Wow, and you're how old, early 20s? I figured you'd have gotten into them the same way most of us did, which is, of course, X-Men the Animated Series. I loved that show, and after my parents got me a couple of episodes on VHS and a few action figures to play with while watching I became a fan for life. I still have some of my X-Men action figures scattered around my house.
Don't get me wrong, the animated series was brilliant; actually, most of the series churned out for the WB were pretty badass at that point. For some reason, I couldn't help but enjoy the Rouge-Gambit relationship
You do love Cyclops! Awesome. You'll find that this forum is pretty divided over Cyclops' awesomeness. It's pretty much Shocky and me vs. the world, but glad to have you on board.
What could people possibly have against him?
Beast and Bishop are awesome too. I think my top 5 X-Men would have to be...
Very solid top 5, I say.
I also really enjoyed X-Men Evolution. Pretty damn great series