Grand Theft Auto IV

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
This game is gonna rock. There's not many games that are better than GTA ones. Possibly only Mario games. I hope it's about the same size as San Andreas though. I think that was more than enough enviroment to mess about in.
Well it's going to be Liberty City again, except it going to be much more comprehensive than the last liberty city. The streets are going to have pot holes, the buildings are going to look real, the empire state building's going to be there, etc.

There's rumors that they're going to have Moscow too as a second city, since it's the Russian mob this time around.

I'm REALLY excited for this, so much so that I might actually buy an Xbox or a PS3 if it's cheaper by then if my laptop can't handle the game.
Rockstar has recreated four of the five boroughs in New York City, as well as parts of New Jersey. Broker is the GTA IV equivalent of Brooklyn, Manhattan is now called Algonquin (a play on the fact that 'Manhattan' was also the name of a Native American tribe), Queens is now Dukes, the Bronx is Bohan, and New Jersey is Alderney (after the Channel Island of the same name). The total land area of the map is roughly 3/4 of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas [16], but the new rendition of Liberty City will be more detailed. Additionally, according to the Official PlayStation 2 Magazine UK, "to get from one side of the new and improved Liberty City to the other will take you at least an hour." Rockstar has stated that it's the biggest single city in a GTA game yet, and although smaller than San Andreas, it is comparable to it in terms of scope when "the level of verticality of the city, the number of buildings you can go into, and the level of detail in those buildings" are taken into account.[6] Furthermore, developers are still deciding whether bridges will be used to cordon off certain areas, by way of blocking access to cross them.[2] However, eventually the player will be able to lead Niko Bellic to explore Roosevelt Island and cross the Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Williamsburg bridges.

The GTA IV equivalent of the Statue of Liberty is called the "Statue of Happiness", Times Square is called "Star Junction" and DUMBO (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass) is known as "BOABO" (Beneath the Offramp of the Algonquin Bridge Overpass).

Another building called "Twitchins", the GTA version of Brooklyn's Domino Sugar Factory, is in the game. Dan Houser has also confirmed that an area resembling Central Park will be in the game.
Liberty City in Grand Theft Auto IV.
Liberty City in Grand Theft Auto IV.

A Staten Island-esque area will not be featured in the game for the reason that Rockstar believes it would not be fun to play there; Dan Houser also states that that there would not be any "dead spots" or "irrelevant space" within Liberty City such as the wide open deserts in San Andreas.

Pedestrians are much more intelligent, realistic and diverse, using mobile phones, cash machines, eating snacks, drinking soda, reading newspapers, scratching their nose, coughing and interacting with each other through laughter and threatening remarks. Pedestrians and traffic flow will also be different depending on the time of day.

It has been announced that some meetings in the game will take place high in the office buildings of skyscrapers which will subsequently allow Niko to throw people off the buildings. However, Niko won't be able to access all the buildings in the game.

Turns out I was wrong. This is from Wikipedia.

Apparently it'll be just New York City and a little bit of New Jersey, but it's going to be a gigantic city and a very realistic city. I can't wait.
Nothing can beat GTA series as when this comes out i will prolly spend every waking hour of the day playing it. I'm just that way GTAgames. Thisone looks badass and again I can not wait
Seriously, what video game playing male doesn't completely fucking love GTA? How can you NOT? It's the first game to ever really allow you to do whatever you want. Don't want to do missions? Fine, go around and killing people with your buddies, doing stunts, etc etc. I mean before GTA 3, there was never a game like that, and as soon as it came out, about 10 copycats came out six monthes later (Crap like Streets of LA and Driver). It's hard to truly decide which one is my favorite. I mean I grew up on the original GTA 3, but Vice City was even better then that. I loved the fact that you could get into fistfights with a bunch of gang members, and it would attract other gang members and you could start just a huge rumble of like 20 people fistfighting, awesome. Then what can you say about San Andreas? Greatest game, ever. It sucks beyond belief that my copy doesn't work anymore, possibly because I played it far too much. But man, that game was so detailed and complete. I loved the whole gang territory idea, where you could fight different gangs for their territory and they'd attack yours, it was just awesome. Call me a sucker for early 90s gangsta rap (how could you not love Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, NWA?) but that was definately the greatest video game, ever.

I never really liked Liberty City Stories. I know it was like a side game, but still, it was just pretty lame. I mean it was awesome to just be doing new GTA missions and all, but the game itself was a less interesting version of GTA 3.

But now they're doing a new one...and I am excited as all hell. Whats the date for this things release anyways? And please....PLEASE tell me it's going to be on PS2. Playstation has to realize that very few people even want a PS3 when most games still come out on PS2 and are really perfectly fine that way. This game should be just freakin awesome, the way it sounds so far is crazy, but I just really really hope they keep the gang territory system from the last game, cause that was just as fun as playing the actual missions IMO.
Sorry X no PS2 Release. It releases first for xbox 360 in october, and then alter for ps3, so I guess rockstar isn't exclusive with playstation anymore.

