General ROH Spam Thread

Well, lets put it this way, they have Matt Hardy.

I have to say, this gave me a good, healthy chuckle.

I agree with the sentiment though, everyone starts out as a scrap before they become Daniel Bryan or CM Punk. Thats what I check it out for, try to see who might be popping up in NXT sometime this year.
Is PWG worth watching? I'm going to be bored over the summer so I'm going to try following indie 'rassling. ROH holds no appeal for me (I didn't like their shit when Danielson was there, don't see why I would now) and Chikara's as funny as a punch in the balls. I'm not going to follow a fed I've not heard of, so that leaves DGUSA and PWG. The only thing I know about either is one's booked by the guy who got fired from booking ROH, and one (apparently) has Brian Cage, who I like.

PWG is like ROH if ROH didn't take itself seriously. That's probably the best way to describe it. They put 5 minute or so previews of all their DVDs on their Youtube page, so I'd start with that.

DGUSA is good, but it's very storyline driven and a lot of those storylines get moved along in Japan, due to the nature of the fed. The matches are always good, but it's easy to lose track of storylines.

So is ROH not shit yet? Ive tried it repeatedly, but everytime is just downright fucking cringeworthy

I got the last iPPV and it was significantly better than the product had been when I stopped watching about a year or so ago. Plus, they've upped their production values a ton.
I got the last iPPV and it was significantly better than the product had been when I stopped watching about a year or so ago. Plus, they've upped their production values a ton.

To be honest, I could give two fucks about production values. Give me some theme music and a curtain, and im all set.

Try selling a powerbomb, is what would be nice.

All things said, ill likely check it out again soon.
To be honest, I could give two fucks about production values. Give me some theme music and a curtain, and im all set.

Try selling a powerbomb, is what would be nice.

All things said, ill likely check it out again soon.

Fair enough. I'm usually the same way, but that iPPV was beautiful.

Sounds like most of your issue is with the style. It's toned down more since Davey isn't champion any more, but there will still be matches like that.
PWG is like ROH if ROH didn't take itself seriously.

I kind of like this summary, it is somewhat accurate.

I'd classify PWG as "wrestling pornogaraphy".

There is no tv show or permanent exclusive roster to develop storylines around. Basically the company is an ongoing collection of indy supershows mixing the best talents from the top Indy org.'s with the best of the west coast in front of a crazy crowd that literally is part of the product.

All of the matches are workrate-heavy, most are false-finish heavy, and the majority are littered with big spots and high impact moves that waver into the category of constant one-upsmanship.

That is the fair warning to people unfamiliar with the product. If you're into a show featuring arguably the most complete collection of indy talent just looking to showcase their arsenal in a parade of mini-epics in front of a rabid fanbase that mobs the apron of the ring then PWG is a great thing. If you can't turn off your brain and just enjoy it for what it is without being overly critical of the amount of "selective selling", multiple near falls, constant onslaught of moves, lack of "traditional" psychology, etc. then please avoid PWG at all costs because it won't be for you. PWG is everything that the majority of this board hates about the Indies.
PWG is like ROH if ROH didn't take itself seriously. That's probably the best way to describe it. They put 5 minute or so previews of all their DVDs on their Youtube page, so I'd start with that.

DGUSA is good, but it's very storyline driven and a lot of those storylines get moved along in Japan, due to the nature of the fed. The matches are always good, but it's easy to lose track of storylines.

The DGUSA storylines being tough to follow would annoy me, so forget that for now. I've watched some of the promos, but forgive me if I don't judge whether I'd like it from them. Five minutes out of a two hour show isn't enough to pass judgement of, and clipped highspotslights of a 10 minute match is even more misleading.

I'm not sure if a less serious ROH is a good or bad thing. My issue with ROH, and the reason I've gone on record as calling Danielson vs McGuinness fucking awful is the style. Meh.

I kind of like this summary, it is somewhat accurate.

I'd classify PWG as "wrestling pornogaraphy".

