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Good for Punk like Austin standing up towards the MACHINE


Getting Noticed By Management
I just wonder how many fans that don't agree with Punk were actually a fan of him and furthermore how many of those fans jeered Austin for doing the same very thing
Hypothetically we will say Punk has walked out because of his ideas of what his character should be
Lets be honest before his Title Run he was being used as a piss of shit all because of a disagreement with the Princess
Punk believes if I am going to lose to a certain talent tonight then whats the long term plan for this feud and the long term plan for my character Is that so bad!
When he became the champ @MITB no superstar since Cena had as much mainstream appeal for the first few weeks into that title reign
The short feud with HHH made zero sense with no payoff for Punk much like his losses to Lesnar and Rock
They stick him with Heyman which he didn't need and Punk has the tagline of BITW but he looks extremely weak against an almost 70 year old man
I understand the loss to Rock but a triple threat match @WM would of made more sense for all characters involved and Taker should of wrestled Lesnar then The whole UFC staredown thing happened so three years ago so way to stay current WWE
People can argue who is more mainstream Cena or Punk but who has been on more shows that casual fans would care about The demo to reach casual fans isn't 7-12 but 16-24 and clearly Punk leads in the latter demo by a landslide
So lets condemn a guy who stands up for what he believes in
If Punk is truly gone with him going around to other shows he is trying to put pressure on WWE to come to his terms Have to wait and see who blinks first
If Talking Dead's ratings tonight are double than what they use to be then Punk has the upperhand
At the last two UFC events Punk has attended there has been a significant Punk chant which no other WWE talent has gotten including SCSA
Oh God.

Not this again.

Can we please move on from punk?

When Austin left, he wasn't "standing up to the machine" he was acting like a spoiled child and so is punk now.

Austin admitted walking out was the biggest mistake of his career.

WWE pushed punk to the moon yet nothing is ever too good for him.

Good riddance. Don't ever want to see this spoiled diva on my TV again.
What makes you think Punk is gone
Lets not forget VKM and Punk have used the internet to each other gains a multiple of times
Did WWE give Punk everything he Wanted?
We have all seen the reports after MITB for at least six months Punk was either beating or slightly behind Cena in merch sales
How did WWE reward him for that?
That big face push oh by the way we are turning you heel
Unless you have a overwhelmingly popular face news flash to WWE since the mid 90's most fans like the heel or tweener characters
If the Hogan type character was such a sell then Hogan wouldn't of jumped ship to WCW
If the didney like characters worked so well VKM would of never had to jump to TV-14
Did WWE give punk everything he wanted?

Why in the blue hell would WWE give punk everything he wants?

Who the hell does punk think he is?

Cm punk has delusions of grandeur.

Cm punk should've been treated like Chris Jericho yet WWE pushed him as the next mega star as a Hogan, as a Austin, as a Rock...

Also, punk said he's more comfortable as a heel and hates being a face so your argument is invalid.
Careful when making assumptions,

I think we can't and probably will never know for sure why he left,

So we can pass a judgement on Austin because we know why he left.

Can't do the same thing for Punk, nobody knows for sure wy he left,

What's this disagreement with the Princess you're referring to?
CM Punk's first lost vs Lesnar didn't add value to their feud together?
Yes I know Punk has said that numerous times of being a heel but Punk also knows WWE is a "face" company
I can admit I am a Punk mark
I am not making my argument one sided just the way I have seen things played out
If you are the champion you want everything possible to succeed
Are you telling me Cena doesn't politic to try and get everything he wants
As a top tier talent you want everything possible to succeed just some talent politics more than others
When Punk first started the SES on SD Punk and Steph had a major creative disagreement in front of other talent that was referred to Mt St Helene's of disagreements That led to him being buried for almost three years

Like I mentioned before Punk believes he should have a rough idea of where a feud is going and where that particular feud will lead his character after the feud is over A one off with Lesnar wasn't what Punk wanted At best the face should pull even with the heel in the feud Many in the company thought a rematch inside HIAC was appropiate but the powers to be thought the Punk/Heyman story was more important
Honestly, I don't know if Cena uses backstage politics because I don't really work in WWE however based on what I've read from interviews of former wrestlers, I can assume he does.
I'm not a Cena fan and probably never will.
My current fav is D-Bry and all time fav is The Rock.
I doubt these two used backstage politics.
No he is not like Austin. Austin was being booked poorly. He goes from main eventing Wrestlemania to losing to a rookie in the first round of king of the ring? They gave him some of the worst possible feuds in 2002 and he knew very well that Vince was fucking him over. Cm Punk is a different story. It was the complete opposite for him. They gave Cm Punk everything and he wines and bitches because they didn't give him enough. At least with Stone Cold he was a draw. He raked in millions of dollars for WWE. Cm Punk wasn't a terrible draw but it's not like he was pulling in major crowds. Cena was still selling more than him. Austin had legitimacy to his claim that he deserved more because he did. The best selling merch seller in wrestling history, ratings winner, and massive crowd draw deserves more than losing to a rookie in a round 1 king of the ring (a title that he's already achieved mind you). Then you have Cm Punk. A moderate draw who outsold Cena for one month. Wow, who wouldn't wanna have that guy main event Wrestlemania. He certainly did far more than Cena has accomplished *rolls eyes*

