliminate the randomness of it. The risk would not nearly be worth the reward for this guy.

Until he fails a Wellness Policy test, or until said Policy is proven to be a sham, I have to give the guy the benefit of the doubt and assume he is clean. I would think if anything, his physique would result in even more stringent scrutiny, and as long as he stands up to such scrutiny, people should shut the hell up and leave him alone.
So they want people who are muscular, but not too muscular, because if they are too muscular then they become suspicious said person is using steroids even though some names that are currently out due to Wellness Violations include the likes of Evan Bourne, Darren Young and Heath Slater who are all pretty normal sized; this is under the fact we don't know what they took so yes I'm saying just for this thread it was steroids.

When you look at it like that, the Wellness Policy really must be all over the place. Ryan was a bodybuilder before he joined WWE, his physique could just be the fact he works out like an "Animal". I mean Batista was always very muscular and I didn't hear anyone ever say they had issues with him due to his size. Of course to be fair, Batista was much better in the ring than Ryan is, who just seems to have a lot of determination and intensity.

Some reports really make me scratch my head. This is one.
As far as obtaining a body like that, genetics and high metabolism can only do so much. Exercise itself can only do so much. In my honest opinion theres a good chance that his body is not 100% natural. He might not be doing steroids now, but he could have done it it the past to get to this level. Is it right to judge him based on that? No. If we're talking about natural bodies, I'm pretty sure at least half of the roster would have to leave or be de-pushed. Its ridiculous to judge a guy for being big when the WWE's never been afraid to mention Brock Lesnar or Batista.

I think it has less to do with steroids and more to do with the fact that his look doesnt fit the whole high flyer appeal. I still think he has huge potential and people should be considerate of his size when judging his ring skills.
TBH Mason Ryan needs a whole lot of time in FCW. He needs to develop his technique, get mic practice and improve his WWE superstar persona. I've been baffled by the way he's been booked on Raw since the "New Nexus" storyline. Take him off TV, let him train and bring him back later. Also someone should remind him to spray tan his back.
Mason Ryan is huge. Some people just are. It doesn't mean they're taking steroids, no matter how much "internet analysts" like to think they are. There are measures - rather strict measures - in place in WWE to stop talent from taking steroids. Where does the idea that he hasn't already been tested come from? You can bet your ass that he's already been tested already. Several times.

As for how he is in the ring, to say he's bad is just really unfair. Has he hurt anyone? Has he had the chance to put on entertaining matches? No is the answer to both of those questions. I happen to think that Mason Ryan has shown himself to be fairly decent in the ring. He's energetic and the crowd are into him.

He's been 'pushed' (inverted commas are necessary due to the fact that he hasn't really been pushed) on his look because that's how wrestling. NorCal got it spot on with his post. Big guys get pushed because wrestling fans like big guys.
IMO, mason ryan has been a disappointment since he came back as a face. i was intrigued with the new nexus line, but that failed. it doesnt matter whether hes taken steroids or not, if he cant wrestle, he shouldnt be getting a push at all, or else the main event would always be filled with people like brodus clay, mark henry, big show, john cena, mason ryan, ezekiel jackson etc. it really doesnt matter.
Lets be honest the fact the WWE has a well documented wellness program yet doubts still remain as to how clean specific stars are says it all about the wellness policy. Correct me if I’m wrong but to my knowledge drug testing in the WWE is not undertaken by an independent outside agency but by the WWE itself? So the impartiality of the testing regime is totally flawed, hence the doubts about Ryan and others as well as the rumours as regards preferential treatment of some top guys. While there is nothing to support the claims that for a fact Mason Ryan is taking steroids, surely if the wellness policy wasn't such a sham we wouldnt need to be having this discussion.
I definitely agree with him not being up to par in the ring and the fact that he's being pushed on his looks, but steroids? C'mon Son! That big oaf would not be juicing without the WWE being about to find out, their tests are so damn extensive theres no way that he could be taking any. Some people can build and retain muscle mass better than others and Ryan is one of them, if only he could do that and maybe focus on inproving in the ring as well. :rolleyes:
As massive as he is, even bigger than when he left, he doesn't look like he's on anything to me. The guy is a former bodybuilder who has had a lot of downtime recently so has had little to do other than work out. The classic sign of a steroid user is puffyness (due to water retention) which is most notable in the veins of your arms and a somewhat reddened face because of the blood pressure increase. It's at this point I'd like to direct you to the Cena pic on the first page...
You people make me laugh. Probably most of you still believe that Santa Clause exist? Mason Ryan is 100% on steroids. It doesn't matter if he even works out 24/7. You cannot have this physique without using steroids. Even great bodybuilders like Arnold the terminator admitted that he used steroids.I know for sure that some guys in wwe can get away from the welness policy.You think if Cena would get caught right before Wrestlemania, they would suspend him and he would miss the maint event against the Rock?
I find it kind of laughable that the WWE agents are accusing Ryan of steroid or enhancement drug use as though he's the only one there doing it. WWE's bullshit Wellness policy only goes after the performers on the lower end of the roster meanwhile those at the top or in the middle of a high profile feud, are completely ignored. And no one can tell me there aren't other performers on WWE's roster, who are using something. If they don't like his in-ring work, that's fine, but if they don't have the balls to complain about the steroid use of other performers, keep their mouths shut about his and make suggestions on how they can improve Ryan's work in the ring.
Too muscular? More like too green. The guy is below average in the ring and needs to go back to training in FCW before he seriously hurts somebody.

