Has "The Cage" changed the way you think of anyone here?

Nate DaMac

Fuck erbody but me
A lot of the blatant racism and homophobia has subsided, but in the beginning, it was running rampant. Is there anyone for whom you have lost or gained respect?

FTS- Gained.

He is one of the funniest people on here when he has no boundaries to hold him back.
None actually. Some times I know stuff are serious. But the majority of times it just comes off as people doing it for the fun of it. Joking about and all that. I've never taken too much seriousness in going into The Cage.

There's a lot of hate going on every now and then. But it's really just hate added with flaming. Rather than mild hate in the bar room. The majority of things we see in the Cage is just The Bar room without boundaries.

Now if I had to say anybody. I would most likely say Doc. Because before The Cage. And before Game Rage in the Prison. I seriously doubted that Doc could flame. And oh boy was I wrong. I've grown to like Doc much more because of knowing he can unleash hell when reaching that point where it's needed.
FTS was never funny. I found out Lariats an even bigger baby than I thought. But now he's gone. Wooo
Wow. Lariat's gone.

Ah. Now I understand Tenta's posturing.

Yeah.... No. Look, at this point, I find absolutely nothing worth discussing in either the WWE, or TNA. Besides, I've always loved the actual section, just never thought to actually post threads there.

Besides, Tasty is there, and I respect Tastycles too much.The Cage itself... Meh. It's a bigger bar room/ Though I missed TM and his shit. Wish I was there for that. And what happened with Lariat anyway?
TM was barely around the bar room in the ending period of time he was online on this forum anyway Tenta. I can't help but shudder at how The Cage would've looked with TM.
TM was barely around the bar room in the ending period of time he was online on this forum anyway Tenta. I can't help but shudder at how The Cage would've looked with TM.

Eh. I assumed because he left around the point I was gone, he got flamed in the cage. Consequentially, it really does look like the history of what happens was erased.
Eh. I assumed because he left around the point I was gone, he got flamed in the cage. Consequentially, it really does look like the history of what happens was erased.

TM decided to just never log back in. He left before The Cage was introduced. He talked to me on MSN of how he simply got tired of the whole thing. Yapping about how he wanted to start a forum with "That guy we can't name".

Don't quote me on this. But I believe he said something along the words of "I wanna be on a forum with less bitching". Again, don't quote me on it. I just find it hilarious that he wanted to bring, you know.
TM decided to just never log back in. He left before The Cage was introduced. He talked to me on MSN of how he simply got tired of the whole thing. Yapping about how he wanted to start a forum with "That guy we can't name".

Don't quote me on this. But I believe he said something along the words of "I wanna be on a forum with less bitching". Again, don't quote me on it. I just find it hilarious that he wanted to bring, you know.

LULZ. This forum really doesn't include that much bitching, and it's ironic that he wanted to start a forum with That Guy.

Furthermore, someone's yet to actually explain the fuck happened with Lariat. Quite frankly, I find him more interesting that way. TM was always... Meh. Supremely Meh.
LULZ. This forum really doesn't include that much bitching, and it's ironic that he wanted to start a forum with That Guy.

Furthermore, someone's yet to actually explain the fuck happened with Lariat. Quite frankly, I find him more interesting that way. TM was always... Meh. Supremely Meh.

TM got more annoying after he left the forum. I could get a proper conversation out of him after that. Now he just walks around referring to me as a dutch guy. Acting like he thinks Dutch people, Holland and Denmark is the same thing.

He strikes me more of a troll right now.

Lariat I'm not quite sure what happened with. I might have read it and forgotten though. But it was quite obvious he wasn't as active anymore. Perhaps reality got the better of him?
Hell if I know. I'm just saying TM wanted to create a forum with this guy. I can't help but imagine how it would have ended. Never happened though. At least I think it didn't. He hasn't told me anything about it.
He hates that doesn't he Becker?

Oh yes I forgot that one Tenta. I'm too lazy to write that all the time though. I shall continue to call him "That one"

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