Cm Punk is a selfish spoiled brat. WWE gives him everything including a 400+ day title reign and he quits because he didn't get what he wanted? That's like a spoiled child whose parents give him a 2014 Camaro but complains and wines because he really wanted a Ferrari. You fans make it no better.
Actually for the first six months of his title reign he was either ahead or slightly behind Cena in merch sales
We don't know what the future plans for the Punk character is or was
Its hard to say what type of draw Punk could be seeing WWE are doing similar numbers from revenue and ratings that they were doing when Hogan was on top
The comparision of Punk to Austin is they both walked out when they had a creative clash with the boss
Why should Punk wrestle HHH @WM when that feud was visited a few years ago
Also if Punk believes he only has a few Mania's left in him why not book him strong for his final two WM
I am not saying if he walked out he was justified but you can understand it from a creative side even if you don't like the character or the person
What machine? The same one that's ensured we've been able to enjoy pro wrestling for the past 30 years whilst the business has largely died on its arse? They'll still be selling out arenas long after anyone cares about CM Punk.
Actually for the first six months of his title reign he was either ahead or slightly behind Cena in merch sales
We don't know what the future plans for the Punk character is or was
Its hard to say what type of draw Punk could be seeing WWE are doing similar numbers from revenue and ratings that they were doing when Hogan was on top
The comparision of Punk to Austin is they both walked out when they had a creative clash with the boss
Why should Punk wrestle HHH @WM when that feud was visited a few years ago
Also if Punk believes he only has a few Mania's left in him why not book him strong for his final two WM
I am not saying if he walked out he was justified but you can understand it from a creative side even if you don't like the character or the person

He was behind Cena other than that about a month and a half. Rise Above Hate quickly sold more than Punk's shirt and heading into Wrestlemania to face Rock there's no way Cena sold less than Punk. Then after wrestlemania lots of fans stopped watching since Rock was gone (myself included).
Personally, I wish people would stop posting things on the CM Punk situation as if they honestly know what they're talking about. CM Punk hasn't released any sort of statement in regards to what caused him to walk out of WWE, nor has WWE posted any sort of statement regarding their side of the story.

I know it's fashionable to always go after the big corporation because there's ALWAYS got to be somebody to blame and the big corporation is ALWAYS the easiest target. I don't know that there's any genuine good guy or bad guy in this thing because, more often than not, that's not how real life works. When it comes to Punk, IF he feels that he isn't being used properly, there MIGHT be some truth to it. When it comes to WWE, it's possible that WWE MIGHT not agree with CM Punk's view on how properly or improperly he's being used. In spite of all the various internet propaganda, WWE management isn't comprised of these jerk off sadists who get their kicks from purposely fucking over their talent. IF Punk left because he's unhappy, then I personally hope nothing but the best for him. It's his life, his career and he has to do what he feels is ultimately best for himself.

When it comes to the "machine", I'm sure there are plenty of times in which talent feels like telling management to shove it. Sometimes, management probably deserves it. After all, it's perfectly natural for guys to get burned out physically, emotionally and mentally when you look at WWE's intense schedule. It's also perfectly natural for a lot of guys to feel they should be "used better" than how they currently are. Sometimes, they probably aren't being used to he best of their abilities. The problem, however, is that everybody can't have what they want all the damn time. As much as CM Punk portrays himself as this rebel, sometimes, you have to do what your boss tells you to do whether you agree with it or not. As I said, if Punk is unhappy and has been unhappy for a long time, then maybe leaving was the best for him. All the same, it's much easier to walk away when you're sitting on a near $8 million bank account.

