General ROH Spam Thread

New Japan Pro Wrestling are very happy with how their relationship with Ring of Honor has been going thus far. Aside from the shows in Canada and New York City, which were both sell-outs and well received, NJPW officials were extremely happy with the performances and presentations of Adam Cole, Michael Bennett, Maria Kanellis and reDRagon at the G1 Climax 24 Finals. NJPW officials will be attending Field of Honor this Friday at MCU Park in Brooklyn to discuss future talent trades, as it’s believed ROH are looking to get Kazuchika Okada in for their biggest show of the year, Final Battle, in December and NJPW are interested in having the ROH World Championship defended on January 4 at Wrestle Kingdom in the Tokyo Dome, which would be big publicity for ROH in Japan.

If they were to take the ROH World Championship off Elgin at Final Battle, three weeks before Final Battle, after he didn't make the cut for NJPW last time, he'll lose it. He'll lose it and kill multiple people, like anyone around him. He's ROH World Champion until Wrestle Kingdom whether we like it or not!
So I've recently started watching reDRagon promos and matches and I've found them pretty fantastic.

So Dragon Saga/Any other consistent ROH watchers, have anymore helpful or entertaining info on them?
So I've recently started watching reDRagon promos and matches and I've found them pretty fantastic.

So Dragon Saga/Any other consistent ROH watchers, have anymore helpful or entertaining info on them?

reDRagon are awesome. They're a bit like The American Wolves but they have characters and don't take themselves very seriously. Aside from them, some of the more entertaining acts in ROH right now are Silas Young, who Norcal said he loved for instance and who KB has praised, who plays "The Last Real Man". Dude is so easy to hate, like, you don't even contemplate not hating him, and despite how good of a wrestler he is fans still boo him, which in ROH is strange.
I just watched their August 9th taping I think where Elgin defends O'Reily. Was pretty good, gonna take me a while to really get into everything though.

Is Field of Honor being televised or streamed? I need to reDRagon vs Bad Influence again.
ROH is selling tickets at Field of Honor tonight for Final Battle.

Even though they lost The Hammerstein due to the price hike, they managed to keep the show in Manhattan and will hold it at Terminal 5.

Also, the date is set for Dec. 7, which is a Sunday, meaning that after the successful buyrate of Best in the World, ROH will be making its return to PPV television.
ROH is selling tickets at Field of Honor tonight for Final Battle.

Even though they lost The Hammerstein due to the price hike, they managed to keep the show in Manhattan and will hold it at Terminal 5.

Also, the date is set for Dec. 7, which is a Sunday, meaning that after the successful buyrate of Best in the World, ROH will be making its return to PPV television.

Yeah, I think within a couple days of BITW they announced that.

What does Terminal 5 look like, how many people can they cram in there?
I've seen pictures of Terminal 5. Very narrow, I don't know if It'll be a good venue for wrestling, lots of people will be looking down from above, it's going to be weird and I'm not personally a fan. I think they should have just raised prices for the Hammerstein, but it's very tricky when you're not balancing the books I suppose. It'll be interesting, but as said, not a big fan on Terminal 5 from what I've seen of it, which is only images. It can hold 3,000 for concerts.
I've seen pictures of Terminal 5. Very narrow, I don't know if It'll be a good venue for wrestling, lots of people will be looking down from above, it's going to be weird and I'm not personally a fan. I think they should have just raised prices for the Hammerstein, but it's very tricky when you're not balancing the books I suppose. It'll be interesting, but as said, not a big fan on Terminal 5 from what I've seen of it, which is only images. It can hold 3,000 for concerts.

Yeah, I really don't know how a wrestling show is going to look in this

If they can pull it off it could look extremely unique.

Loving some of the photos from Field of Honor. Apparently it was the worst ROH show of the year however, but it did out draw every TNA baseball park show this year which is another notch in the belt for ROH.

Just saw that The Briscoes are teaming with Kaz & Daniels to face reDragon and The Young Bucks soon. That should be amazing.

