Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

I really like Gen 2, but the time aspect drove me crazy. Plus, it makes playing those games on emulators kind of a pain :(

That, and the amount of backtracking you'll have to do makes it difficult, and there's the problem with not being able to grind
You get a shiny Gible, its first form, for beating Black Tower - a post-game challenge mode, essentially - in Black 2. And fuck you, she's beautiful.

Oh, so it's kind of like the Red Gyarados in G/S/C. Got it.

And I'm sure she has a lovely personality, and maybe if I was drunk, yeah, I'd train her.

See, I'd imagine Seafoam Island is more dangerous, for a trainer that appears to not even be able to swim.

For that matter, is it just me, or can like only two types of trainers swim in this world of Pokemon? Did the rest of the world forget?

I'm sure there are plenty of people who know how to swim but just can't get out to the beach. I mean, let's face it, infrastructure is not one of the strengths of any of the Pokemon regions. The only way to get places is by walking, and often times these walks take you through dangerous caves or dense forests. How's a person from Pewter City going to get to the beach?

I have no idea where they're going with her. I couldn't help but focus on the "I am yours, and you are mine" speech though. Is it weird I almost shed a tear during that?

It's not weird, just really gay.

Just kidding, it was a touching speech. I'm not sure I welled up, but it was certainly heartwarming. I'm really rooting for those two.

I had the same problem with Skarmony. Little bugger was awesome, but by that time I already had Pineco evolved, and there was no need for it

It doesn't help that Skarmony doesn't really reach full badass potential until the third generation games when they hook it up with some better moves.

Plus, they screwed up the coding and made psychic immune to ghost instead of weak to it. Gen 1 is good for nostalgia, but there's a lot wrong with those games.

Not that there were any ghost moves that were all that great anyway. I'm pretty sure lick was the only damaging ghost type move besides night shade, and that does as many points of damage as the Pokemon's level anyway.

It becomes really apparent how much Game Freak gr better by Gen 2. I actually believe Gold and Silver are the best games of the pokemon series, this far, though Gen 4 is right up there

I've only played the first 3 generations, but I agree, G/S/C is my favorite generation. The game basically doubled in size, they added all sorts of awesome new Pokemon without completely replacing your favorite originals, and they really balanced out all the types. They still lacked a bug-type move that was obtainable by most bugs, but other than that I can't really think of any one type that was at a particular disadvantage.

Oh, yeah.

This guy:


And this guy:


Both were huge powerhouses for me once upon a time.

I really miss playing this game.

Fuck golem, no for real, Golem sucks

Low attack, low speed, and his def is alright

If I wanted to waste my time trading a def tank to evolve it, I'd just run a steelix every time. Oh fuck, that's right... I do.
Remember when you were younger and the be all and end all move was earthquake? Is that water type kicking your ass? Earthquake. Is that thunder type putting you in danger? Earthquake. What about that troublesome dark type? Oh you better believe there's an earthquake coming!

Now them flying types.... Earthquake should work.
Remember when you were younger and the be all and end all move was earthquake? Is that water type kicking your ass? Earthquake. Is that thunder type putting you in danger? Earthquake. What about that troublesome dark type? Oh you better believe there's an earthquake coming!

Now them flying types.... Earthquake should work.

I would put Earthquake, Surf, and Ice Beam on my Feraligatr, and that was it. Game over for anyone stupid enough to get in my way.
Who was it that was asking about my views on Barton Fink? I'll try and answer before my dinner arrives.

I finished my rewatch of Barton Fink the other night (on blu-ray, naturally) and I'm more certain than ever that it's a masterpiece. I hadn't actually seen it in years, maybe since I was about seventeen or eighteen, and my memory of it, as well as my appreciation of it, had started to fade. Have no fear - they're now both back in full force.

Barton Fink is no doubt a peculiar movie, and nothing less than an acquired taste. It plonks you down in a peculiar world and just says, "Accept it." That's what many of my favourite films do - Synechdoche, New York or, say, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou definitely don't take place in our reality, but they don't spend any time establishing what reality they do exist in. They just are.

The world of Barton Fink is almost suffocating. It's a period piece and every character is a huge caricature. It's also grainy as shit, and this is particularly apparent on the blu-ray version. The Coens have shown they can make pristine, clean films when they want to - Fargo, No Country For Old Men - and so we can only include that this griminess, this mustiness is a conscious decision. It's like the hotel room that Barton spends most of the film in.

