General ROH Spam Thread

I forgot to come back here and actually comment on your review after I looked for it. I thought you were pretty fair, even lenient in your criticisms. I personally felt match of the night was Alexander/Strong and that they told a great story. Sure, everyone knew what the outcome of the main event was going to be, but they needed that to be the enticing factor, "watch as Michael Elgin finally wins the ROH World Championship". And hell, it certainly worked, considering over 12,000 bought the PPV and a couple thousand more bought the iPPV.
The card for All Star Extravaganza is fantastic! I'm extremely pissed I won't be able to watch live because of work, but I'm already excited about seeing the replay.

reDRagon (c) vs. The Young Bucks

Michael Elgin (c) vs. Jay Briscoe

Jay Lethal (c) vs. ACH

AJ Styles vs. Adam Cole

Cedric Alexander vs. Silas Young

Mark Briscoe vs. Hanson

The Addiction (Daniels and Kazarian) vs. The Decade (Jacobs and Strong)

Monster Mafia vs. RD Evans & Moose vs. The Decade (Whitmer and Page) vs. Coleman and Watanabe

I had never heard of Monster Mafia before I saw them at DBD in Chicago, but I came away quite impressed.
I'd heard of them in passing but had never seen a match of theirs until last year. They faced The American Wolves and reDRagon on a double shot weekend, impressive both times and were going to become full time roster members but got caught at the border. Ethan Page said that ROH were still interested and with their help they can now work for ROH and enter the US without issues, which sounds like ROH got them VISA's or work passes of some sorts. They're very good, was really impressed by their match with reDRagon from TV a few weeks ago.
Does Elgin still wear the horrible singlet? Seriously, there's about three wrestlers ever who look better in a dinglet than trunks and none of them had fucking plether on theirs.
He wore trunks for a couple of shows last year, it looked a lot worse, dude is too big for trunks or tights, a singlet is the best way to go.

Just in case anybody didn't know, Jay Lethal is doing the best material of his career, and as a heel no less! I thought he'd crash and burn as a heel, but he's prospering like hell.

Just in case anybody didn't know, Jay Lethal is doing the best material of his career, and as a heel no less! I thought he'd crash and burn as a heel, but he's prospering like hell.

I have to disagree to an extent. Its some of his better character work, but its the worst in ring work he has ever done by a wide margin.

Anyone they pair with Truth now is becoming unwatchable from a match perspective due to rampant overbooking, which ruins what is actually solid build by delivering stupid finishes that shit on any possible payoff. And the filler matches are almost as bad, and sometimes worse(see the Lethal/Romantic Touch shitfest from Cincinnati that was ruined 100% by Jay and Truth, not Titus).
I'd disagree with that. His match with KUSHIDA at War of the Worlds was the best on the show aside from Bucks/reDRagon, his match with Taven at Best in the World was good, nothing crazy though. His match with Taven at Field of Honor was the best of the show, and even if they did go a bit overboard on the interference, it's what they're trying to do. They want you to get pissed and annoyed that he keeps winning with help from outside, it's the desired reaction, so when someone does eventually beat Lethal It'll be like they overcame the odds others weren't able to. His match with ACH from TV two weeks ago was also very good, easily ****, so while there is more interference in his matches due to Truth and Seleyzia, he's still putting on good to great matches, while playing an exceptional heel that people are coming around to boo.

I just realized why I've taken such a liking to these guys, they remind me of another tag team from Canada who just kind of came in, without much warning and had momentum on their side. Monster Mafia are the new Steen and Generico. They're two guys from Canada who had reputations before joining ROH, are very slapstick, one is the funny guy, the other is the serious and together they make an extremely good, easy to like tag team. Bah Gawd!
Lethal is one of the few guys in ROH that I'm just fucking tired of, I hate his pairing with Truth, I haven't cared about Lethal since his feud with Steen. He also has one of the dumbest finishers in wrestling today.
Nobody can argue that, his finisher is stupid. Matt Taven made it even worse by the fact he jumped at both Field of Honor and BITW into the damn thing, but I feel very refreshed by Lethal as a heel and with Truth by his side. My favorite incarnation of Truth was the life intervention expert and right now I'm a fan and I know a lot of others are too, of the both.

Matt Sydal returns to ROH vs. AJ Styles.

That's what I call a return match worth waiting for.
Going to check it for sure! This is great for ROH to get some attention towards their TV Show... Can't wait to see what they are aiming to do with Sydal. Against AJ Styles is for sure an amazing return...

Very nice promo from AJ here that comes off as truly genuine.

Next World Champ? Possibly. But I know this for sure- I cannot wait to hear a response promo from the CURRENT World Champ.
Some ROH notes, announced for 2015, ROH returns to Atlanta, GA, at the North Atlanta Trade Center. I'd like to know WHY they didn't book Center Stage instead. It's built for wrestling and the atmosphere made there is awesome.

They'll also be in town WrestleMania Weekend - and they've defied WWE too it seems as they're running Redwood City, which is a lot closer to Levi Stadium then Gabe and DGUSA are getting. Could be some internal negotiations done there. That or ROH are showing some balls. The arena booked looks pretty meh though.

The last few weeks of ROH TV have been awesome. AJ Styles vs. Kyle O'Reilly in particular. And the best thing is? AJ Styles is on next weeks episode too! I'm actually getting sick of seeing him - I take that immediately back, I'm not at all. Hes been heavily featured the last couple of months and with the amount of bookings he has on future TV tapings I expect the same.


IDK what's more impressive, the Hollow Point or Kyle's sell?

The Addiction have a new t-shirt out. It's pretty awesome looking to be fair.


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