

New Member
Why is mostly everybody on this forum against Batista? I mean I am a new member here and was looking trough all the threads and it made me sick to my stomach to see how you all bash Batista. I see absolutely nothing wrong with him. He is a great entertainer, wrestler, and all around great guy who is tying to earn a living for him and his family doing what he loves. He is a hard-working athlete that has busted his ass to get to where he is today, a Superstar. As one of his hardcore loyal fans I see that in him that he is giving it 110%, giving it his all. Unlike some wrestlers who just whine, gripe, and complain. Or those who just want everything handed to them on a silver platter, and who are just pain lazy. Not Batista he goes out and gives the best show that he can possibly give, He gives all of himself for the sake of the business. My opinion is that all you haters are just plain jealous of him. Jealous of his looks, talent, ability, his awesome well built muscular body (which you guys wish you had) the list goes on and on but I would be writing forever telling of all his amazing qualities. I am not trying to be a hater myself to anyone else but there are other wrestlers who are just plain talent less. They don't give a damn about wrestling. Some just want to be on TV or be around those suckass waste of time divas. They have no passion for the business. Those are the ones you should hate on. Not on those who go out there every night and put their bodies and their all on the line. Batista is one of them among Triple H, Ric Flair, Undertaker, Eddie Guerrero (God rest his soul), Rey Mysterio, John Cena and many others who keep the business running. Without them there would be no WWE.
Bumped for greatness.

Why is mostly everybody on this forum against Batista?

'Cus he sucks

I mean I am a new member here and was looking trough all the threads and it made me sick to my stomach to see how you all bash Batista.

'Cus he's really not very good.

I see absolutely nothing wrong with him.

Really? What about his bad tattoos?

He is a great entertainer,

Like a clown? I agree. Kids love him.


He's not a wrestler. He's a sports entertainer.

and all around great guy who is tying to earn a living for him and his family

Didn't he leave his wife? And aren't his kids my age?

doing what he loves.


He is a hard-working athlete that has busted his ass to get to where he is today, a Superstar.

He's buddies with HHH. He got him his spot.

As one of his hardcore loyal fans I see that in him that he is giving it 110%, giving it his all.

Of that's 110% how much does A.J. Styles give?

Unlike some wrestlers who just whine, gripe, and complain.

Main eventers dont usually have a reason to complain.

Or those who just want everything handed to them on a silver platter,

Is that not what happened to him? He paid his dues as Deacon Batista, FOR LIKE 3 MONTHS.

and who are just pain lazy.

You obviously missed him form July to November 06.

Not Batista he goes out and gives the best show that he can possibly give,

Still not good enough.

He gives all of himself for the sake of the business.

For himself.

My opinion is that all you haters are just plain jealous of him.

I'm a little jelous.

Jealous of his looks,

He is handsome.



his awesome well built muscular body (which you guys wish you had)

He's right. There is a positive to steroids.

the list goes on and on

But it doesn't 'cus you stop there.

but I would be writing forever telling of all his amazing qualities.

Go for it. Keep 'em coming.

I am not trying to be a hater myself to anyone else but there are other wrestlers who are just plain talent less.

Tom Billington had no talent at all. No muscles either.

They don't give a damn about wrestling.

Me neither. Wrestling sucks. Sports Entertainment all the way.

Some just want to be on TV or be around those suckass waste of time divas.

Didn't he date a Diva Search finalist.

They have no passion for the business.

Diva's? Or Batista?

Those are the ones you should hate on. Not on those who go out there every night and put their bodies and their all on the line.

Dont all wrestlers put there bodies on the line?

Batista is one of them among Triple H, Ric Flair, Undertaker, Eddie Guerrero (God rest his soul), Rey Mysterio, John Cena and many others who keep the business running.

And Bastion Booger, The Red Rooster (gOD rEST hIS sOUL), Zeus, etc. I could go on.

Without them there would be no WWE.

Without then The Great Khali would be champion. Oh The Horror. The Horror.
Bumped for greatness.

'Cus he sucks

'Cus he's really not very good.

Really? What about his bad tattoos?

Like a clown? I agree. Kids love him.

He's not a wrestler. He's a sports entertainer.

Didn't he leave his wife? And aren't his kids my age?


He's buddies with HHH. He got him his spot.

Of that's 110% how much does A.J. Styles give?

Main eventers dont usually have a reason to complain.

Is that not what happened to him? He paid his dues as Deacon Batista, FOR LIKE 3 MONTHS.

You obviously missed him form July to November 06.

Still not good enough.

For himself.

I'm a little jelous.

He is handsome.



He's right. There is a positive to steroids.

But it doesn't 'cus you stop there.

Go for it. Keep 'em coming.

Tom Billington had no talent at all. No muscles either.

Me neither. Wrestling sucks. Sports Entertainment all the way.

Didn't he date a Diva Search finalist.

Diva's? Or Batista?

Dont all wrestlers put there bodies on the line?

