CM Punk fans: GROW UP!!

There's a big difference when fans chant for Daniel Bryan during a match he has no connection to when fans are just expressing there opinion that they would rather be seeing him then what's going on Ine the ring.

So the people who chant for Punk are not saying that they would rather see him? It's the exact same thing going on. People are saying that they want him to come back, that WWE should do whatever they can to bring him back, and they are letting Punk know that they want him to settle whatever his differences are and return. That's the way I see it.

He walked out, so what? He's not the first, and you can bet he won't be the last guy to walk out on their job, be it for WWE or a regular 9 to 5 job. The man was burned out and upset with the way things were going, so he left. You can't fault him for leaving a situation that had he stayed could have turned out much worse. He will come back, maybe not in the near future, but he will return at some point. And that point may be this Monday, or the Chicago show. You just never know. But all this hate for a guy that in my opinion, did exactly what he always said he would, is ridiculous.

On the chants again, people can chant what they want. Whether it's Daniel Bryan, Yes!, What!, ECW, JBL, Cena Sucks, or CM Punk, it's their right to chant it. Just like it's your right to chant whatever it is you want to chant when you are in the crowd. Punk fans, myself included, want him to come back. And until that happens, or until he or WWE says it's not happening, the chants will continue. They will get smaller as time goes by, but they will be there.
we all wait for march 3 edition of raw. We got the answer of cm punk and how the chicago universe react.
If punk is burnout then he take time and come back at chicago raw. Thats all.
if punk wont comeback at chicago raw then the fans chants his name. At start of the show they request the crowd not chant his name. They reduce the crowd noice at live. They give more time to db.
Don't get all sensitive on this cuz I ain't trying to put you down bro but what he said was right it is straight up over sensitive people taking it outta context lol. I get your point of view and that you hate the decision cm punk made and what not. But not everyone thinks the way you do and if people wanna cheer for punk that's their prerogative and it's not because their trying to bring people like you down either lol sayin shit like that makes you sound like someone who's "trying to bring people down just because there daddy made a mess in his pants and had to go home to mommy"... Take it easy Holms

Dude I'm sorry but I'm laughing my ass off here seeing a cm punk fan try to tell people there over sensitive...YOUR FUXKING IDOL IS CM PUNK!
So the people who chant for Punk are not saying that they would rather see him? It's the exact same thing going on. People are saying that they want him to come back, that WWE should do whatever they can to bring him back, and they are letting Punk know that they want him to settle whatever his differences are and return. That's the way I see it.

He walked out, so what? He's not the first, and you can bet he won't be the last guy to walk out on their job, be it for WWE or a regular 9 to 5 job. The man was burned out and upset with the way things were going, so he left. You can't fault him for leaving a situation that had he stayed could have turned out much worse. He will come back, maybe not in the near future, but he will return at some point. And that point may be this Monday, or the Chicago show. You just never know. But all this hate for a guy that in my opinion, did exactly what he always said he would, is ridiculous.

On the chants again, people can chant what they want. Whether it's Daniel Bryan, Yes!, What!, ECW, JBL, Cena Sucks, or CM Punk, it's their right to chant it. Just like it's your right to chant whatever it is you want to chant when you are in the crowd. Punk fans, myself included, want him to come back. And until that happens, or until he or WWE says it's not happening, the chants will continue. They will get smaller as time goes by, but they will be there.

Again there is a big difference between a guy who currently works and is dedicated to being a active wwe superstar who works his ass off every week....and a guy who is sitting on his ass after walking out on the company because he wasn't good enough to main event wrestlemania....big difference.
Totally agree with OP.

Punk has ego issues. He's not that good and now he's crying about it and leaving.

I'm sick of Punk and his "wow cool scripted shoot 2011" from PG Kids. CM Punk got charisma like a white wall, he looks crap and he can't handle the fact that are much better wrestlers then him.

Cm Punk has absolutely NO reason to leave WWE.

