Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

Did you use the dog toothbrush? Did it come with dog toothpaste?

I did. It didn't. I just used regular toothpaste. I don't know why I needed to brush my teeth so bad, but I do remember clarifying to make sure the tooth brush had never been used by any dogs.

And yet here you are basically saying you're gonna give up on a franchise because of the first (inferior) game even though the next game is a classic.

I never said I was going to give up. In fact, I'm pretty sure I said the opposite. I'm trucking through it even if I'm not thrilled by it.

I also found a new thing to complain about: How the fuck are these bad guys able to get into places that Drake just opened? I just unlocked this door that was separating one area of the temple from all the others, and there were already bad guy mercenaries waiting for me in there. What the hell?

I may be the only person who has never ever wanted to play any Mass Effect.

I'm sure there are others. Sad, miserable others that will never know the greatness that is the Mass Effect Trilogy.

So in other words, when you are unprotected, the bad guys shoot at you and hit you. Sounds pretty realistic to me.

And sure there are a lot of bad guys, but it's not like they are impossible to kill or anything.

Actually these are probably some of the best trained disposable henchmen I've ever had to fight. Heck, killing Nazis in Call of Duty 3 was easier than killing this ragtag looking bunch of mercs. I'm just surprised that there are about twice as many mercs crawling across Latin American as there were Nazis in France and Germany.

3 is the only AC I've played. It looked cool to run around the trees, but it was so damn simple that there was no challenge to it. Isn't the running controls (or lack thereof) identical in the others, or did they just oversimplify things in 3 for the sake of oversimplifying things?

Three was easily the second worse game of the series. The original AC was definitely the worst. The best was either two or revelations, and brotherhood is right in the middle, but is still way better than 1 or 3.

The game did one thing right, and that was the parkour-like running. If they could have fixed the other aspects of the game to at least be solid it would have been amazing.

Yeah, I really liked how smooth the free running was ever since AC2. I know a lot of people complained about the jump button and the free run button being the same button, but to me that just made it feel more smooth. It was nice not having to time your jumps exactly right since Ezio/Altair/Desmond/Connor were always going to jump at the exact moment they needed to, and it made them feel like they were true masters of the craft, not experts that were prone to a few missteps.

I'm just trying to save you from yourself.

You need to play Uncharted 2, and yet you feel obligated to finish 1 for some godforsaken reason. There's no bonus points for finishing 1 then starting 2. At least lower the difficulty level so you can get done with the game sooner or something.

I already own Uncharted 2, and I don't leave videogames unplayed unless they are terrible. Uncharted is FAR from a terrible game, it's just very flawed. Then again, so is Mass Effect 1, and I love that game.

I also hate to be one of THOSE guys, but making the switch to HD has upped my enjoyment of the game. A game like this where the scenery plays such an important role should be enjoyed to its fullest potential, and the HD is helping me do that. It's also making the firefights more enjoyable now that I'm shooting at full blown enemies and not a hostile, human-shaped blur.
I did. It didn't. I just used regular toothpaste. I don't know why I needed to brush my teeth so bad, but I do remember clarifying to make sure the tooth brush had never been used by any dogs.
Was the doggie Toothbrush a used doggie toothbrush? Oh, and good thing there wasn't doggie toothpaste, it probably would taste like crap.

I never said I was going to give up. In fact, I'm pretty sure I said the opposite. I'm trucking through it even if I'm not thrilled by it.
You make it sound like you have no desire to play 2, which means you'd be giving up on the franchise. I know you aren't giving up on 1. I'm suggesting you give up on 1 and watch the youtube movie to save yourself some time.

I also found a new thing to complain about: How the fuck are these bad guys able to get into places that Drake just opened? I just unlocked this door that was separating one area of the temple from all the others, and there were already bad guy mercenaries waiting for me in there. What the hell?
It all actually makes sense when you keep going. Besides, just because you unlocked a door doesn't mean the other guys didn't unlock the door then lock it behind them. Or they could have gone a different way.

I'm sure there are others. Sad, miserable others that will never know the greatness that is the Mass Effect Trilogy.
Or "sad, miserable others" who will never know the "I-don't-think-it's-great"ness of the Mass Effect Trilogy.

