General ROH Spam Thread

I'm gonna put it as straightforward as possible.

I have worked with ROH. When Dave Lagana was exec producer I used to write the match backgrounds. I still keep in contact with them through Greg Gillion an exec with ROH and SBG and having tried to watch the replay and not being able to I've sent him an extremely angry email venting my frustration at this.
And a whole bunch of other shit that seemed insane suddenly makes sense.
The replay worked good for me. I didn't see some parts cause it skipped forward but it was cool. Elgin/Ciampa was awesome, as was The Wolves/Adrenaline Rush, crowd was pretty packed too but IDK if it was sold-out because usually they announce it. We never got word on PWPonderings if it was sold-out but we presume it wasn't which ends the little streak of sold-out iPPV's.

Having read spoilers for TV the show is going to be great for the next few weeks. They'll be bringing in John Silver who plays The Shard in Chikara and is such a good wrestler under the mask, don't know if he got a lot of time though.

And I never got a response from Greg, probably because they'll be issuing a response tomorrow saying the same old crap but hopefully he takes note of my email. Lot of people on Reddit complaining about it being their first or one of their first ROH iPPV's and with the issues it makes them not want to watch it live and just wait till it comes out on DVD or VOD, which is still going to make ROH money but the audience grows better together than it does through some watching it here, there and everywhere through various formats.

Ultra Warrior repping front row was cool, how he keeps that costume on is beyond me, especially with the heat.
The replay worked good for me.

Really? I still can't get the replay to work at all, appearently I'm not the only one with this problem still either as I'm seeing people still bitching about it to ROH on twitter (with ROH still not responding at all).

Lot of people on Reddit complaining about it being their first or one of their first ROH iPPV's and with the issues it makes them not want to watch it live and just wait till it comes out on DVD or VOD, which is still going to make ROH money but the audience grows better together than it does through some watching it here, there and everywhere through various formats.

I've seen a shit load of people on twitter & facebook demanding refunds from ROH & saying they're done ordering iPPVs, this is the type of stupid shit that could kill a small company like ROH. A lot people just seem upset that ROH has done something as simple as put out a tweet saying they're aware of the issue & apologizing to the fans.
Really? I still can't get the replay to work at all, appearently I'm not the only one with this problem still either as I'm seeing people still bitching about it to ROH on twitter (with ROH still not responding at all).

Worked for me. This isn't the first time something has worked for me and not others because I got Jay winning the title before a ton of people for whatever reason on the replay.

I've seen a shit load of people on twitter & facebook demanding refunds from ROH & saying they're done ordering iPPVs, this is the type of stupid shit that could kill a small company like ROH. A lot people just seem upset that ROH has done something as simple as put out a tweet saying they're aware of the issue & apologizing to the fans.

Definitely. Had this been Cary's ROH or Gabe's ROH the minute issues were detected someone would say something to the public, instead you had a couple thousand people not able to enjoy the fucking thing! If they had no iPPV issues from Border Wars to BITW 2012 to Supercard to this, they'd have made so much more headway. Now their iPPV has a bad reputation so for prospective viewers when they ask "what's an ROH iPPV like?" the instant reaction is, "you might get it and you might not."

And for me what is worse is CZW, who with all due respect to Hyde and a lot of the nice guys that work there is pretty meh, has perfect iPPV! Never an issue, never people complaining - fair enough the quality is worse but I'd take a clean iPPV over fifteen camera angles.
So Jim Cornette finally broke his silence on ROH, and guess what? He's angry again.

He said a lot of things, but the thing that pissed me off the most is him attacking El Generico, his gimmick, the guy that plays him and calling him an idiot, something along the lines of, "he's the type of idiot WWE would sign," he also blasted Kevin Steen for the way he looks and said he'll never make it big, their angle which drew the biggest buyrate in ROH history until BITW 2011 "destroyed wrestling," Colt Cabana "doesn't belong in wrestling" and Steve Corino is "living on borrowed time."

What a cunt.
We all know Cornette is one of the most opinionated guys in wrestling. He can be funny at times, but other times you'd wish he'd shut his trap.
He just went on an attack spree. Kevin Steen has referenced it on Twitter and doesn't give a fuck about Cornette anyway, but he seems to care about how Jim attacked Super Smash Brothers out of nowhere. SSB have been one of the most entertaining tag teams on the indies these last few years, again, what a cunt.
Definitely. Had this been Cary's ROH or Gabe's ROH the minute issues were detected someone would say something to the public, instead you had a couple thousand people not able to enjoy the fucking thing! If they had no iPPV issues from Border Wars to BITW 2012 to Supercard to this, they'd have made so much more headway. Now their iPPV has a bad reputation so for prospective viewers when they ask "what's an ROH iPPV like?" the instant reaction is, "you might get it and you might not."

And for me what is worse is CZW, who with all due respect to Hyde and a lot of the nice guys that work there is pretty meh, has perfect iPPV! Never an issue, never people complaining - fair enough the quality is worse but I'd take a clean iPPV over fifteen camera angles.
Maybe CZW has millionaire corporate owners?
I would also assume that fewer people are watching CZW iPPVs. I don't know much about how the internet works, but I do know that the more people using a site/service, the more resources are used/needed to keep the site/service online.
I would also assume that fewer people are watching CZW iPPVs. I don't know much about how the internet works, but I do know that the more people using a site/service, the more resources are used/needed to keep the site/service online.
This is true, but like everything else, it comes down to economy of scale. It's cheaper per person to broadcast to 100k people than it is to broadcast to 2k people. What gets internet companies in trouble often is when they experience a sudden surge in popularity. They'll be configured to expect an average of x bandwidth, with a maximum of y, and one day they go viral and suddenly have to provide 50y and can't.

At the ROH vs. CZW level, the difference is pretty negligible, and you aren't going to get an iPPV that draws fifty times what you expect.
There are three or four stories floating around.

One is Sinclair are unhappy with Jay's homophobic remarks and felt instead of firing him they would wait for his contract to expire. I find this unlikely but probable considering Sinclair make rash decisions.

Another is the hiatus was planned - bit like their 2004 hiatus - and was why they did Mark vs. Jay at BITW, as some sort of farewell of sorts, which if true is kind of stupid, they could have milked that for all its worth which is something ROH usually does so I find that reasoning improbable.

Some suggest it could be a work which I also find improbable considering it betters nobody and it's not like their getting anything from it except a lot more discussion.

And lastly that The Briscoes just wanted to leave for WWE because they've finally gotten the call, with their contracts "expired" (which is also just a rumor, all these reports contradict one another so nobody really knows the truth) they see this as their chance because at the end of the day, lets face it, they have nothing more to do in ROH.
Elgin and MsChif got married recently. Good for them.


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