I guess that makes sense J. But Lebron is still overrated in my book, if he was this amazing player everybody makes him out to be, how come he couldn't win a championship until he went to Miami and was with Dwayne Wade and other top players?
Also part of my Lebron hate comes from ESPN because I swear those guys are on his payroll with how much they suck his dick on sportscenter.

LeBron overrated? He's the best player in the world. Period. Why couldn't he win without the support of Wade and Bosh? Because nobody can win a championship on their own. Go ahead and find me the last team that won a championship with one superstar and no supporting cast. Go ahead, I'll wait.
Not really, because I'd be waiting forever. All Championship teams are built around an amazing core. The Lakers had Kobe, Gasol, and Odom, and before that they had Shaq and Kobe, and before that they had Magic and Kareem. The Celtics had Garnett, Pierce, and Allen, and before that they had Bird, McHale, and Parish. The Bulls had Jordan and Pippen as well as some of the best role players in the league with guys like Kucok and Horace Grant. The Spurs won their three championships with Duncan, Parker, Robinson, and Ginobli.
I could go on and on, but there's never been a team where one superstar did all the work with a bunch of scrubs on the floor, and that's exactly what LeBron James had in Cleveland. The best player on that team after LeBron was a 31 year old Ilgauskas, who probably wasn't even a top 10 center in the NBA, and if he was he would have been towards the bottom that list.
To say LeBron is overrated because he can't win a championship by himself is one of the stupidest arguments anybody can make. It's one of those arguments that makes me question whether that person knows anything about the game of basketball.