If he's drained physically and mentally, who the fuck are you to say that?

He was being booked like god, he main evented back to back ppvs with the rock, rock put him over on their first promo, he let him slap him and spit in his face at elimination chamber, he pinned him at the royal rumble, he held the wwe title for 434 days, he beat the entire roster miz del rio bryan ziggler kane cena big show ryback during that reign, he beat Chris Jericho at wrestlemania, he faced taker at wrestlemania for the streak, they brought back Paul Heyman (arguably the greatest manager ever) and let him be his manager, punk was undefeated in all of his ppv matches in 2012, first wrestler ever to win 10 ppv matches in one year, he closed the historic raw 1000 episode, he interrupted jr's appreciation night, he interrupted ric flair return at the slammy awards, he interrupted bret hart's return to Montreal, he interrupted Vince mcmahon, slapped him in the face and faced him in a match on raw, he interrupted lawler's return after he got a heart attack, he exploited lawler's heart attack as well as Paul bearer's tragedy, he feuded with Lesnar and BROCK LESNAR couldn't beat punk without interference from Paul Heyman, he feuded with triple h and Kevin nash, he beat fandango big e ryback axel everyone, he beat the two top stables in wwe right now including a 3 ON 1 WIN AGAINST THE SHIELD!!!! He beat billy Gunn and attacked road Dogg, beat up both the new age outlaws in five minutes or something, they brought back Roddy piper and say "the only person that can hang with me on the mic is cm punk" or something like that.

I have NEVER seen wwe push a guy the way they were doing with punk, and just failing.

Were you even watching in 2012? He was booked as a chicken shit heel most of the time and almost never got a clean win. Even with the biggest title in the company, they still put Cena's shitty matches against Laurinitis and Big Show that no one wanted to see as the main event. By the time they put in the spot he was supposed to (justified by how over he is and the quality of his work at the time), he was putting over part timers and Cena. Now he's just winning midcard feuds as a face. The majority of what you said doesn't equal godlike booking either.

They want us so bad to make us believe he's a star but the truth is he's not nor will he ever be.

Whether you like it or not, he is a star. He's probably the 2nd biggest full timer behind Cena, although Bryan might be catching up. When he left, it made headlines on mainstream news, even MMA media was buzzing about the possibility of him fighting MMA, that says enough about his star power. It shows he's a big deal, do you think that shit happened when Shelton Benjamin left? What about John Morrison, or Sin Cara? Fuck no, thats the answer.

Now you're just acting like a mark, pissed off that he left so you wanna justify that hatred by convincing yourself "well he's not that good anyway". You can't deny his ability or his star power, theres a reason you never hear anyone in the industry talk shit about him as a wrestler, because everyone with an opinion worth a damn knows how good he is.

His whole rise to stardom was based on complaining and whining.
He became a top star by threatening to leave the company.
What kind of a man does that?
Now he's doing the same to get a WM main event?
He's using his power in the company to get what he wants, that's using backstage politics.

No, his rise to stardom was launched by being involved in the biggest and most storyline WWE had in years. It even got mainstream attention too. He's not obligated to be the company's workhorse if he doesn't like the conditions, you need to get that through your head.
Punk sacrificed his health and well being for this company only to be crapped on by the management and those politicians backstage, i don't understand how could they have some one like Punk and not utilize him to the fullest potential. Not a single "superstar" on this roster on his level, not even close. Punk carries anyone he's having a match with like the Undertaker for example..We all know that Punk made that match and he carried taker all the way. What i don't understand is why someone like Bortista and boretone are main eventing WM and someone like Punk is not?
And No, he doesn't owe anybody anything. Hell, The WWE and it's fans are the ones that actually owe him. Punk didn't need the WWE, WWE needed Punk. He is the reason why AE fans started watching wrestling again.
He made the WWE tons of cash from PPV buyrates to merch sales, and how does the WWE repay him the favor? By putting him in a feud with has been like Kane and a never was like HHH.
Punk should have became the 1# guy after his match with Taker last WM. He should have became the face of the WWE after he out wrestled and out shined Taker, and WWE management should have taken notice of this.
Punk is a rebel and revolutionist, and he did exactly what a rebel and revolutionist would do. He is protesting the current state of the product, and we should all back him up. He's an inspiration to all of the guys in the locker room, and he is symbol of resistance and standing up for yourself when everyone is sitting on their hands.
Man your either so far gone into cm punk fanboyism or your just too stupid to understand what I'm trying to say.