San Andreas was fucking insane, what a great game. i just love jumping on the jetpack and flying all over the place, or jacking a plane, going as high as possible, jumping out, hit the water, and be perfectly fine, just bad ass.

I think with GTA4 comign out for the 360 first, plus Halo 3, I have to get an Xbox360, or else I will pull my hair out.
Don't get an XBox360 unless you want to spend a few hundred dollars on a game system that is guaranteed to break down on you in a couple monthes. I'm going to wait a while until they come out with new and improved Xbox360's before I even start thinking about spending the money on something that everyone who I know has bought and been pissed because it broke on them.

I'll probably buy the PS3 anyways, I was always a Playstation guy, not an XBox one. Though I'm thinking of making the jump simply for Halo 3, Halo is without a doubt the greatest game franchise, ever. The hours of fun playing that online, ridiculious.
X, I love you man. I'm a playstation man too, all the way. But PS3 is ridiculously overpriced and I only want GTA4. if Xbox 360's cheaper, which it is, I might just pick it up and grab Halo 3 as well. We'll see. I hope it comes out on PC but I'd have to get a new graphics card for sure.

Oh and by the way, they're coming out on both platforms simultaneously I believe.

Oh and X, pick up Vice City Stories if you get the chance, you WON'T be disapointed.
Hey well I have a PS3 and a Xbox360 so I have nothing to worry about :) I have always been a Playstation man ad still am. Thought with GTA4 I'm willing to wait for the PS3 version. Honestly Ps3 kicks ass and the blue ray disc do as well like with movies.

But GTA4 will be kick ass and from the looks of it the mod team mightbe on vaction when GTA comes out :p
I'm looking at an Xbox 360 elite right now, but I'm still holding on pulling the trigger. Like you said X, the damn things keep breakign down because microsoft pushed them too fucking fast to market. But haven't there also been problems with the PS3 power cords? I'm not sure, I thought I read that.

I'm with Prax, I can justify spending 400, barely justify, but justify, but I can't spend 600 bucks, hell, that's a mortgage payment.
Though I love Playstation and the XBox to a much lesser degree, I simply cannot hope that HD-DVDs or Blu-Ray discs make it big. Because that would fucking suck so badly. Do you realize how long it would take to replace my entire catalogue of movies? And what happens when they stop selling DVDs (they already killed VHS)? We have to shell out big bucks for one of those crappy systems for discs that are barely better visibly. I just don't understand why we can't just stick to one freaking media source for a while, VHS lasted a good 20 years, can't we give DVDs that same amount of time? I mean jesus they're about as convenient as it gets, if you want to improve on that, you're just being an asshole.

But oh god man I cannot wait until Halo 3 comes out on the computer. I probably will be gone from here for atleast a month guys.
USA Today said:
Take-Two Interactive announced Thursday that Grand Theft Auto IV would not be released Oct. 18 for Sony's PlayStation 3 and Microsoft's Xbox 360 video game systems, as originally planned. Instead, the game will arrive in spring of 2008, "due to additional development time required to complete the title," the company said in a statement.Rockstar Games founder Sam Houser says in the statement, "the new consoles are allowing us to create the "Grand Theft Auto" game we always dreamed about. Every aspect of the game and its design has been completely transformed. The game is huge and is pushing the hardware platforms to their absolute limits. The top engineers from Sony and Microsoft are working closely with the team in Edinburgh right now, helping us to fully leverage the power of both platforms. As always, our goal is to surpass even the wildest expectations of the game's fans, and to create the ultimate high definition video game experience."

Industry analysts had expected GTA IV to battle Halo 3— and perhaps Guitar Hero 3 and Rock Band— for the top-selling game of the year. The last GTA game for consoles, 2004's GTA: San Andreas has sold more than 20 million copies.

On his Level Up blog, Newsweek's N'gai Croal mused: "It will be interesting to see which publishers move their games out of the November crunch and into October now that the neutron bomb that is Grand Theft Auto IV will no longer be dropped in 2007."

His take: Nintendo benefits most because it gives consumers more reason to buy a Wii. And Microsoft takes a bigger hit than Sony because its expected one-two punch of Halo 3 and GTA IV might have resulted in more Xbox 360 converts. "Rockstar has delivered its Grand Theft Auto games more or less like clockwork, making today's announcement something of a shock," he wrote.

Well this sucks, I have to wait an extra six months or so for GTA, but good because consoles will be cheaper by then, and the game is going to be even more ridiculous.

But you could tell Rockstar was afraid... Halo 3 AND Guitar Hero 3 coming out around the same time would've been ugly. Now GTA can get to more people. But at the same time, as the article said, more people might consider buying Wii's instead now that they have one less kickass game coming out for Xbox.
Though I love Playstation and the XBox to a much lesser degree, I simply cannot hope that HD-DVDs or Blu-Ray discs make it big. Because that would fucking suck so badly. Do you realize how long it would take to replace my entire catalogue of movies? And what happens when they stop selling DVDs (they already killed VHS)? We have to shell out big bucks for one of those crappy systems for discs that are barely better visibly. I just don't understand why we can't just stick to one freaking media source for a while, VHS lasted a good 20 years, can't we give DVDs that same amount of time? I mean jesus they're about as convenient as it gets, if you want to improve on that, you're just being an asshole.