The film gets odder and odder as it goes on. You could come up with a billion different interpretations and they'd all be equally valid. I've gone through a few in my head - Barton is in purgatory, undergoing tests and waiting to ascend to heaven; maybe he's even in hell, which would explain the heat; or the whole film is a grand metaphor for writer's block. In the end, I prefer it when I just take it on face value - i.e. this is a world where these things just are. None of the characters behave like real people, but such is this version of Hollywood.

There are a few jokes which are laugh out loud funny (my favourite being "Physician, heal thyself" "Good luck with no fuckin' head!") but the whole movie is one, long form joke. Barton is a joke. The man's a fucking hypocrite. He claims to be a voice of the common man, but he's not the common man, nor is he interested in listening to the voice of the common man (as represented by Charlie, who turns out to be decidedly uncommon). He's not even a good writer - he churns through the same ideas over and over, and his 'masterpiece' is just a rehash of the play he wrote earlier in the film. And I don't mean a postcard.
Steelix steel/ ground
Thunder fang
Automate/ rock polish - not too sure yet
Aqua tail
Stealth rock

Tyranitar dark/ground
Ice beam
Dragon claw

Crobat Poison/flying
Confuse ray
Double team

Salamance dragon/flying
Shadow claw
Zen headbutt

Lanturn water/electric
Signal beam -why? Bug vs grass.

Breloom flghting/grass
Low sweep
Bulk up
Leach seed
Mega drain

This is the team that i've been working with over the past few weeks. Traded, breeding, other bullshit, god it sucks. I'm still trying to work out the kinks. I do like to lead with Steelix, stelth rock, then switch to breloom.
I just played basketball for the first time in months in my driveway. My mom is having a dinner party on Sunday for some of her employees, and one of them is a dude who played basketball for Wisconsin (not at Madison, I think he played in Green Bay or one of the other campuses), so I want to work on my game so I can at least look like I know what I'm doing.

Needless to say I started off pretty horrible, but I found my shot eventually. I'm still pretty bad at dribbling, especially with my right hand. I had already accepted that if I played one on one with this dude I'd lose, but I'd at least like to get a basket or two.

Who was it that was asking about my views on Barton Fink? I'll try and answer before my dinner arrives.

I finished my rewatch of Barton Fink the other night (on blu-ray, naturally) and I'm more certain than ever that it's a masterpiece. I hadn't actually seen it in years, maybe since I was about seventeen or eighteen, and my memory of it, as well as my appreciation of it, had started to fade. Have no fear - they're now both back in full force.

Barton Fink is no doubt a peculiar movie, and nothing less than an acquired taste. It plonks you down in a peculiar world and just says, "Accept it." That's what many of my favourite films do - Synechdoche, New York or, say, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou definitely don't take place in our reality, but they don't spend any time establishing what reality they do exist in. They just are.

The world of Barton Fink is almost suffocating. It's a period piece and every character is a huge caricature. It's also grainy as shit, and this is particularly apparent on the blu-ray version. The Coens have shown they can make pristine, clean films when they want to - Fargo, No Country For Old Men - and so we can only include that this griminess, this mustiness is a conscious decision. It's like the hotel room that Barton spends most of the film in.

The film gets odder and odder as it goes on. You could come up with a billion different interpretations and they'd all be equally valid. I've gone through a few in my head - Barton is in purgatory, undergoing tests and waiting to ascend to heaven; maybe he's even in hell, which would explain the heat; or the whole film is a grand metaphor for writer's block. In the end, I prefer it when I just take it on face value - i.e. this is a world where these things just are. None of the characters behave like real people, but such is this version of Hollywood.

There are a few jokes which are laugh out loud funny (my favourite being "Physician, heal thyself" "Good luck with no fuckin' head!") but the whole movie is one, long form joke. Barton is a joke. The man's a fucking hypocrite. He claims to be a voice of the common man, but he's not the common man, nor is he interested in listening to the voice of the common man (as represented by Charlie, who turns out to be decidedly uncommon). He's not even a good writer - he churns through the same ideas over and over, and his 'masterpiece' is just a rehash of the play he wrote earlier in the film. And I don't mean a postcard.

My reading of the film was that Barton was being forced to come to the realization that he's not at all who he thinks he is and that he belongs in Hollywood where nobody is real and everything just is. I liked this shortened analysis, though, concise but still full of the good stuff.

Steelix steel/ ground
Thunder fang
Automate/ rock polish - not too sure yet
Aqua tail
Stealth rock

Tyranitar dark/ground
Ice beam
Dragon claw

Crobat Poison/flying
Confuse ray
Double team

Salamance dragon/flying
Shadow claw
Zen headbutt

Lanturn water/electric
Signal beam -why? Bug vs grass.

