Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

What's the meaning of life, J? What do you think the meaning of life is? I know you're not a philosophy major, but I'm sure you have something meaningful to offer.
I'm currently having an existential crisis about it. I loathe Chicago, so I want to get away from here and move back closer to St. Louis. However, I follow the newspaper from my hometown on Facebook and the comments are all the stereotypical Republican bullshit that I hate so I don't want to deal with that.

And apparently I am unable to fathom living anywhere else because I can't think of any option to get away from both.

EDIT: Sorry about the mini-rant, to answer your question: yes

I don't hate it and I live in the remote part of the Midwest.

I didn't ask you Ty!

Honestly though I don't really hate it. There are things I dislike about it, like living in a town of 700 people and having to drive half an hour to get anywhere, but outside of stuff like that I've no issue with it.
I didn't ask you Ty!

Do you think I care? :)

Honestly though I don't really hate it. There are things I dislike about it, like living in a town of 700 people and having to drive half an hour to get anywhere, but outside of stuff like that I've no issue with it.

When you grow up in a small town like that, you get used to it. I'm actually glad I'm in a small town raising my daughter. She can go run outside and play on her swing set without me having to worry about her. I still do but in comparison my cousin mostly grew up in a suburb of Houston, and not a good suburb of Houston, and she couldn't even ride bike down the street, whereas I rode bike everywhere around town.
Goddammit Playstation, why you be so awesome?

Though the game's single player is fairly worthless. It's all about the multiplayer for Battlefield, and since we'll just be getting the game for the first time now, we'll probably get our asses kicked due to our low levels and shitty weapons. At least I know my way around the maps.

I had to figure make more space for it, finally figure out saved games were taking up most of my HD space, so I had move a bunch of stuff to the PS+ cloud, the delete a but of that shit.

Assuming my gf and I are still together this time next year we are moving to Chicago.

Good god why?

I don't hate it and I live in the remote part of the Midwest.

I live in a city with a little over 150,000 people, it's the perfect size for me. Would be nice if people I've met on her lived a little closer, & would be really nice if more wrestling events & shit like that would come around more often.

I see. I'm not actually in Chicago, I'm about an hour south of Rockford.

I always thought you lived in or near St. Louis. I hate Illinois, mostly cause I have nothing but shitty memories for that state. My dad has family in Chicago, & his family is crazy & never wants to do shit but sit around & get drunk so every time we went to Chicago when I was a kid I was stuck in some house on the shitty side of Chicago with nothing to do as all the adults got fucking shit faced. Every time we attempted to go out & visit some of the attractions Chicago offers, his family would lay out some sort of stupid ass guilt trip on him, it fucking sucked.
I always thought you lived in or near St. Louis. I hate Illinois, mostly cause I have nothing but shitty memories for that state. My dad has family in Chicago, & his family is crazy & never wants to do shit but sit around & get drunk so every time we went to Chicago when I was a kid I was stuck in some house on the shitty side of Chicago with nothing to do as all the adults got fucking shit faced. Every time we attempted to go out & visit some of the attractions Chicago offers, his family would lay out some sort of stupid ass guilt trip on him, it fucking sucked.

I'm originally from the Illinois side of the St. Louis area. I went to NIU for college and got a job there when I graduated there, so that's where I live now: about an hour and a half west of Chicago.
Question to the nerd guild, if I get a new Xbox HD, will I still be abe to use my XBL profile, or do you pretty much just get one HD, and when it fills up, your only option is to erase old shit?

This Cloud drive either A. Isnt half worth a fuck B. Is beyond my understanding on how to properly use. Every time I try to transfer something to free up space on my HD, it doesnt work.
4th of July in Boston was fun, but definitely one of those experiences that reminds you how much you like certain people and how much you can't stand others. I started off the trip super psyched to see my old roommate, and by the end of the trip I couldn't wait to get rid of him.

I'm just digging my new sig right now.

It's a very nice sig.

Question to the nerd guild, if I get a new Xbox HD, will I still be abe to use my XBL profile, or do you pretty much just get one HD, and when it fills up, your only option is to erase old shit?

This Cloud drive either A. Isnt half worth a fuck B. Is beyond my understanding on how to properly use. Every time I try to transfer something to free up space on my HD, it doesnt work.

You can definitely use your same profile on both your HDs, you just need to log into your XBL account on the new HD.

And the cloud drive is pretty useful, but only for save files. It's not large enough to hold any downloaded games, so maybe that's why it's failing for you.
4th of July in Boston was fun, but definitely one of those experiences that reminds you how much you like certain people and how much you can't stand others. I started off the trip super psyched to see my old roommate, and by the end of the trip I couldn't wait to get rid of him.

Reminds me of a former roommate who I recently got back in touch with after not hearing from each other for a couple of years. Love each other like brothers, but every single time we reunite one of us ends up legitimately pissing off the other and making the rest of the meeting awkward. We were talking about getting together and catching up over the summer, but I know he's thinking the same thing that I am and wondering if it'd be worth the fairly long trip.
Well, it looks like I've found a coed cheerleading squad in my area. Now to learn the dance I'll need to do in order to make the squad.

Also, I fucking hate dancing, and learning dance routines. I have no rhythm.
Saw White House Down, it's a decidedly average action movie. The story & dialogue could have been much better, especially the dialogue which was just downright stupid at parts, the story was pretty lazy & predictable, you could see every so-called twist & turn from about a mile & a half away. The action sequences were pretty good though. Olympus Has Fallen was a much better 'Terrorist take the White House' movie.
Reminds me of a former roommate who I recently got back in touch with after not hearing from each other for a couple of years. Love each other like brothers, but every single time we reunite one of us ends up legitimately pissing off the other and making the rest of the meeting awkward. We were talking about getting together and catching up over the summer, but I know he's thinking the same thing that I am and wondering if it'd be worth the fairly long trip.

The thing about this guy is that he's got all the intangibles that make him a good friend. He's supportive, he's loyal, and he doesn't fuck around with you. The problem with him is that he's really fucking annoying. Like at this party, it kept on trying to squeeze my pecs and eventually he sack tapped me. One time he introduced me to some girl at a party, we were talking and things were going well, and then he pantsed me right in front of her. And the other thing he does that annoys me to no end is that he talks behind everyone's back. Endlessly. The girl who hosted the party was getting a little crazy the morning of because it was in a house she was housesitting and she didn't want anything to happen, and after he listened to her complain he turned right around and bitched to me about her. Later he started talking shit about one of my friends that wanted to make brownies at the party (don't ask me why this was a problem).

So yeah, I can imagine that your relationship with this guy is similar to mine and my ex-roommate's. I hope you find a way to resolve your issues. I'm just going to try to avoid hanging out with this guy again.

Saw White House Down, it's a decidedly average action movie. The story & dialogue could have been much better, especially the dialogue which was just downright stupid at parts, the story was pretty lazy & predictable, you could see every so-called twist & turn from about a mile & a half away. The action sequences were pretty good though. Olympus Has Fallen was a much better 'Terrorist take the White House' movie.

Yeah, I never had any desire to see either of those movies, so I'm not surprised White House Down is no good. I'm a little bit more surprised that you think Olympus Has Fallen is the better film given the fact that the cast of WHD looks better than OHF, but I guess Aaron Eckhart's awesomeness can offset Gerard Butler's awfulness.
I'm finally going to watch American History X. J, I'm sure you'll be pleased with this.

I think I knew that you had never seen AHX, but it was out of my memory until this moment. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

It's worth mentioning, however, that it is no longer my favorite film. It's been overthrown by American Beauty.

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