Regardless if you wanna say it's over sensitive or not it's bs that crybaby cm punk fans wanna try to bring people down just because there daddy made a mess in his pants and had to go home to mommy.

I understand what you are "trying" to say. And I totally put you in your place so now you resort to the "you're too stupid to understand" nonsense.

If your entire premise was just that "these CM Punks shouldn't be chanting for a guy who walked out on them", I wouldn't have taken issue with you.
I'm not a "CM Punk fanboy". I don't endorse someone quitting before their contract expires.

But you went off the rails when you when into that whole spiel about the other wrestlers and "how they feel", and "putting their bodies on the line for us" like they aren't being financially compensated for their efforts.
The idiotic response to someone being fed up with obnoxious chants that disrupt the show, are people saying "They're ticket holders!! They can say whatever they want!!".

No one is disputing what "rights" these people have. We're discussing the quality during portions of the show that are interrupted by CM Punk chants. And we're also discussing the stupidity behind pathetically showing your support for someone whom after he was given the world to succeed, was still unable to become the next Hogan, Austin, Rock, or Cena. He might have gotten to the level of HBK and Y2J but that's where his popularity seemed to have hit a ceiling. I have a theory about why he wasn't able to amass the same amount of success as the 4 top guys I mentioned that involves his lack of a consistent babyface gimmick, being eloquent but not delivering promos in an entertaining manner (which often ended up being simply diarrhea of the mouth), and his smaller body type.

CM Punk was a talented midcarder and I was definitely a fan of his work when I felt he was used correctly. IMO The Straight Edge Society gimmick is truly his best work continually delivering promos, finding and staying in character, feuding with a top babyface, and putting on entertaining matches. It's sad to me that people let his "pipe-bomb" promo cloud their idea of him for the span of over 2 years later. After that promo, everything was just handed to him. He never equated that moment nor did he further develop his gimmick. He became a shell of the man he was in the moment he gave that promo for the next couple of years.

Reminds me a lot of some of the criticisms that Cena gets. He's stale, he doesn't have a dynamic gimmick, he's always handed opportunities etc.

I'm glad a lot of "sheeple" have their CM Punk blinders on. With all of the ridiculous opportunities he's been given, he's basically the IWCs John Cena. This is the man you are chanting for...and the man you should actually hate a little bit. I wouldn't be surprised if Vince and Triple H just overlook what we want because they know how hypocritical such fans are.
We're discussing the quality during portions of the show that are interrupted by CM Punk chants. And we're also discussing the stupidity behind pathetically showing your support for someone whom after he was given the world to succeed, was still unable to become the next Hogan, Austin, Rock, or Cena. He might have gotten to the level of HBK and Y2J but that's where his popularity seemed to have hit a ceiling.

No, thats what YOU are discussing. The OP and many others have latched onto this "feeling sorry for the wrestlers who have to endure the chants" absurdity.
Completely agree with OP here. I understand that CM Punk has fans but he BAILED. He quit! Hes a whiny baby. If he needed time off he should have finished raw so there could be a story line for it. Stop acting like punk is some sort of victim.
Dude I'm sorry but I'm laughing my ass off here seeing a cm punk fan try to tell people there over sensitive...YOUR FUXKING IDOL IS CM PUNK!

