General ROH Spam Thread

Go out of your way this week to see Alberto's ROH debut. Guy wasn't acting or playing, you could see how fired up and pumped he was to be there, the fans picked up on it too and it made for a great segment. Jay Lethal only improved it and it really made the ROH TV title look as good as its ever looked. WWE and TNA could learn a lot from how ROH treats their titles and their champions, and how they had Alberto treat both ROH and its titles in his promo. Guy really put ROH over.

Like last week, here's a review for this weeks ROH Wrestling.

Frankie Kazarian def. Cedric Alexander with the Unprettier. A good opening match that made Kaz look good and even in defeat made Cedric look strong. Kaz hasn't had many singles matches since joining ROH but the ones he has had hes looked really good in. Daniels on commentary was also a welcome addition.

Donovan Dijak def. Jake Dirden with a Burning Hammer turned into a GTS. Yup, a BURNING HAMMER turned into a GO TO SLEEP. Dijak looked really good, these are both big men too, Dirden's 6'8 and Dijak is 6'7. Dirden's wrestled for NOAH in Japan, Dijak was trained by Hanson. The Decade were out to watch on the aisle and looked really impressed by Dijak.

A CHIKARA advertisement on an ROH show. It was weird, especially weird since it was promoting a CHIKARA show in Philly, but ROH is only in one market in Philly. They are in three markets in Pittsburgh though so maybe that was the intention.

A vignette of a shadow playing over clips of different ROH stars plays and the shadow says, "we have been watching, we are coming, we will bring change". I have no idea who this is, could be a CHIKARA linked thing, could be a totally new stable. I'd love if it was a new stable formed of guys off the indies people would recognize.

ALBERTO EL PATRON makes his ROH debut. He's crazy pumped, jumps into the crowd and the fans don't really let him speak for a couple of minutes, lots of "Ci!", "Alberto" and "Él Patron" chants. Alberto says that somebody told him he wouldn't be able to wrestle for one year, but he's right here in Nashville, Tennessee and he's in ROH because the best wrestlers in the world come to ROH, and to be the best you have to beat the best. Alberto says, "I AM NOT A FUCKING SPORTS ENTERTAINER, I AM A WRESTLER!" He calls the ROH World Championship the most respected title in wrestling today, and he says that he knows Jay Briscoe is the man in ROH, so he calls out Jay Briscoe, but instead gets Jay Lethal.

Lethal feels disrespected by what Alberto says and tells him to apologize. Alberto says he didn't mean to disrespect him but the way he and the fans see if, Briscoe's the ROH World Champion which makes Briscoe the man. Lethal tells him that he's the man in ROH, the ROH World TV title is the tit;e in wrestling and that if he doesn't apologize that his first night in ROH will be his last. Alberto says if Lethal has the, "cahones, perro", that in Mexico they have a saying, "lets dance, perreta", and challenges Lethal. It looks like they're going to do it but Truth Martini stops Lethal.

Truth says that unlike other places, in ROH Alberto has to climb his way to the top, so if he wants to face Jay Lethal, he'll have to earn it. Bit of a shot at the rumors TNA wanted to put the World title on him?

We come back from commercial break and Nigel McGuinness comes out to address what happened in last weeks main event. Nigel says that hes made a decision and calls out Jay Briscoe. Briscoe comes out and tells Nigel that since they'll be in Vegas and Vegas is a gambling city and he's a gambling man, he'll face all three of them. He tells Nigel to take some time to make his decision, but while he's thinking, he tells the sound guy to hit The Kingdom's music so he can, "whoop that mother f#cker Matt Taven's ass!"

Jay Briscoe def. Matt Taven w/ The Kingdom to retain the ROH World Championship. A pretty good main event that the crowd was into. Maria and Bennett were constantly interfering in the match whenever Briscoe for the advantage but Jay still picked up the win with the Jay Driller.

After the match Bennett attacks Briscoe from behind and Maria tells Jay that he hasn't got the balls to fight a woman. Mark Briscoe makes the save and tells The Kingdom that he's had enough. He says that next weeks show will start with The Briscoes vs. The Kingdom and that The Kingdom will fall.

Next week is also the in-ring debut of Alberto Él Patron vs. Christopher Daniels.


"I'm not a sports entertainer, I'm a FUCKING PRO-WRESTLER!"

Watching his debut over gave me chills.

Everything from last nights TV taping indicates it was one of the best ROH has ever done. The picture above is the set-up alone, which looks awesome. Saw two of the production guys I follow on Twitter who work for ROH say they were all saying how something like that for a lighting rig which could go pretty much anywhere would be ideal and will look into getting one for the future. 1,000+ in attendance reported by Mike Johnson, he says it is the most packed hes ever seen the ECW Arena and that is a feat considering how ECW would shuffle people into it.

