General ROH Spam Thread

I tweeted The Young Bucks asking them when ROH and PWG would release DVD compilations on them back in September and Matt replied saying that they're coming. Glad the time is finally here. That DVD case is awesome.
Looking back, it strikes me as odd as to why the Bucks never were champs when they were in TNA. Some of the matches they had with the Machine Guns were great. I'm glad to see they're getting the well deserved exposure and accolades.
Looking back, it strikes me as odd as to why the Bucks never were champs when they were in TNA. Some of the matches they had with the Machine Guns were great. I'm glad to see they're getting the well deserved exposure and accolades.

Bucks then and Bucks now are totally different guys. They say that themselves. If you haven't already, checkout their AOW where they explain why they do what they do now. Some people say their "spot monkeys", but truthfully they're geniuses.
Bucks then and Bucks now are totally different guys. They say that themselves. If you haven't already, checkout their AOW where they explain why they do what they do now. Some people say their "spot monkeys", but truthfully they're geniuses.

Agree 100% TDS.

I couldn't stand "GenMe" throughout their TNA run, but they really starting finding their personalities toward the end, and hit the indy scene running after requesting their release.

The Bucks grew leaps and bounds as performers both in and out of the ring over the few months following leaving TNA, and eventually fulfilled all of their promise as WAY more than generic indy high flyers.

During their TNA run they were liked by many because of their innovation, but that was really all they had going for them. Now they're absolutely elite talents who "get it" in every way.

They purposefully play directly into the hands of the people that hate and short change them, and they're able to generate real heat doing it. Like you said: truthfully they're "geniuses".

I can't wait to see ODB's ROH debut. Also hoping this leads to the rebuilding of ROH's Women of Honor division and ODB would be a great start if they were to start that. I also got a chuckle out of them making her a Briscoe family member. One Dirty Briscoe.

Note: Maria Kanellis looks hotter than ever in that photo. Good God, fuck you Mike Bennett.

And ROH has signed AJ Styles vs. Bobby Fish for the show in Atlanta, Georgia which is Styles' hometown. Thought he'd get a bigger match than that considering he's the biggest drawing factor on the card, but it has the potential to be awesome.


Delirious vs. Matt Sydal for the first time in eight years should be good.

I don't know why Delirious just doesn't wrestle as a midcarder. He makes a return every four months or so.
Delirious match vs. Cole at SOTF Night 1 was awesome, though just about every match on SOTF Night 1 was awesome.
Had they made it more "special" I would have been happier. Like bring in some more names from outside to make it feel like a BOLA type thing. 2014's SOTF was probably the best one in years though as a stand alone tournament.
Listening to Meltzer and Bryan Alvarez discuss TNA's debut on Destination America's ratings and they make the point several times that domestically in America, Ring of Honor Wrestling is now the second most watched pro-wrestling orientated show going, that's including the added viewership from TNA's replay, etc.

Whether you see it as a major victory or not because of how its came about, it's something that probably means a lot to people who have been invested in ROH for a long time, such as Cary Silkin. It also could tease SBG into investing a bit more in-order to capitalize on it.
They are already trying to make their wrestlers more exclusive, so this is a step forward as far as branding goes. They need to invest more in some territories such as Texas, who's really big on wrestling and Chicago, Illinois really, who has got to be the best wrestling city.

The difference is that Ring of Honor actually has a brand that people assume for "quality in wrestling". While TNA gets their hardcore fanbase, because they are not a "quality alternative" for the other wrestling fans. If this is a war between to companies, Ring of Honor will surely get the trophy here, but I wouldn't count the fact that TNA feels more "fresh" than Ring of Honor. Also their talent pool is severely misused, so if they get it right, they could grow again.
They had 130,000 average in Texas in June 2013 which was during the SCUM angle so that has to be up now with guys like Styles, Sydal, The Addiction, The Young Bucks, etc, all more involved. They're also trying to make more of an impact in the Las Vegas market which can they can be seen anywhere in, ROH is available to everyone in the state of Nevada. The Atlanta non-SBG and Cox Communications deals as well have helped them in the past year, and Joe Koff was saying before Final Battle that in 2015 they want to get ROH on TV in NYC. If they can get syndication in NYC they'll be in a great position, if fucking Pro Wrestling Syndicate can draw what it got in the middle of the night ROH could draw double in an evening timeslot.
They had 130,000 average in Texas in June 2013 which was during the SCUM angle so that has to be up now with guys like Styles, Sydal, The Addiction, The Young Bucks, etc, all more involved. They're also trying to make more of an impact in the Las Vegas market which can they can be seen anywhere in, ROH is available to everyone in the state of Nevada. The Atlanta non-SBG and Cox Communications deals as well have helped them in the past year, and Joe Koff was saying before Final Battle that in 2015 they want to get ROH on TV in NYC. If they can get syndication in NYC they'll be in a great position, if fucking Pro Wrestling Syndicate can draw what it got in the middle of the night ROH could draw double in an evening timeslot.

ChairShotReality has better production values than this show. Really, it looked AWFUL for Television. I am not saying "they could improve", I am saying: "They couldn't get any worse".

This is from the PCW/ROH Supershows of Honor from November in Preston, England, a "no loud noises" match because ACH and Alexander were legitimately hungover. Crowd here is great.
ChairShotReality has better production values than this show. Really, it looked AWFUL for Television. I am not saying "they could improve", I am saying: "They couldn't get any worse".

Their DVDs look decent.

Its still a very mom n pop level production right now. They JUST went from being a straight-away indy to having a tv show literally last week.