There is no tv show or permanent exclusive roster to develop storylines around. Basically the company is an ongoing collection of indy supershows mixing the best talents from the top Indy org.'s with the best of the west coast in front of a crazy crowd that literally is part of the product.

That doesn't sound reassuring. I don't follow the indies at the moment (he says as if he'd followed them before, either). For example, I know who Kevin Steen is. I don't know what he's like in the ring (beyond him having a piledriver variant as a finisher); I don't know his gimmick (beyond being fat and having praised matches), but I've heard of him. To me, there's not much difference between "the best talent from the top indie orgs" and "the best of the west coast". I know dick about both groups (with the exception of Cage, who I watched in FCW and I enjoyed).

Also, why doesn't he have storylines? I know PWG has regular performers, so why not have angles and buildup so that the fed can attract more fans and possibly afford to run more than 10 shows a year without going bankrupt.

All of the matches are workrate-heavy, most are false-finish heavy, and the majority are littered with big spots and high impact moves that waver into the category of constant one-upsmanship.

This doesn't fill me with encouragement. I can enjoy spotty bullshit matches. However, the guys I enjoy watching do spotty bullshit are able to back it up by being entertaining. Gen-Me are fucking terrible, the Guns aren't. Both are spotty tag teams, but only one is consistently entertaining. Some wrestlers can pull off what I'd criticise in others.

It's the difference between Adrian Neville and Justin Gabriel. Both do many of the same things, but one I consider to be great and the other to be fucking awful.

That is the fair warning to people unfamiliar with the product. If you're into a show featuring arguably the most complete collection of indy talent

Don't care about that.

just looking to showcase their arsenal

Doesn't sound reassuring.

in a parade of mini-epics

Positively fills me with dread.

in front of a rabid fanbase that mobs the apron of the ring then PWG is a great thing.

That's good. I prefer ring barriers to be a thing (because fuck me if landing on steel chairs doesn't look awkward), but it's not a deal breaker.

If you can't turn off your brain and just enjoy it for what it is without being overly critical of the amount of "selective selling", multiple near falls, constant onslaught of moves, lack of "traditional" psychology, etc.

Sounds like you're criticising people who don't like crappy wrestling there.

then please avoid PWG at all costs because it won't be for you. PWG is everything that the majority of this board hates about the Indies.

The majority? No, the majority of the board doesn't care about indie wrestling, that's not the same as hating it.
I'll sum up Ring of Honor since early 2011 in some small and easy to read sentences.

Jim Cornette was appointed head booker. Jim Cornette who has been fired from every major wrestling promotion now running in America. The same Jim Cornette who sees no value in the WWE product and threatened to kill Terry Taylor. Jim Cornette wanted to so a fusion of MMA and wrestling because it would "attract" MMA fans. It didn't and instead it left the hardcore ROH fanbase isolated and confused so they stopped watching. Jim Cornette left after - surprise, surprise - having a fit, they appointed Hunter "Delirious" Johnson and now Ring of Honor is good again, at least wrestling.

As for the "scraps and has beens" comment, that's laughable considering Adam Cole, Mike Bennett, Matt Taven and Michael Elgin are on the roster and its common knowledge WWE have spoken to or the individuals have received tryouts and that's not even including the core roster which features Kevin Steen, The Briscoes, The American Wolves, Jay Lethal, Roderick Strong and so on so forth.

Production value isn't bad any more. They invested over $150,000 into it. The last five iPPV's have sold-out and gained decent interest. And after Supercard of Honor which featured in many peoples minds the match of Mania Weekend chances are the interest will continually rise - of course as long as the iPPV feed doesn't cut out or freeze.
Also, why doesn't he have storylines? I know PWG has regular performers, so why not have angles and buildup so that the fed can attract more fans and possibly afford to run more than 10 shows a year without going bankrupt.

They have angles, just not a lot of time to develop them. Most of their "regular performers" are contracted DGUSA and ROH talent that can only appear on PWG shows because PWG doesn't run TV or IPPV.

