I'm fucking pumped for Days of Future Past. That cast is going to be killer. It's a super ambitious project though. If Singer can nail it, I'll sing his praises.
I don't think you'll see Cable in this movie. They have cast a black guy named Omar Sy, which I feel is going to be Bishop, which I'm fine with. Dinklage is the only one that's a real headscatcher. He could be playing Bantam, or Fitzroy, or a combination of both. Plus there is the Sentinel rumor as well with him voicing the sentinels, Nimrod, or Master Mold.
Also Singer danced around a big question that Apocalypse will show up in this movie at some point. I don't care, the fact that we have Sentinels, maybe Nimrod, maybe Master Mold, maybe Fitzroy, and Maybe Apocalypse? I'm so fucking sold already, and I hope they attach a teaser to the Wolverine movie.
Also Fox wants to do spinoffs of all of the X-Team books. X-Force with Cable and Deadpool, etc. They just have to right the ship. X-Men should be in it's own universe away from the other Marvel characters, so I really hope Fox pulls this off.