I honestly think they called him up too soon. He's actually ok on the mic from what I've seen in a WWE.com interview. But as Bill Demott would say, he's green as goose shit. Is he on roids? I honestly don't know but it's really unlikely that he wouldn't know about the strict wellness policy. He's definitely getting pushed because of his look and that's one of the reasons why I just can't get behind Ryan.
I think if there's heat on Ryan, it's because of his ring work, not his body.
I honestly don't think he is using steroids, but if it turned out that he was, I wouldn't be surprised either. The guy is HUGE. So huge that it almost looks like he's not used to his own body when he moves. I have known people who used steroids to achieve a physique like that. then again, I also knew a man who achieved a physique like that naturally, so I guess either one's possible.:shrug:
I have been a long time lurker on these forums and have only now decided to make an account due to this thread, its responses and some of the ignorance I see from some people.

To say that Mason Ryan isn't on steroids is absolutely absurd! The man is a freak and its not down to his "genetic make up", a "fast metabolism" or hard work in the gym. He is that big purely because of his steroid use. Whether he used it before coming to WWE and is now off it to maintain is size is possible, but to say he has never used the little injections is ridiculous.

My family has had a history of steroid use and body building competitions and I don't know ANYONE that is the size of Ryan, and is not using some sort of steroid - whether it be inject-able or pills.

Take a look at a recent image of Batista, he resembles a school yard bully. He has lost ALL muscle mass and is only left with his body fat percentage that he had back in his WWE days. There is no doubt he still trains, but nowadays its without his Stanazol, Dianabol or Sustanon.

Anyway, hopefully the rest of my posts won't seem so rude but come on guys - Ryan is full of juice... It is blatantly obvious.
I'm yet to hear Mason Ryan cut a promo or even utter a single word. But I have a feeling when he finally does speak, he'll probably say something to the effect of: "I lift things up and put them down" :lmao:

Well I can tell you for a fact that the guy is pretty damn bad on the mic right now. His thick accent doesn't really help him much either.

As for the topic, I'm not an expert on the human body or drugs or what have you but if Ryan was on steroids I'm pretty sure he would've been busted by now and his push would not only be over but Ryan himself would be suspended by now especially since WWE has been cracking down more and more on drug use now. Otherwise, I question just how strict the company's Wellness Policy is. If the folks backstage feel that Ryan is on steroids and haven't done so yet, then the only solution is to test him.

