Has "The Cage" changed the way you think of anyone here?


LOLZ, Nate to put things back on track.

Hmm... Has it made me think of anyone differently? Actually, yes, I'm a little pissed at MRC right now. I shouldn't say pissed, so much as.... more confused I guess.
I just hate shit like this. I get the implication, and it still just seemed like an uneccesary shot at me. Why I'm not sure. But whatever his fucking deal is, just one of those things that annoys me

I think we lost each other there Tenta. I wasn't referring to the irony in you ranting about posturing. I was referring to the fact that you said "Nate to get the thread back on it's track" quoting a picture of a train going off the tracks.

I can't see the deal with the posturing anyway. Especially not how it has anything to do with Lariat leaving.
Eh. You're right. Just hate people making assumptions and such. It's really nothing, just kind of felt like a jab.
I was referring more to the fact that I don't get why people would throw it towards you for doing it. Not as much you complaining about people doing it.

But yeah it's really nothing.
I still think you're all ******s. Only now I can say it.

I'd yell at you but I have to get back to my all-male Mongolian Clusterfuck now. Zamboovity gets pissed off when no one's tending to him for more than 13.82 seconds.

Also, I'm not a ******.
Not in the least. The people I like, I still like. The people I dislike, I still ignore. This "cage" hasn't even created a ripple in my forum experience.

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