Here are the TV spoilers:

Joe Koff came out to welcome everyone and thank them for coming to the show. It is said that the show looks sold out with probably 1000+ fans. There are now two titantron like screens. Give Larry Legend a follow on Twitter for all his vine/instagram vids which will be spoiler free. Return to Philadelphia will be August 21 but it is not mentioned that it will be the 2300 Arena.

Web-exclusive: Brutal Burgers def QT Marshall & “All Good” Anthony Greene with the pigyback stunner on Greene

Episode 1

Top Prospect Semi Final: Donovan Dijak def Ashley Sixx with a burning hammer lift into a knee

Top Prospect Semi Final: Will Ferrara def Beer City Bruiser with a codebreaker

Ferrara & Dijak are your Top Prospect Tournament 2015 Finalists

ROH World Tag Team Champions reDRagon are out for their live Fish Tank recording. They are dressed in suits. They announce that the Young Bucks will be their opponents for the 13th anniversary PPV. The Young Bucks had come out, but reDRagon hogged the mic time. reDRagon made fun of the Bucks losing to them at Wrestle Kingdom 9 after flying their families all the way out to Japan. This ended in a brawl and O’Reilly taking a superkick to end the segment.

Roderick Strong def QT Marshall with the sick kick
– Post match the Decade (BJ Whitmer & Adam Page) come out and start arguing with Strong. This is seemingly leading more towards a match between Whitmer and Strong

The Kingdom: Michael Bennett & Matt Taven & Maria def The Briscoes & ODB after Bennett & Taven superkick ODB which allowed Maria to pin her
– Adam Cole in a sling came out for commentary
– Cole’s distraction towards the end of the match also allowed the Kingdom to low blow the Briscoes

Episode 2

ROH TV Champion Jay Lethal & J. Diesel w/ Truth Martini def The Addiction (Daniels & Kazarian) when Lethal rolled up Daniels after a red masked man distracted Daniels before he could hit the BME

Top Prospect Tournament Finals
Donovan Dijak def Will Ferrara to win and become your 2015 TPT Winner
– Brutal Bob, Stokely Hathaway & Veda Scott, The Decade (though Jacobs stayed and the other two left) & Truth Martini all came out to witness the finals
– There was a handshake between the two wrestlers while the managers, except for Truth, tried to recruit Dijak

ROH Tag Team Champions reDRagon def The Decade (BJ Whitmer & Adam Page) after O’reilly forces Page to tap to the cross arm breaker
– Corino and Whitmer had another confrontation

Episode Three

Tommaso Ciampa def Jimmy Jacobs via ref stoppage after Ciampa hits a knee to Jacobs against the guardrail and Jacobs can’t continue
– ROH World Champion Jay Briscoe was on commentary
– Ciampa and Briscoe had a staredown at ringside after Ciampa threw a chair at Jacobs

Hanson def Romantic Touch with his spinning axe kick seconds after RT offered him chocolates

Michael Elgin vs Moose w/ Veda & Stokely ended in a no contest after Elgin shoved Jay and Jay got involved in the match. Moose accidentally speared Jay. Hanson, Ciampa, and Mark Briscoe joined the brawl. Moose also speared Mark purposely.
– two men in red masks appeared in the crowd during this match

The Bullet Club (AJ Styles & The Young Bucks) def ACH, Matt Sydal & Cedric Alexander after AJ hit Sydal with the Styles Clash
-The men in the red masks came back briefly and got into it with the Young Bucks
Not sure how I feel about reDRagon vs Bucks again. I'm sure the matches will be entertaining but I feel like the belts almost have to change at the anniversary show considering they've held them since like last May. I just feel The Addiction should be the ones to do it.

I really hope Adam Cole continues doing what he's doing.

Also who the fuck are these masked men?
Not sure how I feel about reDRagon vs Bucks again. I'm sure the matches will be entertaining but I feel like the belts almost have to change at the anniversary show considering they've held them since like last May. I just feel The Addiction should be the ones to do it.

I really hope Adam Cole continues doing what he's doing.

Also who the fuck are these masked men?

I don't mind Bucks vs. reDRagon so long as they change it up a little bit and do something different. Ladder War maybe? IDK.