Actually these are probably some of the best trained disposable henchmen I've ever had to fight. Heck, killing Nazis in Call of Duty 3 was easier than killing this ragtag looking bunch of mercs. I'm just surprised that there are about twice as many mercs crawling across Latin American as there were Nazis in France and Germany.
See, I didn't have this problem. Sure there were a lot of henchmen, but what else is new, there's always a lot of henchmen in video games. If there was a realistic amount the game would have about 100 total bad guys.

Three was easily the second worse game of the series. The original AC was definitely the worst. The best was either two or revelations, and brotherhood is right in the middle, but is still way better than 1 or 3.
I only played 3 because of the story/era it took place in. Never had a real interest in the others.

Yeah, I really liked how smooth the free running was ever since AC2. I know a lot of people complained about the jump button and the free run button being the same button, but to me that just made it feel more smooth. It was nice not having to time your jumps exactly right since Ezio/Altair/Desmond/Connor were always going to jump at the exact moment they needed to, and it made them feel like they were true masters of the craft, not experts that were prone to a few missteps.
I'd rather be prone to a few missteps because I actually was the one controlling the steps then to not do anything. I mean there were points where it felt like a cutscene due to the lack of effort needed to do something difficult.

Oh, not to mention the physics behind standing at the very edge of a tree limb is impossible, I don't care if you're a ninja, you'll break the limb by standing at the edge of those smaller limbs. And the whole time travel/memory/weird shit was so confusing. All of a sudden you go from being in Renaissance Italy/Colonial America/whatever to present day/future, or something like that.

I already own Uncharted 2, and I don't leave videogames unplayed unless they are terrible. Uncharted is FAR from a terrible game, it's just very flawed. Then again, so is Mass Effect 1, and I love that game.
Well that makes me less worried. Although I do worry that you could have sold the game back, meaning you wouldn't own it and be "obligated" to play it.
I also hate to be one of THOSE guys, but making the switch to HD has upped my enjoyment of the game. A game like this where the scenery plays such an important role should be enjoyed to its fullest potential, and the HD is helping me do that. It's also making the firefights more enjoyable now that I'm shooting at full blown enemies and not a hostile, human-shaped blur.
lol, I never played a PS3 in Standard Definition, so I have no idea how bad it looks without the joy of HD.

I do find it funny however that game companies couldn't make their games look good in SD. Super Mario Galaxy was one of the most visually appealing games of this console cycle and there is no HD for the console.
Was the doggie Toothbrush a used doggie toothbrush? Oh, and good thing there wasn't doggie toothpaste, it probably would taste like crap.

Unused, just a toothbrush designed for dogs I guess.

You make it sound like you have no desire to play 2, which means you'd be giving up on the franchise. I know you aren't giving up on 1. I'm suggesting you give up on 1 and watch the youtube movie to save yourself some time.


It all actually makes sense when you keep going. Besides, just because you unlocked a door doesn't mean the other guys didn't unlock the door then lock it behind them. Or they could have gone a different way.

That would be impossible considering the one set of keys was hidden by Francis Drake on top of a tower only accessible through crazy climbing stuff.

Or "sad, miserable others" who will never know the "I-don't-think-it's-great"ness of the Mass Effect Trilogy.

How would you know if you've never played?

See, I didn't have this problem. Sure there were a lot of henchmen, but what else is new, there's always a lot of henchmen in video games. If there was a realistic amount the game would have about 100 total bad guys.

Like I said, I understand that this game isn't grounded in reality, but they don't really help explain what the nature of this universe is. AC makes very clear how extensive the Templar's network runs, and they help you understand why there are so many Pirates in Far Cry 3. Why the fuck are there so many henchmen in this game? Is Eddie cousins with Dick Cheney or something?

I only played 3 because of the story/era it took place in. Never had a real interest in the others.

If I remember correctly I sprung for AC3 on the release date or maybe a day or two after because I was really excited to play during the Revolution, but it wound up being not nearly as exciting as I thought it would. Crossing the Delaware with Washington and assassinating some German mercenaries while they slept would have been bad ass, but instead you just ride a horse around during the battle of Lexington and Concord and tell people when to shoot their guns. Yawn.