Lol your telling me who my idol is... You've lost your damn mind boy. He's not close to being my idol or my favourite. Common sense is pretty much the just of what I was saying. Your just to full of hate to understand so that's ok. Funny me telling you not to be sensitive is what set your ass off... Wutta joke lol lets see what about this comment sets you off, should be good
Punk sacrificed his health and well being for this company only to be crapped on by the management and those politicians backstage, i don't understand how could they have some one like Punk and not utilize him to the fullest potential.

Lol are you kidding me? Cm Punk has been booked like crazy in the last three years, WWE pushed him to the moon.

Not a single "superstar" on this roster on his level, not even close.

Depends on who you like, I enjoy watching The Shield, The Wyatts, Bryan, Cesaro... more than cm punk.
Before he left, cm punk was mediocre at best. The last great match he had was at Summerslam and the match was great mainly because of Lesnar's intensity during the match. He hadn't cut a good promo since his feud with Heyman in which Heyman owned

Punk carries anyone he's having a match with like the Undertaker for example..We all know that Punk made that match and he carried taker all the way.

So? The Undertaker is 48 years old. Also, most people who have faced taker carried him. Taker didn't become a good wrestler until a couple of years ago.

What i don't understand is why someone like Bortista and boretone are main eventing WM and someone like Punk is not?

Fair enough but I don't think not main eventing wrestlemania is a good reason to leave WWE.

And No, he doesn't owe anybody anything. Hell, The WWE and it's fans are the ones that actually owe him.

Hahaha lmao. What do we owe him for? Burying our favorite wrestlers?
WWE owe him? lol. WWE is the one that made him, the only thing they owe him is his salary.

Punk didn't need the WWE, WWE needed Punk. He is the reason why AE fans started watching wrestling again.

WWE doesn't need punk. Just like Bret hart, just like The Warrior, he'll be replaced.
WWE survived after Hogan left, after Rock left, after Austin left, they'll damnn sure survive without punk.

Also, Punk didn't bring much viewers. The ratings stayed the same after he cut that shoot promo.

He made the WWE tons of cash from PPV buyrates to merch sales, and how does the WWE repay him the favor? By putting him in a feud with has been like Kane and a never was like HHH.

Kane isn't a has been. He's one the most underrated wrestlers ever. He's a guy who DESERVES a WM main event but he never complained or b!tched about it.

Punk should have became the 1# guy after his match with Taker last WM. He should have became the face of the WWE after he out wrestled and out shined Taker, and WWE management should have taken notice of this.

Cm punk will never be the face of the company. He's not that young, also he said in the past he wants to retire in 1-2 years, why make him the #1 guy if he's leaving.

Also, cm punk is a d0uche. He beat up an innocent fan, told one of his followers on twitter to kill himself, called the pope a nazi, insulted Chris brown for no reason, mocked tna, etc.

That's not a guy who you want representing your company
I applaud Punk for taking a leave of absence. Cena should do the same ASAP. You need your top stars to hit the bricks every once in a while to keep things from getting stale. You'll never be missed if you never leave.

If Shawn doesn't leave in 97, then Austin doesn't get that match with Bret at Mania 13. If Rock doesn't leave for Hollywood in 2003, then there's no reason to push John Cena or Batista. If the stars never walk away for a while, you'll never have an opportunity to create new stars.

All Punk really had waiting on the table for him was losing to Triple H at mania. NO THANKS. Glad he passed on that. Smart move.

As for Punk fans needing to grow up. I think that's a cheap shot. I for one am not a fan of any one particular wrestler, I just want an entertaining product. And the product will never progress if the same stars stay in the same spot for all eternity. Good on Punk for leaving and opening up a chance for Bryan to take his spot for a while.

Besides, Punk will be back. It's wrestling. Everyone comes back. Now all we need is for Cena to go away for a year or two and allow the likes of Roman Reigns and Cesaro to take his spot for a while.

