General ROH Spam Thread

ROH doing a big 4th of July sale this weekend, All 2010 - 2012 ROH Event DVDs are $4 each, also 25% Off All ROH Compilations and 10% Off all t-shirts!

I ordered the newest reDRagon shirt, & Creating Excellence, & Adam Cole's Making of a Champion DVD.
I just found out they have Global Wars and War of the Worlds on there. May have to pick those up along with an AJ Styles or Michael Bennett shirt.
Matt Sydal (a/k/a recently released WWE Superstar Evan Bourne) has agreed a deal in principle to join ROH on a full-time basis once his 90-day no compete clause concludes. Sydal's ROH return was planned for their first live PPV Best in the World, but the day of the show ROH contacted WWE to confirm it was all fair game and WWE informed them of Sydal's 90-day no compete. Sydal didn't know because he was told of his release over the phone and had yet to receive confirmation that he had a no-compete clause. He was seen by people hanging around the day of the show and was even helping set-up.

ROH were in-talks with John Hennigan (a/k/a John Morrison) before Best in the World but the two parties couldn't agree terms. The two sides have had several discussions over the last year and a half but have never been able to agree terms. Hennigan is focused on his acting career but is still interested in wrestling, a return to WWE might still be on the table but their schedule wouldn't suit him. ROH's however would and would allow him to stay relevant by working for one of the top 3. No word on if they're still talking.

Styles, Daniels, Kazarian and now Sydal. Kind of hope they can get Morrison too for nothing else than him being a pretty recognizable name who can actually go.
When Ring of Honor announced in May that they would be returning to pay-per-view and debuting on live pay-per-view for the first time with last months Best in the World, the break even figure was set at 10,000 buys, as ROH’s parent company Sinclair Broadcasting wanted it to be an “exploration” of sorts into the pay-per-view business, with the deal they signed being for two PPV’s this year with potentially more next year, depending on the results of Best in the World and December’s Final Battle, which is scheduled to be their next.

Dave Meltzer of The Wrestling Observer is reporting that the early estimate he’s getting for the show is in-fact 10,000 buys, which would be viewed as a major success by ROH because of the time they had to promote the show (it being announced as a PPV in late-May and airing in mid-June). He has however noted that an early estimate like 10,000 means the actual buys could have been over or under the figure, but it is around that. Because ROH is a privately owned company, like TNA but unlike WWE who are publicly trading, they don’t have to reveal the figure to the public. ROH went to live PPV the same month as Bellator MMA and Glory kickboxing, and while Bellator drew the most buys, Glory only managed to draw 6,000, which means ROH will have outdone Glory’s first PPV.

Meltzer notes that the next advancement people should be looking for is when Final Battle is announced for PPV and whether the providers will advertise it better than they did BITW. The lack of advertisement for Best in the World was said to be an “accident” by ROH’s marketing consultant and former WWE creative writer Court Bauer, who said the providers apologized to ROH, whose advert only began playing a day before the show went to air.

While I'm yet to get the observer, someone has told me a part of it deals with Ustream (who are finishing their iPPV business, by the way :( ) and Meltzer says that the iPPV numbers for BITW were higher than those of War of the Worlds, so ROH could have gotten 12,000 viewers for BITW in-total, all at $24.95 which would be great news for them! Early estimates are always tricky though.
I have also just read this on another forum, say it ain't so... :(

It says on WON that this Saturday will be Hardy's final show for ROH but plans could change. Delirious wasn't happy with Hardy's decision to work for TNA the week after TNA started ringing ROH talent to join TNA. They talked at BITW and have been talking since and that while Matt wants to work for both ROH and TNA, ROH don't want any of their guys working for TNA and them and are making the decision that Hardy finishes themselves. It said in last weeks WON that Hardy really appreciated what ROH did for him and that he didn't want to leave but it looks like "The ICON" is gonna get shot by Jay Briscoe!

There is also apparently a small piece on ROH's view on TNA...