I'd rather be prone to a few missteps because I actually was the one controlling the steps then to not do anything. I mean there were points where it felt like a cutscene due to the lack of effort needed to do something difficult.

Well, you do have to put some thought into where you jump. The free running bits in Brotherhood and Revelations are much more challenging than anything in 3.

Oh, not to mention the physics behind standing at the very edge of a tree limb is impossible, I don't care if you're a ninja, you'll break the limb by standing at the edge of those smaller limbs. And the whole time travel/memory/weird shit was so confusing. All of a sudden you go from being in Renaissance Italy/Colonial America/whatever to present day/future, or something like that.

You'd understand more if you played the other games. It's actually fairly easy to follow.

Well that makes me less worried. Although I do worry that you could have sold the game back, meaning you wouldn't own it and be "obligated" to play it.

Like I said, I only sell them back if they're flat out bad or boring. I sold Rage back because it got to be very repetitive and the story wasn't doing anything for me. Dead Island Riptide got the kibosh after a few hours because it was exactly like Dead Island, but somehow even worse. This game might not be great, but it's still fun and enough of a challenge.

lol, I never played a PS3 in Standard Definition, so I have no idea how bad it looks without the joy of HD.

I do find it funny however that game companies couldn't make their games look good in SD. Super Mario Galaxy was one of the most visually appealing games of this console cycle and there is no HD for the console.

It didn't look too bad, it was just sort of plain and not nearly as striking as it is in HD.

That would be impossible considering the one set of keys was hidden by Francis Drake on top of a tower only accessible through crazy climbing stuff.
There may have been 2 different ways to get to the location. You went one way, they went the other.
How would you know if you've never played?
Do you like Dora The Explorer? Have you watched it? chances are the answer is no you don't like it and no you haven't watched it.

Same here with Mass Effect.

Like I said, I understand that this game isn't grounded in reality, but they don't really help explain what the nature of this universe is. AC makes very clear how extensive the Templar's network runs, and they help you understand why there are so many Pirates in Far Cry 3. Why the fuck are there so many henchmen in this game? Is Eddie cousins with Dick Cheney or something?
Nathan Drake is going after a big ass treasure. Another treasure hunter is too. They have a prior negative relationship with one of your cohorts, and their actions have made revenge a motive for Drake. Other guy has henchmen who are also seeking treasure and wealth.

If I remember correctly I sprung for AC3 on the release date or maybe a day or two after because I was really excited to play during the Revolution, but it wound up being not nearly as exciting as I thought it would. Crossing the Delaware with Washington and assassinating some German mercenaries while they slept would have been bad ass, but instead you just ride a horse around during the battle of Lexington and Concord and tell people when to shoot their guns. Yawn.
My thoughts with the game exactly. It was very fun at times but it was so confusing and parts that could have been awesome were only meh.

Well, you do have to put some thought into where you jump. The free running bits in Brotherhood and Revelations are much more challenging than anything in 3.
It's hold a button and run. There's no consequence to your actions if it won't work. In Uncharted you die if you make a mistake.

You'd understand more if you played the other games. It's actually fairly easy to follow.
And yet if they just made the game about the character from the time-period it would actually make sense. Not to mention you could then have branching stories based on how you play the mission.

Like I said, I only sell them back if they're flat out bad or boring. I sold Rage back because it got to be very repetitive and the story wasn't doing anything for me. Dead Island Riptide got the kibosh after a few hours because it was exactly like Dead Island, but somehow even worse. This game might not be great, but it's still fun and enough of a challenge.
OK Good. Just wait for 2, Once you play 2 you'll want to see what happens in 3.

It didn't look too bad, it was just sort of plain and not nearly as striking as it is in HD.
That's the difference between SD and HD.

It's also the reason why I can't wait for the new 3D Mario on Wii U. It'll be the first HD Mario. Galaxy/Galaxy 2 were so incredible visually that HD should be even better, if that's even possible.
There may have been 2 different ways to get to the location. You went one way, they went the other.

Did they helicopter in or something? Seems to me that they just dropped enemies in there for the sake of having enemies.

Do you like Dora The Explorer? Have you watched it? chances are the answer is no you don't like it and no you haven't watched it.

