Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

The thing about this guy is that he's got all the intangibles that make him a good friend. He's supportive, he's loyal, and he doesn't fuck around with you. The problem with him is that he's really fucking annoying. Like at this party, it kept on trying to squeeze my pecs and eventually he sack tapped me. One time he introduced me to some girl at a party, we were talking and things were going well, and then he pantsed me right in front of her. And the other thing he does that annoys me to no end is that he talks behind everyone's back. Endlessly. The girl who hosted the party was getting a little crazy the morning of because it was in a house she was housesitting and she didn't want anything to happen, and after he listened to her complain he turned right around and bitched to me about her. Later he started talking shit about one of my friends that wanted to make brownies at the party (don't ask me why this was a problem).

So yeah, I can imagine that your relationship with this guy is similar to mine and my ex-roommate's. I hope you find a way to resolve your issues. I'm just going to try to avoid hanging out with this guy again.

We both definitely did stuff like that when we roomed together, but we were younger and it was pretty much an unspoken prank war. Mutual friends looked at us like an old couple, bickering and dissing each other, but always hanging out together regardless. Now it seems that without that living together, being in it together for better or worse mindset, our differences just cause friction.

I visited him twice in '09, then in 2010 he came here. I will openly admit to being a bit of a dick to him when he came here because he has no home training, and I keep a tidy place. The first time I went to see him, we went out that evening with some new friends of his, and he tried to use me to make himself look good, dishing out insults and embarrassing old stories; I was nice enough to spare him in front of his new buddies, though. It really wouldn't have been so bad had he not decided to keep at it the next day when it was just me, him, and his wife hanging out. On the third day I decided to cut the trip short and drive home after breakfast under some guise. The second time I went to see him he had just gotten through divorcing her and as supportive as I tried to be, his personality type combined with the circumstance made him insufferable. I stuck with him, and he needed a friend, but I was fucking miserable. I'm sure my ways in terms of emotional detachment and some tough love bothered him as well.

Work and life got us out of touch, especially since he moved from the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and went back to school while I changed phone numbers and didn't let him know (not purposefully). I got back on Facebook a little while back and it's all good, but I know if we spend more than 4 hours together in person somebody is going to get annoyed. Chances are I'll still do it because we went through some shit together, and like I said, I can't help but love the guy. Such is friendship I guess.
You at the beginning where you have to hold off with the Hunting Rifle? That shit was infuriating and her combat is fucking awful. I mean I know she's not suppose to be as brutal as Joel but still.

Yes, now I'm stuck on the part where she's trying to escape from the hunters after they've taken all my guns & shit.
For the first time ever I have more video games to play than I have time to play them. On PS3 I have LBP 2, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and Uncharted 2 and 3. On XBox I have Bully: Scholarship Edition, Arkham City, and of course, NBA 2k13.

I have no idea how far I am into Deus Ex, but that's the game I've been playing on PS3, and while I am enjoying most of it, it's quite difficult, and sometimes tedious. The story is fantastic, though, as are the graphics. On the 360 I'm playing Bully, which I just started, and I'm really enjoying. I reckon I'm about 25% through the game, but I'm hoping to make more of a dent later. I'm also 15 years into an NBA 2k13 association mode, and it has gotten to the point that I only have one of the stars that helped my team rise to the top: Kawai Leonard. Derek Rose just retired, but my star trio at SG, PF, C (which is interesting for me because it used to be PG, SF, PF) has been able to put the team on their backs and win Rose one last championship ring before retiring.

I fucking hate playing as Ellie

You at the beginning where you have to hold off with the Hunting Rifle? That shit was infuriating and her combat is fucking awful. I mean I know she's not suppose to be as brutal as Joel but still.

It was very challenging, but I don't think I've ever seen a game use this type of mechanic as effectively as The Last of Us. Not only did Ellie have her own, unique feel to both combat and movement, but it made you question what was going to become of Joel, and what does this mean for Ellie?

I will, however, admit that the first part where you had to kill the Elk was pretty dumb. Those things way like, 200 pounds; what did Ellie think she was going to do with it once it was dead?

We both definitely did stuff like that when we roomed together, but we were younger and it was pretty much an unspoken prank war. Mutual friends looked at us like an old couple, bickering and dissing each other, but always hanging out together regardless. Now it seems that without that living together, being in it together for better or worse mindset, our differences just cause friction.