This doesn't fill me with encouragement. I can enjoy spotty bullshit matches. However, the guys I enjoy watching do spotty bullshit are able to back it up by being entertaining. Gen-Me are fucking terrible, the Guns aren't. Both are spotty tag teams, but only one is consistently entertaining. Some wrestlers can pull off what I'd criticise in others.

It's the difference between Adrian Neville and Justin Gabriel. Both do many of the same things, but one I consider to be great and the other to be fucking awful.

If you don't like the Young Bucks or PAC you're going hate a lot about PWG.

Don't care about that.
Doesn't sound reassuring.
Positively fills me with dread.
Which is why I provided a warning.

Sounds like you're criticising people who don't like crappy wrestling there.
I'm not criticizing anyone's taste. You're the one being critical by labeling it as "crappy". I prefer to label it as an alternative style. I can appreciate the WWE style when its done right(I'm sure it would surprise most but I even enjoy a lot of Cena matches, despite him being looked at as an antithesis of the kind of work most people would label me as being a mark for), just as much as I can appreciate Puro, TNA, ROH, PWG etc. when guys are working those particular styles well. But all are very different in-ring products. I'm capable of seperating that. But I know that some people enjoy viewing pro wrestling from inside their box.

The majority? No, the majority of the board doesn't care about indie wrestling, that's not the same as hating it.

Which is why I felt the need to put a disclaimer on the type of wrestling product that PWG presents. And while you claim to enjoy Brian Cage, realize he is one of the chief offenders of those who can't stomach the PWG approach. Hell the whole company at times illustrates Cage's "Get My Shit In" philosophy, and that doesn't jive with many.

I'll save you the time. You will probably hate PWG. It's cool, it's definitely not for everyone.
They have angles, just not a lot of time to develop them. Most of their "regular performers" are contracted DGUSA and ROH talent that can only appear on PWG shows because PWG doesn't run TV or IPPV.

Ah, that makes a bit more sense :)

If you don't like the Young Bucks or PAC you're going hate a lot about PWG.

Yes, I know that the Bucks are regulars. Goodie. Dumbasses who think doing a 450 splash to break up a pin is a good idea on a lot of shows.

I'm not criticizing anyone's taste. You're the one being critical by labeling it as "crappy". I prefer to label it as an alternative style.

You can call it what you like, but no-selling headdrops is and forever will be stupid. Insane spotfests can be enjoyable. There's a reason my name was Kotre Ibushimix for several months. But let's not pretend that doing three flips to escape a wristlock (something Neville did in NXT) is anything other than stupidity.

I can appreciate the WWE style when its done right (I'm sure it would surprise most but I even enjoy a lot of Cena matches, despite him being looked at as an antithesis of the kind of work most people would label me as being a mark for)

Same goes for me with Indie-style wrestling.

Which is why I felt the need to put a disclaimer on the type of wrestling product that PWG presents. And while you claim to enjoy Brian Cage, realize he is one of the chief offenders of those who can't stomach the PWG approach.

On the other hand, Cage is also capable of backing his shit up, which he did in FCW. He found a medium between the Cena style and full on indie bullshit, using big moves to change the momentum, rather than as part of a pissing contest and the fact that he had two dozen random moves in his arsenal was integrated into his gimmick, being someone who comes up with random as fuck moves. He does that shit because he chooses to, not because it's all he knows how to do.

And in case you're wondering why the distinction matters, I'll explain. Someone who chooses to do matches filled with spotty bullshit is more likely to do so with some semblance of logic (i.e. their most impressive move is their finisher, have something that resembles a sensible transition between big moves and use the big moves in a way that could almost be considered building to the finish) and be able to wrestle something that constitutes a match, not a highlight reel.

Hell the whole company at times illustrates Cage's "Get My Shit In" philosophy, and that doesn't jive with many.

Well, at least he's self aware. :lmao:

I'll save you the time. You will probably hate PWG. It's cool, it's definitely not for everyone.

