General ROH Spam Thread

Is the World Title match at the tv taping a hangover from Cornette's booking power?

Not for nothing, but was there ANYONE who was calling for Bennett to get a World Title shot?? Anything other than a Steen squash will be perplexing.

The only people excited when this match was announced?? Any guys sitting in the front couple rows who have realized that a Bennett main event might mean a longer than his typical tv match, resulting in a few more minutes to stare at Maria.
Not for nothing, but was there ANYONE who was calling for Bennett to get a World Title shot?? Anything other than a Steen squash will be perplexing.

Actually a lot of fans wanted Bennett to get a title match. Mike has been busting his balls improving himself. He and Mike Mondo (I'll restate this, Mike freakin' Mondo) had a great match at Glory By Honor, Steen is running out of sensible options for a challenger so Bennett made sense. Of course there isn't a chance in hell of him actually winning but he's getting a little bit more exposure and they'll probably have him put up a fight to look strong.

This is probably one of the final decisions Cornette made, but Mike Bennett being given a chance is what ROH was about in the early days. Giving chances to guys you wouldn't expect to stand a chance, Xavier being a former ROH World Champion is the perfect example.
If this were at a random house show(perhaps one in/near Boston) I would be more inclined to agree with you Dragon Saga, but I think this is bad booking for television.

I think everyone comes out the loser either way. Bennett is still seen as an improving mid-carder with more charisma than in-ring capability, and he hasn't been booked to look like a title contender. If he goes out and really pushes Steen in this match then that looks bad on Steen in my opinion for not dominating a guy who hasn't been built to pose a legit threat. Conversely if Steen squashes him than that obviously kills any momentum Bennett's character may have.
If this were at a random house show(perhaps one in/near Boston) I would be more inclined to agree with you Dragon Saga, but I think this is bad booking for television.

I think everyone comes out the loser either way. Bennett is still seen as an improving mid-carder with more charisma than in-ring capability, and he hasn't been booked to look like a title contender. If he goes out and really pushes Steen in this match then that looks bad on Steen in my opinion for not dominating a guy who hasn't been built to pose a legit threat. Conversely if Steen squashes him than that obviously kills any momentum Bennett's character may have.

They've nobody else to put up against Steen. They're building Jay Lethal and teasing El Generico's inevitable return. Bennett hasn't had a chance and hes been picking up wins lately, fans like him ( forum is proof of that) because since he debuted hes been consistently improving in every aspect, from selling himself to wrestling. He had a great match with Mondo at the iPPV he deserves a chance. In ROH the idea was that no matter who you're facing it's supposed to be a challenge, Bennett should come across as such. Steen doesn't need to look dominant because hes been dominant enough.
So, apparently ROH has signed a South African wrestler called Zizou Middoux. I know shit all about him other than that he unsuccessfully tried out for WWE, is young (~20), a high flier, idolises Justin Gabriel and has a gimmick of being someone who goes to nightclubs and dances during his entrance.

Oh, and he looks like this:


Oh, and an almost fun bit of trivia. His last match before leaving Africa was losing to the same guy that Leo Kruger and Justin Gabriel did - the promoter of the fed he spent most of his time in. Jobbing to Ananzi is apparently what you do before heading North.
No. I'm not looking forward to it, I don't give a fuck about Steen and I give negative damns about Generico. But I'm sure someone else is anticipating it.
I'm really excited about the match. It was the only one they could have put on that would have been worthy of a "Final Battle" main event. It doesn't matter how many times I see Generico and Steen face off (which isn't many since I really only watch ROH and CHIKARA) it never gets old.
The minority of people that aren't behind the Steen/Generico Ladder War IV really shock me.

What is there not to be excited about? What other match-up would you propose ROH went with??

The only thing that would have kept this match from being the logical choice is Generico's contract situation. If ROH was able to get Generico booked for this match I feel they were required to make this the main event.

This is the culmination of a storyline that has stretched three calendar years and four Final Battle's. It's ultimate complete stroytelling... FB '09 Steen turns heel on Generico; the feud spans the year until FB '10 when Generico eliminates Steen from ROH; Steen spends the year finding a way to scheme his way back in until FB '11 when he wins his re-entry to the fed; Generico can't get retribution during the early part of the year and ultimately disappears while Steen becomes champ and holds the company hostage; ROH does all they can to try to get the belt off Steen but nothing works until FB '12 when Generico makes his suprise return to try and end Steen's title run in the most violent environment possible.(and those are just the most basic footnotes)

That is the kind of multi-year epic story-arch that we never see in today's wrestling. Feuds and longterm cohesive rivalries of this type are a thing of the past in today's short attention span, hot-shot booking, monthly PPV pro wrestling environment. As fans, we should enjoy these types of moments while we still can, someday they may never exist in the industry again.
Final Battle 2010 had like what? 4,000 buys?! If ROH can get half of that with Final Battle then Steen/Generico will be a proven draw, especially considering how poorly the recent iPPV buyrates have been. Match itself should be awesome. The story is phenomenal.
Well, looks like Shelton Benjamin has given his notice, and looks like he's heading back to WWE.

Sucks, but I'm happy the guy is gonna get some good paydays
Charlie Hass will be okay on his own (if he stays mind you). Hes easily been one of Ring of Honor's top heels in the past year, always incites the crowd to boo him, on occasion with actual aggression.
This isn't technically an ROH post, but it involves ROH talent, so fuck it...

I am geeking out over the announcements of the first round matchups for DDT4.

Steenerico v. Dem Boys AND Eddie/Roddy v. Future Shock???



And the team of Cage/Elgin is sick. "Unbreakable Fucking Machines" is the perfect team name.

Charlie Hass will be okay on his own (if he stays mind you). Hes easily been one of Ring of Honor's top heels in the past year, always incites the crowd to boo him, on occasion with actual aggression.

Charlie Haas is the best heel in ROH. Now with Truth Martini having nobody to manage, I would love to see the Haas of Truth.
I want a Whitmer against Haas Fight Without Honor at the Anniversary show. Somebody call Delirious. Let's make it happen.
The rivalry between Hass/Titus and Whitmer is over. The Titus/Hass part basically went an entire year, on/off, I'm really tired of it. Plus a Whitmer/Hass match isn't worth a FWH stipulation. Another street fight maybe, but not a FWH.
Thanks to The Dargon Saga, and a few others in here, I have learned to like ROH. If you can get past the crappy production, the show is pretty awesome. Thanks for getting me into some great wrestling guys.
I agree with you as far as Titus/WGTT goes. I've been over that for a long time.

But just Haas/Whitmer specifically, I'm still interested, and I want to see a singles blowoff for that feud. The couple of minutes of 1-on-1 interaction that they had late during the GBH match was awesome. Their history going back to their HWA days and their training with Les Thatcher gives them a very natural chemistry together, and I love watching them work with one another.

As for the stip, I don't care what they call it, I just feel that after the crazy sick bump that Whitmer took at FB, a standard wrestling match isn't enough to properly end things.
Just finished watching the latest episode of ROH TV, having missed last weeks, and to my surprise a new intro, graphics and the production value has once again increased. Still not too fond of Kevin Kelly commentating alone but it was a really nice surprise and as a fan I'm extremely happy with it.

With the new iPPV provider, the positive reviews Final Battle gained and the better booking Delirious has installed, SBG finally seem to be getting the hang of this. Now all they need to do is get rid of Matt Hardy.
Try to catch last week if you get the chance Dragon Saga.

Both tag matches were alot of fun.

I'm seriously digging the team of O'Reilly and Fish.

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