And Bastion Booger, The Red Rooster (gOD rEST hIS sOUL), Zeus, etc. I could go on.

Without then The Great Khali would be champion. Oh The Horror. The Horror.

Damn dood, I really really wish I could giv you some rep points right now, that was freakin awesome.:headbanger:
Why does people dislike Batista?

While I admit the total nonstop whining of Batista can get out of hand and can get fucking annoying to some of us, even to those who dislikes him as well, I must admit there's nothing talented about Batista what so ever. Here are reasons why I don't support him is he doesn't even try to deliver to the fans, at all, and even he stated in his book that he is the most boring guy. Just another guy that's looking to be famous, make money and does whatever is needed to keep a job & assure he keeps getting his checks. As long as what he is doing he gets his fame and money, he won't bother to improve. Lack of passion for the business IMHO is a huge turn off.

Indeed, he LOOKS like a believable champion, that's if you're still living in the Bruno Sammartino or Hulk Hogan eras where you want your champion to look "dominant" and "believable" and follow kayfabe. If you actually watched more talented names in the 90's such as Steve Austin, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Randy Savage, The Undertaker, etc., you would know what makes an actual entertaining wrestler.
If you ask me, he isn't hated on enough. He deserves the treatment that Cena gets with all the booing and chanting against him. Cena may not have the best wrestling skills, but Batista is just plain talentless.
I myself am deffinitially not a Batista fan, but i think he has a little bit of talent, atleast he tries some diverse moves in his matches, unlike cena.
i guess if you hate him enough i soppose you could just change the channel or just watch something other than WWE...he doesnt bother me, but i quit watching WWE altogether months ago
i don't have a problem with batista. john cena is the one i wish would jump off a cliff.
As an entertainer, his act has grown stale and he fails to entertain me. There is very little variety to any of his matches unless he has someline like Undertaker or Triple H to carry him through. His matches are so repetitive that I'm more entertained by the matches Trish and Lita had than a Batista match - they at least mixed up their spots.

He hasn't improved since his debut with the company. Since he hasn't taken steps to do so and the fact that he happens to be on of the top guys, it makes me think he doesn't care, he gets paid either way. Remember Trish's early work when she started in the ring? Compare that to her performances before she left the company. Drastic improvement. What does it say when a diva is more dedicated to improving than a top guy? Someone who doesn't care about their performance will fail to entertain me.
I gotta agree with alot that's being said here. Batista has gotten very stale with time. He really needs to improve his moveset which basically features a pretty decent spinebuster (HHH anyone?) and the Batista Bomb which how many people have done? Anyways if given some new moves and a manager he could be fun to watch again esp if they ever played into the whole animal thing and let him just devastate people and basically go old ECW style on them and be as violent as possible. Now that would be an entertaining Batista but... :sigh: slim to none chance there.
Why is mostly everybody on this forum against Batista? I mean I am a new member here and was looking trough all the threads and it made me sick to my stomach to see how you all bash Batista. I see absolutely nothing wrong with him. He is a great entertainer, wrestler, and all around great guy who is tying to earn a living for him and his family doing what he loves. He is a hard-working athlete that has busted his ass to get to where he is today, a Superstar. As one of his hardcore loyal fans I see that in him that he is giving it 110%, giving it his all. Unlike some wrestlers who just whine, gripe, and complain. Or those who just want everything handed to them on a silver platter, and who are just pain lazy. Not Batista he goes out and gives the best show that he can possibly give, He gives all of himself for the sake of the business. My opinion is that all you haters are just plain jealous of him. Jealous of his looks, talent, ability, his awesome well built muscular body (which you guys wish you had) the list goes on and on but I would be writing forever telling of all his amazing qualities. I am not trying to be a hater myself to anyone else but there are other wrestlers who are just plain talent less. They don't give a damn about wrestling. Some just want to be on TV or be around those suckass waste of time divas. They have no passion for the business. Those are the ones you should hate on. Not on those who go out there every night and put their bodies and their all on the line. Batista is one of them among Triple H, Ric Flair, Undertaker, Eddie Guerrero (God rest his soul), Rey Mysterio, John Cena and many others who keep the business running. Without them there would be no WWE.

I will not attempt to dissuade you since you are beyond the point of reason. We've exchanged words over a previous post where you took my point by point analysis, and responded so eloquently with "F*** You Loser". Since reason is beyond your understanding and acceptance, I have taken it upon myself to copy and paste this blurb from a Smackdown Spoiler report from 9/19/2007:

"By Matt Boone

During the Mark Henry and Batista main event Khali interfered, and ended up getting Batista in the ring. He gave Batista the choke bomb and the first one will definitly be edited off, because batista ended up jumping early and he slipped out of Khalis grip and he kinda just fell down on his back. Khali attempted it again, and finally succeeded."

How could this have happened amc21? I thought Batista was a quality competitor who never made such blatant and lazy mistakes?

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