Today has gone from pretty excellent to pretty shitty in the course of an hour. I'm growing to really hate snow.
Sorry for committing the WrestleZone equivalent of the crime known as Vaguebooking. I attempted to amend this post with an edit, but apparently it didn't take.
So a week ago I had a small cyst on my neck removed by my dermatologist. It was a cosmetic thing, and most of my friends weren't even aware it existed until they saw the bandaid over where the cyst used to be, but it would hurt on occasions, so I decided to have it removed. The doctor then scheduled me to have the stitches from the procedure removed on Wednesday, February 5thtomorrow.
Unfortunately, there's a giant snow storm coming to Boston tomorrow, so the office called and cancelled my appointment. They tried to reschedule for Thursday or Friday, but unfortunately I'm going to be at work from 7:30-4:00, and they close at 3 on both those days. I wanted to schedule something for Monday, but they told me I needed to get the stitches out before the weekend, and urged me to go to my primary care doctor.
I tried to call my primary, but his office was closed, so I drove to the nearest CVS Minute Clinic. I got in right away, but once they found out that I'm on immunosuppressant medication (for my Crohn's disease), they said they couldn't work with me as a policy. So they sent me to a nearby hospital where I had to pay for parking (only $4, but still, $4 more than I wanted to spend today), and spend about an hour waiting to get the stupid stitches removed.
It finally got done, but this whole thing is a pain in my ass, especially because I'm trying to go to bed early tonight and this whole ordeal ate up almost two hours of my free time.
I am so fucking sick of winter. There is at least one foot of snow on the ground, plus we've had at least 3 days this month with highs in the negative double digits.
I was sick of snow last month. I don't mind a little for Christmas but after that I hate it.
Yeah Winter sucks. I'm ready for it to be warm out now.