Breloom flghting/grass
Low sweep
Bulk up
Leach seed
Mega drain

This is the team that i've been working with over the past few weeks. Traded, breeding, other bullshit, god it sucks. I'm still trying to work out the kinks. I do like to lead with Steelix, stelth rock, then switch to breloom.

You have two of my favorite Pokemon (Tyranitar and Crobat), so it gets the JGlass seal of approval.
I just played basketball for the first time in months in my driveway. My mom is having a dinner party on Sunday for some of her employees, and one of them is a dude who played basketball for Wisconsin (not at Madison, I think he played in Green Bay or one of the other campuses), so I want to work on my game so I can at least look like I know what I'm doing.

Needless to say I started off pretty horrible, but I found my shot eventually. I'm still pretty bad at dribbling, especially with my right hand. I had already accepted that if I played one on one with this dude I'd lose, but I'd at least like to get a basket or two.

Are you left-handed? Anyway, the only way to get your handles back is by the dribbling the ball. If you need to drive to your bad hand though, keep the ball sort of at your hip, don't stand up too straight (keep the ball low), and put your body between the defender and the ball (use your other hip and your free hand as a "shield"). If you're looking to improve your handles quickly, a trick that always worked for me when my handles were rusty was just dribbling the ball back and forth between my hands, but behind my back. That way, you're not watching the ball -- instead, you're just getting a rhythm.
Emulate Crock?

Emerald 386 is a good hacked ROM, give you full capability of catching all 386 plus it's pretty damn hard. Elite 4 and champ are all between level 70 & 88
Barton Fink is on Canadian Netflix. Of course so is Ray McKinnon's new Sundance series.

Decisions, decisions.
Are you left-handed? Anyway, the only way to get your handles back is by the dribbling the ball. If you need to drive to your bad hand though, keep the ball sort of at your hip, don't stand up too straight (keep the ball low), and put your body between the defender and the ball (use your other hip and your free hand as a "shield"). If you're looking to improve your handles quickly, a trick that always worked for me when my handles were rusty was just dribbling the ball back and forth between my hands, but behind my back. That way, you're not watching the ball -- instead, you're just getting a rhythm.

I am left handed.

I think part of the reason I'm not as good at basketball as I was when I was younger is because I spent all my time developing a game for a lanky kid that was somewhat tall. Instead of using my weight (because I didn't have any) I had to be tricky and quick. Five years and 50 pounds later I've lost my quickness but gained size and strength, but I was never really taught how to use it. I'm more of a beast than ever on defense and rebounding, though, since now I actually have some weight to throw around.

I don't have Fire Red, unfortunately. I might go out and buy it, though.

Emulate Crock?

Emerald 386 is a good hacked ROM, give you full capability of catching all 386 plus it's pretty damn hard. Elite 4 and champ are all between level 70 & 88

What the punctuation mark said. Emulate dat joint.

I might want to give Emerald 386 a try. I've heard about it, but I never got around to playing it. Did you ever play Shiny Gold? It's very good, but it was never finished so it's kind of disappointing.

Barton Fink is on Canadian Netflix. Of course so is Ray McKinnon's new Sundance series.

Decisions, decisions.

Apparently it's on American Netflix too, but I don't really feel the need to watch it again, at least not right now.

Coco, did you see Cloud Atlas yet?
Finally filled out my six spots - Tepig, Liilipup, Pansage, Patrat, Woobat and Purrloin.

However, I have just caught a lightning horse with a name like Bistle or similar so I might ditch the cat or the rat/squirrel to add an electric attack to my squad.
Барбоса;4457673 said:
Finally filled out my six spots - Tepig, Liilipup, Pansage, Patrat, Woobat and Purrloin.

However, I have just caught a lightning horse with a name like Bistle or similar so I might ditch the cat or the rat/squirrel to add an electric attack to my squad.

I vote the rat/squirrel. You have a normal type in Lillipup and it might be nice to have a dark type in Purrloin to eat up psychic types.
I vote the rat/squirrel. You have a normal type in Lillipup and it might be nice to have a dark type in Purrloin to eat up psychic types.

My Purrloin is a strange case - completely useless against wild pokemon but for some reason turns into a rather awkward customer during trainer battles. It is also the creature I used for Cut.

Having said that, I think I will go with keeping the rat/squirrel. He is more powerful than the Purrloin, can learn Cut and I would suspect some of the later HMs too - Strength maybe? Also he has a Dark move in Bite.

I have also just noted that for some reason my Lillipup is holding an Ultra Ball...

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