Have You Been Green Repped By All Of The Current Moderators and Administrators?

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Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
I just wanted to throw this question out there. Obviously, when I say administrator, I am only talking about IrishCanadian25 and The Shockmaster. Also, since you can't green rep yourself, moderators and administrators should answer this question in the affirmative if they have been green repped by everyone on staff save for themselves.

I've been green repped by everyone except 3 members of the current staff. Technically, I've been green repped by IrishCanadian25, but I don't count the green rep he gave me because: a) he green repped me twice when he was drunk; b) the only time he green repped me sober I think he meant to red rep me.
As for the rest of the mods, I'm not sure, I don't really keep up with whose a mod and whose not a mod anymore
Don't believe Sly has repped me. I've had Luther and Sam, though, so that's enough.

Also, don't believe CM ever has. Can't recall on Ricky. Aside from those, I'm positive everyone else has.
Are you sure? I can only see back to the last 10 reps, but I think I would have remembered IC rep....a few weeks ago u said "drunken rep"....but I could be wrong

Now I KNOW I repped you before. It was for a comment about my Daughter's hair, in the picture thread.
I think I've been repped by all but Sly... possibly... But to me, Green rep from Sly is like getting kicked in the face by a unicorn. Totally unexpected, but fucking awesome, cuz...you know, it's "The Unicorn"...
It may have something to do with me calling him out for no reason just cuz he seemed like a big fish around here when I first joined....but I could be wrong... :lmao:

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