Under the ROH section it says, "People I've spoken to from ROH are saying that the management team are completely focused on one upping TNA and saw them contacting their talent as a way of challenging them. While TNA want to jump ROH as the no. 2 promotion in NYC, they don't want to enter competition with them and probably don't view them as competition either, even though TNA officials were unhappy with the ROH chants at TNA in NYC and that Joe and Homicide did an impromptu "code of honor" after their match, things TNA will probably edit from the final programs.
Ring of Honor will no longer be running the Hammerstein Ballroom in the historic Manhattan Center, after Manhattan Center officials once again raised the cost of renting the arena to the point where even if ROH were to sell out the Hammerstein Ballroom, which fits 2,600 people, It’d be very unlikely they’d make a profit and even if they did it would be very minimal. Since they began running the Hammerstein Ballroom in 2006, the cost of rent has been an issue between representatives of ROH and Manhattan Center higher-ups, which is why ROH were regularly using the Grand Ballroom between 2008 and 2010, rarely running the larger arena.

The decision has been made despite ROH selling out their last two events at the Hammerstein. In May, ROH and New Japan Pro-Wrestling ran their War of the Worlds supershow, selling out the Hammerstein Ballroom in record time, over a month in advance, without any matches announced.

It’s unknown at this time where ROH may begin holding their New York based shows, which is worrying as New York is ROH’s biggest market and they are recognized as the number two wrestling promotion in the city due to their attendance levels and exposure across the city, something TNA has been challenging with their TV tapings at the Grand Ballroom last month and another next month. It’s now unknown where ROH will run Final Battle, their next scheduled pay-per-view and biggest show of the year from, as it has been held in the Manhattan Center annually for the past seven years.

As for TNA, it’s unknown whether they will continue their relationship with the Manhattan Center as the same issue is effecting them as well as ROH. TNA is running the Grand Ballroom because they have rarely ran New York City in their existence, only now feeling the need to run it in-order to impress Spike TV officials, and there was a risk that by running the bigger arena they wouldn’t sell out any of their tapings last month. The rise in rent is said to be so steep that even running the Grand Ballroom and selling it out is unlikely to see a return in profit.

Son of a bitch!
Members of Ring of Honor management were in New York City today, meeting with Marvel Comics regarding ways the companies can work together on future potential projects, has confirmed.
The nature of the projects is currently unknown.

Marvel published a WCW comic book in the early 1990s and have featured wrestling related stories from time to time, dating back to the first appearance of Spider-Man back in Amazing Fantasy #15 in 1962, where Peter Parker dabbled in wrestling en route to learning that "With great power comes great responsibility."

Somewhere Daniels and Kazarian are *********ing profusely.
So last night I attended my first ROH show since 2010 and noticed a few things that really disappointed me about the product and I'm wondering if other fans feel the same.

It felt like nearly every single guy on the mid-card was the same wrestler. Ungodly amount of chops and kicks (I think eight different guys used a superkick), a dive over the ropes and no real rhyme or reason to why they did anything. Also, a lot of the matches felt like carbon copies of each other.

The match between Elgin and O'Reily was the only one I can recall where anyone worked a body part consistently.

Three of the main events delivered (it was a TV taping), but the rest of the night was pretty bland. I used to enjoy the undercard almost as much as the main events on most ROH's shows, but last night's show (or shows) were a let down.

I admit I haven't followed as closely as I used to, but have been trying to make efforts to watch more frequently. But I'm wondering is this the "style" I should get used to seeing, great main events and a boring undercard.
Matt Sydal a/k/a Evan Bourne worked Dragon Gate's PPV over the weekend leading to people questioning whether he will still be returning to Ring of Honor. Sydal has already agreed a deal to return to ROH full-time but is waiting for his no compete clause to expire. He is free to wrestle abroad and on some small time indies, but not major promotions like TNA, ROH or NJPW.

Happy Sydal is going to be coming back. Dude will be another great addition.

And all the reports from Kevin Steen's farewell make it seem great and fitting. Dude totally deserved it.

And as for attendance levels, the show in Hopkins was said to be just off a sell-out with some GA tickets left but still 700 people there. Columbus was pretty much the same at 600 and Dearborn was apparently a sell-out as they pulled tickets before the first bell and turned some people away. So that'd be around 800. They've booked bigger arenas for later in the year, so It'll be interesting to see how they do in filling them.

