While I'm having a somewhat absurdist night between the short film I shared with you all and my planned booking for WZCW, I figured I might as well share this story that my bartending teacher told us today during class.
My teacher was setting up the bar at a club she both bartended and booked live bands for at around 5:00 before anyone was coming in. As she was setting up her stuff, a middle aged man walked in with a large, stuffed garbage bag and started moving all the stools away right in front of where my teacher was opening up. He then moves into the center of that area and pulls a sleeping bag out from his garbage bag and starts rolling himself up in it. He follows this up by wrapping himself up in a thick, thick rug, complete with a hood that has holes for his eyes and a slit for his nose and mouth so he can breath.
My teacher asks, "Excuse me sir, can I help you with anything?"
He responded, "Yes. You can step on me."
"Excuse me?"
"You can step on me."
"Look dude, I gotta set up here, I'm not going to step on you."
And so he laid there in front of the bar as my teacher continued to set up. However, as customers started to come in people started to step on this guy more and more and more until there were a bunch of girls in pointy high heeled boots jumping up and down on him, rocking out to the heavy metal band that was booked that night... and he was getting off on it the whole time.
My first thought was, "How does someone get to be like that," which I wondered out loud to the rest of the class. Nobody even ventured a guess, but my teacher said that she asked him when he realized he wanted to do this with his life. His answer was, "Since a very young age."
Here's his Facebook. She told us how to get there, I'm not THAT creepy.
Oh, and here's an article about him. In the New York Times...
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/14/fashion/14carpet.html?_r=2&scp=1&sq=georgio carpet&st=cs&
My teacher was setting up the bar at a club she both bartended and booked live bands for at around 5:00 before anyone was coming in. As she was setting up her stuff, a middle aged man walked in with a large, stuffed garbage bag and started moving all the stools away right in front of where my teacher was opening up. He then moves into the center of that area and pulls a sleeping bag out from his garbage bag and starts rolling himself up in it. He follows this up by wrapping himself up in a thick, thick rug, complete with a hood that has holes for his eyes and a slit for his nose and mouth so he can breath.
My teacher asks, "Excuse me sir, can I help you with anything?"
He responded, "Yes. You can step on me."
"Excuse me?"
"You can step on me."
"Look dude, I gotta set up here, I'm not going to step on you."
And so he laid there in front of the bar as my teacher continued to set up. However, as customers started to come in people started to step on this guy more and more and more until there were a bunch of girls in pointy high heeled boots jumping up and down on him, rocking out to the heavy metal band that was booked that night... and he was getting off on it the whole time.
My first thought was, "How does someone get to be like that," which I wondered out loud to the rest of the class. Nobody even ventured a guess, but my teacher said that she asked him when he realized he wanted to do this with his life. His answer was, "Since a very young age."
Here's his Facebook. She told us how to get there, I'm not THAT creepy.
Oh, and here's an article about him. In the New York Times...
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/14/fashion/14carpet.html?_r=2&scp=1&sq=georgio carpet&st=cs&