Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

No less fucked up than (in our case) a candidate winning the popular vote, but losing the election.

I forget where you're from.

Part of that is cancelled out by the fact that there are 11(?) of them, and no single president is going to replace a majority. Another is that even though they may identify as a certain party or lean a certain way, it's all how they interpret the Constitution and previous rulings. You can't always guarantee how they'll vote.

That doesn't really account (pun intended) for the unaccountable part though, does it?
Yep. Aren't most of them Bush Jr. appointees?

Just Alito (who is actually from my town, and I even went to high school with his daughter) and Roberts. Obama has two in there himself with Sotomayor and Kegan.

Isn't it a bit fucked up that a body which holds so much power is essentially unaccountable to the people, and are appointed because their political leaning is similar to whoever's in power? Genuine question. I've felt similarly about the House of Lords and its off-shoots over here for some time.

Eh, we have a system of checks and balances that makes sure that no one body of the government has too much power, but it doesn't always work as well as we'd like it to.

That said, one of the good things about the Supreme Court is that none of these people have any political aspirations because their position is for life. They don't need to cut deals to please voters or appease lobbyists because they don't have to worry about getting reelected at any point.
That doesn't really account (pun intended) for the unaccountable part though, does it?

I think J said this, but that also means they don't have to appease anyone. They only answer to their interpretation of law (that sounds badass)

Just Alito (who is actually from my town, and I even went to high school with his daughter) and Roberts. Obama has two in there himself with Sotomayor and Kegan.

Huh, I thought he would've had more than that.
That said, one of the good things about the Supreme Court is that none of these people have any political aspirations because their position is for life. They don't need to cut deals to please voters or appease lobbyists because they don't have to worry about getting reelected at any point.

Why not just get rid of this whole pesky election business then? We can select our leaders by lottery.
Why not just get rid of this whole pesky election business then? We can select our leaders by lottery.

Actually, under the Articles of Confederation (the precursor to the Constitution), states were allowed to determine how to conduct their own elections, and for a very short time South Carolina had election by combat, but they did away with it after they found people of Irish ancestry kept on winning.
Okay so my buds and I just played through at least 8 hours of Last of Us and I love it.

I'm at the part where you enter the Hotel with the hunters, and Ellie was just given the hunting rifle. Though seeing as my friend is a massive pussy and wanted to sleep, I have to wait till Thursday to play it.
Okay so my buds and I just played through at least 8 hours of Last of Us and I love it.

I'm at the part where you enter the Hotel with the hunters, and Ellie was just given the hunting rifle. Though seeing as my friend is a massive pussy and wanted to sleep, I have to wait till Thursday to play it.

That part took me like 4 or 5 attempts to get past.
Okay so my buds and I just played through at least 8 hours of Last of Us and I love it.

I'm at the part where you enter the Hotel with the hunters, and Ellie was just given the hunting rifle. Though seeing as my friend is a massive pussy and wanted to sleep, I have to wait till Thursday to play it.

That part took me like 4 or 5 attempts to get past.

I didn't die once in that part. I struggled much more with zombies than I did with people.
Well technically, it all comes down to whether the infection kills the host or not. If the infected person is clinically dead, then is reanimated like in Resident Evil, then they're zombies. However in games like Last of Us and movies like 28 Days Later, they're simply infected seeing as the infection doesn't cause actual death, just a change in diet and a rather irregular outlook on life.

But yeah, this game is outstanding. Am I the only one playing it on hard?
No, a zombies is flesh craving reanimated corpse, runners & clickers don't die before turning, they just turn over time.

Well technically, it all comes down to whether the infection kills the host or not. If the infected person is clinically dead, then is reanimated like in Resident Evil, then they're zombies. However in games like Last of Us and movies like 28 Days Later, they're simply infected seeing as the infection doesn't cause actual death, just a change in diet and a rather irregular outlook on life.

So then 28 Days Later isn't a zombie movie? Left 4 Dead isn't a zombie video game?

Nope, not buying it. The whole "A zombie has to be a reanimated dead person" comes from an antiquated definition.

But yeah, this game is outstanding. Am I the only one playing it on hard?

Probably. I might give it another play through on hard if I ever decide burning myself with cigarettes isn't enough masochism to get me off anymore.
So then 28 Days Later isn't a zombie movie? Left 4 Dead isn't a zombie video game?

I feel like you and I played very different games and movies then.

In 28 Days later, they heavily stress that the infected are very much alive. They have heartbeats, hunger, and vitals. It's why you can kill a infected in 28 days later with gun shots to the chest. Because they actually die. Unlike zombies where where the only function remaining is brain function, which is why only head shots kill them.

In Left 4 Dead, they blend the lines between undead and infected. The special infected like Smokers and Boomers have different and more advanced methods of attack instead of simple smashing and grabbing. (Not to mention that body shots and internal bleeding can kill them)

Nope, not buying it. The whole "A zombie has to be a reanimated dead person" comes from an antiquated definition.