ROH is very frustrating. If you put ROH together with TNA's money and distribution, you would have something.

and this is coming from someone who does not consider ROH his cup of tea at all.
As someone who wants ROH to be the best it can be I can honestly say I wouldn't want that. Maybe it's because I listen to guys like Meltzer, Alvarez, Johnson and Wade Keller, and all of them have the same tune that in 2014, ROH > TNA and 2015 is starting off ROH > TNA. Distribution is a weird one - ROH is more watched now than TNA. Even Jim Cornette has backed this up and hes not held back on SBG, but hes said point blank that the markets ROH are in they're very popular, which is why he got so frustrated there because all he wanted was a million dollar budget to make it look better, but again Cornette watched Final Battle and said that every year ROH is getting better and better, bigger and bigger. It's just that he believes it should happen quicker.

I mean, what has TNA over ROH anymore, and I mean realistically? That production wasn't great on Wednesday, even the WWE Creative twitter account made a joke that TNA had stolen ROH's lights. Right now, unless you're Kurt Angle or someone special, ROH's guys are said to be making more money than TNA's because ROH's work more dates. ROH is going to be viewed by more people than TNA and ROH has an online service, which according to Discovery Networks to Bryan Alvarez, there are no plans in the near future for TNA to have, because the fact is TNA is in the same position ROH was in when SBG bought it - Destination America doesn't need TNA, TNA needs Destination America. ROH has however became an asset to SBG because its supposedly made money the last two years - which going back to Cornette, says is because SBG run it under a budget and they have a guy in ROH's office who man manages that, but that budget has obviously, from what you see on TV over the past year, has gotten bigger.

The ROH roster is a lot better than TNA's. And I'm not saying that with bias, straight up, I will debate with anyone on this board who thinks TNA's is better. For the product ROH puts out which is wrestling, the roster right now is one or two guys away from being damn near perfect for a company with the goals it has.

So really, when it comes down to it, in 2015, TNA has one thing over ROH. International deals. And they lost a few of those when they switched to Destination America. But I think a lot of people on here need to understand that without domestic performance being strong an international deal is pretty useless. It's awesome that TNA will come to the UK this month and pack out arenas in England and Scotland, but the UK is an extremely hot wrestling scene right now - it's hotter than America. ROH sold out four shows in three days with PCW, This is Progress have to keep moving to bigger buildings because they can't stop selling places out quickly, ICW has done shows in-front of 2,000+. Even here in Ireland there is an indy pulling in 500 people for shows with nobodies on them.

It's going to take awhile, but truthfully there are two promotions on the same level now in 2015, TNA and ROH. Lucha Underground sadly isn't but is still an awesome product, but the future of that is very uncertain and totally depends on what it does on El Rey.
ROH's roster is hand-over-fist more talented than TNA. THere is a reason WWE recruits from there so heavily.

On the roster comparison note, my good god how good would it be if Angle ended up there. I wish he would have done the AJ Styles Memorial split time between ROH and NJPW thing.

That was a hypothetical idea I saw a lot of people talk about, but at the same time, I thought Angle was very slow and off par on Wednesday. I'm not big on MVP and wasn't a fan of his NJPW stuff which is when I started watching NJPW, but I know he is faster than what he was against Angle. That match was very slow and didn't need to be a street fight at all. Should of just been a match but I guess they wanted the hyperbole of what a street fight means.

The one and only person on TNA's roster I want in ROH, or back in ROH should I say, is Samoa Joe. I'd go fucking crazy if the Godzilla intro hit at an ROH show in somewhere like Toronto or NYC and Joe walked out and just kicked the holy hell out of every person around him and they rebuilt him as an ass kicking machine! It'd be very anti-Delirious booking but if they could ever get him back I'd let him run through every single person on the roster and win the ROH World Championship again, holding it virtually hostage.

In the mean time they could build someone to take it from him like they did with Homicide the first time or with Nigel McGuinness to Takeshi Morishima. God damn it they should have brought him back when his contract was up!
The one and only person on TNA's roster I want in ROH, or back in ROH should I say, is Samoa Joe.

What about Eddie Edwards???

You seriously wouldn't want Eddie back? There's lots of options for that, not the least of which could be him somehow ending up back teaming with Bobby Fish to free Kyle up for a main event singles run.

If there's still a place in ROH for guys like the three original Decade members, there's still a place for Eddie. Speaking of, Dojo Bros would also be a welcome addition for ROH's tag division.
Eddie did it all, even when he left I wasn't too sad. Triple Crown Champion, main evented Final Battle, main evented Best in the World, wrestled virtually if not literally everyone there at that time; I just think Eddie was always just going to be Eddie and he'll always be just Eddie.

The difference between say an Eddie and a Roderick Strong is, I seriously believe Roddy is going to surprise a lot of people in 2015. His performance at Final Battle was one of the best and most passionate from him in forever, it was the first time I actually believed, "you know, maybe he is Mr. ROH". Roddy's first reign shouldn't have happened, but I think that he may get a second one or at the least they're going to build him to one. Hes never had a long face run either and I think it will suit him a bit better if he's just playing Mr. ROH Roderick Strong. If Eddie cameback I wouldn't be disappointed but I don't necessarily want him back.
I'd like to see Joe, Eddie, & Aries back, though I've been told Aries burned some bridges on his way out, so that may not ever happen.
I'd like to see Joe, Eddie, & Aries back, though I've been told Aries burned some bridges on his way out, so that may not ever happen.

Those were apparently mended. He was at ROH Death Before Dishonor Night 1 and 2 backstage. Adam Pearce even put up a photo with him. His issue was with Cornette and an office member called Syd Eck whom are both gone, so the heat may have died. I'd like Aries back, but would still prefer Joe.

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