Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

Fuck a manual transmission. How am I supposed to smoke, talk on the phone, send text messages, or shoot at minorities when I have one hand on the stick the whole time?
That is good. I might have to steal that.

I got my wheels. I don't like giving cars names because it's an object that we fetishize enough without having to give it human names, but I am tempted to call this one The Batmobile because it's all black and is high tech. I'm thinking of shelling out some extra money to get it modded to include bat-themed weaponry.
Spring Breakers was one of the worst movies I've ever seen, it's not like I was expecting a masterpiece but I've never wanted to see a group of teenage girls die more than I have watching that. Had it not been free I might be really angry I actually watched it.
the men in my family have a tradition of naming their dream cars with a feminine name beginning with R. My uncle Alex named his 1960 red mustang Rebecca. My other uncle, Matt, named his car Rachel. I can't remember what kind of car he has though.
Spring Breakers was one of the worst movies I've ever seen, it's not like I was expecting a masterpiece but I've never wanted to see a group of teenage girls die more than I have watching that. Had it not been free I might be really angry I actually watched it.

The second I heard the line "Spring break forever bitches" come out of one the girls mouths whatever little interest I had in seeing the movie went right out the fucking window.
I won't buy a new car, though I'll buy a used one with low miles. Still have my heart set on the FJ Cruiser, but I'm going to wait a few years thanks to my tendencies to use stuff until they crumble into dust. My Rav4 has 135k miles on it and I'm pushing to get 200k off of it.
The second I heard the line "Spring break forever bitches" come out of one the girls mouths whatever little interest I had in seeing the movie went right out the fucking window.

Don't remind me if that horrible scene, or should I say scenes considering that half the movie is just topless girls saying that over and over again.
I got my wheels. I don't like giving cars names because it's an object that we fetishize enough without having to give it human names, but I am tempted to call this one The Batmobile because it's all black and is high tech. I'm thinking of shelling out some extra money to get it modded to include bat-themed weaponry.
Your sleeveless NJexus shirt not doing a good enough job scaring off the ladies?
I had taken to calling my Monte Carlo Molly, because it was red and I've always had an infatuation with Molly Ringwald.

I have yet to bestow a proper name upon my Rav 4. Pancake suggested crash because he is an asshole.
Requiem for a Dream is a nice movie, J. I loved the camera techniques and extreme close-ups; it felt unique and added to the tension and craziness of the movie. I think the movie conveys its cause in an effective way, so effective that the viewer retains it (the message) long after the movie's over. Good stuff, good stuff. And I love the title.

I'm tearing through my backlog; after I watch the Evil Dead remake, and a handful of other movies, I'm going to be searching for something else. I have American Beauty marked down, but if you have any recommendations J I'd love to hear them.
I'm going to start lifting weights again and working out here pretty soon. I nearly threw my back out trying to move a 200 lb tree limb and it was embarrassing. I think I was stronger as a teenager.
Speaking of movies, I have plans to go see Pacific Rim in IMAX on Saturday. I'm pretty sure the dude who invented IMAX did it with this movie in mind.

I enjoyed it as well.

Also, my new job title is "Audio/Video Coordinator". Fancy.

Congratulations on your new job! What is it really?

I'm going to start lifting weights again and working out here pretty soon. I nearly threw my back out trying to move a 200 lb tree limb and it was embarrassing. I think I was stronger as a teenager.

Doesn't it suck when you realized you were in better shape when you were younger and you're not old enough for that to be okay? I really need to join a gym and start working out again, but I didn't want to until I found a job because I'm in a very tentative living arrangement right now. Turns out I could have been going to the gym for three months. Lame.

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