Elgin vs. Briscoe vs. Cole vs. Styles at Field of Honor in a Four Way Survival match for the ROH World title. That alone makes this show worth seeing, forget the undercard which already has a Steel Cage booked, will probably have reDRagon vs. Daniels/Kaz II or maybe reDRagon/Bad Influence/War Machine. Great main event.

Some notes from the Observer today.

ROH's attendance levels stayed pretty much the same post-BITW. Their return to Hopkins, Minnesota for a house show titled Aftershock on 12/7 drew 600 people which was the same as their previous show in Hopkins. Last weekend they continued the Summer Heat tour with another house show in Columbus, Ohio which drew 700 on 18/7 and a TV taping in Dearborn, Michigan drawing 900 on 19/7 which was pretty much a sell out or as close to one as possible. The Dearborn show featured Kevin Steen's final ROH match.

Ticket sales for Field of Honor at MCU Park, the biggest venue ROH has ever ran are going strong, with an estimated 2,000 sold so far with the first matches announced yesterday. AJ Styles will be the focal point of the advertising along with Michael Elgin as ROH World Champion.

I was told earlier this week that ROH officials are scouting different arenas to hold Final Battle in at the end of the year. They're trying to take a positive outlook from the Manhattan Center fallout and want to book a bigger arena so that they can close the year off with a bang. The big issue for ROH is they've set the bar so high this year there's not much more they can do but they plan to stack Final Battle, have time to promote it for PPV (its still expected to be a PPV) and want to draw a big crowd to keep their momentum going into 2015. At the end of each year Sinclair Broadcasting examine the books and adjust budgets accordingly, for ROH management their view on it is if they can keep riding the momentum through until the end of the year SBG will increase their budget which would let them book more events and talent.

Reach for the sky, boy!

Okay.....from seeing a number of your posts it seems like you're the person to go to for ROH questions. A station out my way just started airing ROH (at an obscene hour, thank God for DVR). So, what are ROH selling points? What should I look for watching it for the first time? I believe in giving new things (well, new to me anyway) a shot; so could you possibly give me your best sell on why I should get into ROH?
Okay.....from seeing a number of your posts it seems like you're the person to go to for ROH questions. A station out my way just started airing ROH (at an obscene hour, thank God for DVR). So, what are ROH selling points? What should I look for watching it for the first time? I believe in giving new things (well, new to me anyway) a shot; so could you possibly give me your best sell on why I should get into ROH?

Ring of Honor is the true alternative to WWE. It's not about competing, it's about giving you something different. It's old school, it's basic but it's the height of professional wrestling in America as far as styles go. It brings every style together, you see guys who've trained in Japan, Mexico, who've been with ROH since the start and came up with guys like Punk, Bryan and Joe, such as The Briscoes, or young guys who are genuinely the future of professional wrestling, such as Adam Cole, and that's one of my favorite things about ROH. You get to watch guys come in, grow from rookies into stand out wrestlers, and whether they stay around like The Briscoes or go to WWE like Bryan and Punk did, you can say, "I always knew he had it, I always knew he'd be great."

My best advice would be to watch them when the spotlight is on, head to or call your local PPV provider and see if the replay of Best in the World is still available. If it is, buy it and watch it. This weeks episode of ROH Wrestling is also pretty good, great spotlight for tag team wrestling with reDRagon, Bad Influence, The Briscoes, Monster Mafia, War Machine and The DECADE all on the same episode.
So apparently Hero is too fat for ROH. I've read "reports" that ROH has lost interest in bringing in Hero since his gut has grown. It's too bad his work ethic has gone to shit cause the guy was good, damn good.
Yeah, apparently they stopped using him because he didn't want to sign a contract and now they don't want him back until he trims down. He has gained a lot of weight again, by the way. Not 2005 bad, but bad for a guy who only recently left WWE. The photos from PWG aren't very flattering, especially next to Kyle O'Reilly.

Also, reDRagon's contract are said to be for 18 months in the Observer. Awesome!
I see future ROH champion potential in O'Rielly, he had a singles match vs. Steen on one of the TV tapings this past year, that was easily one of the best ROH matches I've seen this year, really hoping they put it on the new Steen DVD they're working on.

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