The masked men are rumored to be The Bravado Brothers who used to wrestle for ROH but were released and then started working for Gabe and EVOLVE, but have now left there. They've improved a lot since leaving and are ROH Dojo graduates so if it is them I'm happy.
I'm wondering if and when the Addiction will get a shot at the belts. Nothing wrong with ReDragon, but there's not as many teams as their once was. The Bucks are decent, but it's time to freshen things up a bit. Hell instead of fighting the Briscoes for the umpteenth time, the Kingdom should maybe focus on the tag belts for now.
I'd like to see reDRagon vs. Young Bucks vs. The Addiction vs. The Kingdom at 13th Anniversary, do the same type of match with the tag belts that they're doing with the World title.
Him and Truth are great heels but his finisher is absolute fucking nonsense, that and he's held the TV title way too long, and I haven't even been watching a full year.
I would dislike him a lot less if he ever got a finisher that wasn't complete shit

If finisher wouldn't look so shit if he got rid of the handspring horseshit. I'd like him a lot better if he did something other than hang in the TV title picture for fucking ever.
If finisher wouldn't look so shit if he got rid of the handspring horseshit. I'd like him a lot better if he did something other than hang in the TV title picture for fucking ever.

So just an RKO basically? I wouldn't mind him being pushed up the card a bit or even attempting to get a good feud out of Cedric Alexander whose doing nothing anyway.
I've said this before, but I've no problem with Lethal's finisher. I used to think it looked stupid, but a discussion on Reddit after Lethal's Lethal Injection to Sydal off the SSP actually changed that because someone pointed out quite rightly that there is sense in Lethal doing the springboard because a) logically it would be harder for the opponent to counter b) the trajectory makes for a bigger impact than a normal cutter and c) it's wrestling, it's supposed to look flashy.

Aside from that, I see a lot of people put Lethal as a heel in with Rollins, Rusev and EC3 as one of the best and I have to agree. He's up there, not better than Rollins but not very far behind.
a) logically it would be harder for the opponent to counter

Lulz, you just move one step to the right or left while he's mid-handspring

c) it's wrestling, it's supposed to look flashy.

There's a big differance between flashy & stupid, what Lethal does looks stupid.

Aside from that, I see a lot of people put Lethal as a heel in with Rollins, Rusev and EC3 as one of the best and I have to agree. He's up there, not better than Rollins but not very far behind.

He's several hundred miles behind, & that's being generous.
I've said this before, but I've no problem with Lethal's finisher.
Please don't encourage Lethal, that move is ridiculous.

I used to think it looked stupid, but a discussion on Reddit after Lethal's Lethal Injection to Sydal off the SSP actually changed that
Please don't encourage Reddit, that board is ridiculous.

Aside from that, I see a lot of people put Lethal as a heel in with Rollins, Rusev and EC3 as one of the best and I have to agree. He's up there, not better than Rollins but not very far behind.
Although I've been outspoken about not preferring Lethal's current gimmick, it has nothing to do with his heel work per se, but more to do with the way it translates to hurting his matches. Which I actually blame Truth for far more than Lethal. I think I'm just burnt out on every H.O.T. member being positioned as a TV champion who needs overbooked Truth fuckery to extend his run. It has made me sick of Truth and it has hurt the legitimacy of the ROH TV title.

Its hard to compare Lethal/Truth to Rusev/Lana. What Lana does is a tried and true cheap heat staple(and she is surely quite good at it), so its hard to really evaluate that versus a less stereotypical approach.

As for the other comparisons, as much as I like Lethal as a personality and especially as an in-ring performer(at least prior to this TV title run), he pales in comparison to Seth Rollins on both fronts.

As for EC3, Lethal and Truth combined aren't half as witty, entertaining, or effective on the mic, though Lethal is a vastly superior worker.

If anything Lethal/Truth comes off as a second rate Punk/Heyman.

As far as heel acts go, both Cole and reDRagon are far better at the roles they are playing than Lethal, and belong much closer to the class of guys referenced.

As a loosely related side note to all of this, I'd love to see ROH play off of Truth's history regarding the TV title by booking a four corner survival pitting Daniels, Taven, and Roddy as title challengers against Lethal, with Truth handcuffed in Lethal's corner, or having some other equally corny involvement booked into the proceedings.
Oh snap, ROH finally debuted the new opening!

Honestly I'm sick of Briscoes/Kingdom. It's been old since before Cole/Briscoe at Final Battle. I'm sure we'll get to something new soon but that needs to be addressed.

I hope this masked man invasion doesn't suck.

ADR/Daniels is still every ADR match I've ever seen. Hopefully he'll get a better match out of Lethal.
So this weekend Chris Dickinson of CZW/Beyond Wrestling fame, Louis Lyndon of Lucha Libre USA, Flip Kendrick who wrestled on Impact for a bit and Samson Walker all either made their debuts or returned for what I can only assume were tryout matches.

Dickinson apparently was the best of the lot. Lyndon/Kendrick got squashed by The Decade and Samson Walker was apparently over big with the crowd in Dayton even though he's not from there. Samson is a regular for WWC in Puerto Rico, he was on a few ROH shows in 2011 and 2012 and was generally considered a Jim Cornette guy but last night he was said to be a lot more polished than he was last time anyone saw him.

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