General ROH Spam Thread

I did enjoy Punk and Joe Straight Shootin', both come across like such dicks, probably because they are pretty much dicks.

Joe/Punk & Lance Storm were my two favorites, also thoroughly enjoyed the Terry Funk/Shane Douglas one as well, though more for Funks stories than Douglas's.
Paul Bearer and Jim Cornette's was good but they were just shitting on everyone, except Kane and Taker. It was like, "Chris Candido was a tool, Sunny was a bitch and a ****e, Billy Gunn was a smartass, Shawn Michaels was on every drug imaginable, Glenn Jacobs is a genius and a really nice guy, Triple H was a prick, X-Pac was annoying, The Rock whined too much, The Undertaker was great," and so on so forth.

So cool having these back. ACH cuts a pretty good promo, Kyle O'Reilly has improved significantly considering last year at BITW he couldn't even get his words right and Adam Cole should be given as much microphone time as he wants, dude can talk.
ROH Wrestling ‏@ringofhonor 3m
@ringofhonor is happy to announce that we have come to terms on a new deal with fmr World TV Champion, @AdamColePro

YES! It was announced that Adam Cole was sticking with the company through his contract which lasted until the end of 2013, so this new deal could see him go straight through 2014, which means WWE can suck ROH's dick, cause if they want him they got to pay some good cash. Great news for Ring of Honor!
YES! It was announced that Adam Cole was sticking with the company through his contract which lasted until the end of 2013, so this new deal could see him go straight through 2014, which means WWE can suck ROH's dick, cause if they want him they got to pay some good cash. Great news for Ring of Honor!

This is great news, Adam Cole is right behind Steen as my favorite ROH guy right now. Adam Cole just has ridiculous amounts of talent in the ring, & his mic skills are pretty good too, & now he's got more time to improve on those god given gifts in ROH, the kid is only 23 yrs. old he's got plenty of time to get to WWE & I have no doubt in my mind that we see him there someday.
Got Kevin Steen's Hell Rising DVD today, watching it now, not a minute in and I got a quote:

"So after the match Jim (Cornette) came up to me and Roderick and he was telling Roderick how great this was and how great that was, he was sucking his balls and I was like any minute now he'll turn to me and start sucking my balls... Jim Cornette never sucked my balls," - Kevin Steen

I've a feeling I'm going to love this entire DVD. Also the production of it is fantastic, WWE-esq.
I go onto Twitter, Reddit, any other forum and its being discussed, but not WZ? I'm not surprised.

Ring of Honor have announced that at the June 23 TV taping not only will Matt Hardy challenge whoever the World Champion is following BITW 2013, but for the first time ever a Steel Cage Warfare match will take place involving SCUM and Team ROH. If SCUM wins Steve Corino gets Nigel McGuinness' job as matchmaker, if ROH wins SCUM must disband and leave Ring of Honor. This is the fourth time in history a Steel Cage Warfare match will take place and the first time in four years. It is considered alongside Ladder War, Dog Collar and Fight Without Honor matches the most violent in the companys history.

Best In The World 2013 which takes place the night before in The Du Burns arena is already coming close to a sell-out and with the announcement of a World title match especially one including Matt Hardy and now a Steel Cage Warfare, Ring of Honor will have one of its biggest weekend since the Sinclair purchase. Not only that but with the upcoming shows from the former Maple Leaf Gardens in August and Manhattan Mayhem V in July this is a big summer for the company and is only getting bigger.

Sinclair Broadcasting acquired four new stations from Titan Broadcasting in the Fresno, California and Iowa regions yesterday for a combined $115 million. Executive director for Sinclair Broadcasting and the COO of Ring of Honor Joe Koff stated earlier this year that the media corportation has big plans for ROH in the coming year and that fans can expect to see more growth and changes as the year continues.

Taken from another board but that's Meltzer.

Also this is the official announcement on Steel Cage Warfare. Fact their doing this on a TV taping is both extremely smart yet batshit crazy:
I don't like the idea of doing it at a TV taping. If they want to show clips on TV or do a, shit I forgot what they call it, where they show matches from a live event instead of a new episode, that's fine. This is a big money match, and doing it for TV is a waste.
This is a big money match, and doing it for TV is a waste.

That to me is the batshit crazy part, but then this is why I think it's smart.

ROH know Matt Hardy's title shot is going to draw a ton of new viewers. People are going to watch that episode just to see if Hardy can become champion and even if he doesn't just to see if he can come close, especially after that ROH anti-bullying video which has something like 200,000 views now and has gotten a ton of praise.

