General ROH Spam Thread

Again, agreed, but right now he should just be one-half of reDRagon and have special singles matches like this one with Joe or the one with AJ, because hes more important as a member of reDRagon.

By the way, War of the Worlds is already sold-out in Philly. The day, Wednesday, had legit no effect on making people not want to attend.

That's the lineup for the show in Chicago, plus Joe, who isn't listed for whatever reason. Even without AJ and Alberto, that roster is tough to beat. I haven't been this excited to go to an ROH event in a while.

Oh and Cliff is coming for the TV Title:

Hey guys! A lot of talk about Ring of Honor right now. I just watched the 13th Anniversary and I thought it was very lackluster and nothing really important happened their (aside from the return of Samoa Joe of course). However, I am thinking that ACH must be in line for a big singles push down the line...

I would like to know your (all of you) opinion on ACH's future as singles star. He's been getting a lot of attention, mostly due to his opponents (Alberto, AJ and now Joe). However I feel like ACH is so generic that, most of the matches I feel, are very underwhelming.

Roderick Strong has been gaining my attention (because of PWG and EVOLVE) and he should be in line for a push, and of course, Kyle O'Reily, who's just awesome and different in the way he presents himself.
ACH is obviously getting a push as someone they can trust to have kick ass matches, but he's going to lose all the matches so what's the point? He lost to Patron, lost to Briscoe twice in November, lost to Styles, lost to Moose and he'll lose to Joe too. He's not going to get anywhere by constantly losing but I'm sure if ROH wants to do something with him they'll do it anyway. He's probably still not trusted after the Toronto incident where he WAS supposed to win the ROH TV title according to Dave Meltzer, but he had heat already with ROH management and that only furthered it.

As for Roddy Strong, I think they're building him to a big ROH World title match but he's not going to win it or even come close because he's not under contract and he's not someone who is big enough like an AJ who isn't under contract that he warrants a title run. I like Roderick and think hes been kicking ass this year but until he signs a new contract he's not getting shit. I'm sure he's loyal but it's too much of a risk (see: Kenny King).

Also, there is some new news that Killjoy will love.

ROH are going working with AAA in Mexico for an upcoming trios tournament that will have Mysterio, Patron and Mysteziz (former Sin Cara) representing AAA. There'll also be a Japan team, a legends team, a heel AAA team and then two American teams, the lead US team being represented by ROH. This is the possible start to a working agreement between the two.
I think I'd like ACH more if he had more to offer then just a bunch of cool high flying flippy moves, I like him much better as part of a tag team, in fact I'd love for them to give him & Sydal more tag matches. Honestly don't think he really deserved to have a match with AJ, & don't think he deserves to have a match with Joe. Roddy is great in the ring, sadly his mic skills are some of the worst in ROH right now, every word he says feels like he's reading it off a damn cue card & he sounds like he's never had an original thought in his life. He does have those shitty little boots going for him though.
I just don't get how everyone is so concerned about how fucking ACH is being forced to job to everyone. At least he's getting booked on all of the shows and receiving high profile matches at big events.

While Cedric, who is better, is also jobbing to everyone, is curtain jerking, hasn't won a match since October, and isn't even being booked half the time. ROH's treatment of Cedric Alexander is so fucking frustrating. The kid can have a great match with anyone, and should be being looked at as one of the key future cornerstones of the promotion, yet he's being absolutely wasted.

I'd love to see Cedric at least getting equal booking to ACH or Adam Page.
I will mark the fuck out when Joe returns (in the ring) to ROH. His appearance was epic enough but man, I can't wait to see him go without any restraints on his work. The man basically ensured the longevity of the company with his epic reign.

I haven't watched ROH in ages unfortunately. Trying to catch up on things but I'm still stuck in 2013, lol. I got to say though, I've been keeping tabs, and I just don't understand some of the guys this company is pushing right now.
I haven't watched ROH in ages unfortunately. Trying to catch up on things but I'm still stuck in 2013, lol. I got to say though, I've been keeping tabs, and I just don't understand some of the guys this company is pushing right now.

Different company, different guys at the helm. They're appealing to a more casual fanbase now and not solely the hardcore fanbase they were appealing to say back in 2007 when the roster was the most stacked in retrospect it ever was. They need "stars", they need big guys, they need small guys, they need a guy like Moose who is a dual athlete and they can promote cause he has a history in the NFL, they need a guy like Hanson or Ciampa who they can make a star. I think older ROH fans who have came back around after the mass hardcore ROH fan exodus in 2011 when Cornette took over have seen that Delirious tries to appeal to the newer, TV fan and the older hardcore fan, and personally as someone who was an older hardcore fan, I think he does a good job.

He can't make everyone happy, but at the end of the day, the end game is to produce the best wrestling they can which is different and innovative from WWE and TNA's. ROH has their brand and style and as everyone from Jim Ross to Mark Madden to Steve Austin has said, it might not be fundamentally right especially in the eyes of a fan who is used to wrestling just being "this", but the fact they can brand themselves as something different is what will always make ROH fresh to the more fans it exposes itself to.
So I'll get to see Joe vs. Elgin. I'm kind of disappointed that I won't get to see the ACH or O'Reilly match, but Joe back in the Frontier Fieldhouse should be awesome no matter what.
Joe vs. Elgin is about the most excited I've been for an Elgin match in awhile. I think both their styles lend themselves to probably the most brutal hard hitting match Joe has had in a long fucking time, certainly in the hardest hitting match he'll have in his return to ROH.

