So file this in the JGlass struggles to understand his friends category.
So as you probably know (because I've been talking about it quite a bit), I started a new job last week, and it was kind of out of left field that I got this job in what is a seemingly random industry. I'm very happy and excited about this job, and many of my friends are too, and no less than three of my friends have told me within the last week that they're proud of me. This has caused me some internal confusion.
On one hand, I feel really comforted that I have friends that have such a vested interest in my life that they feel pride that I am moving in a positive direction. They seem to genuinely care about not just my well being in the present, but my well being in the future, and it makes me happy to have people like that in my life.
On the other hand, I feel like it's kind of condescending, like they were worried about me not being able to grow up or get a real job or anything like that. I know they don't mean it to be condescending and that they are genuinely proud of me, but I feel like in order to be proud of someone you have to come from a position of knowing what they've been through and overcome it.
What I've come to conclude is that pride in other people is something I don't fully understand yet. I think my opinions on pride in others is evolving, and while I can't say I fully accept the fact that my friends are proud of me, I do greatly appreciate the fact that they care about me and what I'm going to do with my life. It's a good feeling knowing that I'm not alone in this job, because I'm going to need all the support I can get.