General ROH Spam Thread

Elgin is probably the only guy in the independents that makes me mark the fuck out just by using a Suplex. The guy is money in the ring, and with his physique a cool dark gimmick would make him a star in WWE/TNA. I would like to see him work in Japan before getting his big break.

KUSHIDA is coming to ROH.
Exciting. Any chance he's bringing Shelley?

Oh man, I really wish that would happen... Time Splitters vs. reDRagon, Time Splitters vs. American Wolves, Time Splitters vs. C&C Wrestle Factory, Time Splitters vs. Adrenaline Rush, so many tag team dream matches.
The next set of taping's sound good.

The six man, which will be one of the main events, between Steen, Elgin & Ciampa vs The Wolves & Whitmer is supposed to be great and the Anderson vs ACH match in the ROH World Title Tournament i'm sure will be very good.

Ring of Honor have been improving their television product lately, putting more emphasis on longer main events, which was the opposite when Cornette was involved. I thought their TV sucked when it first started, but I have been enjoying it as of late. Keep it up, ROH.
They have been getting progressively better the last year. I'm wondering if they're gonna push Mike Bennett more now that he's dropped the whole "Prodigy" gimmick. And like Nolan, I love just about any match with Elgin, and would like to see him as champ in the near future.
They have been getting progressively better the last year.

I find myself wishing they'd give me more each week, which is probably a good thing, I have very much the opposite feeling when watching WWE, they give us too much shit to watch, & TNA I feel I've had enough after about an hour.

I'm wondering if they're gonna push Mike Bennett more now that he's dropped the whole "Prodigy" gimmick.

Did he resign with ROH, I assume that's what they're waiting on before giving him any real sort of push.

And like Nolan, I love just about any match with Elgin, and would like to see him as champ in the near future.

I don't know what happen with the tourny matches that took place this weekend but if Cole won than I suspect he & Elgin will meet in the finals with Elgin winning.
Did he resign with ROH, I assume that's what they're waiting on before giving him any real sort of push.

Meltzer said a month or so back that Bennett had discussions, but WWE not being interested in Maria at the moment and Mike wanting Maria with him is why he's sticking with ROH for the time being.

I'm really liking the whole Michael Bennett change. He needed a more serious persona.
Meltzer said a month or so back that Bennett had discussions, but WWE not being interested in Maria at the moment and Mike wanting Maria with him is why he's sticking with ROH for the time being.

So essentially the Bellas blocking Maria from getting a job with WWE again also cost WWE a prime talent with endless amounts of potential.

I'm really liking the whole Michael Bennett change. He needed a more serious persona.

I went from thinking Bennett was incredibly overrated to loving his character & looking forward to his matches, & not just because I know that means I'll get a nice eyeful of Maria as well.
The definition of a stacked card.
You know its stacked when Ciampa can't even make the poster.

Also Young Bucks vs. C & C vs. Adrenaline Rush. Awesome.

If this all can somehow culminate in a 4-corner survival in New York for the belts between The Bucks, Forever Hooligans, American Wolves, and reDRagon I may hurt myself marking out. If they want to live up to Nigel's promise of the tag team division being the focus, that would be the way to cement it.
Oh My God. I had no idea that 3 way tag match was taking place.

If it gets the right amount of time and The Bucks are not restricted like in the past in ROH, then this could wind up being sleeper MOTN.

If this was taking place in the Cornette era it would have gotten no time or been way overbooked. The thing with the current Delirious era is that an undercard match is always put on a card designed to be a 'blow away' or 'holy s***' match, mostly with Elgin involved. See Jay Lethal vs Davey from GBH XI, Elgin vs Lethal from Supercard of Honor and Elgin vs Ciampa from BITW.
This is a question for you all ROH fans... Can you see Kyle O'Reily getting a singles push in the near future? I've been really enjoying him as part of the reDragon tag team, and he has the in-ring ability to back up a singles push.

Also, I highly recommend his interview in the "Art of Wrestling" podcast - never knew he was diabetic.