My only criticism of Punk is that he was very critical of the Rock for leaving and then coming back to take a main event spot away from guys like himself. Now that Punk has left for a while, he will undoubtedly get the same treatment Rock and Batista received upon there returns.
cm punk called the pope a nazi, insulted Chris brown for no reason, mocked tna, etc. That's not a guy who you want representing your company

The previous pope actually did have connections to the Nazi's

And not that I follow popular music, but even I am aware of the fact that Chris Brown is a pop star that beat up his girlfriend. I don't think we should be too concerned about the feelings of a guy like that. If Punk wants to insult him, then go for it.

As for TNA, they deserve to be mocked. Their booking is even worse than WWE's.
"Shut up". I wouldn't say they needed to shut up, but the fuss made over it needs to be calmed down a little. If he's decided to leave the WWE, so be it. It's his own decision & having everyone go "OH NO HE'S GONE" just overdoes it all. People need to just realise that they obviously can't bring a wrestler back to their favourite company & need to let him do what he wants to do.
Punk is a douche because he insulted Chris Brown for no reason? Chris Brown? For NO REASON? Chris Brown beats women up. Obviously Punk is a bigger douche than him for leaving a company, it's far worse than beating people up a woman. As for the previous Pope, couldn't give a shit. He was in the Hitler Youth when he was young, that's what Punk is referring to. Loads of people have made the 'Pope is a Nazi' claim before.

Lol are you kidding me? Cm Punk has been booked like crazy in the last three years, WWE pushed him to the moon.

Agree with this. Punk was given a very good three years, like someone with his talent deserved. There are things that could have been better but Punk has gotten a push that most wrestlers could only dream of.

So? The Undertaker is 48 years old. Also, most people who have faced taker carried him. Taker didn't become a good wrestler until a couple of years ago.

The Undertaker didn't become a good wrestler until 2012? That's ridiculous.

Fair enough but I don't think not main eventing wrestlemania is a good reason to leave WWE.

You're assuming that this is the real reason that he left. Maybe frustration with creative was a part of it but more important is a relationship with management. Inside or outside of wrestling, if you don't get on with the bosses it puts tremendous strain on you professionally and personally. You've looked at the dirt sheets suggesting that it was because of 'Mania and took those reports at face value. I think it's the straw that broke the camel's back. Since Punk struggled for years against management trying to hold him back before becoming a main eventer it's not unreasonable to suggest that there isn't a great relationship between the two.

Hahaha lmao. What do we owe him for? Burying our favorite wrestlers? WWE owe him? lol. WWE is the one that made him, the only thing they owe him is his salary.

I agree that we don't owe Punk anything. Nobody owes either side anything. This whole 'fans must be loyal to wrestlers and wrestlers must be loyal to fans' thing is a complete crock. This isn't the Cosa Nostra. WWE will survive without Punk, definitely but it doesn't mean his absence isn't a loss in terms of entertainment.

Also, Punk didn't bring much viewers. The ratings stayed the same after he cut that shoot promo.

The ratings hardly ever shift these days. Also, the idea of one person drawing is an archaic philosophy. There are only two or three guys who actually draw a significant amount. These days it's the PRODUCT that draws, the whole package, not individual guys (bar a couple).

If you were going to argue about ratings and drawing power though you'd do well to consider that Punk has sold a shitload of merchandise which is extremely valuable to the company.

Kane isn't a has been. He's one the most underrated wrestlers ever. He's a guy who DESERVES a WM main event but he never complained or b!tched about it.

Kane isn't underrated, in that everybody knows how good he is. Nobody puts down Kane. People are only underrated if nobody pays attention to him. Kane, in his day, was one of the most popular guys. However, he is now one of the elder statesman and should be used to put people over. He's no longer somebody that people want to see in the main event except in a placeholder feud.

Cm punk will never be the face of the company. He's not that young, also he said in the past he wants to retire in 1-2 years, why make him the #1 guy if he's leaving.

Cena will always be the face of the company as long as he's there. This isn't something that just applies to Punk.