There have been several forms of media that stress the difference between undead and infected. The George A. Ramero zombies are the basic undead, seeing as all they have is minimal brain function. 28 days later are infected seeing as they push the fact the infection is like rabies on steroids.
So then 28 Days Later isn't a zombie movie? Left 4 Dead isn't a zombie video game?

Nope, not buying it. The whole "A zombie has to be a reanimated dead person" comes from an antiquated definition.

Well, by your definition vampires & werewolves would be considered zombies.
I have to agree with Harth on this one, a few years ago I would have been in the trenches with Justin. I've opened my eyes and accepted that Mr. Romero's zombies.... arent the only kind. Excuse me, i've got to go cry/throw up.
Well, by your definition vampires & werewolves would be considered zombies.

Except all three have distinct properties apart from the spread of disease through infection. Zombies, regardless of if they're alive or dead, still seem to have an insatiable craving for human flesh and are unable to communicate with anything more than grunts, moans, and screams. Vampires are generally extremely articulate and don't crave human flesh, just blood. Werewolves are completely normal while in human form and have no cravings for human flesh, they're just generally rabid in werewolf form.

I have to agree with Harth on this one, a few years ago I would have been in the trenches with Justin. I've opened my eyes and accepted that Mr. Romero's zombies.... arent the only kind. Excuse me, i've got to go cry/throw up.

You have left the Matrix and entered the real world. Your awakening isn't always easy, but you have arrived.
I feel like you and I played very different games and movies then.

In 28 Days later, they heavily stress that the infected are very much alive. They have heartbeats, hunger, and vitals. It's why you can kill a infected in 28 days later with gun shots to the chest. Because they actually die. Unlike zombies where where the only function remaining is brain function, which is why only head shots kill them.

In Left 4 Dead, they blend the lines between undead and infected. The special infected like Smokers and Boomers have different and more advanced methods of attack instead of simple smashing and grabbing. (Not to mention that body shots and internal bleeding can kill them)

There have been several forms of media that stress the difference between undead and infected. The George A. Ramero zombies are the basic undead, seeing as all they have is minimal brain function. 28 days later are infected seeing as they push the fact the infection is like rabies on steroids.

See, this is the antiquated line of thinking I'm talking about. I'll have you remember that in the first zombie film (directed by Romero) Night of the Living Dead, nobody actually refers to the creatures as zombies. It's an arbitrary term fans of it assigned to these undead creatures. Since then the genre has grown, and the definition has grown along with it.

But you know, keep on going on and on with being a zombie traditionalist. We all know how successful traditionalism is in any aspect of media, entertainment, or life really... hardly ever
See, this is the antiquated line of thinking I'm talking about. I'll have you remember that in the first zombie film (directed by Romero) Night of the Living Dead, nobody actually refers to the creatures as zombies. It's an arbitrary term fans of it assigned to these undead creatures. Since then the genre has grown, and the definition has grown along with it.

Well it also helps they're actual zombies. As Ramero continued to make zombie movies, his zombies always stayed the same. They're clinically dead. Which the definition in the dictionary as dead, reanimated corpses. In Last of Us, Left 4 Dead, and 28 days later they're infections never led to death only transformation.

You're oversimplifying two things that are completely different. Ramero has often called his undead zombies because they are the more true archetype to zombies. Romero and even the writers of 28 days later make it adamantly clear that infected in movies like 28 days later are not dead but infected because they still posses the same motar functions as humans. (Shit they even rest due to their body actually requiring nutrients and energy to function.)

Zombies are dead, infected are not. The two are similar, that's why they are often grouped into the same category, but at the same time they're completely different and writers who create media for infected often go out of their way to acknowledge that.

but you know, keep on going on and on with being a zombie traditionalist. We all know how successful traditionalism is in any aspect of media, entertainment, or life really... hardly ever

That same traditionalism that made State of Decay, Dead Rising, Romero Zombie flicks, Resident Evil, and Shaun of the Dead so successful? Their is still a clear divide in undead and infected. You just either ignore it so you can keep calling oranges apples.
So this chick came over a couple football seasons ago. I think her name was Sara. Yea. Anyhow, I was like well im watching Notre Dame Vs Michigan, but you can come over and chill if you want. She did, and after the game was over, I said its bed time now. You can stay or go, its whatever, we can do seperate blankets if you want.

I go in and lay down, and hear from behind me "hey, you tired?" "yea" I said. She then said "how tired?" and proceeded to pull her dress up over her head, revealing red silk lingerie. I banged her out pretty hard, and proceeded to fuck her six times throughout the day the next day(which is my record), which just so happened to be the first sunday of NFL football, AND September 11.


Just trying to restore a little dignity and manliness to this thread. Goodness gracious.
Are you insinuating that debating zombies isn't manly?

And congratulations on your fuckathon two years ago. You have once again asserted yourself as the master.

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