IF, IF, IF CM Punk genuinely thought wrestling Triple H wasn't a big enough match, then I'd be inclined to agree that it'd seem, to me at least, that Punk's ego has gotten more than a little out of control. IF it's been Punk's dream to close out WrestleMania, as some reports have claimed, it doesn't mean WWE automatically owes that to Punk. IF Punk was upset because he wasn't pushed like John Cena, which I could understand from his perspective because Punk's a highly talented guy, then MAYBE it's not all the fault of management. One reason why John Cena has been pushed so hard and consistently is not only because of his work ethic, but also because he's fiercely loyal to the company. IF CM Punk comes off as someone who isn't particularly loyal and complains about anything & everything, which has been alleged by many reports since all this started, then, as much of a fan and supporter of Punk as I've been over the years, I can honestly see why they wouldn't want to push him as hard as Cena.
This is hard for me seeing as how im a CM Punk fan.. But this has got to stop.. No one knows whats going on with CM Punk,no phone calls to my knowledge have been exchanged,and no word from the Punk camp has been released.. If punk genuinely felt,that wrestling HHH at Wm was well not worthy of his standards,i dont understand that for the life of me..

Thats the one point IF IF IF true,i dont get.. Wrestling Triple H The Game is very honorable and worthy.. Getting a rub from him is huge. Thats the part where i think Punks Ego or jealously got the best of him IMO if this is indeed true. I get its fashionable to tell your boss to shove it. Hell thats what SCSA and Vinnie Mac did.

Big difference though that was planned,CM Punk a rebel,well sometimes rebels have to do what their boss tells them to do. I understand Punks frustration,not being pushed like Cena,not being in the main event of WM.

DO i think he deserves or deserved to close out WM,yes i do. That should have happened last year. He deserved that much going in as champion IMO. But we dont get what we all want,thats life. The reason why Cena is top dog and has been the man eats breathes WWE. He is the business. He is loyal. Does everything that is asked of him! Knows when to keep his mouth shut,Punk while a rebel,and I respect that,kinda shot himself in the foot.

IMO Punk is not returning anytime soon
Enough with the Punk threads. Is he a hero, a villain or a vigilante? who really knows. He is being silent about the situation. I refuse to pass judgement on this situation until I hear the stories from both parties. Maybe it can be like Wrestling with shadows part 2. Either way, stop with the Punk threads, it is becoming a bigger conspiracy than JFK
A lot of WWE fans are embarrassing themselves the way they're turning on CM Punk. He said in his "shoot" that most WWE fans are sheep that will pour money into the company no matter what. He's being proven right. It's pretty pathetic.

Punk is winning in the end because he no longer needs their money. He can just give them the finger and quit. If more wrestlers, or even the fans had the option of giving the WWE the finger instead of having to bend over and take what WWE gives, their product would be a hell of a lot more entertaining.
I love it when people complain about "another punk thread" yet have to not only read the thread, then comment, and then to show how tired they really are they comment continuously. Of course it's good that punk left and he did it on his terms, anyone who says differently is just a non punk fan or a silly little douche.
A lot of WWE fans are embarrassing themselves the way they're turning on CM Punk. He said in his "shoot" that most WWE fans are sheep that will pour money into the company no matter what. He's being proven right. It's pretty pathetic.

Punk is winning in the end because he no longer needs their money. He can just give them the finger and quit. If more wrestlers, or even the fans had the option of giving the WWE the finger instead of having to bend over and take what WWE gives, their product would be a hell of a lot more entertaining.

That's the one thing that I like about Punk, he may be a douche at times but the man does have the balls to tell it how it is. I doubt that you would see Cena be that raw. (no pun intended).
A lot of WWE fans are embarrassing themselves the way they're turning on CM Punk. He said in his "shoot" that most WWE fans are sheep that will pour money into the company no matter what. He's being proven right. It's pretty pathetic.

Punk is winning in the end because he no longer needs their money. He can just give them the finger and quit. If more wrestlers, or even the fans had the option of giving the WWE the finger instead of having to bend over and take what WWE gives, their product would be a hell of a lot more entertaining.
Well maybe next time he will think before he signs a contract. If you sign a contract then you should honor it. This coming from a Punk fan.

Punk is not winning anything. He is too old and nowhere near good enough to land in UFC. WWE has already replaced him with Bryan who at this point is more popular than Punk. He has nothing going on. It is just a matter of time before he comes crawling back.

