Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

I guess that makes sense J. But Lebron is still overrated in my book, if he was this amazing player everybody makes him out to be, how come he couldn't win a championship until he went to Miami and was with Dwayne Wade and other top players?

Also part of my Lebron hate comes from ESPN because I swear those guys are on his payroll with how much they suck his dick on sportscenter.
Барбоса;4509123 said:
The latest on Barbosa's job hunting

Yale University...

Have they approached you or have you approached them?

And of course best of luck whichever way it came about.
I guess that makes sense J. But Lebron is still overrated in my book, if he was this amazing player everybody makes him out to be, how come he couldn't win a championship until he went to Miami and was with Dwayne Wade and other top players?

Also part of my Lebron hate comes from ESPN because I swear those guys are on his payroll with how much they suck his dick on sportscenter.


LeBron overrated? He's the best player in the world. Period. Why couldn't he win without the support of Wade and Bosh? Because nobody can win a championship on their own. Go ahead and find me the last team that won a championship with one superstar and no supporting cast. Go ahead, I'll wait.

Not really, because I'd be waiting forever. All Championship teams are built around an amazing core. The Lakers had Kobe, Gasol, and Odom, and before that they had Shaq and Kobe, and before that they had Magic and Kareem. The Celtics had Garnett, Pierce, and Allen, and before that they had Bird, McHale, and Parish. The Bulls had Jordan and Pippen as well as some of the best role players in the league with guys like Kucok and Horace Grant. The Spurs won their three championships with Duncan, Parker, Robinson, and Ginobli.

I could go on and on, but there's never been a team where one superstar did all the work with a bunch of scrubs on the floor, and that's exactly what LeBron James had in Cleveland. The best player on that team after LeBron was a 31 year old Ilgauskas, who probably wasn't even a top 10 center in the NBA, and if he was he would have been towards the bottom that list.

To say LeBron is overrated because he can't win a championship by himself is one of the stupidest arguments anybody can make. It's one of those arguments that makes me question whether that person knows anything about the game of basketball.
Have they approached you or have you approached them?

And of course best of luck whichever way it came about.

Oh, I have approached them. Got a position opening up in July, 2014.

Thanks for the best wishes, but I haven't a hope in Hell of getting the job.

The best I can really hope for is an opportunity to converse with some of the big names in their ancient history department.
Good stuff. As you say, even just being able to speak with some people in the field could do some good. Even if they don't take you on, I guess they will be able to give some advice on what they think could help you in the future. At least you have plenty of prep time!
Unfortunately, I am expecting the usual "Thank you for applying. Unfortunately, there was stiff competition and I regret to inform you that you have been short-listed for this position."

There might as well be a "we wish you all the best in your future endeavours" type ending to it too.
I can admit I don't follow basketball at all. I support the Celtics and pay a little attention if they make the playoffs but that's it.

I'm not saying Lebron isn't good cause he is. But he's not gods gift to basketball like ESPN makes him out to be.
Except he really is. He's the best basketball player in the world, and when all is said and done he'll be one of the best ever.

This right here. He can play essentially all 5 positions on the court, he can defend all 5 positions, he can shoot threes, he can drive the lane, he learned that his 6'8" 260 lb body means he's an absolute beast in a post up game, Game 7 showed he can hit the midrange jumpers too, can run an offense like a point guard, or he can hit the block and back down a defender, has gotten the clutch gene fired back up, probably the best passer in the league and can see the court better than anyone since Magic, and it takes him about 3-4 strides to go from free throw line to free throw line. And that's just stuff off the top of my head that I know he can do.

Oh and he's a 2x NBA Champion, 2x NBA Finals MVP, 4x NBA MVP, 9x All Star. And he's only 28 years old. There's a reason why teams were dumping salaries for after next season just so they have even the most minute chance of signing Lebron if he decides to opt out of his contract with Miami.
I just finished the Last of Us, holy fucking shit.

FINALLY someone else who finished it!

The ending is so brilliantly done: the idea that one man's choice to save one life is going to pretty much doom humanity to a slow extinction is a powerful one, but I'm not convinced that Joel didn't make the right decision by saving Ellie.

