Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

Барбоса;4759231 said:
It is a stretch for me as I am of the belief that Verbal Kint is not Keyzer Soze.

Since I legitimately consider you one of the smartest people here Barbosa, I am interested to hear this. Do tell.
Not really much to tell.

The only thing that is proven by the end of Usual Suspects is that much, if not all, of what Verbal says to Special Agent Kujan is complete bollocks, including everything to do with Keyzer Soze.

The Hungarian eye-witness' testimony is virtually inadmissable given that most eye-witness testimony is unreliable with the added caveat that he had just been blown up.

It is entirely possible (within the film's reality) that Keyzer Soze is the kind of boogeyman that he is originally portrayed as at the beginning - a MacGuffin.
I had my first day of training for my new job today. It was pretty boring and consisted mostly of signing about a billion papers and watching some pretty cliche videos about sexual harassment, workplace safety, respecting other cultures, and not getting killed by patients.

Tomorrow we're going to do verbally deescalation, so at least that should be fun.

Барбоса;4759297 said:
Not really much to tell.

The only thing that is proven by the end of Usual Suspects is that much, if not all, of what Verbal says to Special Agent Kujan is complete bollocks, including everything to do with Keyzer Soze.

The Hungarian eye-witness' testimony is virtually inadmissable given that most eye-witness testimony is unreliable with the added caveat that he had just been blown up.

It is entirely possible (within the film's reality) that Keyzer Soze is the kind of boogeyman that he is originally portrayed as at the beginning - a MacGuffin.

So I take it that you just got around to watching The Usual Suspects?
I remember when I got my first job years ago as a dishwasher and having to watch those stupid videos and then answer questions about them. Then my idiot boss forgot I was in his office watching said videos for like an hour after I was done so I had the fun of sitting there doing nothing for an hour.

God I hated that job.
I get news about things. Not directly related to me, mind you. But exciting things that potentially I could partake in if guests are allowed.
Барбоса;4759337 said:
Nope. I think it was the third DVD I ever bought.

Why do you ask? Is my synopsis old and tired?

It's not exactly a ground breaking theory, at least not in the circle I travel in.

I remember when I got my first job years ago as a dishwasher and having to watch those stupid videos and then answer questions about them. Then my idiot boss forgot I was in his office watching said videos for like an hour after I was done so I had the fun of sitting there doing nothing for an hour.

God I hated that job.

I don't think you're supposed to love being a dishwasher, but I can definitely relate. I had a job stocking produce at supermarket where I also had to suffer through training videos that I had quizzes on, and I never had a single instance in my entire tenure there that required the knowledge from said videos.
I always wondered if Kobayashi may have been. Or at very least the two of them seeing as there was much more to the relationship than meets the eye.

If he\they were Soze it would explain some things. At the same time though, one thing always bugged me. If you have spent years being so mysterious, why risk it all like Verbal did? Seems like the opposite of what someone like Soze would do by basically gloating & snickering to himself for being so cunning as to walk in\out of the station.

Being smarter & feeling superior to the cops is one thing, but taking un-needed risks is another. The downfall of some of the best criminals in film\books have been pride. Although not taking those same risks have been the mark of some greater antagonists over the years.
I don't think you're supposed to love being a dishwasher, but I can definitely relate. I had a job stocking produce at supermarket where I also had to suffer through training videos that I had quizzes on, and I never had a single instance in my entire tenure there that required the knowledge from said videos.

Yeah none of the things from the video ever came into play with my job either. Most of it was meant for waitresses or cooks. My whole point was training videos are usually pretty pointless.

While I think of it, have any of you seen the commercials for that new show featuring Kurtwood Smith where his son is seemingly back from being dead after 20 something years? Sounds like a weird show but the previews have perked my interest enough to check out the first episode and see how it is.
I get news about things. Not directly related to me, mind you. But exciting things that potentially I could partake in if guests are allowed.

Do tell, ya big tease.

While I think of it, have any of you seen the commercials for that new show featuring Kurtwood Smith where his son is seemingly back from being dead after 20 something years? Sounds like a weird show but the previews have perked my interest enough to check out the first episode and see how it is.