I'll find out. Possibly.
On the other hand, Cage is also capable of backing his shit up, which he did in FCW. He found a medium between the Cena style and full on indie bullshit, using big moves to change the momentum, rather than as part of a pissing contest and the fact that he had two dozen random moves in his arsenal was integrated into his gimmick, being someone who comes up with random as fuck moves. He does that shit because he chooses to, not because it's all he knows how to do.

And in case you're wondering why the distinction matters, I'll explain. Someone who chooses to do matches filled with spotty bullshit is more likely to do so with some semblance of logic and be able to wrestle something that constitutes a match, not a highlight reel.

Many who don't follow the indy circuit can't distinguish between the two, they just see it all as frivolous. You seem more informed than that so I'm sure if you watched some PWG you would find plenty of matches that you enjoyed, mixed in with the plenty that you would hate.

And while in the past I mostly shared your opinion on Matt and Nick Jackson, they have improved. They could still grow a lot, but they have gotten better since their TNA/early ROH runs.

PWG is purposely over the top, from the show names, to the promos, to the ring work. Going in aware of that will help your experience.
Many who don't follow the indy circuit can't distinguish between the two, they just see it all as frivolous. You seem more informed than that so I'm sure if you watched some PWG you would find plenty of matches that you enjoyed, mixed in with the plenty that you would hate.

I don't follow the Indie scene, but I've seen enough PJ Black and Kota Ibushi stuff to know the difference.

On the topic of Cage, I hope he manages to be successful. He's good enough to be remembered as more than Justin Angel's Jannetty. Maybe Elgin will bring him over to ROH or something.

And while in the past I mostly shared your opinion on Matt and Nick Jackson, they have improved. They could still grow a lot, but they have gotten better since their TNA/early ROH runs.

I haven't seen them fully since TNA, which is why I'm using them as a punchline. I do know they did the "450 to break up a pin" at one of the recent shows though, so there's still some work to do.

PWG is purposely over the top, from the show names, to the promos, to the ring work. Going in aware of that will help your experience.

Duly noted.
Paul London has been named as the injury replacement for Marufuji at Border Wars.

I definitely didn't see that coming, but matchups against Richards and Elgin that weekend are definitely potentially interesting.

It's no Richards/Marufuji by any stretch, but they could have done far worse.
Paul London has been named as the injury replacement for Marufuji at Border Wars.

I definitely didn't see that coming, but matchups against Richards and Elgin that weekend are definitely potentially interesting.

It's no Richards/Marufuji by any stretch, but they could have done far worse.

I give credit to ROH for making a big move here. In the past, they'd usually just get the next tier of NOAH guy and shrug it off. This is pretty cool, though.
Nu Sexier Noun said:
It's the difference between Adrian Neville and Justin Gabriel. Both do many of the same things, but one I consider to be great and the other to be fucking awful.

I'm curious. In that order?
Alright ROHbots (or whatever clever nickname you call yourselves), I need a little help. For the past couple days I've scouring the interwebs in search of a ROH show called Refuel The Fire 2008, it featured the MCMG vs. Aries & Bryan. I can't seem to find a copy of this DVD anywhere, does anybody have any idea where I can find a DVD copy of this show, or another DVD that would contain this match, I prefer not to torrent it if possible?
Alright ROHbots (or whatever clever nickname you call yourselves), I need a little help. For the past couple days I've scouring the interwebs in search of a ROH show called Refuel The Fire 2008, it featured the MCMG vs. Aries & Bryan. I can't seem to find a copy of this DVD anywhere, does anybody have any idea where I can find a DVD copy of this show, or another DVD that would contain this match, I prefer not to torrent it if possible?

You mean Fueling the Fire instead of Refuel. Link to is below, couldn't find it on .com but when I Googled it a few options came up.

I remember this event for McGuinness nearly taking Ruckus' head off with a Lariat.
I'm still no closer to obtaining a copy of this DVD:disappointed:

They've only had 6 matches as a team in ROH. If anything, they should do a Generation Next DVD to get the best matches by Shelley and Sydal on a DVD.