But oh god man I cannot wait until Halo 3 comes out on the computer. I probably will be gone from here for atleast a month guys.

You are never an asshole for wanting to improve on something. And you wouldn't have to replace anything as HD DVD and Blu Ray are for HDTV's, so if you don't have an HDTV you have no need for either. They were invented because DVD's can't run at HD quality and they needed something that could. DVD's are not going anywhere because for atleast 10 to 20 years there will be 100's of millions of people without a HDTV.

GTA4 is awesome but I am annoyed it was delayed, this may hurt PS3's sales because now all they have is LAir and Heavenly Sword to rely on and I am not sure they can push systems. I serious want the Wii to finish last and was hoping that GTA4 would help in that. But I also am not so mad because I don't have a PS3 or 360 so I won't miss it. I want one ASAP!
This is the worst delay in gaming history, I swear it. The only thing that could've been worse was probably a Halo delay, any of them, just for the sheer amount of hype they got. GTA IV was also starting to get hyped like crazy and lots of interviews and previews...and then we get around and it's been delayed. Not just a month or a week or two but clear into March or even later. Total bullshit.

But the plus side is that there are tons of other games coming. So at least my mind will be taken off of it, but that still doesn't stop it from being the worst delay ever.
welll this gayme is one to buy i heard now u cant jusopen the door n take off with the car u actually hav to hotwire them now
& it got delayed shiittt it wuz supposed to come out a week before my birthday but with this delay i guess there probably going to make it better so i guess this is a good thing
Yea you have to think they are delaying it for a good reason... you shouldnt complain because when this thing comes out it will be so amazing you would of waited even longer for it.

I cant wait but I really really hope I have a 360 by then. It would probably be the main reason to buy one if I didnt have one by then.

The trailers look amazing for it. The cars look so much better and the buildings are awesome. Spring 2008? I cannot wait.
This to me is not the worst delay there is a ton of games coming this fall that can hold you till spring. Here is just a few: Halo 3, Call of duty 4, Mass Effect, Smackdown Vs. Raw. Thats just ones that will sell you all may have a couple odd ones out there that you may like. So everyone should get a good dose of gaming until GTA IV is released.
The delay will at least give them more time to polish everything up and not distribute a half-assed game. Although a delay of 5 - 6 months is a bit excessive for that.

Perhaps Rockstar/Take Two is undergoing some sort of management restructure. The new guy in charge takes as big of a hit as he possibly can and blame poor performance on the previous guy. Meanwhile, the new quarter rolls around and GTA 4 is released. Huge sales, lots of cash, and makes the new guy look good for making so much money.
R* is not afraid of competition, the delay had to be caused by Microsoft, so both Halo3 and GTA IV could sell well in the market, that way both can sell well onced released, and GTA IV will be released for the 360 & PS3 at the same time. The map size is expected to be about the same size as SA. You can see both trailers:
Nothing beats GTA, every one gets better and better and I can not wait until GTA4 comes out! I am getting a PS3 for Christmas just so I can have this game! It's the best ever!
This game is going to be great. The graphics look amazing. The gameplay is surely going to be amazing. GTA games never fail to austand me. They are always new and innovative. Liberty City will be all repackaged, and huge. I heard it takes about an hour to cross the entire city. Another thing i've heard is that you can hang off cars and helicopyters! I simply can't wait for this game. This is going to be great.

One element that's intriguing me so far is the story. I may be alone in the fact that previous Grand Theft Autos entertained me, though didn't impress me, with their story. Judging from the trailers, this one's going to have a story that's entertaining and will pull you in, unlike previous installments. Nico Bellic is definitely my favourite character so far. We've had numerous Italian American characters, a gangbanger (if that is the proper term), short of a Cockney geeza', a hard as nails Eastern European was one of the last alleys left. This'll be the thing that'll keep me from crying myself to sleep for lack of the new Mario Kart and Smash Bros. And it'll do a great job, too. Nice to see the old GTA humour is still intact.
As much as I anticipate this game, I don't think it will be as "fun" as it's earlier versions. It justs seems it will be a more serious game, on the same level as The Getaway. III, Vice City, an San Anreas were games you could just go around and laugh at the things you do with your friends. This game looks like it wont have the same ability.
My PS3 is in desperate need of a decent game. Smackdown vs. Raw was like every Smackdown & Raw of the fast 3 years. And I've played Pro Evo to death.

I can't wait for this. I might actually make an effort to buy this on the day it comes out. The storyline might well be a pile of shit, but it wouldn't matter. I get enought enjoyment out of just running around blowing peoples heads off.

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