General ROH Spam Thread

So this weekend Chris Dickinson of CZW/Beyond Wrestling fame, Louis Lyndon of Lucha Libre USA, Flip Kendrick who wrestled on Impact for a bit and Samson Walker all either made their debuts or returned for what I can only assume were tryout matches.

Dickinson apparently was the best of the lot. Lyndon/Kendrick got squashed by The Decade and Samson Walker was apparently over big with the crowd in Dayton even though he's not from there. Samson is a regular for WWC in Puerto Rico, he was on a few ROH shows in 2011 and 2012 and was generally considered a Jim Cornette guy but last night he was said to be a lot more polished than he was last time anyone saw him.

I was there. Aeroform got a few spots in, but didn't look totally comfortable.

Dickinson looked good, but him and Elgin are the ideal stylistic matchup. Dickinson was allowed to work strong, really keeping up with Elgin plus kicking out of a couple big moves, like a top rope Falcon Arrow. The match was as physical as you'd anticipate it to be.

Samson Walker may end up being Cheeseburger's new partner, he called him Big Mac, and that shit was over(or at least the chants were).

Pretty good show overall. Del Rio/Roddy rocked, as to be expected. The main event got really good towards the end. And Bennett and Taven against Hanson and Ciampa was really awesome.

Biggest complaint is that it looks like they may be pushing Moose to a World Title shot already.

Hopefully they'll keep booking Samson and Dickinson.
Is it him they're setting up to chase, or is it ACH, with Moose backing him up?

ACH heel turn and alignment with whatever the hell you want to call Stokely Hathaway/Prince Nana's group might work.
Not sure why people are acting like an ACH/Moose alliance was teased last night. If I remember correctly, ACH hit Moose with a surprise dropkick after he had already gotten his hands on everybody else in the main event. Then they stared down for a second and before Moose could attack ACH, Sydal was back up and the Briscoes were getting back in, so Moose bailed.

And Hathaway very clearly stated Moose was there to scout Briscoe and was coming for the World Title.
Everyone and their mama wants Briscoe, I think it was just a setup to an ACH filler feud. Really wish they'd do something interesting with ACH though.
Dalton Castle.


If you don't plan on watching ROH TV this week, change your plans. This guy is awesome.

Samson Walker used to team up with Andy Leavine from Tough Enough. Neither were anything great.
Everyone and their mama wants Briscoe, I think it was just a setup to an ACH filler feud. Really wish they'd do something interesting with ACH though.

Truthfully I thought he would've taken the TV title off of Lethal by now. Mind you, I'm cool with Lethal, but he should be back to focusing on the World belt. But ACH would make a fine TV champ if given the nod.
Wouldn't be surprised if it stemmed from him missing his flight for All Star Extravaganza when he was probably supposed to win the title. Jay Lethal's reign only improved after though, to the point the title now seems more important than it ever has before, and with him holding it so long when he loses it people won't mind, in-fact people may actually root for the person challenging him, whether that be Alberto or whoever.
A common rumor making the dirt sheet rounds today is that the WWE is interested in possibly bringing in both Mandy Leon and Moose.
I actually think that she has some kind of contractual deal with ROH, but they've never actually used her as a wrestler, though she does work matches for a lot of Northeastern indies.

Honestly, as Dynamite pointed out, I've seen her more as a Rosebud lately than I've seen her doing anything with ROH, she won't be missed(as long as she somewhere where she can still be looked at).

As for Moose, this could be a blessing. Hopefully WWE does sign him, and does it before he gets force fed an ROH main event program that he's no where near ready for, and that no one wants to see.
Ring of Honor COO Joe Koff, head booker Hunter "Delirious" Johnston, ROH World Champion Jay Briscoe and Adam Cole all met with parent company Sinclair Broadcasting executives before Final Battle to make a proposal for more money. Sinclair has kept ROH on a budget since purchasing the promotion in 2011, which hasn't given them much room creatively. The arc of their proposal was that with an increased budget ROH could become the out-and-out #2 promotion in the United States, Briscoe and Cole were brought in to represent the locker room as both are known to heavily support ROH's product and brand.