They did.

As announced at “Border Wars 2013” last Saturday, Ring of Honor Wrestling will return to Toronto on Saturday night August 3rd for another huge live event. Now that all the details have been finalized, we can officially announce that on that day we will make our debut at one of wrestling's most historic venues, the old Maple Leaf Gardens, now known as The Mattamy Athletic Centre!

From Lou Thesz versus Buddy Rogers in 1963 to Harley Race versus Terry Funk in 1977 to Andre The Giant versus The Ultimate Warrior in a Steel Cage in 1989, the former Maple Leaf Gardens has seen all of the legends of pro wrestling compete within its hallowed walls. Now Ring of Honor looks to add to the legacy of this legendary arena by bringing the absolute best professional wrestling on the planet today to the Mattamy!

Tickets for this event will go on-sale for Ringside Members THIS Wednesday May 8th at 10am EST EXCLUSIVELY through and a pre-sale password will be distributed to those who qualify. If you would like first chance to get these tickets, then click here to read about how you can sign up for Ringside Membership for as low as $7.99 per month!

Tickets for the general public will be available on starting Friday May 10th also at 10am EST and then at the Mattamy Athletic Centre box office starting Monday May 13th.

Ring of Honor Wrestling
Saturday August 3, 2013

Mattamy Athletic Centre
50 Carlton St.
Toronto, Ontario M5B 1J2
Bell time – 7:30pm EST

On-Sale on
Ringside Members – Wednesday May 8th @ 10am EST
General Public – Friday May 10th @ 10am EST
Box Office Sales – Start Monday May 13th

ROH is showing balls!

That arena holds 3,500+ plus. That's more than the Impact Zone did, and as of right now they've not even confirmed it as an iPPV (although I imagine they will) so this is nothing but pure balls. Impressed their showing this much confidence in the product, although they have sold-out the last five iPPV's so it was kind of coming, but didn't expect this big.
I try to watch ROH, but if it isn't Jay Briscoe cutting a promo, Maria standing there, or Kevin Steen doing anything, I have a hard time keeping my finger off the fast forward button
ROH is showing balls!

That arena holds 3,500+ plus. That's more than the Impact Zone did, and as of right now they've not even confirmed it as an iPPV (although I imagine they will) so this is nothing but pure balls. Impressed their showing this much confidence in the product, although they have sold-out the last five iPPV's so it was kind of coming, but didn't expect this big.

I hope it goes better than it did when they played Hara Arena here in Dayton for Rising Above last year.

I don't know if they just had trouble booking the Montgomery County Fairgrounds Coliseum for some reason(which has been such an iconic venue for the company) or if they just wanted to give Hara a shot since they had drawn really well at the last couple previous Dayton shows, or if they just got a ridiculously cheap deal to rent Hara since it is hardly used for anything at this point besides clearance sales and gun shows, but no matter the case it was a massive failure from a ticket sale perspective.

Hara used to house Nitros, and has done a number of WCW and ECW PPVs, and recently TNA house shows when they play Dayton, and can be set up to hold well over 5,000 people.

The turn out was less than the turn out the last time they had played here in the much smaller fairgrounds building. I'd guess there were definitely less than 500 people in attendance. As a result ROH has not played Dayton since, instead they have started holding events in Cincinnati(the last of which drew a very nice size crowd), and will hold their first Columbuus event this Summer.

I doubt they have the same problem selling tickets in Toronto, but I thought this should be noted.
Jay Briscoe via Twitter said:
The Delaware Senate passed a bill yesterday that allows same sex couples to get married. If that makes you happy, then congratulations!!!!!!

… try and teach my kids that there’s nothing wrong with that and I’ll fucking shoot you

Your Ring Of Honor Champion, folks.

ROH's response: Say nothing, Jay Briscoe deletes his twitter account. Well handled, gentlemen.

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