Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

Anyone worth a shit when it comes to the law?

What I'm trying to say is..I totalled my vehicle. I was driving west down a road going approx. 40 in a 40 when a truck tried making a left out of a gas station into the east lane and we collided. This was on the fourth. The police report still isn't finished, I wasn't even questioned or given a chance to recall the event before I was taken to the hospital via ambulance. I'm not sure if the guy I hit gave his side of the events, but according to his insurance agent, he claims the accident was my fault. Is that in the fucking realm of possibility that I'm at fault. I suppose I could just wait to hear the report, but that makes me anxious.
Anyone worth a shit when it comes to the law?

What I'm trying to say is..I totalled my vehicle. I was driving west down a road going approx. 40 in a 40 when a truck tried making a left out of a gas station into the east lane and we collided. This was on the fourth. The police report still isn't finished, I wasn't even questioned or given a chance to recall the event before I was taken to the hospital via ambulance. I'm not sure if the guy I hit gave his side of the events, but according to his insurance agent, he claims the accident was my fault. Is that in the fucking realm of possibility that I'm at fault. I suppose I could just wait to hear the report, but that makes me anxious.

Just playing it out quickly in my head it would seem as if the truck driver was overanxious and should be at fault, unless there was a sign or a light. The road was perpendicular to the exit of the gas station and the near lane was going opposite the way he wanted to go. He should have waited for you to pass and made sure he was clear to make the turn. There are some variables I guess, but if you were obeying the speed limit and there weren't any traffic signs giving him the right-of-way, he should be a fault-- that's a potentially fatal turn.
Damn straight.

The 500 PM inbox is nice. I won't have to erase it as often as I did before I got modded.

I think I might be the only former mod that has yet to get the retirement package.

Does this mean that now Dagger is modding the WWE section by himself?
Fans and their stupid chants? Yeah man.

The Goldberg chants with Ryback
The Albert chants with Tensai
Countless others that I can't care to think of.

Judging by the talk here I assume they tried a Husky Harris chant. I can't wait to watch Raw later tonight.
Fans and their stupid chants? Yeah man.

The Goldberg chants with Ryback
The Albert chants with Tensai
Countless others that I can't care to think of.

Judging by the talk here I assume they tried a Husky Harris chant. I can't wait to watch Raw later tonight.

You are correct. It was a good debut, but the chants killed it. The thing I hate is that they were getting cheers as they marched to the ring.
Yeah it really sucked hearing them chant that after the awesome promo and attack on Kane. Problem is though in this day and age what city wouldn't have had at least a couple of pricks chanting Husky Harris?
I think I might be the only former mod that has yet to get the retirement package.

Does this mean that now Dagger is modding the WWE section by himself?

Jack-Hammer and Dagger. Jack-Hammer's the one that posts and Dagger's the one that cleans up. They'll handle it. Dagger, like him or not, is a hard worker --he does a great job, even if he can be over zealous at times.
I have to be up at 7:30 and have a ninety minute drive ahead of me in the morning, and I can't fucking sleep. I tried playing my career in NBA 2K13, and after I finished one of my guys better career games, the game decided to freeze. Guess I'll play Football Manager 2012. Fun stuff. I started my coaching career with the LA Galaxy and after winning the MLS Championship twice in three years I got took over for Aston Villa. I just started the new year and I currently have them in third in the Premiership behind Man City and Chelsea.
I wouldn't say the Wyatt's debut was killed by any means. They showed up, freaked people out and pretty much made Kane their bitch. I'd call that effective and a group of morons in the crowd going "hey lets be really fucking annoying and draw attention to the fact that we don't wish to suspend our disbelief anymore and remember Husky Harris by chanting that name" will do nothing to derail their momentum from this point on, especially if we're headed for The Wyatt Family vs. The Brothers of Destruction.

The real question at this stage is will Kane make it to MITB on Sunday or will he be victimised once more by Bray and co.?
I am kicking it into high gear for car buying today! I have decided on buying the Mazda 3 GT, and now I am getting price quotes from the various dealers in NJ. I test drove in Wayne and that guy said he could give me $25,500 if I bought today, Ramsey (former home of WZ legend and good friend IC25) said they could do $23,000, and I'm currently waiting for a quote from Morristown, and they just gave me $23,052. I would prefer to buy from Wayne because that's where I test drove and the salesman was super nice, so I'm going to call him to see if I can work it down to $23,000, but if not, tough shit, I'm taking my talents to Morristown.

I'm super excited about this car, I really liked it when I took it for a test drive and it's super fucking sexy. I mean, look at this grill.


It's like it's saying, "Hey JGlass, come drive me and we'll have great times together! :D"

Though mine is going to be black.

I have to be up at 7:30 and have a ninety minute drive ahead of me in the morning, and I can't fucking sleep. I tried playing my career in NBA 2K13, and after I finished one of my guys better career games, the game decided to freeze. Guess I'll play Football Manager 2012. Fun stuff. I started my coaching career with the LA Galaxy and after winning the MLS Championship twice in three years I got took over for Aston Villa. I just started the new year and I currently have them in third in the Premiership behind Man City and Chelsea.

I should play with my FIFA 12 team more, but I always get distracted by NBA 2k13 because it's basically the best sports game ever or any of the other half dozen games I have but haven't finished yet.
I am kicking it into high gear for car buying today! I have decided on buying the Mazda 3 GT, and now I am getting price quotes from the various dealers in NJ. I test drove in Wayne and that guy said he could give me $25,500 if I bought today, Ramsey (former home of WZ legend and good friend IC25) said they could do $23,000, and I'm currently waiting for a quote from Morristown, and they just gave me $23,052. I would prefer to buy from Wayne because that's where I test drove and the salesman was super nice, so I'm going to call him to see if I can work it down to $23,000, but if not, tough shit, I'm taking my talents to Morristown.

I'm super excited about this car, I really liked it when I took it for a test drive and it's super fucking sexy. I mean, look at this grill.


It's like it's saying, "Hey JGlass, come drive me and we'll have great times together! :D"

Though mine is going to be black.

I should play with my FIFA 12 team more, but I always get distracted by NBA 2k13 because it's basically the best sports game ever or any of the other half dozen games I have but haven't finished yet.

I have a Mazda 3, it's a really good car. You getting the sequential automatic or a regular manual?

Also how in the blue hell do you have the money to buy a brand new car? You got yourself a job?
I have a Mazda 3, it's a really good car. You getting the sequential automatic or a regular manual?

Also how in the blue hell do you have the money to buy a brand new car? You got yourself a job?

I am getting the automatic. And I have the money because of none of your beeswax.

Real men have manual transmissions

A real man does not need to call himself a real man.

That line has paid off for me in so many ways.

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