I also heard Ciampa is hurt again, dude really needs to shoo the injury bug away.
Ciampa broke four of his ribs in the 13th Anniversary main event. I didn't even see anything happen to him!

I haven't watched it yet, but someone (a fan on FB) said he took a dive outside the ring & his landing looked pretty nasty, they're speculating that's where the injury may have occurred.
I remember he did the tope onto Hanson. I haven't re-watched the match because it was such a disappointment to me but I hope hes alright. Says on Twitter he'll be back in Milwaukee.

By the way, ROH not even promoting the return of Silas Young in Milwaukee is kind of "eh", unless they're using him tomorrow on the TV taping which in that case I'm alright with it. Also Gabe pulling Trent? from the EVOLVE shows because hes working with ROH for the next bit is hilarious.
Haven't they shared talent before? It's not like Trent? is working full-time with ROH.

They do, but its guys like Roddy who started under Gabe, then when Gabe left and started EVOLVE he knew he couldn't take Roddy with him so when Roddy's contract expired last year he obviously worked out a deal where he can work for both. What I've read on the Wrestling Observer boards and this isn't from Meltzer, is that Gabe hates giving guys chances and then seeing them go work for ROH. Trent? was booked for an EVOLVE show but had to be taken off to work the ROH shows that weekend, but that doesn't explain why hes now off Mania Weekend to.
They added a second night to War Of The Worlds, Tues. May 12th, I get booking this shows mid week saves them money when it comes to renting out the venue, & they'll still sell out anyway, but I'm sorta pissed they couldn't do these shows on either the weekend before or weekend after where they are currently scheduled. If they had done them on a Sat./Sun. instead of a Tues./Weds. then I would've been able to fly out & go to both shows.

I assume they're not putting these shows up live on Ustream like they did last year since I haven't seen anything about that yet.
Probably not, no. uStream had something to do with the 13th Anniversary iPPV though after the live broadcast. If it was something like they tape it and then immediately get it online, I'd be down for that.

That entrance, tho. I never in life expected to hear a crowd pop an authentic 'this is awesome' chant for a ring entrance. Dalton Castle gets the pagentry of professional wrestling in a way that most performers don't; if he's got the right backstage attitude, he's going to go on to get held back by great people.
So between the Champion's Challenge in Milwaukee and a night full of "Proving Ground: Instant Reward" matches now announced for Chicago Ridge, we're surely looking at some champions taking some pinfalls this weekend. That should make for an interesting shake-up.

And related, is there any chance that anyone besides Lethal takes the pin in the Champion's Challenge?

No way that Briscoe's streak ends in that match, and it doesn't seem like the ROH way to have a thrown together team defeat the tag champs, so Lethal seems like the only likely option. Perhaps Kyle can score the pin and set himself up for a shot at the TV title(and he and Lethal haven't had a one-on-one match in nearly three years, it could be a great match to set up).
So between the Champion's Challenge in Milwaukee and a night full of "Proving Ground: Instant Reward" matches now announced for Chicago Ridge, we're surely looking at some champions taking some pinfalls this weekend. That should make for an interesting shake-up.

And related, is there any chance that anyone besides Lethal takes the pin in the Champion's Challenge?

No way that Briscoe's streak ends in that match, and it doesn't seem like the ROH way to have a thrown together team defeat the tag champs, so Lethal seems like the only likely option. Perhaps Kyle can score the pin and set himself up for a shot at the TV title(and he and Lethal haven't had a one-on-one match in nearly three years, it could be a great match to set up).

I know it was originally supposed to be Sydal, but could they have a more meh 4 way? I could see any of them but Taven winning that match, but there is a -200% chance any of them beat Jay. I actually wouldn't be surprised if Roppongi Vice pin reDRagon, just to put a new team in the tag title picture. I 100% expect Lethal and Compton to go to two falls. Compton has talked about a Chicago Street Fight, but ROH hasn't confirmed it as far as I can tell.
I know it was originally supposed to be Sydal, but could they have a more meh 4 way? I could see any of them but Taven winning that match, but there is a -200% chance any of them beat Jay.

I see your point, but I mean were we really gonna buy anybody as having a chance to get a pin on Jay in a B-show match announced days before the event, and only a couple weeks shy of him likely facing Joe at SCOH?

Besides they always randomly insert Mark and Roddy into these types of spots.
I see your point, but I mean were we really gonna buy anybody as having a chance to get a pin on Jay in a B-show match announced days before the event, and only a couple weeks shy of him likely facing Joe at SCOH?

Besides they always randomly insert Mark and Roddy into these types of spots.

That's true. I guess I'm more frustrated that I'm not overly confident any of them could have a good match with Jay, other than the Briscoes beating the shit out of each other. I just wanted Jay and Joe to be in matches I'd be excited for and it's not happening :(
I wouldn't mind seeing a match between Jay and Silas, but it would be better if were to happen on a show where they could cut video promos on each other beforehand.

I'd love too see Silas try and justify a way of Jay not being a "real man".

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