Two weeks after or however their going to format it for television, fans get to watch a Steel Cage Warfare match on free TV, the equivilant of TNA doing a Lethal Lockdown on free TV or if WCW did a War Games on Nitro. All the new fans that will watch Hardy get a shot at the World title will (hopefully) comeback and watch the Steel Cage Warfare and they'll be introduced to all these new stars they've never seen before!

If they did this on a PPV no matter who they put in the match the rest of the card will suffer, they do it on television they'll be drawing an audience and they can still stack the iPPV from Toronto (or what everyone thinks will be the iPPV) which they need to sell-out. If ROH sells out Maple Leaf Gardens it's a huge accomplishment for them considering it's a 3,000+ person arena for wrestling events.

It definitely won't be the blow off in the feud. I've said it from near the beginning when Nigel and Corino kept having run ins this feud ends with McGuinness coming out of retirement to fight Corino. If he loses his matchmaker job he has no other alternative, he'll be helpless IC and if Nigel McGuinness coming out of retirement is promoted for Final Battle I guarante they'll break the iPPV record again. Plus while the Hammerstein is great their selling it out a lot lately and with them booking bigger arenas now they may even dare book an arena in the NY area that holds more people.
The HDNet compilation DVDs are on sale for $5 this weekend. I still have my coupon from the Steen/Briscoe match, so I figure I'll pick one up. Which one is everyone's favorite?
I have four of them already. Personal favorites are Vol. 2 that has basically everyone from Danielson to Richards to McGuinness (bonus match) to KENTA to Jerry Lynn and Chris Hero, plus a Fight Without Honor match and Bryan/Black which is really what got Tyler noticed.

And Vol. 9, you got two Steel Cage matches, one involving Steen/Corino vs. Generico/Cabana, the entire 54 minute match between Tyler and Davey (which I really like because the commentators do something I'd never heard of in wrestling which was acknowledge other matches were being canceled due to Davey/Tyler going so long), KOW vs. The Briscoes, the Delirious/Aries Steel Cage match and a lot of other stuff.
I have four of them already. Personal favorites are Vol. 2 that has basically everyone from Danielson to Richards to McGuinness (bonus match) to KENTA to Jerry Lynn and Chris Hero, plus a Fight Without Honor match and Bryan/Black which is really what got Tyler noticed.

And Vol. 9, you got two Steel Cage matches, one involving Steen/Corino vs. Generico/Cabana, the entire 54 minute match between Tyler and Davey (which I really like because the commentators do something I'd never heard of in wrestling which was acknowledge other matches were being canceled due to Davey/Tyler going so long), KOW vs. The Briscoes, the Delirious/Aries Steel Cage match and a lot of other stuff.

I will check those two out, thanks!

Colt Cabana's latest AOW is with Kevin Steen and it is extremely interesting.

Won't spoil everything they talk about but... ROH offered Cabana a return in December and Cabana rejected, but Kevin Steen said he's going to keep at Cabana until he comes back to ROH because he says he can see Cabana slowly becoming more fond of the situation with Cornette gone and the company being ran by Delirious how it used to be.

Also nice to hear Steen say he's making a comfortable living doing what hes doing these days, hes referenced it in past interviews but the royalties from ROH DVD's are supposed to be really good.
I just ordered tonight's iPPV (+DVD)... & shit load of compilation DVDs thanks to there buy 3 get 1 free sale.

I got...
Adam Cole: Panama's Finest
Kevin Steen: Descent Into Madness
Bryan Danielson: American Dragon
Raised In Sandy Fork: The Life & Times Of The Briscoes
Tonight is the first time since 2010 I'll be missing an ROH iPPV live. Got a promotion at work to head barman so got to work most nights now, this is my first. Gonna catch the replay tomorrow, disappointed I'll be missing it but whatever.
Gonna miss the iPPV but catch the TV show later tonight. I'll peep the results afterwards.
BITW has been over for about 3 hrs. & ROH still hasn't given me a working replay of the event. Good luck to anyone who was expecting to watch a replay of this event anytime soon.
I'm gonna put it as straightforward as possible.

I have worked with ROH. When Dave Lagana was exec producer I used to write the match backgrounds. I still keep in contact with them through Greg Gillion an exec with ROH and SBG and having tried to watch the replay and not being able to I've sent him an extremely angry email venting my frustration at this.

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