I visited him twice in '09, then in 2010 he came here. I will openly admit to being a bit of a dick to him when he came here because he has no home training, and I keep a tidy place. The first time I went to see him, we went out that evening with some new friends of his, and he tried to use me to make himself look good, dishing out insults and embarrassing old stories; I was nice enough to spare him in front of his new buddies, though. It really wouldn't have been so bad had he not decided to keep at it the next day when it was just me, him, and his wife hanging out. On the third day I decided to cut the trip short and drive home after breakfast under some guise. The second time I went to see him he had just gotten through divorcing her and as supportive as I tried to be, his personality type combined with the circumstance made him insufferable. I stuck with him, and he needed a friend, but I was fucking miserable. I'm sure my ways in terms of emotional detachment and some tough love bothered him as well.

Work and life got us out of touch, especially since he moved from the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and went back to school while I changed phone numbers and didn't let him know (not purposefully). I got back on Facebook a little while back and it's all good, but I know if we spend more than 4 hours together in person somebody is going to get annoyed. Chances are I'll still do it because we went through some shit together, and like I said, I can't help but love the guy. Such is friendship I guess.

Maybe, but it sounds like you guys are just too different to really be friends. I find that when you live with someone and they're around all the time, it's easier to take the bad with the good because you know that the good is going to be coming around sooner or later, and you also know that it's not worth losing the apartment over. Once you don't see that person everyday, you don't know if you're going to be around for those good moments, and it sounds like the past few times you guys hung out, they never came.

But I don't know, maybe there's more to it than that.

Yes, now I'm stuck on the part where she's trying to escape from the hunters after they've taken all my guns & shit.

The hardest part about this is that you have no real direction, you just have to keep moving. The good news is the game will make the respawn point closer to the last part of the level as you get closer, so you won't always have to start back from square one. My recommendation is try not to kill people at all with Ellie since it takes her longer than Joel to stealth kill people. Only kill someone if they are definitely alone or the only other person is in a different room and won't be coming into your room anytime soon.

If it helps, here's a spoiler on where you're trying to go...

There's some restaurant at the end of the level where Ellie gets into a bit of a boss battle. If I remember correctly (and I think I do), you have to head through an arcade at some point where you should absolutely avoid killing anyone, and then there's a part with some sort of trailer that would normally be attached to the back of a truck but it acts as a tunnel, and you need to use stealth tactics to get through that too. After that I think it's a straight, uninterrupted shot to the restaurant.
I think I knew that you had never seen AHX, but it was out of my memory until this moment. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

You actually recommended it to me quite a while ago. For whatever reason, today felt like the day in which I was prepared to watch it. Loved it. Brilliant performances.

It's worth mentioning, however, that it is no longer my favorite film. It's been overthrown by American Beauty.
American History X. American Beauty. Is American Psycho also one of your favorites?

In all seriousness, I'll put American Beauty on my movie agenda. Next up is Requiem for a Dream. I know nothing about this film, but I've heard it mentioned too many times not to watch it.
So I am kinda torn right now.

I'm sitting here with a borrowed PS3, and a copy of the Last of Us, and a capture card. Would anyone even care to watch a Lets Play of the Nightmare difficulty?
You actually recommended it to me quite a while ago. For whatever reason, today felt like the day in which I was prepared to watch it. Loved it. Brilliant performances.

I've never known anybody to be disappointed with an AHX recommendation. Glad to hear you enjoyed it.

American History X. American Beauty. Is American Psycho also one of your favorites?

It is not, but I haven't watched it.

I know, I know, it's on my shortlist.

In all seriousness, I'll put American Beauty on my movie agenda. Next up is Requiem for a Dream. I know nothing about this film, but I've heard it mentioned too many times not to watch it.

Requiem is fantastic, but probably among my least favorite of Aronofsky (which isn't saying much, he's my favorite director). American Beauty is just a brilliantly rich film that has no fewer than three absolutely unbelievable performances.

So I am kinda torn right now.

I'm sitting here with a borrowed PS3, and a copy of the Last of Us, and a capture card. Would anyone even care to watch a Lets Play of the Nightmare difficulty?

I'd maybe watch a couple of the more difficult levels, but I don't have much interest in seeing someone die 50 times trying to beat part of one stage.
I'd maybe watch a couple of the more difficult levels, but I don't have much interest in seeing someone die 50 times trying to beat part of one stage.

Is Nightmare that difficult? I played it on Hard and it wasn't that hard, granted maybe the final level.
The joys of walking home after a long night of drinking.

I have no issues with it. Kinda nice getting some fresh air.
None of my friends piss me off, mainly because annoying me is next to impossible and I am apparently ridiculously blunt (honestly hadn't noticed, well I did, I don't totally lack self awareness, I just didn't think it was a problem) to the point that my close friends have been whittled down to people who are similar to me and understand that I mean very little of what I say offensively.