Don't know if you have seen his PWG work, but he's getting exactly that. A sweet singles push. At the most recent show, PWG Is Your Body Ready? (which came out like 2 days ago, highly recommend everyone go see it) he went over Davey clean by making him tap in a really well wrestled match.

It looks to me like he is going to win the Battle of Los Angeles tournament in late August, get the PWG World Title shot and be the one to dethrone Adam Cole. In fact, a few months back I predicted he would be the one to dethrone Cole because his strong booking in a Future Shock match-up. Or I could be wrong and Drake Younger or Kevin Steen defeat him at PWG TEN in early August in a Guerrilla Warfare match. (Support PWG! :))
Dave Meltzer did an extended write-up on All Star Extravaganza, this is what he had to say:

- Ring of Honor bring wrestling to the Mattamy Athletic Centre (the renovated Maple Leaf Gardens) on Saturday night for "All Star Extravaganza V" which revolves around the ROH World Title Tournament and special guests from Japan. I was pleased to hear they gave Forever Hooligans their World Tag Team titles at the TV tapings last weekend, but I'm not in favor of them dropping former holder Red Dragon from the card.

This is a huge show for ROH as a lot of the results will be telling on where the future of the company lies. With speculation surrounding Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards contracts if they are to win the Tag Team titles it should or at least I assume will indicate they have resigned with the company. ROH have contracts on the table for them and both are weighing up their options.

The favorites to win the ROH World Title Tournament are Michael Elgin and Adam Cole. ROH know this, so I wouldn't be shocked to see an upset or two in Toronto. Officials are very grateful for all the effort Kevin Steen puts into promoting the promotion and a second World title reign could be the reward he gets for his efforts.

The venue itself is the most historic ROH have done in a long time. And the largest. The capacity for a wrestling event is estimated at around 3,200 and ROH are hoping to sell tickets to house this number. So far the event is selling well and I wouldn't be surprised if they've already made profit because it isn't expensive to book the Mattamy Athletic Centre, it's around the same as it takes to book the Ted Reeve Arena.

A crucial part of this is how fast it takes them to get this out on the site for sale to lure fans from reading spoilers. I'm being told they are hoping to get it out by Monday evening at the latest with Sunday evening being the earliest. What will differ between these "PPV" events and live ones is how quick it takes for them to be released for viewing. I hope they've prepared themselves because the last thing they need is a mishap with the on-demand service.

And as mentioned by Bryan on the latest podcast, Steve Corino is still under contract to ROH as is Jimmy Jacobs. Matt Hardy and Cliff Compton still have futures with the company and have been getting paid per-appearance. Officials are delighted with Hardy's contribution to the company, especially his promotion of the World title match with Jay Briscoe.
Some of Meltzer's notes from the Observer. Some really interesting stuff here. Cool to see Bennett and The Wolves sticking around, plus the stuff with NJPW makes my lower regions moist with potential:

Estimated attendance is around 1,400. One side of the arena to the left side of the entrance way was completely blocked off and only accessible to wrestlers, ring crew and staff. ROH would have made their money back from 1,000 tickets onward so they made profit. You can expect them back at the Mattamy Athletic Centre next year.

A lot of Canadian wrestling legends were present for the event, some include "Wildman" Willie Faulkes, Leo Burke, The Cuban Assassin and Les Thornton. Burke gave a talk to some of the talents before the event on the importance of what their doing and the old Maple Leaf Gardens.

I've been told that the original plan was to bring in both KUSHIDA and Alex Shelley as The Time Splitters for the event but Shelley wasn't interested in a return to the States. Alex has only traveled back to America from Tokyo twice since joining the regular NJPW roster over a year ago and has been public on his frustrations while competing in America.

Concerning the spot involving BJ Whitmer and Mike Bennett on the apron, officials weren't aware it was planned. As is normal in ROH talents are given freedom to do as they please but must inform officials of any large spots so they can inform the commentary team and the production crew to enhance it. Neither wrestler told staff members because they didn't view it as a big spot. The match would have continued after with Bennett advancing in the tournament.