I have not. Poor guy hasn't really been able to catch a break since That 70s Show. Too bad he couldn't be Red Foreman forever.
Today has gone from pretty excellent to pretty shitty in the course of an hour. I'm growing to really hate snow.

I am so fucking sick of winter. There is at least one foot of snow on the ground, plus we've had at least 3 days this month with highs in the negative double digits.
Today has gone from pretty excellent to pretty shitty in the course of an hour. I'm growing to really hate snow.

Sorry for committing the WrestleZone equivalent of the crime known as Vaguebooking. I attempted to amend this post with an edit, but apparently it didn't take.

So a week ago I had a small cyst on my neck removed by my dermatologist. It was a cosmetic thing, and most of my friends weren't even aware it existed until they saw the bandaid over where the cyst used to be, but it would hurt on occasions, so I decided to have it removed. The doctor then scheduled me to have the stitches from the procedure removed on Wednesday, February 5th–tomorrow.

Unfortunately, there's a giant snow storm coming to Boston tomorrow, so the office called and cancelled my appointment. They tried to reschedule for Thursday or Friday, but unfortunately I'm going to be at work from 7:30-4:00, and they close at 3 on both those days. I wanted to schedule something for Monday, but they told me I needed to get the stitches out before the weekend, and urged me to go to my primary care doctor.

I tried to call my primary, but his office was closed, so I drove to the nearest CVS Minute Clinic. I got in right away, but once they found out that I'm on immunosuppressant medication (for my Crohn's disease), they said they couldn't work with me as a policy. So they sent me to a nearby hospital where I had to pay for parking (only $4, but still, $4 more than I wanted to spend today), and spend about an hour waiting to get the stupid stitches removed.

It finally got done, but this whole thing is a pain in my ass, especially because I'm trying to go to bed early tonight and this whole ordeal ate up almost two hours of my free time.

I am so fucking sick of winter. There is at least one foot of snow on the ground, plus we've had at least 3 days this month with highs in the negative double digits.

I was sick of snow last month. I don't mind a little for Christmas but after that I hate it.

Yeah Winter sucks. I'm ready for it to be warm out now.
I just got invited to be part of the Elder Scrolls Online Beta, and I'm super excited for it. This is going to be my first MMORPG experience, but I'm excited to just wander around Tamriel and do some exploring.
You think you know of winter?

Ha. I sit on my frozen throne and weep ice.

You know nothing of the barren ice covered wasteland that I call my domain. Yours is a tropical paradise compared to my area. You complain of 20 degree weather, I laugh in your face. I walk around in -25 degree weather with wind chills down to -50, no gloves, no hat, my skin has become hardened like stone, it feels nothing and is no longer affected by the elements.

It has become so cold that it cannot snow. Let that marinate in your mind. Snow doesn't even want anything to do with the frostbitten plains I call home.
You know nothing of the barren ice covered wasteland that I call my domain. Yours is a tropical paradise compared to my area. You complain of 20 degree weather, I laugh in your face. I walk around in -25 degree weather with wind chills down to -50, no gloves, no hat, my skin has become hardened like stone, it feels nothing and is no longer affected by the elements.

It has become so cold that it cannot snow. Let that marinate in your mind. Snow doesn't even want anything to do with the frostbitten plains I call home.

Then perhaps you should change your name to Ty Freeza *ba da tush*
After what happened in the South after just a few inches of snow, I think it's become apparent that weather is relative. If you're not used to certain types of weather or temperatures, you're going to be in a bad way. Several people died in the South because of what we Northerners would call mild snowfall, but to them that type of weather event is pretty catastrophic.
WELL, im about to make your day seem better. In our latest episode of "shit that only happens to NorCal"

The day before im supposed to leave, I come down with an extreme case of the flu. Which apparently was near to pneumonia....I attempted to keep it on the D/L, but I passed out in the hallway, and had an ambulance called for me. Spent 10 hours in a hospital hooked up to IVs and with a 100+ fever, and apparently a crazy rapid heart rate.

So im stuck here til at least next week. im also quarantined from everyone else.

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