Graphics Wingman Discussion Thread


Staff member
Hey guys, Dave here with a call to any person that fancies themselves at graphics.

With so many excellent graphic-makers around these parts, I would like to start a competition to see who is the best. You may remember seeing some battle threads in this section that have been a lot of fun to do. I have competed in 4 of them, I believe, and they have been wonderfully enthralling. To see what other can come up with and use your own talents to compete is unmatched around here.

Now, the way this idea will work, if we can get enough people to join in, is such:

  • You must list your name in this thread if you are interested.
  • This thread can be used to find a partner.
  • When you post your name, post a sample of your best work and some categories you would like to make a sig for.
  • General Discussion should happen in here.

So once all of this has been completed and I am satisfied that we have enough people to make this happen, which should be around 4 teams of 2, we will begin. I am sure that Doc will be on board with this idea and am sure I will have his backing to make this a success.

Each team will consist of two people that are willing to compete. Either man will post a signature and a poll will be added to the thread to decide the winner. We will have a league table and the team at the top of the league will be that fortnights Champions. I will personally be residing over this tournament and will be repping everyone who competes or gives a great signature.

I really want to see this succeed and rules are strict. The league table will work on the following basis:

1 point for a draw
2 points for a win
-1 point for every competitor in the team that doesn't make a signature.

You will have a fortnight to post one signature, so it's not like it is back-breaking work. I am hoping that it will be in the main digital arts and graphics section and you will get a chance to show what you can do.

So, guys! If this is something that you think you can get into or just want to try, please post your details in this thread and we will hopefully get this thing underway at the very start of the next month.
Applicants name: Dave
Sample of work:

Suggested Categories:
Videogames and Movies
Applicants name: Theo
Sample of work:

Suggested Categories: Professional Sports


Suggested Categories: Women of Wrestling

So, BC and I have been in contact and we have decided to team already. There is no rush for you guys to pick your teams but please try and have them to me by the 1st of July at the latest.

Also, for some of the guys who haven't put their names forward, please do so. I promise you that this will be a lot of fun and you will enjoy it. I am looking at you Stinger, TPP and beyond. Lend a hand, fellas.

Anyway, Myself and BC will be known as "Fat Kids Always Win At Seasaw". That's right!
I got a quick question before I apply. When is this thing starting, because I'm going to be without my computer from June 26th to July 3rd. Just wanna know if that could be a problem and I dont wanna break the rules already.
July 1st will hopefully be the first date.

However, you will have until the 12th to post your graphic. You should be fine.
TLC and I shall be a unit. Our name will be determined when something awesome comes to the beard. Quick question Sir Dave, do we work on the graphic together or do we each post a graphic of a certain category? Just let me know broski.
What would everyone prefer?

I think it should be separate. Mainly because not everyone is using the same editing programme.
What would everyone prefer?

I think it should be separate. Mainly because not everyone is using the same editing programme.

That's what I was thinking. Just have the team post a sig per topic or split up the topics or something.
How about this?

We set up threads for each team and the teams decide amongst themselves which sig is going to go forward to the actual public vote? Either that, or the team produces two sigs and both of them go to the public vote. I'm open to ideas really.
How about this?

We set up threads for each team and the teams decide amongst themselves which sig is going to go forward to the actual public vote? Either that, or the team produces two sigs and both of them go to the public vote. I'm open to ideas really.

It should be alternating to make it fair. Have one member make it and the other member examine for errors add minor details and post it (That way both participate). Then next round they switch.

By the way, I'm open for partners. If you want me, come and get me.
Other graphics sites that I've seen do teams have had say 4 or 5 topics and a different person does a different category. I'm good with whatever direction we go, it should be oodles of fun.
I would say do to do 3 categories per match(???). You cant do 2 because then you can have a draw. And, I feel that with more than 3, it would be easier to run out of topics.
Applicants name: The Doctor

Sample of work:

Suggested Category: Concepts (Taking a song or saying or poem or something and making a graphic based on emotions the work elicits)
Right, So I am keen to make sure that this all goes to plan and will use the first couple of months to see if we can realistically do this and hold the attention of the competitors and such. Now, I have come to a decision on the rules. They are as follows:

  • Teams will be randomly paired off by me drawing the names out of a hat.
  • BOTH competitors in EACH team will have to post a graphic.
  • Competition will be over 1 category only of which you can do what you want. However, it must remain true to the theme.

With that being said, I will give you my idea of the scheduling:

  • Teams have from the 1st to the 12th of each month to post a graphic.
  • Voting will then commence until the 16th
  • The winner of the public vote will win the category.
  • Teams will then be randomly paired off again on a rotational basis on the 16th.
  • Depending on how long the month is, design will then be to either the 26th or 27 of that month.
  • Voting will then commence until the 1st of the next month.
  • Rinse and repeat.

Now that I have that sorted, I need to do some work on the roster. Here is what we have so far:

Confirmed Teams:
Dave / BC – “Fat Kids Always Win At Seasaw”
Theo / TLC – "BLT"
TPP / Riaku - No Name Selected Yet

Unaffiliated Competitors:


Now, I am going to get onto some of the other guys in the graphic sections like GenMe, DigitalNight and Stinger to see if I can get them to compete. However, I would ask you to try and find a partner ASAP.

Cheers, dudes!
Cheers for the updates, fellas.

Those have been amended and now all that remains is to find little Docie a partner.

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