Also out of curiosity, why does ROH have like, tribute shows or shows full of old matches as their weekly TV show? Like for example the first show after Best In The World was an Elgin tribute from what I saw. I just don't get the advantage of doing things like that over actual storyline advancement and fresh matches.
Also out of curiosity, why does ROH have like, tribute shows or shows full of old matches as their weekly TV show? Like for example the first show after Best In The World was an Elgin tribute from what I saw. I just don't get the advantage of doing things like that over actual storyline advancement and fresh matches.

A.) They didn't have a TV taping filmed yet

B.) I think it's away to get people new to the show more familiar with the new champion, they did the same thing last year with Adam Cole.
A.) They didn't have a TV taping filmed yet

B.) I think it's away to get people new to the show more familiar with the new champion, they did the same thing last year with Adam Cole.

I thought they had a TV deal in some areas of the US?

Fair enough. Just from what I saw every show was a tribute or showing old matches. It doesn't really appeal to me but I guess it's a good way to get people more familiar with the product. I'll probably just stick to watching the PPV's/iPPV's.
Just read Matt Taven is opting not to resign with ROH. If this is true if kinda sucks as I was enjoying his feud with Jay Lethal.
Just read Matt Taven is opting not to resign with ROH. If this is true if kinda sucks as I was enjoying his feud with Jay Lethal.

It's actually a work, according to Meltzer anyway. They're giving Taven time off as they have nothing for him post-Lethal, but he'll be back in a couple of months once they have an idea. I like Taven and he's talented but he's one of the guys I care the least for on the roster. I genuinely care more for Adam Page and TD Thomas more.


Just watched their match from this weekends TV and it's one of the matches of the year in ROH. One of the best singles matches of the year anyhow. Rematch should be good and the All Star Extravagana card is STACKED!
Some interesting ROH news from PWInsider.

Ring of Honor is in the process of signing some of their talents to new deals that would give the company the right of exclusivity in that talents could still work indy dates elsewhere but the promotion would have to approve the dates. This has been going on for a few weeks. The idea behind it would be that if ROH is going to run NYC for example, they could make sure that their talents aren't working NYC indy dates in the weeks leading up to the event. It actually makes sense from a business standpoint, although I can see there will be some disgruntled independent promoters. The reality is that if ROH can pay their talents enough to keep them exclusive and happy, that's a good thing for the ROH brand.

Oh, and just because I haven't seen it mentioned.

Austin Aries was backstage at ROH's Death Before Dishonor show in Chicago over the weekend. Aries was there visiting friends and was said to be impressed with all the matches he watched. He also took a picture with returning former ROH head booker Adam Pearce wearing an ROH hat, most probably to get people talking.


Well, I never thought I'd say it but maybe Aries and Delirious have made up. Aries' contract is said to be expiring some time this year if I'm not mistaken, could he be the next in-line for an ROH return? If they have more money to spend on the roster I could definitely see it.
ROH is having an awesome Labor Day Weekend Sale you guys. 15% off of all Compilation DVDs, 15% additional off if you're a Ringside member, and what I was most interested in... all of the Briscoe Brothers Compilation DVDs are $5 apiece. See my reaction when Mark said that in the video below...



I immediately went to ROH's website as soon as I heard that. Bought all 3. For what would have usually cost me around $67, I got it for $22. Again...

I had the most recent one, ordered the other two along with the reDRagon DVD, & Davey Richards American Wolf DVD, 4 DVD sets for only $46 with S&H.
I checked out Best in the World. ROH is working out a lot of its kinks and I dug the show a lot more than I thought I would. It's not great but it's far less annoying and that's a big step for me.
The card for All Star Extravaganza is fantastic! I'm extremely pissed I won't be able to watch live because of work, but I'm already excited about seeing the replay.

reDRagon (c) vs. The Young Bucks

Michael Elgin (c) vs. Jay Briscoe

Jay Lethal (c) vs. ACH

AJ Styles vs. Adam Cole

Cedric Alexander vs. Silas Young

Mark Briscoe vs. Hanson

The Addiction (Daniels and Kazarian) vs. The Decade (Jacobs and Strong)

Monster Mafia vs. RD Evans & Moose vs. The Decade (Whitmer and Page) vs. Coleman and Watanabe

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