That said Jack is right in that we have no clue if Punk went in and asked for this time off or not. But the WWE can't push a guy to the moon who gets burned out so quickly. I love Punk but you have to put the time in if you want to be top dog. I am not really sure if he is cut out for it.
I've seriously had enough with people hating on CM Punk. He left the business and a lot of people want him back, as do I. I love how whoever insults him wouldn't ever say shit to his face. However that is not my point. Punk did resemble Austin in many ways but their walk-outs were a bit different. Like I have said before, those two eras are completely different I HATE when people compare stardom in the Attitude Era to now. Things are much different. A lot of this doesn't matter now. Bryan is getting the spotlight now, and to be honest he is getting exactly what Punk wanted. It really doesn't matter to me anymore. It's not the same with Punk gone anyways.
In my opinion maybe had Punk extended his contract and not talk about life after wrestling aka saying he doesn't want to be a lifer the WWE may have invested more in Punk to his liking instead of a match at WM 30 with HHH but he have this part timer feel to the WWE so they may have decided to focus their energy on people they feel will be here longer then a few months after WM. So for me since Punk made his bed by not commiting long term so he should of finished his contract or at least until WM then walk away.

I used to be a Punk fan but walking out like he did really upsets me that he would walk out on his fans and the boys in the back. You think guys like Ziggler or Miz would like to have a match with HHH at WM or even a high profile match at WM? Punk was the WWE champ for over 400+ days which the WWE really made a big deal of, he was put in a program with the returning Rock (which for "the machine" is a big deal), he fought the Undertaker at WM which as we know IS the match to be in at WM due to the streak and he had a nice feud with Brock Lesner at Summer Slam. That's 3 superstars that only come back for special events and don't just feud with anyone.

Punk should of completed his contract then walked away if he wanted but he left a half hour before Raw started which is not only unprofessional but puts his co-workers in a very bad spot.
One thing is for sure: CM Punk is going to write a really interesting book someday. I have a feeling the conflict with management runs much deeper than we can possibly know right now, and I can't wait to hear his unfiltered side of the story.

CM Punk's memory lingers on with his fans, and his absence validates the whims of his haters.

Fans of his, like me, will wonder out loud why exactly he left and recognize his action for its boldness and its wisdom. He wasn't about to let HHH and Stephanie run his momentum into the ground with a go nowhere feud only to see Batista get a title shot on a silver platter. Good for you CM Punk, your fans still love you and anxiously await your return. Punk haters are just low-brow fan boys who were indoctrinated by the WWE's bullshit standards of what a pure athlete looks like, which most certainly is not an injury prone pud like Batista.

Haters of his, unlike me, will breath a huge sigh of relief and express just how relieved they are to no longer have to endure that whining sniveling little brat anymore. His physique is so unimpressive, and his style just doesn't compute when it comes to taking on bigger and more intimidating opponents. His promos make you want to vomit, and the ways he disrespects a legend in HHH is just abominable and will not stand. Thank goodness he's gone, BLAH!! Now maybe some real men can step up.

After banging our fucking heads together for weeks on end and bruising each other's egos until our souls are torn to ribbons, we have to take a step back. There will always be two sides to a successful performer's appeal, the people who hate that performer and the people who adore that performer. We don't decide their future with our bickering, we decide their future with our hard earned cash.

Now then. Can't we all just get along? Ladies and Gentlemen, Sly and the Family Stone:

Oh God.

Not this again.

Can we please move on from punk?

When Austin left, he wasn't "standing up to the machine" he was acting like a spoiled child and so is punk now.

Austin admitted walking out was the biggest mistake of his career.

WWE pushed punk to the moon yet nothing is ever too good for him.

Good riddance. Don't ever want to see this spoiled diva on my TV again.

That's not necessarily true. While Austin did say he would have handled things differently, he still disagrees with everything that caused him to walk out to this day.

Punk handled it unprofessionally, but at the same time, the company knew he was done come July, so rather than wait until then, he just packed up and left early. So be it. He's burnt out, he's frustrated and he's tired of the company not pushing future talent enough. He wants the current talent main eventing WM, not old part timers returning and getting the biggest paycheck. He's when on to state many times that it isn't fair. He voiced his displeasure when the Rock returned and now he's doing it with Batista. And rightfully so.

I'm tired of Vince bringing in "big names" and stealing the spotlight from wrestlers who work their asses off all year, only to be put on the back burners come the biggest PPV of the year, all because he wants his precious buyouts.
Rock returned and now he's doing it with Batista. And rightfully so.

I'm tired of Vince bringing in "big names" and stealing the spotlight from wrestlers who work their asses off all year, only to be put on the back burners come the biggest PPV of the year, all because he wants his precious buyouts.

See here's why I have a problem with punk.

The only thing punk should concern himself about is his position in the company.

You can't force your ideologies on a billion dollar company.

Rock has EARNED the right to come and go whenever he pleases.

He's probably the greatest wrestler ever.

Batista, like him or not, signed a 2 year contract with WWE which means he'll be there after July unlike punk who's refusing to renew his contract.

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