What if Punk pulls a Angle and goes to TNA?

Jeeeesus, CM Punk didn't really leave the company with the title belt. That was a storyline.

*shakes head*
"Never say never" as the old saying goes in professional wrestling.

Remember when the news broke that Kurt Angle was going to TNA? I was a lot younger at the time, but even I knew enough then to know that was a huge deal. Obviously, there's a difference between Angle - who had medical and drug issues - and CM Punk, who is straight edge and, baring a few recent injuries, in the peak of his physical ability.

Jeff Hardy going over a few years ago wasn't a huge surprise because of the drug arrest, and having already been in the company before. Rob Van Dam wasn't ever "top tier" enough to shake things up. It's been so long since Sting showed up, but I'm guessing that was a pretty big deal to TNA fans at the time.

The closest thing to Punk crossing the line is Hulk Hogan signing a deal with Dixie Carter. I honestly thought it was a joke when it happened. Biggest name in the history of the business, coming to the 2nd rate company that everyone hates on? Crazy. But again, he wasn't signing on as an active wrestler. However, the fact that I can still remember that January 4th, 2010 was a big deal is in fact, a big deal.

CM Punk has always said he gets bored easily and is looking for the next mountain to climb. He's also said multiple times that he does't want to be a "lifer" in pro wrestling. That he probably won't stay with WWE for that much longer. Of course "that much longer" is always a relative term. Could be two years, or ten. But what's the mountain to climb in TNA? What's Punk's motivation for likely taking a giant pay cut, and going to a smaller show? Making a difference perhaps? Out of everyone that's a big name in WWE, Punk easily seems like the guy that would duck out to cross that line.

Look...here's the thing about all the wrestling fans saying "this thread is ******ed; Punk will never go to TNA!" Let me take you back to 1993, the year Hulk Hogan left the WWF. He spent a year hanging out with his family, working on terrible movies, working in Japan, and doing other things to pass the time. And then...in 1994, he did the unthinkable; Hulk Hogan signed with WCW. So did Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. But more importantly, HULK HOGAN SIGNED WITH WCW. The secondary company that was nowhere near the popularity of the big, WrestleMania-driven engine. The company that caught a lot of crap for the people that ran it, and the networks it was on, and for some of the talents they pushed (for being WWE or NWA rejects).

I'm not saying WCW circa 1994 was identical to TNA circa 2013, but the similarities are there. The only difference is that now WWE has contracts in place to make sure there's at least 90 days before anybody can jump ship. So guys can go from WWE to TNA, but they can't just leave Raw on Monday and show up to Impact on Thursday to pop the ratings. But CM Punk is the kind of guy that could go away for 90 days - or even a full year - and show up on TNA and bring in the biggest ratings of all time. Maybe he's not Hulk Hogan, but he's sure as hell Razor Ramon. He could jump that ship and take TNA to new places of relevancy. ESPN would be all over it. THe dirt sheets would explode. Impact would hit a 1.2 in the ratings (lol).

Just saying...don't ever say "never" in pro wrestling.
Hulk Hogan is more likely to win the next Money In The Bank match than CM Punk is going to TNA.

Punk seems to be completely driven to truly be 'Best in the World' at what he does. Not trying to take a shot at TNA, as I do enjoy their product, but the only place to truly do that is the place with the biggest crowds and most exposure, WWE.

I'm not even sure that Punk, who has a history of clashing with promoter's and authority figures, would want to step in to TNA and work under Dixie Carter, who is still very green when it comes to running and promoting a wrestling organization.

I feel confident in saying that Punk will be in WWE till he hangs up the boots and moves on to the next challenge in life he chooses.

Only for the sake of playing devils advocate, which says "best in the world" to you...

1--Being a big star in WWE.

2--Being THE star that took TNA above WWE.

Now not saying Punk would take TNA above WWE, as there is a lot of things TNA needs to do to make that ever happen and it will involve more than what any single wrestler could provide. The point I am making though is there are plenty of ways a guy can be seen as "best in the world" without being in WWE.
CM Punk isn't going to TNA. WWE realise how important he is to the company at the moment, they know he is one of their most valuable stars. They just let him hold the title for OVER A YEAR...that just doesnt happen these days.

Punk is at the level now that if he needs time off he will get it. He is always outspoken and does rub people up the wrong way, but he has the leverage in that WWE have barely any real stars right now, Punk is too valuable to the company to let him leave, or drive him to leaving.

He has been critical of TNA in the past, so I'm not entirely sure that he would want to go there if he ever left WWE...but money talks so if he did decide to leave WWE at some point I would expect we would see him in TNA.....however, I think its VERY unlikely to occur in the near future.
The time for Punk to leave was after he beat Cena at MITB. That ship has sailed. At that time Punk had all the power and EVEN if he would've LOST to Cena at that PPV (because there was no way Vince was gonna let him leave with the title) he still had more drawing power than any other point in his career. If Punk left for TNA or even ROH after that match, it wouldve been a massive turning point in pro wrestling. Punk goes to TNA and he instantly has a Jeff hardy feud to re-ignite. He can draw instant heat because he's CM Punk and he could also feud with so many guys he never had a chance to otherwise. (Angle, Morgan, Aries, etc.) Punk told Vince he was pissed with creative, because creative sucked. They still suck, and will continue to suck until some other company gets there shit together and somehow comes up with an angle that gives WWE a run for their money (literally). If Punk ever jumps ship, his first feud is with Hardy, he's heel. And he basically runs the company. Thats the only way it ever happens.

He didnt leave with the belt. He signed a contract hours before the match. Vince would never let a wrestler win the WWE title without being locked into a contract. Idiot.

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