
Old School Legend
I just read on the main page that, after whining about Cena's comments, GLAAD was contacted about Michael Cole using the word ****** in a tweet.

Come the fuck on, enough is enough already. I am so sick of hearing about these damn special interest groups that piss and moan any time something even vaguely hinting at being "un-PC" is said or done. Yet, the demographic that these people represent can be just as intolerant, and actually even moreso, than the people they condemn.

It's fucking ridiculous and I had to vent. These groups, whether it's about sexual orientation or otherwise, are so quick to jump at people's throats for the most ignorant fucking shit but clap and cheer and laugh when their "own kind" act just as, if not more, repulsive. It's ignorant and frustrating to no end. Especially when you know it's all about greed and not about anything else. I wish all of these fucking groups would fall off the face of the fucking planet.

Sorry, got on a tangent because of the ole' alkeehol, but you know what I mean. I'm sick of seeing shit like this. First it was Cena's comments that made them say "Hey, here's a chance to get some financial benefits from a multi-billion dollar company" and now everybody has to walk on eggshells. Fuck them.

lol I also made a post about this on this forum..

More of a rant, I'm glaad.. (pun intended) to see that I'm not the only one who takes offense to this dumb interest groups showing interest in everything that tickles their fanny.
Seriously though (going back to my last post), I hate how people get upset when people get upset. I defend religious folk all the time for their right to be upset when someone offends them, and I don't even agree with their views in the slightest 90% of the time. Now a certain group of people get upset, and everyone's all, "BAH GAWD! YOU CAN'T SAY ANYTHING ANYMORE!"

Chill the fuck out, I totally understand people who were offended by what Cole said, just as I understand when Muslims are offended by shit the Tea Party does or when Christians are offended by shit comedians say etc.
I wouldn't exactly call the word "******" un-PC. To me, it's just like saying the word "******". It's an offensive slur aimed at a minority, and it shouldn't have been tweeted by Michael Cole.

I'm not a battyboy, though.
Do you go to Rutgers, Truth? Because that was all up in the newspapers. I go to Northeastern and we have gender neutral housing here, which I'm in favor of. We have to remember that gender and sex are two different things, and some people's gender isn't all that clear cut, so they should be allowed to live with people of the same gender.
Our society is one giant melting pot of political correctness, almost everything you say us gonna offend somebody nowdays. I decided a long, LONG time ago that I was going to put every word out there on an equal playing field; I mean, why should one word hold more value or meaning than another? While I understand things have happened throughout out history to "Change" the meaning of some of these words, it still boils down to being nothing more than a word, it's the person that chooses to get offended. Being a Jew myself, could you imagine how often I'd be getting pissed because of Jew jokes; but again, that's the choice of the person, not the word being used. By me putting everything on an equal playing field I can just sit back and laugh when I hear about the Jew that screams on his way into the oven, while the pizza just takes it like a man.

All in all, you choose to get offended, the words are just words, letters of the alphabet joining together form sounds, nothing more, unless you choose to make it so.
Not Rutgers. We got the idea from Rutgers though. And we did have gender neutral bathrooms for a week earlier in the year. I think the only people who actually tried to use the other bathrooms were the people who were pushing for gender neutral bathrooms. And the creeps.
A gender neutral bathroom is a terrible idea. Girls fuck up the shower, guys fuck up the toilets, it's a lose/lose.
Girls are actually far worse than guys in general when it comes to clean bathrooms. All my female friends have messier bathrooms.

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