Same here with Mass Effect.

But Dora the Explora is a children's show that has nothing to offer me. I know for a fact that you like Star Wars, and I can assume are interested in sci-fi otherwise. Additionally, it has similar gameplay to Uncharted, except less linear, and instead of exploring ancient ruins, you're exploring space.

I suppose I'm a bit of an evangelist for the game, but it's just so great that I recommend that everyone who loves video games with great stories at least tries it.

Nathan Drake is going after a big ass treasure. Another treasure hunter is too. They have a prior negative relationship with one of your cohorts, and their actions have made revenge a motive for Drake. Other guy has henchmen who are also seeking treasure and wealth.

That is hardly revealed until much later in the game. In fact, at one point Drake chooses to cut his losses and go home.

It's hold a button and run. There's no consequence to your actions if it won't work. In Uncharted you die if you make a mistake.

I don't remember AC3 so well, but if you make the wrong jump in AC Revelations, you die. Granted, the catacombs in AC Revelations are cooler than just about anything in AC3.

And yet if they just made the game about the character from the time-period it would actually make sense. Not to mention you could then have branching stories based on how you play the mission.

I felt the same way after playing through the first game, but it really is an outstanding idea. I've never talked to someone that has played all the AC games who thought the games would have been better as time pieces than as relived memories. It made classic video game mechanics like respawning and having extra lives look like child's play as there was a logical explanation for why you failed missions if you let the guy get away or why you can boot back up if you die: because Desmond lost synch with the Animus and have to start the memory over.
Did they helicopter in or something? Seems to me that they just dropped enemies in there for the sake of having enemies.
I don't know. Maybe they do.

It's a game. Don't ask for perfection.

But Dora the Explora is a children's show that has nothing to offer me. I know for a fact that you like Star Wars, and I can assume are interested in sci-fi otherwise. Additionally, it has similar gameplay to Uncharted, except less linear, and instead of exploring ancient ruins, you're exploring space.
Actually, I like Star Wars, but I'm not a huge Sci-Fi/space guy outside of that. And I also laugh my ass off at the fact that they released Mass Effect 3, then had to make Mass Effect 3 DLC with the "real" ending to the game, because the one they originally did was supposedly so shit.

I don't enjoy BioShock or Halo either. Not a fan of Fantasy type FPS.

I suppose I'm a bit of an evangelist for the game, but it's just so great that I recommend that everyone who loves video games with great stories at least tries it.

That is hardly revealed until much later in the game. In fact, at one point Drake chooses to cut his losses and go home.
And was convinced to continue.

And Drake had a personal issue once Sully was shot, which was early in the game.

I don't remember AC3 so well, but if you make the wrong jump in AC Revelations, you die. Granted, the catacombs in AC Revelations are cooler than just about anything in AC3.
If you jump from really really high, you do.

My main issue is just as I said, hold a button and run, and you jump, climb, swing, wall-run, etc. It felt like an "easy mode" way to do everything.

I felt the same way after playing through the first game, but it really is an outstanding idea. I've never talked to someone that has played all the AC games who thought the games would have been better as time pieces than as relived memories. It made classic video game mechanics like respawning and having extra lives look like child's play as there was a logical explanation for why you failed missions if you let the guy get away or why you can boot back up if you die: because Desmond lost synch with the Animus and have to start the memory over.
In theory the idea is wonderful. The only issue for me was that I was entirely confused as I entered the AC universe for the first time. And as such I don't really have any desire to get back into the series.
I don't know. Maybe they do.

It's a game. Don't ask for perfection.

I don't ask for perfection, but I was lead to believe that this game was a lot better than it is.

Actually, I like Star Wars, but I'm not a huge Sci-Fi/space guy outside of that. And I also laugh my ass off at the fact that they released Mass Effect 3, then had to make Mass Effect 3 DLC with the "real" ending to the game, because the one they originally did was supposedly so shit.

Yeah, supposedly EA rushed Bioware to get the game out before they finished the endings. Supposedly. Luckily, the new endings were a zillion times better.

I don't enjoy BioShock or Halo either. Not a fan of Fantasy type FPS.