Another thing I loved about the game is it made you question storytelling in general. When I got to SLC and Ellie was watching the giraffes, it made me wonder if a happy ending was in the future, and then that made me wonder if a happy ending was something I'd want at that point. After going through so much shit, do Joel and Ellie deserve a happy ending? Do I deserve a happy ending for sticking through with this? Do I even want a happy ending, or will I feel cheated out of how the story should have really played out?

Amazing game, though. You should play the multiplayer, it's quite good.
FINALLY someone else who finished it!

The ending is so brilliantly done: the idea that one man's choice to save one life is going to pretty much doom humanity to a slow extinction is a powerful one, but I'm not convinced that Joel didn't make the right decision by saving Ellie.

Another thing I loved about the game is it made you question storytelling in general. When I got to SLC and Ellie was watching the giraffes, it made me wonder if a happy ending was in the future, and then that made me wonder if a happy ending was something I'd want at that point. After going through so much shit, do Joel and Ellie deserve a happy ending? Do I deserve a happy ending for sticking through with this? Do I even want a happy ending, or will I feel cheated out of how the story should have really played out?

Amazing game, though. You should play the multiplayer, it's quite good.

Everything about the game to me was just brilliant, at first I was bit irritated at Joel for basically dooming humanity but then remembered everything he or I went through in this game and realized I'd probably make the same selfish decision if it were somebody I cared about. Brilliant storytelling really.

I really want to play Multiplayer, what are you doing later tonight?
This is an excellent point. It seemed like every 5 minutes somebody at my Superbowl party had to remind the few Ravens fans that Ray Lewis is a murderer and terrible person.

I'd imagine that the rational Patriot fans are going to say good riddance, we don't need a guy like that on our team while the irrational (i.e. most) fans will go on about how this is different because blah blah blah Bill Belicheck is God and Tom Brady is Jesus.

I found this

Everything about the game to me was just brilliant, at first I was bit irritated at Joel for basically dooming humanity but then remembered everything he or I went through in this game and realized I'd probably make the same selfish decision if it were somebody I cared about. Brilliant storytelling really.

I really want to play Multiplayer, what are you doing later tonight?

Like I said, I'm not convinced Joel made the wrong decision. Who are the Fireflies to determine that this girl should be sacrificed for a chance at a vaccine? It's easy to step away from the situation and say objectively that you'd be willing to sacrifice yourself or a loved one for a greater cause, but if you were actually in that situation it might not be so cut and dry. It basically comes down to whether the rights of the individual are less important than the good of a society, similar to the NSA controversy that's happening right now. Neither side of the argument is inherently wrong.

And I'll probably be playing multiplayer tonight. Idk if there's a way to get on the same team, but when you pick a faction, pick Hunters, because that's who I picked, and I think that will up the chances of us working together.

I hope you're better than I am.
Like I said, I'm not convinced Joel made the wrong decision. Who are the Fireflies to determine that this girl should be sacrificed for a chance at a vaccine? It's easy to step away from the situation and say objectively that you'd be willing to sacrifice yourself or a loved one for a greater cause, but if you were actually in that situation it might not be so cut and dry. It basically comes down to whether the rights of the individual are less important than the good of a society, similar to the NSA controversy that's happening right now. Neither side of the argument is inherently wrong.

And I'll probably be playing multiplayer tonight. Idk if there's a way to get on the same team, but when you pick a faction, pick Hunters, because that's who I picked, and I think that will up the chances of us working together.

I hope you're better than I am.

Ill add you and see what's possible when I get home, its IamJGlass right?
This right here. He can play essentially all 5 positions on the court, he can defend all 5 positions, he can shoot threes, he can drive the lane, he learned that his 6'8" 260 lb body means he's an absolute beast in a post up game

Oh and he's a 2x NBA Champion, 2x NBA Finals MVP, 4x NBA MVP, 9x All Star. And he's only 28 years old.

How the fuck are people not able to grasp this? Has anyone....Ever? Been able to defend all five positions at an elite level?
How the fuck are people not able to grasp this? Has anyone....Ever? Been able to defend all five positions at an elite level?

I can't think of anyone. All the great defensive backcourt players couldn't handle the most dominant big men, and all the great defensive bigs could be beaten by quick guards and forwards. It baffles me that people can still think that LeBron James is overrated.
Wow. After tonight, I've been to nine Cardinals game since the start of the 2012 season. During this stretch of games in which I was in attendance, they have lost eight times and won once. Damn that's frustrating.

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