Dave Metlzer of the Wrestling Observer reported yesterday that this play did not work, and Sinclair will be keeping ROH on a budget, which they do increase depending on performance, but increase minimally. Last year was a big year for the company both as a product and behind-the-scenes with their expansion into new markets on TV and with their live pay-per-view debut in June. TNA's woes saw ROH outperform them as a business with their live attendance figures and pay-per-view buys exceeding TNA's, but with the year TNA had that isn't saying much.

SBG officials apparently told ROH management to me more disciplined in their spending. There is speculation that this could result in ROH cutting back on the number of names coming into the promotion for their New Japan Pro Wrestling crossover shows in May.

This kind of irritates me for a couple of reasons. One is that SBG won't give the promotion more money despite the promotion excelling with the money they're given so far. Just for reference, ROH has already drawn just under 4,000 people to their four shows in 2015. That's almost 1,000 a show which any wrestling promotion in America not named WWE is lucky to get. Whenever Meltzer or Alvarez talk to anyone from affiliates about TV viewership it's always good, and they know it's good because the advertisers during ROH programming are always strong - that CopperFit thing with that American footballer whose name escapes me now, being a perfect example.

But then on the other side, people have taken this as, "SBG won't give ROH anymore money", when it actually say they will give them more money based off performance just not the amount ROH is looking for. They could be looking for something like $1,000,000 for whatever we know, while its always been known that since SBG bought ROH that their visio is gradually - and its done nothing but worked too, granted 2014 was the first big year of progress.
Something I've spotted watching the WWE Network. At the start of most In Your House PPV's especially in 1997, the voice over guy is one of the voice over guys ROH uses. He's the dude on TV every week who does the plugs for upcoming events and he does the voice over for PPV previews. Thought that was interesting.
I really doubt that the fatal 4 way for the Anniversary PPV is strong enough to get above the 8.000 buys they are looking for. I really think they should have pulled the trigger on the AJ Styles vs. Jay Briscoe match up. It's for a PPV!
I really doubt that the fatal 4 way for the Anniversary PPV is strong enough to get above the 8.000 buys they are looking for. I really think they should have pulled the trigger on the AJ Styles vs. Jay Briscoe match up. It's for a PPV!

That creates just as much of an issue. Its not the right place or time to rush a title change. And ROH also can't have AJ lose clean, so then the only result is to have a fuck finish at a major PPV. That's not going to help them to get buys the next time around.
That creates just as much of an issue. Its not the right place or time to rush a title change. And ROH also can't have AJ lose clean, so then the only result is to have a fuck finish at a major PPV. That's not going to help them to get buys the next time around.

I get what you are saying, I really do, but ROH is somehow failing in the PPV business (given it's not that important) but after Final Battle, they really need to stack up the card. A "non-clean" finish for a PPV isn't that big of a deal - specially since it's rare in Ring of Honor and it could be a build to a better match next time (which doesn't need to be at Supercard of Honor, but really at Final Battle). Small things such as AJ Styles getting a "kayfabe" injury during the match, or The Bullet Club members actually botching the interference could make Jay Briscoe still the champ and build to a bigger match up, when AJ/Briscoe go at it later in the year, without no interference what so ever.

Also, is it really "rushing" a title change? AJ is a big star, winning the title in the first defense of Jay doesn't really mean Jay's getting buried but more so to develop the feud for Jay to look for redemption.

I don't know. What I know is that the Fatal 4 Way isn't really a "big" match to sell a PPV. If Jay/Cole was a "failure", I don't know how this will be a success. Alberto isn't that big of a draw, nor his the TV title.
I get AJ's contract with NJPW limits what he can do in ROH, especially when it comes to clean loses, but why not add him to the 4 way in place of one of the other guys, & remove the elimination stipulation.
Says in the Observer that ROH are planning to hold a live pay-per-view on Friday, June 19 from Terminal 5 (ugh!) and put it right up against Impact Wrestling, stack it and hope they can deter fans who would be planning to watch Impact into buying the ROH PPV instead for $25 because the likes of AJ Styles, etc would be on it. (this could even be where they do Styles' challenge for the ROH World Championship which is going to happen sooner than later)

This would be the first ever time that TNA and ROH would go head-to-head on the same night, one pre-taped on subscription TV and the other on live pay-per-view. This is the world of budget wrestling, this is competition in the modern era apparently.
That is the stupidest idea I've ever heard. A PPV on a Friday? To compete with a promotion thats in the gutter because of itself?

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