Mass Effect isn't FPS.

And was convinced to continue.

And Drake had a personal issue once Sully was shot, which was early in the game.

Kinda, but more accurately he had no choice but to continue. There's nothing wrong with that, of course, and I'm sure I can come up with a handful of video games where the only reason the character keeps pushing themselves is because they have no other choice (the new Tomb Raider comes to mind). I figured I'd understand and/or be sympathetic to Drake's motivations eventually, but they took their sweet time before they got there.

If you jump from really really high, you do.

My main issue is just as I said, hold a button and run, and you jump, climb, swing, wall-run, etc. It felt like an "easy mode" way to do everything.

It is easy, but it was supposed to be easy because your character is an absolute master at this type of thing.

In theory the idea is wonderful. The only issue for me was that I was entirely confused as I entered the AC universe for the first time. And as such I don't really have any desire to get back into the series.

Well it's sort of your fault for starting with AC3. It would be like starting to watch Lost with the last season.
I just beat Uncharted One. It was a good enough game. Not great, not very good, but good. I'll definitely play through the series.
Mass Effect isn't FPS.
I meant to say AND. As in not Mass Effect, Bioshock, Halo, AND Fantasy FPS's. And most RPG's.

It is easy, but it was supposed to be easy because your character is an absolute master at this type of thing.
And I'm just saying I have more fun when I have to figure out how to get past an obstacle rather then just run at it and let the game solve it for me.

Well it's sort of your fault for starting with AC3. It would be like starting to watch Lost with the last season.
I won't get into the lost thing.

And regardless of when I start the series, the whole back and forth through time is confusing. Not bad, confusing.

The whole new time period for each game is a cool aspect of the series as it gets people interested if they like that time period. I just wish they did enough to keep me, and didn't go into a theme that I don't care about (pirates, whoop dee do).
I just beat Uncharted One. It was a good enough game. Not great, not very good, but good. I'll definitely play through the series.

This is pretty much how I feel toward Mass Effect so far.

I got bored with AC2 & never finished it, I might jump back into at some point but I doubt it. I have interest to play any other AC games either.
This is pretty much how I feel toward Mass Effect so far.

I got bored with AC2 & never finished it, I might jump back into at some point but I doubt it. I have interest to play any other AC games either.

Well, hopefully Uncharted 2 is almost as good as Mass Effect 2. I mean, it never will be because Mass Effect 2 is the best game ever created in the history of every galaxy, dimension, universe, and multiverse, but maybe Uncharted 2 can come close.

I took to playing Little Big Planet 2. I'm quite enjoying it.
Well, hopefully Uncharted 2 is almost as good as Mass Effect 2. I mean, it never will be because Mass Effect 2 is the best game ever created in the history of every galaxy, dimension, universe, and multiverse, but maybe Uncharted 2 can come close.

I took to playing Little Big Planet 2. I'm quite enjoying it.

I just deleted LBP2 to make room for Deus Ex, I rarely played it so I saw no point in keeping it on there any longer.
I'm still stuck on that same fucking mission in Skyrim, and there's a door that you can't open from the inside so I'm stuck. I am this close to just saying fuck it and starting over.
The same one from last week, the Wolf Queen one. The second to last part with all the draugur is seemingly impossible to me.

I recommend scrolling down to the bottom of the page and checking to see if there are any bugs that may have broken the game for you. If there is a way out of it, though, you can always turn the difficulty all the way down to novice and until you finish the mission, and then turn it back up.
I love Xbox, and it's hard to say this, but that's it for them; Sony annihilated Microsoft. I'm going back to PlayStation.

I was just telling Harthan that I really have no loyalty to either system, but I see zero reason not to go PlayStation 4 when it comes time to buy a new console.
I was just telling Harthan that I really have no loyalty to either system, but I see zero reason not to go PlayStation 4 when it comes time to buy a new console.

That's how I feel. I've got Sony's systems and Microsoft's. I probably would've ended up getting an Xbox One to start off the next gen had things gone differently, only because the 360 is where I do the bulk of my gaming now. It's always just been about good games and good prices to me, and the PS4 has got the latter locked down with the added bonus of not watching me or limiting what I can do with my game discs.

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