BJ Whitmer is expected to miss some time but early signs show no serious damage to the neck, shoulder or spinal regions. He'll be undergoing tests over the next week.

In relation to Mike Bennett, it is interesting to note he signed a new ROH deal only days prior to the event at the tapings in Providence, Rhode Island. He was expected to sign with WWE but ironing out certain details were taking too long. One factor in the equation was Maria Kannelis who Bennett wants to join with him but due to her public feud with The Bella Twins whom WWE officials have placed a lot of trust into with "Total Divas" on the E! Network this was piratically impossible.

A lot of merchandise was sold at the event which will make a lot of talents happy. The biggest sellers were Kevin Steen, Adam Cole and The American Wolves. Steen's "Fight Steen Fight" shirt was said to have virtually been on every second person in the arena.

It should be noted that a lot of talents applauded Davey Richards throughout the night for his assistance of BJ Whitmer following the incident on the apron. Richards is not a paid medical staff member but was one of the first people out to check on his condition and acted as a leader as they strapped him to the stretcher. Davey currently works as a paramedic in his hometown of St. Louis, Missouri.

The Young Bucks return was said to have been well received by both talents and officials. The reason for their poor run last time around was Jim Cornette's inability to use them efficiently as a tag team. Delirious is good friends with them and has been in their ear since he gained the booker position to return. You can expect to see The Bucks on future shows going forward.

Paul London is also expected to feature more regularly in the near future. Officials are delighted with the reactions hes gained and feel his past and knowledge is an asset to the company.

Joe Koff appeared during intermission to speak with some fans around the merchandise tables. Koff was said to have been very happy with the event by this point and said the company had some big plans going forward.

Kevin Steen received the biggest pop of the night and one of the biggest pops in ROH history according to our reporters who attended the show. Steen is viewed by officials as the face of the company and plan to add more emphasis to him going forward with or without the ROH World Championship.

The American Wolves winning the tag titles was planned and the feeling backstage was they plan to stick around as long as the company keeps moving forward. Delirious has worked hard to keep both guys happy, Davey more-so than Eddie as Richards was admittedly angry with the way he was treated by management during the summer of last year. Whether they lose the titles at "Manhattan Mayhem" or not you can expect them to stick around.

Management is trying to work out a deal with NJPW that sees stars such as Forever Hooligans, KUSHIDA and Karl Anderson appear more frequently. Its only been discussed in passing but a cross promotional event in Japan or the US could be on the cards in the future.
I'm glad BJ Whitmer is okay. I was never a huge fan, but he's done some of the ballsiest shit I've ever seen and it would have sucked to have seen him get seriously injured.

Paul London getting pushed and the Young Bucks returning are great signs for the company.

Also, Mike Bennett sucks. The only redeeming quality about him is being able to see Maria's ass whenever he's out there.

And I won't be interested in a ROH/NJPW deal unless it involves Alex Shelly, Kota Ibushi and Prince Devitt coming over.
I believe with him being a regular for NJPW he'd have a contract. DDT don't do events as frequent as NJPW so if a hypothetical cross promotional event were to happen Kota could appear. If I were ROH I'd try to get as many gaijins as possible and then a couple of the big Japan names. Okada, Tanahashi and Nakamura at the top of that list.
So I've heard that QT Marshall was in a match at the NXT tapings. So was that some kind of tryout or did he sign a contract with the WWE?
Elgin needs to lose the singlet. There are two types of wrestler that make a singlet look good. Ones who have it airbrushed so the singlet itself looks fucking cool and Big E Langston who's sheer size lets him pull it off, Elgin's a big guy but he's not that big.

Elgin's is ugly and the pleather bit makes him look fat rather than muscular.
I agree, I recently saw a match where he pulled the straps down, & it's amazing how much bigger his upper body looks when not hiding behind that ugly ass singlet.

Also, if you must wear a singlet pull down the straps before you go for your finish. Doing that is one of the only reasons to wear one over trunks/tights.

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