But I always think that when a mates being a cunt, it is your job as a mate to tell him or her that they're being a cunt and expect them to do the same for you.
It is not, but I haven't watched it.

I know, I know, it's on my shortlist.

I've watched it roughly a dozen times; I love it. AP casts the viewer into an increasingly eccentric world of emptiness, artificiality, and materialism. While on the ride, the film proposes social commentary that is appropriate for generations of people. There are a number of things to love about it, at least technically: the whimsical ambiance, the thoughtful cinematography, the relevant soundtrack, and the sharp, memorable dialogue.

Needless to say, it is one of my favorite movies. Is it the most technically critically sound film ever? Probably not, but it is still an enjoyable watch with undoubted objective merit.

Edit: You know why I originally asked you if AP was one of your favorites right? Two of your admittedly favorite movies begin with "American." I'm clever.
None of my friends piss me off, mainly because annoying me is next to impossible and I am apparently ridiculously blunt (honestly hadn't noticed, well I did, I don't totally lack self awareness, I just didn't think it was a problem) to the point that my close friends have been whittled down to people who are similar to me and understand that I mean very little of what I say offensively.

But I always think that when a mates being a cunt, it is your job as a mate to tell him or her that they're being a cunt and expect them to do the same for you.

You're absolutely right, and I've told José in the past about his messiness annoying me. The biggest reason I didn't fuck with him back when he saw fit to snap on me is just because I really didn't want to insult him around his new friends and wife, plus the drive wasn't long so I was fine just going and leaving on good terms. Reading what I wrote, I think that the rarity of seeing each other makes us both a bit passive-aggressive in person. JGlass may be right about us being too different; sometimes people just grow apart.

And my favorite poster CmPunker attempted to rep my initial anecdote. If his spelling was better and opinions on wrestling were worse, I'd suspect José was fucking with me.
None of my friends piss me off, mainly because annoying me is next to impossible and I am apparently ridiculously blunt (honestly hadn't noticed, well I did, I don't totally lack self awareness, I just didn't think it was a problem) to the point that my close friends have been whittled down to people who are similar to me and understand that I mean very little of what I say offensively.

But I always think that when a mates being a cunt, it is your job as a mate to tell him or her that they're being a cunt and expect them to do the same for you.

You're right, but it's easier said than done, especially in a group dynamic or at a party where you don't want to cause a scene or anything like that.

I've watched it roughly a dozen times; I love it. AP casts the viewer into an increasingly eccentric world of emptiness, artificiality, and materialism. While on the ride, the film proposes social commentary that is appropriate for generations of people. There are a number of things to love about it, at least technically: the whimsical ambiance, the thoughtful cinematography, the relevant soundtrack, and the sharp, memorable dialogue.

It sounds like this isn't the first time you've said this. Was this rehearsed? Either way, it was a very nice analysis of the film and I look forward to seeing it and giving my own interpretation.

Edit: You know why I originally asked you if AP was one of your favorites right? Two of your admittedly favorite movies begin with "American." I'm clever.

Yeah, I got it.
It sounds like this isn't the first time you've said this. Was this rehearsed? Either way, it was a very nice analysis of the film and I look forward to seeing it and giving my own interpretation.

Rehearsed? Nope. It was just my unabated thoughts on the movie; it was the product of bubbling thoughts over repeated viewings. Thought I'd extract these thoughts from my head and fully articulate them here. In a way, then, it is fairly rehearsed, but this is the first time I've collected and formally shared my full thoughts regarding the movie.
God I fucking hate Ellie

I'm stuck on the part where you're playing as Ellie trying to escape from the crazed cannibal hunter douches, through a fucking snow storm with nothing but a shitty little knife. I've killed the one guy that comes into the pet store, & got his gun (with one lousy fucking bullet), but after that anytime I try to do anything I just get fucking swarmed on by these assholes. Whatever asshole that designed this portion of the game can go choke on a dick.
God I fucking hate Ellie

I'm stuck on the part where you're playing as Ellie trying to escape from the crazed cannibal hunter douches, through a fucking snow storm with nothing but a shitty little knife. I've killed the one guy that comes into the pet store, & got his gun (with one lousy fucking bullet), but after that anytime I try to do anything I just get fucking swarmed on by these assholes. Whatever asshole that designed this portion of the game can go choke on a dick.

It's not his fault that you suck at this game.

But seriously, read the spoiler I posted before. It might help.
It's not his fault that you suck at this game.

But seriously, read the spoiler I posted before. It might help.

I got a walk through pulled up now, I've stuck on this part for far too long. I hate when games take away all your weapons, the weapons you've been working through the whole game to pick up, & upgrade. It's a shitty move imo.

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