Personally, the heat I have on Ryan's push his not his body but the fact that he's just absolutely sloppy in the ring and has a dialtone personality if I've ever seen one. I don't get emotionally invested in his matches and I'm always afraid he's gonna legitimately injure someone one of these days.
Well look at Batista he didn't do steroids, despite what most people think. He started working out very young and never stopped and if he was then he would have been suspended seeing as how they get tested. But, then again look at John Cena. He used steroids for 3 years when he started in WWE and somehow this was overlooked by the "Wellness Program". Same for Edge in the early 2000's and Bobby Lashley as well as many others who were overlooked. And, also, you can't just say someones on steroids just by theyre look i mean there are a lot of skinny guys who took steroids like Rey Mysterio, for instance. And, Gregory Helms so take that into consideration.
I feel that the heat on Ryan is probably due to other guys being jealous that he is being pushed so quickly while other more talented guys are not. Though this reason is legit, it is kind of lame of blame Ryan. Him being pushed due to his build is not his fault, its the creative team's. He obviously has worked hard and toiled for hours in the gym to attain his build.

As for the steroids claim, I think that WWE would have tested him atleast once. I don't think that he is currently doing steroids. Even if he did use them in the past, why would he risk his job and push and continue doing them?
God I miss the good ol' days where steriods were the norm. Now you can't even be huge without being tested for the drug..

An understandable thought, and it reflects the sociology of the human condition. When something swings too far in one direction, society has a way of swinging it the other way to create some balance. The problem arises when things swing too far in the new direction; it creates brand-new problems.

So, here's Mason Ryan. I looked at him when he first came around and my first thought was "steroids." I couldn't help it; that was my first impression of Chris Masters in his "Masterpiece" days, too...... and we see how it went for him, getting off the medicine and building himself back up to a physique that was highly impressive, but not grotesque like his earlier one.

It's hard to accept the idea that Mason Ryan has time to look as he does with straight bodybuilding, not while spending all his time on the road as a WWE superstar. Yet, all they have to do is test him to find out, right? The testing program is still in place, no? What, have the higher-ups in the company decided not to test this guy on the chance they'll find out something they don't want to know?

But medicinally-aided or not, I think this guy is too musclebound to be a wrestler. Watching JTG have to walk right up to Mason to allow the big man to hit his spots was awkward to see; it was apparent JTG could have easily avoided any of Mason's attempts at offense.

I'd love to be strolling on Mason Ryan's arm in a dangerous neighborhood; no one would even approach us to make trouble. But much as I like the way he looks, he seems far too muscular to feature as a pro wrestler. I suppose they might as well test the guy and proceed from there.
W/e with his size... sure he probably got a job becuase of that but either way his wrestling is kinda meh... He should just chill on the house show and have some1 show him wrestling moves and make them seem fluid. Either way test him and if he passed then he passed if not then so be it. People judge without knowing...
You people make me laugh. Probably most of you still believe that Santa Clause exist? Mason Ryan is 100% on steroids. It doesn't matter if he even works out 24/7. You cannot have this physique without using steroids. Even great bodybuilders like Arnold the terminator admitted that he used steroids.I know for sure that some guys in wwe can get away from the welness policy.You think if Cena would get caught right before Wrestlemania, they would suspend him and he would miss the maint event against the Rock?

And people like you make ME laugh. You bring up arnold as an example? Really? Because supplements haven't come MILES since arnolds day? There's a TON you can do with your body legally with enough effort, and the money to afford to buy the best supplements, and the right food to go with it.... don't be ignorant.

As a former worker i've seen plenty of steroid use, and i have seen plenty of guys bust their ass without it. It IS possible, just alot harder.
Sure, he needs a little work, but he's not bad enough to lose his job over. This story is silly enough for me to disregard as "loldirtsheets". He is certainly good enough for the position he's in on the roster. The steroids thing? Batista. HHH. John Cena. These guys all look just as muscular as Mason Ryan.

I'm just calling bullshit on this entire story.
Ryan is getting pushed due to having "the look". His in ring ability is bottom tier and that is not acceptable if he is going to be pushed toward any titles. It is his appearance that has saved his career. People can look at him and know he is a wrestler. Even my wife was more impressed by Ryan than guys like Ryder. She walked in on a match last week and asked who that guy was. I said oh that's just Mason Ryan, he kinda sucks. She responded "Now THAT guy looks like a wrestler. Way better than that woo woo idiot (Zack Ryder) he's so stupid". So if more casual fans are going to support someone like Ryan for his appearance, he will get pushed even though he sucks compared to others who have decent skills and entertaining gimmicks. It is unfortunate but true. I doubt that the report is true, Mason is going to keep getting pushed.

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