Also, cm punk is a d0uche. He beat up an innocent fan, told one of his followers on twitter to kill himself, called the pope a nazi, insulted Chris brown for no reason, mocked tna, etc.

Who cares if he's a douche? I don't care what a wrestler is like in real life. I don't want to follow them on Twitter and I don't want to have a beer with them. I don't care if they do hundreds of make-a-wishes or if they shout at babies in prams in the supermarket. All I want is to be entertained and Punk did entertain me. To say he's not a good wrestler or promo is totally myopic and obviously guided by existing prejudices. If I worried about who was and who wasn't a douche in wrestling I wouldn't be able to watch 80% of wrestlers.

It seems that the people who are telling Punk fans to grow up are the ones that can't have an argument without insulting the person giving the opposing view. This, along with your original analogy of a trashy girlfriend who wants to keep the relationship going and the fact that you cited Punk insulting Chris Brown as a reason why he's a bad guy indicates that it's you that needs to grow up and mature.
I could understand Punk fans being rebels and cheering for Punk if Vince fired him. The problem is, that Punk wasn't fired. He simply walked out on the fans, and they cheer him. It just looks bad. It's cheap and desperate.
I could understand Punk fans being rebels and cheering for Punk if Vince fired him. The problem is, that Punk wasn't fired. He simply walked out on the fans, and they cheer him. It just looks bad. It's cheap and desperate.

I agree...I'm glad I don't support a crybaby
Some of the drivel that is getting spouted in this thread actually is winding me up big time...

Punk is taking some "time out" for himself. NOBODY is talking, he, WWE, no one... which basically makes this almost a non-story. These are the only possible scenarios.

1) Punk is resting up before Mania and they are building an angle. It was said on all the sheets for months they were going to do something "big" with him... this is pretty big... his return will be pretty big. They have just entered the "tender" bidding for their TV rights... Punk will return the last RAW before that period expires and it'll leak so the rating goes sky high...

2) Punk is injured - He was been working hurt for a very long time. Eventually some doctors simply won't clear him. Again there is very little benefit for WWE if this is the case, so they spin it another way.

3) He is leaving and taking contracted time out. It is entirely possible that he had time off built into his deal - x number of months out of 3 years that he simply hasn't taken and wants to take now if they really don't have anything for him... maybe they're not paying extra if he doesn't take it... it's no different than any job... if you don't take your holiday, you lose it.

4) The PPV Bonus/Wage situation not being addressed has come to a head with Punk and he is making a point about it. After all if he walks cos it's not being dealt with or he doesn't like what he's heard then a lot of the roster could as well... Sure some would lose spots or even jobs but if they ALL did en masse, Vince has a problem. By leaving it could be that Punk is making that point and being the guy who can cos at worst case, he's gone anyway.

5) Punk is simply fed up with the life that the WWE offers and couldn't wait the 4 months to get out. A few hundred thousand isn't really enough if you are THAT burned out to keep going. Especially if any of the other 4 are true.

6) The most likely, it's a combination of ALL the above... some of this will be real, some will from the second he walked out of the arena been worked. We probably won't ever know how much is or isn't. The relationship could have tanked or this could be a mutually agreed exit with a watch and see stance from both sides... that neither side has publicly buried the other (Cole and JBL being dicks aside) shows that if possible WWE want Punk back cos he is valuable to them even if it's a legends /HOF deal... if that's in 6 months or a year or next week... it doesn't matter. It's not in their interest to bury Punk... The only way you will know is what happens when Punk finally is free of that contract and can talk... if he buries Vince, Hunter or WWE then you know it was real...

His fans don't need to grow up, by chanting for him they are showing what they want and like it or not CM Punk is still more talked about than Cena at this point, or Taker, or Sting to WWE... as long as those fans keep talking and chanting, Punk is important and even when they stop, you never know when he might show up... hell I can see him buying a ticket for Chicago and showing up... invited or not.

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